More stolen coins in shipping

Date: 02/02/2021
Offense: Missing/Stolen
Location of offense: MADISON, WISCONSIN
Investigating Agency: USPS/Madison PD
Report Number: 21-39262
A USPS package shipped from Nebraska to Madison, WI has been reported missing/stolen. The coins supposedly were left at the recipient’s front door.
List of stolen/missing coins:
Date: 01/21/2021
Offense: Missing/Stolen
Location of offense: BEAUMONT, TX
Investigating Agency: USPS
The following two packages were shipped USPS and have been reported stolen/missing.
Package #1 shipped from Beaumont, TX to Wyoming contained the following:
1910 $5 Indian Gold MS63 PCGS-50032744
Package #2 shipped from Beaumont, TX to Galveston, TX contained the following:
1988 $10 Gold American Eagle MS69 NGC-005860457004
1989 $10 Gold American Eagle MS69 NGC-004520930055
1990 $10 Gold American Eagle MS69 NGC-004825818017
1996 $10 Gold American Eagle MS69 NGC-006078798041
Date: 11/1/20
Offense: Stolen/Missing
Location of offense: TRANSIT TX to AL
Investigating Agency: USPS
Thanks to the alertness of two dealers, the coin has been recovered. The investigation is on-going.
A priority mail package being sent from TX to Alabama has been reported
The package contained the following coin:
1845 D $5 Liberty Gold MS 61+ NGC Cert#4754504-001
Anyone with information contact:
Doug Davis
This is ridiculous. And we surely don't hear of all the incidents either or the non-coin incidents.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Lack of getting required signature is a major factor.
Were any of these registered?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
if you are reading this, consider donating to the Numismatic Crime Information Center (NCIC)
We live in a corrupt age.
the NCIC site and this forum is searchable.
if anything you have is ever lost or stolen, send a text document to post instead of image files.
Done. They accept paypal.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Wow...that is some list of coins (OP).... So sorry to see such losses. Cheers, RickO
Date: 2/10/21
Offense: Lost/Stolen Package
Location of offense: Richmond, VA
Investigating Agency: USPS
COINS LOCATED (Update from Alert Sent Out 8/29/2020
Thanks to a tip the coins were located on an auction site in Canada. NCIC assisted in coordinating the investigation with the victim, Postal Inspectors, Canadian law enforcement and Homeland Security. The investigation is on-going.
Located Coins
Doug Davis
I for one am sad that we have to live like this. Boy oh boy have times changed.
Porch thieves.
Agreed!!! Man i wished we still lived in that time one could put rare gold and silver in a box and expect others to carry that box (issue free) across the globe for low end civil servant wages. What has the world come to if the upper class can’t leave gold and silver unsupervised without degenerates taking what isn’t theirs.
Next thing you are going to tell me Is we can no longer let our buddies message our wives after drinking a couple bottles wine
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
Bread crumbs for all some just enough to get you threw a work day then rinse and repeat. Some don't even get that much. Hey it's important to billionaires who gets to the 1st trillion dollar club. It's never enough not for some. The end of Capitalism is just another form of Communism. Once they are done draining all the resources around the globe (can't be much left now) who needs us after that. And what can we do about it nothing it's simple divide and conquer.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Hope you locate your coins sir!!
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Oh thank you master....slave is very happy with bread crumbs ratio I will be back same hour tomorrow morning!!! You are the kindest master the greatest of the great oh master. Best job ever so so glad I was born uniquely to serve you oh great one.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
People are getting desperate out there theft will occur more and more frequently I am afraid and so will many other types of crimes.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
What the hell are you talking about. And it is through not threw
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
Of course it's true just look at 80% of the work force around the globe. What do you think happens when the top 5% own 90% of the worlds wealth nothing good can come out of it. Except more desperation and crime like theft.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
It's very sad but very real for many I am afraid to say. I am surprised anyone is surprised by this it's just common sens. More poor people will equal more crime.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I see your point! We need to make more rich people who never commit crimes. Good plan, I’m on it
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
God damn!!
Date: 02/02/2021
Offense: Missing/Stolen
Location of offense: MADISON, WISCONSIN
Investigating Agency: USPS/Madison PD
Report Number: 21-39262
$5,000 Reward Offered
The Numismatic Crime Information Center has been authorized to offer a $5,000 reward for the return of the coins listed below. The package was shipped from Nebraska to Wisconsin.
lost packages suck but it is sort of the cost of doing business. The OP is especially tragic do to the size and I hope insurance is in play. I constantly think about one of my dream coins an 1870cc 20$ in NGC58 (finest known) that was stolen from an armored truck and never found
Maybe we will get luckly and some crook will wear it down/handle a little and dip it and claim it a new discovery piece like the DuPont 54s (allegedly
) and get it back into collector circles
People shouldn't play with money they cant afford to lose and unfortunately mailing money is a game. Sucks but it always has been
The Mods should Pin this list to the top of the forum for a few weeks due to the number of dealers on here as sets of eyes IMHO
GL catching these sharts
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
Some suggested that that coin had to be moved out of the country, possibly an Asian or Russian drug syndicate.
In the case of foreign coins being shipped to Wisconsin, hard to know how someone would fence those but hopefully they will be caught and the coins recovered soon.
While something crazy happened who ever stole it could have just bid on it right?
An unsaleable collectible stolen at high risk can’t be cheap
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
Canada.... That's interesting.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Date: 02/15/2021
Offense: Theft
Location of offense: Memphis, TN
Investigating Agency: Fedex
A package shipped from Ca to Cripple Creek, CO has been reported stolen. The
package was sent FedEx priority overnight with signature. However, the driver
did not follow protocol and left package at recipients address without getting a
The package contained the following coin:
Anyone with information contact:
Doug Davis
IMO, driver should either pay up ( not gonna happen ) or lose his job.
People shipping expensive coins via FedEx typically pay for third party insurance and when they do, nobody at FedEx would know the actual value of the shipment. I'm not excusing the driver in any way, but does anybody think FedEx might have handled the package differently if they recognized what it was worth?
Just asking.
Please go into more detail on 3rd party insurance.
Would have be helpful.
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
Pretty seated dollar. Hopefully is turns up.
Has anyone had luck suing Usps, UPS or FedEx on lost/stolen packages? What would be the process, small claims court or federal court in the case of USPS?
USPS offers insurance. If you choose not to purchase it, I would imagine you'd have a hard time successfully suing for a loss. FedEx's Terms and Conditions include a value limitation for coin shipments- $100 unless a higher value is declared and an additional fee paid, up to $1,000. If you ship items more valuable than that, I would imagine you'd have a hard time successfully suing for a loss above the amount you declared.
Has anyone had luck suing Usps, UPS or FedEx on lost/stolen packages? What would be the process, small claims court or federal court in the case of USPS?
I don't know about suing. Probably fruitless. but if the driver violated protocol, which causes an insurance claim, which eventually causes increased insurance rates. If I'm his employer, he would be disciplined. Up to and including termination.
I had two similar incidents with FedEx. In one, instead of delivering to my address, they left a $1,000.00 flat screen in a vacant building two blocks away. Signature was required.
are not signature requirements suspended in light of bigger events?
another solution is to ask the delivery service to knock/ring doorbell etc in the additional instructions section. put a piece of paper on the mailbox for days of package expectance that simply states to NOT leave packages, please knock.
perhaps those getting such valuable packages accommodate some type of crafty mail slot that goes into the garage or has a really big sturdy metal lockbox that is left open for the postman and when they leave the package, shut the container after delivery?
i could probably come up with half a dozen creative solutions. simply getting a po box should reduce the odds; 100% no but its gotta be better than getting stuff left on a porch?
There seems to be a large amount of identifiable stolen art. The FBI even has a database of items.,not%20all%20recoveries%20are%20reported%20to%20the%20NSAF.
They specialize in shipping insurance for collectables, best value out there.
well the contradiction continues. i know i have been told by postal workers and others people by second-hand info that signatures were being suspended to slow the spread and one of the postal workers that told me that just delivered a package that was signature and i had my front door opened waiting for whomever may come just in case they wouldn't leave it and sure enough, he stated he would have left notice and NOT left the package but that i could have taken the notice and picked up the item at the PO the next day or written on the notice to leave package and leave the notice at the mailbox. i don't know if he would have knocked or not as i was keeping an eye out.
so to some extent i have to eat my words.
I agree of course but my point was that the au58 70cc DE is a $750K coin ish? What does it cost to rob an armored truck coupled to the decrease in liquidity of the asset divided by the risk of years to ones life? I bet the math doesn’t pan out
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
I tried them; I did not like the fact that you had to pay $125 for membership in an organization; then every shipment had to be sent a box in a box with all details entered into their system by midnight of the day shipped.
With Hugh Woods, it is several hundreds bucks a year based on volume without the onerous requirements.
I would think someone should try; or at least file a complaint with your state AG or consumers affairs department. The idea that you should have had insurance and they are therefore exculpated from lost and stolen items no matter how irresponsible they are. Of course you don't want to open up a Pandora's box of endless liabilities, but it sounds fishy to me that they always make the claim that you should have bought their extortionate insurance. It's like someone making the argument that you wouldn't have suffered losses had you not been so unlucky. Businesses have a fiduciary duty to protect your goods from losses and damages, that is what you pay so much in shipping for.
If any of these coins were shipped USPS Registered we would always know who handled them last thus taking full responsibility..... no questions need be asked. You either have the coins or you don't right ?
Advantage of living in a small town ( pop. 308 ) I know my postmaster on a 1st name basis. Any packages for my address, he holds at the post office. He knows I'll be in every 3 days. Sooner if tracking shows " held at post office per customer request " I remember him at Christmas time with a nice card and $$$. Well worth it to me.
Date: 6/20/2020
Offense: Theft
Location of offense: Residence
Investigating Agency: Greenwood Village,CO
Report Number: 20001273
Detectives are investigating a residential theft involving the following slabbed
1901S Quarter G6 PCGS 353343610
1913 Half dollar PR66 Cameo NGC 2141416-003
1906 Quarter PR67 (Bruce Scher) PCGS 21765178
1883-CC MS67 NGC 4427293-003
1868 Quarter PR64 PCGS 5282238
1927S $1 MS64+ (CAC) NGC 4244171-005
1807 Fifty cent VF35 PCGS 35094793
1915S $20 gold MS65 PCGS 2781133
1855S $20 gold AU55 NGC 4877706-003
1910S $20 gold MS64 NGC 2644784-005
1886-O $1 MS60 NGC 4885423-002
Anyone with information contact:
Doug Davis
Date: 02/26/2021
Offense: Postal Theft
Location of offense: Transit NY-Oklahoma
Investigating Agency: Fedex
A package being shipped via FedEx 2 day with signature from Ny-Oklahoma was delivered with the contents missing.
Stolen Coin:
1913 Gold $5 Half Eagle PCGS MS63 CAC 38932263
Anyone with information contact:
Doug Davis
Please go into more detail on 3rd party insurance.
All of the "big boys", especially firms like Heritage that use FedEx a lot, along with many other dealers I know, have their own 3rd party insurance.
Hugh Wood is one of the better ones; more flexible on terms of how the coins get shipped.
But I haven't heard the other side of the story on them; what happens if you have a claim? Will they want to audit or drop you? Any prior history of shady activity and the HW client will be probably dropped.