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SS Central America Gold Pinch Giveaway - Guess the Brasher Doubloon!

savitalesavitale Posts: 1,409 ✭✭✭✭✭

This is my 1000th post on the forum. I know that for some people one thousand posts is merely a days' work, but I don't talk much. It has taken me five years to get here. I have had a lot of fun and learned quite a bit through this community. Here's a token of appreciation. The winner of this Guess the Price of the Brasher Doubloon will receive the following:

To me, the words "doubloon" and "treasure" are nearly synonymous. Most of us here will not have a shot at the Brasher, but you all have a chance for some shipwreck gold.

When I was a kid the Brasher Doubloon was the reigning world's most valuable coin. Even when other coins sold for more as they appeared at auction, whereas the Brasher Doubloon did not appear, I think it still held that position in many people's mind. The sale of the 1933 Double Eagle and, later, the 1794 Specimen Dollar set shocking records though. For nostalgia purposes only, I'll be cheering for the Doubloon to retake the title.

The giveaway is simple. The Brasher Doubloon will sell via Heritage sometime on the evening of Thursday January 21st. This contest will close at 6:00pm Eastern Time on that day. Your guess must be in by that time to qualify. The closest guess including the Buyer's Premium wins. If there is a tie, the earlier guess wins. So there is some benefit to guessing early, but you may have more information the longer you wait. Good luck!



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