Temporarily banned from the US Mint website?

I had difficulty even signing into my account this morning. Finally, I was able to log in and place one of the gold eagles in my cart and begin the check out process. After the captcha the site crashed five times. It then allows me to proceed. Next I see an error code 1015 that I am being rate limited and have been temporarily banned from the U.S. Mint website. Has anyone else had this problem? I will never buy anything else from the Mint.
yup? wth.
Me too 1015 error "You are being rate limited", then to a captcha page, far as I got, all sold out by now no question.
Happened to me too. This is a new one.
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
Same here, temporarily banned from site.
Deleted screen shot...
Me too
trying to eliminate the bots
Add me to the list , after going thru multiple Captcha verifications
Maybe they are successful in eliminating humans?
Yeah...also had to do the captcha.
Btw...that ONLY happened with Microsoft Edge. Firefox didn't get banned.
I just got a new 32" monitor and was able to have 2 full browser screens, side by side, and was able to see the differences as I went back and forth.....without having to alt-tab, saved A LOT of work/time.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
me too...
Love for Music / Collector of Dreck
Was logged in and got one into the "bag" and then got the same B.S. as above.
I hate the Captcha app with the indecipherable pictures.
I have also been banned.
This really sucks. Can't even try for silver!
I'm guessing it was counting refreshes as log-in attempts. Happened to me as well.
See how they treat us veterans ?
Logged in, then banned , while in.
For a second I thought Heather had something to do with it.
Same here.
Error 1015 Ray ID: 5ed8258e8e46e39e • 2020-11-05 17:03:11 UTC
You are being rate limited
What happened?
The owner of this website (catalog.usmint.gov) has banned you temporarily from accessing this website.
The US Mint SUCKS!!!!!
New message now:
Same here but my wife got in and got a silver for me
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
A blessing in disguise.
this is so frustrating. people should get fired up there for this level of stupidity.
Fire the Mint Director.
Don't worry....the Blocks and Bans will be lifted just as soon as all the items are unavailable or sold out.
Had one chance at the gold and went through same Bs as everyone here. Then got back to the gold and remind me button was there. Got a silver after tons of that limit BS and once order placed got the banned message. I did get the confirmation email.
My Ebay Store
Got through with Firefox...no ban or Captcha BS...and was able to snag a silver one. Lots of refreshing though.
Ron Guth, Chief Investigator
The Numismatic Detective Agency
I wonder if they were using cloudflare or something like that and people got flagged as a possible DDOS attack source erroneously.
What it should have been:

Collector, occasional seller
Collector, occasional seller
Yep.... same problem here...posted already on earlier threads....but now unblocked, but product not available. Cheers, RickO
Chrome did
The site is easy to navigate now
I refreshed for an hour or so and got all of the same messages, finally got a silver in the cart and I think all set.
Is there a member with some influence that could get an explanation from the mint on all of the error messages? I understand they wanted to stop bots, but maybe let a human or two in?
Same thing here. ASE stayed in my basket for an hour and 40 minutes before I could check out. Then the item was no longer available. You suppose anyone at the Mint is embarrassed?
Oops, I forgot. Government employees. Too much pay, better benefits than any of us have and sit on their thumbs all day.
Yep, I got the same message trying to log in. I just went to the mint site and logged in fine. Glad I was able to. It gave me the chance to delete my last 2 subscriptions and delete all my payment methods. I'm done with the mint!!!
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
Same here. 1 hour and 45 minutes with one in the cart. Unable to check-out. Got pulled away from the computer for 30 minutes. Got back to find " ITEM CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE " Not happy.
Same "war story".... I still have one ready to check out in my bag...will try again tomorrow...
Maybe Heather has a part-time job at the US Mint banning people.
Did you push the order button too fast, too slow, just right, or at all? BANNED!
Sure you can maybe buy a coin, but you just can't checkout. Sort of like the coin version of "Hotel California".
105 minutes of pour hell...
so done with the mint
Kennedys are my quest...
So why didn’t the other 1945 buyers of the gold not get banned. Guess they hit the sweet spots. Or knew something ahead of time. Conspiracy theories?
Box of 20
Maybe it's because of too many sign in attempts in a short span of time?
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
One of the internet browsers, Firefox I think, had much less trouble I have heard
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
Same thing. When I hit "add to cart" for the silver eagle there was no loading swirl so I hit add to cart several times. I was thinking that's why I got banned, too many in the cart. At my Bro's shop all the 'puters are on the same network so I was dead there. Believe it or not I still have a flip phone so used my brother's phone and credit card. He got off the network and just used 4G. After an hour of "OOPS" at 1:30 finally sealed the deal. Got the first E-mail and then the confirmation. Patience payed off. Missed out on the ERP but got lucky this time.
No soup for you!
The Ol Soldi got the block too. First coin, I bought from them? 40% Silver 1971-S Ike dollar. They Blocked me today.