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1860 $5 Newp (Grade Revealed)

Wahoo554Wahoo554 Posts: 1,105 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited October 29, 2020 6:45PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Thanks for the compliments and to all who guessed. Unsurprisingly nobody guessed the actual grade on the holder as it is clearly not an XF40. The better question is what should it grade? I grade it AU53, stretch 55. My photos don’t adequately show how lustrous the coin is. The reverse has minimal hits and strong cartwheels that extend through the fields and I grade it a solid 55. The obverse has strong peripheral cartwheels, but the overall luster isn’t quite as strong as the reverse since it has a bit more chatter. Anyways, I think AU53 is about right as it is much more lustrous than I would expect to see on a 50, but the wear on the obverse nose, brow and hair may hold it back from a 55. I would be interested in opinions as to why you think it should grade lower or higher.


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