Anyone else here on reddit besides me? I don't post there but I joined a while ago. Wallstreetbets has made me a little cash for the portfolio, exposing some companies I would have never heard of. APHA being one that I am holding long term.
@dpoole said:
Anarchy has a history of waxing and waning appeal among the youthful disillusioned. We seem to be in a waxing period.
So very true! And when you spread on a layer of mass connectivity wax and another layer of pandemic lock down nihilism wax (with plebeians locked in their homes with gov stimmy checks looking for a roulette wheel), we'll get a shiny new monster.
@DrBuster said:
Anyone else here on reddit besides me? I don't post there but I joined a while ago. Wallstreetbets has made me a little cash for the portfolio, exposing some companies I would have never heard of. APHA being one that I am holding long term.
Been on reddit for 11 years. Has gone way down hill since 2015. I still use the /r/coins4sale and /r/pmsforsale subreddits and a few other like WSB and /r/conspiracy and a few other 2a related.
Robinhood opens almost all accounts as margin, unless you positively decline, so of course they shut down buying. Don't these suckers realize the big players will sell at the high and the millions of little guys will be holding a company that won't make a profit ever again, and they'll lose 50+ %. Pump and dump, the oldest securities scam in town. Now with the internet its become so easy to achieve.
The rationale applied to cutting off avg Joes from buying a stock they want to buy is" The avg Joe doesn't understand, we need to protect this dotard from himself. This is a Zombie company not worth $20 a share"!
Would that apply to SLV? The fundamentals both current and historical for Silver (available physical metal, industry, ratio) are well documented as severely out of whack. Not me saying this..many traders,analyst.
As has been outlined in prev links...massive buying and holding of SLV would get very interesting.
@DrBuster said:
Anyone else here on reddit besides me? I don't post there but I joined a while ago. Wallstreetbets has made me a little cash for the portfolio, exposing some companies I would have never heard of. APHA being one that I am holding long term.
Yes, it's been a good way to sell leftovers from my auctions. The r/coins sub, though, is basically people posting W-mint quarters, brown "toners, and PMD coins thinking they are mint errors. (No offense meant, we all have to start somewhere, but not where I want to spend my time. I'd rather lurk specific coin forums as usual.)
I've been reading about this entire situation and my initial (and persistent) thought has been, "Do you not realize that the rules will be changed once normal people start figuring out how to game them like the people who wrote them in the first place?" It's only inexperience that allows you to believe sticking it to billion-dollar hedge funds will result in anything but disappointment for most average people.
I've also wondered a) who else stands to gain by manipulating these dying companies' stock prices (existing shareholders?) b) if this is an attempt to "crash the system" by those with more sinister intentions.
Apparently this morning the ability to purchase further shares of GME, AMC and other companies has been either removed or significantly diminished, which has somehow surprised people whose plan was to continue buying in order to snowball the losses of those who shorted the stock.
I bought 100 shares of gme this morning to cover my short from yesterday
I manage money. I earn money. I save money . I give away money. I collect money. I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Read this somewhere: "It is more than just a little bit hypocritical for the Wall Street establishment to be complaining about GameStop when they have been gaming the system for years."
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
This breaks down Wall Street Bets plans to short the silver market.
They believe the gold to silver ratio is really 8 to 1. You mine 8 ounces silver for every ounce of gold mined.
Skip down to the down to the middle of the page and read:
"The short squeeze:"
"The fundamentals:"
"What to buy:"
There is no evidence that the Reddit crowd is looking at the silver market. SLV volume is heavy but in no way outsized. It was heavier in August.
The bigger picture is that they will be looking for new conquest and hopefully the populist ray gun will be aimed at Silver.
The next 6 months may be the same or much more interesting...who knows...but disruption has occurred and that always reverberates.
@carew4me said:
There is no evidence that the Reddit crowd is looking at the silver market. SLV volume is heavy but in no way outsized. It was heavier in August.
Sure looks like they were doing more than looking at it to me....
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Reddit Investors Piling Into Silver Drive Up Prices a Second Day
Eddie Spence and Yvonne Yue Li
Fri, January 29, 2021, 12:12 PM
(Bloomberg) -- Silver jumped for a second day as the market remains on high alert after a call by Reddit posters to create a short squeeze sparked sharp moves on Thursday.
Fake news? Lulz
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
@carew4me said:
There is no evidence that the Reddit crowd is looking at the silver market. SLV volume is heavy but in no way outsized. It was heavier in August.
The bigger picture is that they will be looking for new conquest and hopefully the populist ray gun will be aimed at Silver.
The next 6 months may be the same or much more interesting...who knows...but disruption has occurred and that always reverberates.
False. There are many posts that they are looking at the silver market on Reddit. Also, if you look up SLV on Stocktwits, you will note the dramatic message volume increase over the past week. There is no other reason why silver went up so much the past two days.
I agree there is activity. I don't think the activity or focus is significant or sustained enough to really move spot ...
The hope is that once the GME trades unwind then Silver will get a stronger look. But the silver market is a much different
beast than a dead brick and mortar play and much harder to move. That being said, silver is neing talked bout, written about. We should all be overjoyed!
@carew4me said:
I agree there is activity. I don't think the activity or focus is significant or sustained enough to really move spot ...
The hope is that once the GME trades unwind then Silver will get a stronger look. But the silver market is a much different
beast than a dead brick and mortar play and much harder to move. That being said, silver is neing talked bout, written about. We should all be overjoyed!
Correct, 100%. I wasn't sure what you meant in that prior post. Silver is a very different beast with the heavy manipulation by the huge banks. It's not as hard to move a stock with a market cap < $1B lol
If silver gets to $1000 (or even $100) who's going to buy it. No dealer is going to pay you $10k for your 10 oz bars because they know it will drop like a huge brick shortly.
It occurs when a group aka banksters, robinhooders attempt to artificially increase the silver price. The suppression conspiracy is all just Bulgarian noise.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
@3stars said:
If silver gets to $1000 (or even $100) who's going to buy it. No dealer is going to pay you $10k for your 10 oz bars because they know it will drop like a huge brick shortly.
If silver gets to $1000 (or even $100) it is because someone is buying at that price. It's called price discovery.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
@blitzdude said:
It occurs when a group aka banksters, robinhooders attempt to artificially increase the silver price. The suppression conspiracy is all just Bulgarian noise.
Loves me some shiny!
glad i backed up the 8% bonus truck last night. turning out to be a 12%+ bonus bucks offer.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
"all in on $AU. Let's get the COMEX!"
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Anyone have Elon's number?
Loves me some shiny!
Real chyron on CNBC this morning:
"Gold down as investors flee to US Dollar as risk appetite wanes"
Loves me some shiny!
The Yellon Put.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Fasten your seat belts.... going to be a fun ride for a while...Cheers, RickO
Anyone else here on reddit besides me? I don't post there but I joined a while ago. Wallstreetbets has made me a little cash for the portfolio, exposing some companies I would have never heard of. APHA being one that I am holding long term.
"Is the Reddit crowd going to target Silver shorts?!?!!?"
I say heck ya!!
GameStop was to burn hedge funds.
Silver to burn down JP Morgan.
stldanceartist yeah some of the coin subs are loose change, ha. I do like the CRH one though.
The show over there is crazy today, they (WSB) have some major eyes on it. Crazy crazy week.
Kitco News Bites.
Army of day-traders piling into silver? As prices rally, analysts point to $40 and higher
Social Disruption: complain>>coalesce>>strategize>>blitz>>disrupt
Loves me some shiny!
Robinhood has just changed the rules - only allowing accounts to sell the likes of GME, AMC and not buy.
Anarchy has a history of waxing and waning appeal among the youthful disillusioned. We seem to be in a waxing period.
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
So very true! And when you spread on a layer of mass connectivity wax and another layer of pandemic lock down nihilism wax (with plebeians locked in their homes with gov stimmy checks looking for a roulette wheel), we'll get a shiny new monster.
Loves me some shiny!
Been on reddit for 11 years. Has gone way down hill since 2015. I still use the /r/coins4sale and /r/pmsforsale subreddits and a few other like WSB and /r/conspiracy and a few other 2a related.
Bloomberg confirms Reddit has discovered SILVER
Robinhood opens almost all accounts as margin, unless you positively decline, so of course they shut down buying. Don't these suckers realize the big players will sell at the high and the millions of little guys will be holding a company that won't make a profit ever again, and they'll lose 50+ %. Pump and dump, the oldest securities scam in town. Now with the internet its become so easy to achieve.
The rationale applied to cutting off avg Joes from buying a stock they want to buy is" The avg Joe doesn't understand, we need to protect this dotard from himself. This is a Zombie company not worth $20 a share"!
Would that apply to SLV? The fundamentals both current and historical for Silver (available physical metal, industry, ratio) are well documented as severely out of whack. Not me saying this..many traders,analyst.
As has been outlined in prev links...massive buying and holding of SLV would get very interesting.
Loves me some shiny!
Hopefully, Ethereum is on deck.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Burn down JPM? Lol according to the bulgarian conspiracy theorists around here JPM is sitting on MILLIONS of ounces.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
thats not real money to a bank
Yeah I once tried to list gold as an asset at Wells Fargo. Lady told me they can't count gold because that's not a real asset. lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I bought 100 shares of gme this morning to cover my short from yesterday
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Read this somewhere: "It is more than just a little bit hypocritical for the Wall Street establishment to be complaining about GameStop when they have been gaming the system for years."
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
We might finally get out of this gutter metal yet. RGDS!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
This breaks down Wall Street Bets plans to short the silver market.
They believe the gold to silver ratio is really 8 to 1. You mine 8 ounces silver for every ounce of gold mined.
Skip down to the down to the middle of the page and read:
"The short squeeze:"
"The fundamentals:"
"What to buy:"
None of you lurkers are allowed to post on this thread.
Until spot hits $28
Loves me some shiny!
Silver to the moon, and such
It's all about what the people want...
That is crazy.
If they are, they are doing a pretty bad job.
Appears the can move an almost bankrupt video store and movie theater but looks like they may of met their match in the metals market.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
There is no evidence that the Reddit crowd is looking at the silver market. SLV volume is heavy but in no way outsized. It was heavier in August.
The bigger picture is that they will be looking for new conquest and hopefully the populist ray gun will be aimed at Silver.
The next 6 months may be the same or much more interesting...who knows...but disruption has occurred and that always reverberates.
Loves me some shiny!
Sure looks like they were doing more than looking at it to me....
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Reddit Investors Piling Into Silver Drive Up Prices a Second Day
Eddie Spence and Yvonne Yue Li
Fri, January 29, 2021, 12:12 PM
(Bloomberg) -- Silver jumped for a second day as the market remains on high alert after a call by Reddit posters to create a short squeeze sparked sharp moves on Thursday.
Fake news? Lulz
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
False. There are many posts that they are looking at the silver market on Reddit. Also, if you look up SLV on Stocktwits, you will note the dramatic message volume increase over the past week. There is no other reason why silver went up so much the past two days.
I agree there is activity. I don't think the activity or focus is significant or sustained enough to really move spot ...
The hope is that once the GME trades unwind then Silver will get a stronger look. But the silver market is a much different
beast than a dead brick and mortar play and much harder to move. That being said, silver is neing talked bout, written about. We should all be overjoyed!
Loves me some shiny!
Correct, 100%. I wasn't sure what you meant in that prior post. Silver is a very different beast with the heavy manipulation by the huge banks. It's not as hard to move a stock with a market cap < $1B lol
The banks have been manipulating the silver price higher for a good 10 months now. Once they stop it's back to the gutter. THKS!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Gee whiz I feel like I should be on robinhood and read Reddit WSB
I shorted GME again and covered same day today
Never done that in my entire 40 year career
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
If silver gets to $1000 (or even $100) who's going to buy it. No dealer is going to pay you $10k for your 10 oz bars because they know it will drop like a huge brick shortly.
Robinhood just announced they are capping holdings in 36 stocks... SLV is included....
Look out below?
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I thought manipulation in silver didn’t exit
It's all about what the people want...
It occurs when a group aka banksters, robinhooders attempt to artificially increase the silver price. The suppression conspiracy is all just Bulgarian noise.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
If silver gets to $1000 (or even $100) it is because someone is buying at that price. It's called price discovery.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Tell that to the GME shorts. LOL
“A bunch of guys made a bet, got killed, then doubled and tripled down and got killed even more.”
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Someone posted on Twitter:
Billionaires: "600$ is a lot of money if you invest it wisely"
Also Billionaires "Wait, no. Not like that."