U.S. Mint Trump Presidency Medals

Stumbled upon these while window-shopping on the Mint's site. When were these released? I don't recall any discussion about them on the forums (which is surprising) unless I missed it, and they aren't listed at all on the Mint's product release schedule.
1 5/16 inch Bronze Medal
3 inch Bronze Medal
Another curiosity: both bronze, but are clearly different colors and medal compositions
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
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Oddly enough there was no official Trump inaugural medal. There was one from the Ohio Republicans which received semi-official status from collectors.
That’s the first time that has happened since 1889 when Benjamin Harrison’s inaugural committee issue one mounted on a ribbon. I don't have an example of that medal. It has to have a specific ribbon to be official Here is what the hanging part looks like.
Here is an official 1893 Grover Cleveland medal.
I suppose the price of this medal is $150 given the mint’s new pricing policy.
My mistake. It's priced at $39.95 at least for now.
the different colors are normal.
there is an explanation, but I don't recall it. maybe someone will wander in and tell.
The 3 inch medal has a sandblasted surface that is lighter in color. The smaller medal has a “coin finish” surface which is not given any special treatment.
It should have had added color like the basketball coin
I believe they were just released in the last few weeks. Interestingly, a Secretary of the Treasury medal and a Mint Director medal were also just released (an honor which was not carried through for Geithner or Moy).
The yellow color represents the 3” medal which has a sandblasted surface finish applied. The more copper color represents the 1 5/16” medals which have a brilliant finish. I am not sure what the difference in alloy may be, if any, but there likely is due to the different requirements to fully strike up these medals in different sizes.
Isn’t the mint jacking up prices of medals big time in the new year?
Now THAT was clever!
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
@DCW - no, not at all. Please don’t ruin the thread — it was all legit until the reply by @ErrorsOnCoins . Let’s keep it above board and informative.
I dont think it was in bad taste, brother. I chuckled, and I'm a Republican.
Back to the medals!
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
Informative is overly broad... just limit the discussion to inaugural medals. Good luck
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
Actually no it wasn't. It was childish.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Can someone confirm the price increase on 3" medals. I heard on another thread they will be over $100 but I assumed that was fir the Congressional medals and was hoping it was only for new ones.
I knew there was a lag time for a new administration"s medals but this is ridiculous.
Also, the 3" have a chemical patina and I believe the small ones are as struck.
The U.S. Mint is scheduled to more than quadruple the price for its 3-inch bronze medals, to $160 from the current $39.95, and to almost triple the price, going to $20 from $6.95, for its 1.3125-inch and 1.5-inch bronze medals.
That seems oddly disproportionate.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
good god ... 😶
Collectors are confused about the difference between official inaugural medals and presidential medals, which are issued by the Philadelphia Mint. The inaugural medals are authorized by the Inaugural Committee, in modern times as a fund raiser. The presidential medals are issued by the mint usually toward the end of an administration.
Inaugural medals are issued only during the period around the swearing in. The mint continues to issue presidential medals for as long as it cares to do it. Inaugural medals almost always sell for more, because the mintage of presidential medals is open ended.
yes. these are presidential medals.
were there ever any official trump inauguration medals?
Looks like a error coin to me. No russian flag. Just sayin! Semper Fi!!!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
No, just Just the Ohio Republican Party medals. The Trump campaign or inaugural committee never got back to the producer on which design they wanted so there was no officual medal. The Ohio GOP picked from the design options already created.
The Trump campaign (after the election/inauguration) eventually contracted with the same producer (Medalcraft) to make a large medal that was sold on their site to raise campaign money.
Medalcraft did also strike alternate designs for both issues above but they were never officially released. I was able to obtain the alternate "inaugural medal" and I have seen the alternate "campaign medal" on ebay.
Could this be it?

My Saint Set
This is such bad news. I never picked up the large 9/11 medals and Tuskegee Airmen and Jimmy Doolittle medals, so I'll need to jump on those now.
doolittle medals are on sale now
Tuskegee 3" is also.
they have cases for them, too.
That's the January 2017 press release from when they were expecting to make one.
Thanks for the tip,,,, I just ordered 5 medals,,,,,
Anyone know the issue price for the above medal?
Geez, they are a hard sell at half the old price on the secondary market...
On the bright side, maybe there will finally be a secondary market for all of those earlier issues.
As my mom always said, if ya don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. 300K+ dead at the feet of a clown. Peace Roy
BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW
Edited for politeness!!! LMAO
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
The children can't control themselves even though they know the rules.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
The value will go up after a few years of socialism and reality smacks ponyboy in the face.
lock me now!
Did they do an alternate design with Sean Spicer on the reverse? I think I'd buy one of those.
I wonder if they will make one for Biden with Kamala on the reverse. That would truly be a coin flip
Sunday night on the forum. Look out!
What does the fund raising typically raise funds for?
It reminds me of Celebrity Death Match
Blitzdouche strikes again!
Did someone take away your pacifier. I will get you another one so you can go back to your happy thoughts!
Bye, Bye.
In a vain attempt to get this thread back on track, what others said above was true about these usually coming out at the end of an administration. I looked in my inventory and found that I bought the medals for Barack Obama's two terms around February 15, 2017, after he had left office. I recall the same thing happening at the Mint for the George W. Bush medals.
That’s my recollection too, but wonder why they are issued so late? Is it because the medal is for the term and the medal ‘could’ recognize something during the term? Most presidential medals have a quote from the inauguration, but George W Bush’s first term has a quote from September 11 instead. Just seems like the Mint could sell more of them, no matter who the president is, if it came closer to the beginning of the term than the end.
I guess you didn't listen too well...
The inauguration itself and all the inaugural festivities.
Too bad the thread is about to get shut down. There was sone useful discussion here.
There's probably still time to edit comments...
That's their goal. Instead they should be shut down.
They are used to finance the inaugural balls and other events that are part of the celebration. It’s a big undertaking that requires more work than you imagine. For example, in the old days, there were frequently just three gold inaugural medals produced. They were awarded to the president, vice president and the chairman of the inaugural committee.
I just sent an E-Mail to medalcraft for more information.
If I hear anything, I'll let you know.
My Saint Set