Happy (Impending) New Year! Last Purchases of 2020!

How many of us know what our last purchase of 2020 is already?
Or are you like me, and can click the buy button at any time
Post your last purchases here!
But. but, but ... there's still 62 hours and 20 minutes at my house!
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
I am writing a check for (7) coins today.
Hope to buy more before the end of the year.
I still have an itchy trigger finger and a few coins in my sight
Kennedys are my quest...
Still searching!! Never give up!!
I have no idea if I will buy another coin this year....have not bought one since the 2020W ASE privy...That will likely be my last for the year. B U T - one never knows....
Cheers, RickO
I just now bought (5) more coins.
12 Today, 1 yesterday makes 13 in 2 days.
Busy, busy, busy.
Got to go meet with a client now.
1923s Silver peace dollar graded by PCGS MS63 is the last coin I bought this year
Bet that will be a fun discussion
Is the client interested in the bowtie?
I blew through my budget last week so I think I'm done until January!
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
What did you get?
This is most likely my last purchase this year.
NGC PF68 Cameo
Wow! That's a beauty! Congrats
Nice coin! Looks like a 69CAM
Hadn't purchased any gold this year due to high prices.
I've bought gold every year for the past 15 and ultimately the urge to keep the tradition going got the better of me. Bought 2 AGEs earlier this morning. Definitely not the best time of year to be burying them out in the yard. Hope the ground isn't frozen yet. Merry New Year!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
It does look amazing. I kept looking to see what was holding it back but see it now. Gorgeous coin.
I must admit that this year and probably last year has been about the most fun and meaningful year
ever. I was able to obtain many high quality, rare tokens and medals. Along with a collection of Gallery Mint Museum’s participation in the 2000 gold dollar contest. It shows Ron’s inception all the way to the presentation sample given to congress(Joe Rust daughter auctioned it). Now to get PCGS to designate it!
I’m not giving up........btw, I ran into a piece struck over a Jefferson nickel. Asked Ron and he replied
“You can see the bottom of Monticello running diagonal across the lower part of the buffalo. The eagle was somewhat the same eagle I used for the Dollar coin reverse. This coin sort of goes with your concept dollar set.” Should be to my house soon!
I has been a very enjoyable numismatic year that helped me forget my health issues. I’ve had many, many wonderful discussions here on this forum...........I consider myself a very lucky girl and thank each and everyone of you that I’ve interacted with this year and all the years to come!
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
I don't have it in hand yet. What do you see holding it back? I looked too but can't find anything in the photo. I'm sure there's something. I just don't see it.
It wasn't one huge thing, but four really great coins I've been looking for my type set surfaced during November and December, and then one last week for my silver Washington Toners set which, although by far the least expensive of the bunch, put the nail in the coffin of my budget for the year
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
I expect these two will be the last for the year.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
I received 5 gold buffalo's on the 22 but I'm doing a little negotiating but I don't know if we will be able to agree on a price! I do have my finger on the button for next Sunday though, 1914d ms64rb cac !
My last for the year:
66+ FBL
One never knows, but probably (for the sake of my checkbook--HOPEFULLY) this one.

I have a "out of character" for me coin coming on approval, but USPS is taking forever to deliver. So, we'll see if I like it once it gets here, but it might fall into 2021.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
I'm waiting for my package today!!! Some very special nickels...!!!
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
I just pulled the trigger on a 1904s 10 centavos USPI in 63. So that will definitely be the last of this year. The first of next year will be the finalized purchase of an 1859d gold dollar in xf45.
Here is mine:

Love the toning!
Hopefully the last purchase of 2020 . . .
I picked up 3 Peace dollars yesterday for the hellofit... also, I got a bunch of cointainers in my stocking this year so I've been throwing random raw stuff in them.
The worn out Peace is a 1921 - I couldn't resist the dirty bird.
Cheers to 2021.
Click on this link to see my ebay listings.
I just purchased these 2 out of print Whitman folders from ebay.uk. I bought them to house a raw Great Britain collection for Mrs_Spud. In addition to all US dimes, she also collects coins from England. She already has two for Pennies and one for a minor type set, but she didn’t have these two yet, just raw coins in 2x2s. The one for Farthings already has coins in it, so we will end up with duplicates, but these folders are hard to find so I thought it was worth it. I won’t get them for about a month though cause they are coming all the way from the UK. These are the auction pics

nice coin and pic
Kennedys are my quest...
Love the strike too (especially so on the obverse hair detail!).
I have two coins that I purchased within the last week or so but I probably won’t receive them in the mail until 2021. I’ll forgo posting what they are until they arrive, since I’m convinced that if I start posting about them prior to receiving them, the USPS will manage to lose them...
purchased today so this is a stock photo

Kennedys are my quest...
On 12/25/2020, I ordered a roll of circulated Mercury Dimes from SD Bullion.
I will not receive them until after the first of the year, but it is my last purchase of 2020.
Gold 1800 Spain 2 Escudo
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
My last purchase of the year was the first coin to depicts Jesus, authorized by the decision of a council in 692 AD.
That's an amazing subject in an amazing condition.
Which council made the decision?
I’m the same way. Never post without the coin safely in-hand!
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Thanks! Here's some additional historical context:
"The portrait of Christ on this coin is the first numismatic representation of Christ in human form, and occurred as a result of the Quinisext Council. This synod of 215 bishops from the Eastern Roman Empire was called together in 692 by order of Justinian, and attempted to settle differences in ritual observance within the Church. One of the Council's many resolutions, Canon 82, allowed for the iconic representation of the divine in human form. During the course of the next century, this ruling led to one of the greatest schisms of the early Church, Iconoclasm"
Wow. That's very cool. A major, named council too.
Is the text for the council decision to authorize this available? It would be amazing to see that!
My last purchase was 3 Morgan VAM upgrades from a GC auction Sunday night. I won't have the coins until January, though.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
not my last purchase [that was a 2019 youth coin & currency set], but this is the last one I received in the mail - straight from the north pole [ak]
first anacs holder [chip in upper right, unfortunately]
pretty nice looking coin, but soft in the obv devices - seems par for course across 2016 mercs?
happy 2021 yall - grateful for this community; learn something new everyday
[edited quickly to say this is the first time I broke out the dslr to snap some photos, and I don't think I'll be going back to the smartphone; wayyyy better resolved images]
I saw these a few years back when they came out. They were the ones with a reverse. This one is

a uniface medal with 55 minted. Although I never had interest in collecting stamps I understand it
was a fairly decent size stamp and coin show with pcgs there. Besides....who could resist an elephant like this for the obverse design.Bought it last night so technically could be my last coin or first one of the year when it arrives! Happy New Year’s everyone. Have a healthy wealthy New Year.
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
This arrived today along with many companions!

Well, these two did arrive so this might be my last purchase of the year.

A little background on these........Which I highly doubt holds water but has been going since the 1980's
But still a great story tho'
_HOFFMAN & HOFFMAN SILVER ROUND, "UNICORN".CONTAINS 1 FULL TROY OUNCE OF SILVER! A vintage round, much sought-after in Europe!Issued to pay the costs of the famous Hoffman & Hoffman trial.When the US government defaulted on payment of silver certificates in silver bullion, Hoffman & Hoffman, (a law company), launched a court case against them. They lost the case and were left with huge costs, so they took the silver metal off the edges of the huge number of silver certificates in their possession and melted it down, creating these stunning rounds in 1981. The obverse has a simple design of a unicorn leaping over the H&H logo, whilst the reverse states clearly that this is a one troy ounce round made in 1981. This round is made from a full 1 troy ounce (31.1 grams) of .999 purity _
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
2020 Silver Proof set(s).
Some mint medals right before the price tripled. Sure enough at midnight eastern they jumped.
Here's my final completed purchase of 2020!
This is a nice General Quincy Adams Gillmore medal issued in 1863. This is an interesting medal because it was privately issued by the general but the US Army allowed soldiers to wear it until 1905 until a replacement medal (The Civil War Campaign Medal) was created.
Lots to research on this so I might make a more extensive post later.
This is the area I was looking at but I could just be seeing things that aren't there too. I'm not an expert on these.