Why are there no 2020 Annual Awards for Registry Sets???

Hi Jamie-
"Cannonball!" here.
Your last post was September 25th.
There have been no further posts or updates from you, or PCGS, in regards to the annual awards for registry sets. NO EXPLANATION WHATSOEVER.
Are there going to even be any annual awards this year? Does anyone at PCGS even care? And what exactly is going on PCGS that annual awards cannot be announced? Why the opacity, why the lack of information? I have spent DECADES and TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars on my registry sets (in grading fees alone); I am approaching "beyond pissed off" and would like an acknowledgement and an explanation. I have had to continue to go to work and do my job throughout COVID; with the registry sets all being electronically tallied, anyone should be able to "work from home" and GET IT DONE.
PCGS has REALLY fumbled the ball on this.
Give me a good reason to continue to believe in and support PCGS.
Settle down.
The latest information is in last years Annual Awards thread...
And Enhance Your Calm !!
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
we all want to know when....
take a deep breath and join the rest of us swimmers before we drown
new administration but definitely improved upon the old
there is nothing you can do to improve your sets ranking for this award
so if they actually list the current awards say in August 2021 so be it
when it comes...praise the Lord and pass the collection basket
hope you find those coins that will improve your 2021 sets
Kennedys are my quest...
haha, tick-tock, still waiting.
I'm sure they'll get to it. Let us know of your awards when they do come through. Anxious to know if I received any also.
Collecting world gold, German State silver Marks and other things of interest
I was told (but did not verify) that the PSA awards were released a couple weeks ago and the PSA registry deadline was a month before the PCGS deadline. Based on all of that, I have calculated that the PCGS awards should be released with the next 15 days. Again, I base my best guess of the next 15 days on innuendo after innuendo. 😝
it'll definitely be before or after a coronavirus vaccine
Maybe this thread asking about updates will be closed too....
Jamie - or anyone else that may be left at PCGS at this point - you may want to give serious consideration that shutting down posts when people are asking legitimate questions about an established awards program is NOT a good look for PCGS.
I think it is also a fair question:
How is the fact that awards have still not been announced going to affect the 2021 awards and the deadlines for upgrading / registering sets or coins for the 2021 awards season?
Oh, wait - we still don't have 2020 awards announcements yet.
PCGS - a little information / insight / update would go a long way to (maybe) restore credibility and possibly give people faith and confidence to continue sending coins and building registry sets.
The mass exodus of employees and lack of communication (the message is clear from the closed posts - quit asking about awards) may in turn translate to a mass migration of PCGS customers to other grading services.
Too many people are squawking and complaining at this point.
Unfortunately customer communication is something this company has struggled with for years. I have been member of this forum for too many years and could tell of numerous situations public relations was lacking. But Hey -its there company - they can do it anyway they like. But even a little communication goes a long way. They seem to have been trying but you can't convince me or many others on this forum that recent efforts were there best effort. If you need to say "we are expanding or services" When you're really cleaning house, thats OK. But it may not be a personnel issue this time. We do not need to concern ourselves over personnel issues. So I was wondering if by chance they may be restructuring the point system, award categories or implementing the many changes all of us have suggested here. Are we going to hear big announcement soon? Who knows. But I doubt it. Instead you can only expect more of the same....
I guess we all need to swamp the FB site...where I have heard that there are near-daily posts on a variety of subjects - evidently the powers at be don't seem to monitor their own message board regularly
But the global presence of Facebook demands (and gets) their daily attentions
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
I agree, not good business practice, more like the Gestapo... They erased my comment where I recommended a bit of communication so clients (US) had some idea of what to expect! I guess they didn't like my grade of F minus on their communications debacle/Failure?? Amazing how opinions don't exist under the KGB, just the company line... As a stock holder, I expect much better....
edited because there's a better answer below this -- Thank you Jamie
Hope each of you are doing well.
As stated in previous posts on this topic and in personal conversations and emails with some of you, it is unfortunate that the announcement of the 2020 PCGS Set Registry Awards is taking longer than anticipated and I apologize for the wait. Since most of you appear to have been on those threads, I won't go too deeply into the reasons here, but know that we have been in the midst of building a new PCGS Set Registry team over the past 2 months since I started and no one on the Set Registry team has been working in office since March.
That being stated, I have not wanted to give a definitive date until understanding exactly what we need to deliver and who on the team can make it happen. I'm comfortable with stating we will be able to announce the 2020 Set Registry Awards by Thanksgiving. I'm hopeful that it will be earlier, but want to be sure. I'm going through each ballot and category to make sure that there are no issues.
There is no change in the eligibility dates for each year's awards considerations. The delay in this award announcement will not adjust that.
If you'd like to discuss anything regarding this or have any questions, please reach me at JKiskis@collectors.com or via my direct phone line 949 567 1167.
Looking forward to the awards and getting registry members the recognition that they have earned and deserve.
Again, thank you for your patience.
Best regards, Jamie
Well, the records of who was at the top of each set was recorded by an at least partially different team and the sets were not closed off to new additions after the award deadline like it had been every year prior, so their may not be anyway of determining awards this year.
The awards were completed by judges from that timeframe and cut off date. What we have been doing is going back into each category and making sure that all winners were, in fact, winners on that day. If someone overtook someone else after the cut off, then it doesn't count towards that year's award.
Because it's 2020?
Just received email of gold award for registry set!
I also received email of a gold award so we are getting close to getting the 2020 icons posted.
Thank you for all of your patience. Obviously (based upon posts you are reading here), winners are being notified via email as of this past Friday.
We are working towards the official announcements before Thanksgiving.
Please be on the lookout for a survey to PCGS Set Registry Members in the coming weeks. We want to get your thoughts on PCGS Set Registry overall and how we can improve. Including the SR Awards.
ME makes three,,,,,,, I won a Gold Award also.
Awesome news! I can't wait!
Collecting world gold, German State silver Marks and other things of interest
A better question...and possibly a better title might be...
If we are waiting for the 2020 Annual Awards to be issued...why will NO 2020 coins be recognized?
I have 19 2020 coins in My Inventory - but not a one will be recognized in the 2020 Annual Awards
Shouldn't we be waiting for 2019 recognition?
Oppppsss...My Badd...thats right...PCGS gives the Old Guard that occupy the Top Spots in each Set Registry more than a YEAR after a new coin is issued to get/add it - and PCGS reserves those Top Spots for them - even if it takes years for them to add/upgrade
Does PCGS really believe it takes that long to get a collection together and keep it current?
I became a Set Leader after only 40 days of Set Registry membership - and upgraded the ENTIRE set to PR70DCAM within a month after that !!
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Any time a new coin is added to a set (new as in new to the set, not just newly minted) they give it a year to become mandatory. In the case of current-year mintages, it may have a little different "flavor" because, well, everyone should know they'll be coming out, but they may not necessarily know when. However, it does help eliminate any unfair advantage some users may have, who have the ability to pay for Express-type submission grading, and get their new coins, and grades, back in less than a week, versus the rest of us, who have to submit under a 'normal' salary, and wait a month or two for them to come back to us before we can add 'em to our sets - or the rest of 'em who have to wait for their favorite local coin shop or online retailer to get their coins graded and available to sell. The year-wait levels the playing field so that their isn't a mad dash to add the new coins to their sets. I suppose there's also the uncertainty of how long it takes PCGS to actually add the new year into the set, too - I've still got 3 2020's pending, one dating back to the end of July. And now have a 2021 pending also.
Where the year-wait really becomes important though, is for the non-current set, when a new variety is found by one user, and that user submits a request to have it added to the set. I've gotten quite a few slots added into my various Aussie sets, and I'm sure it seemed like a d*ck-move to everyone else in those registries, dropping 'em from 100% to some various levels of incompletion. They all get a year to catch back up, and I have to admit that's only fair - especially when you know many of 'em aren't checking their rankings every day, or even every week - it may take some of 'em a couple months to realize they're now missing a coin (which is where the "flavor" is a little different for the modern coins, since everyone knows those are coming) -- Is it perfect? No probably not, but it is spelled out pretty clearly and we all know those policies are there from the start. I know every set is different, and has it's own unique set of variables for how much of a pain in the *** they are to complete, or how competitive they may happen to be, so I'm quite sure these rules may be more disappointing in some sets than in others.
There's definitely a potential for frustration in knowing that this is a "big boy's" game -- ie, there's no real budget division in the rankings. Everyman sets seem pretty pointless to me, because in order to play, you've got to use coins that generally aren't valuable enough to even warrant the submission costs, and do that for the entire set. That alone excludes many lower-budget players. So no matter what your financial ability may be, you're still competing against the big dogs, and in many cases, it's those with the deepest pockets that tend to stay at the top, a problem that amplifies exponentially the more popular a set may be (as an example, I've got a handful of sets that I'm in #1 spot in, simply because I'm the ONLY one in those registry sets)
I guess what it boils down to is what do you really want out of your sets? If you're after that #1 position and glory, you have to understand and accept it's going to be a cut-throat game dominated by dealers with bottomless pockets and endless sources to find any coin they want. If you're in it to enjoy the hobby and share your love of it with others who feel the same, you'll probably like the taste a little better. One of my Kookaburra sets is a 2nd place set. And it will probably ALWAYS be a 2nd place set. As long as he stays in the game, I'll never be able to pass him. And I'm OK with that, because his set is simply amazing, and I love the fact that those coins are getting the attention they deserve. I'm going to do everything I can to tie him, and that's all I can ask for. I truly hope he keeps his set alive for many years to come, even if it means me never hitting the top slot, because it'd just be a shame to let a set like that retire.
Three things...
1) I have never submitted a coin to be graded...every coin I own has been purchased on eBay so I do not use an unfair advantage and STILL achieved Set Leader
2) What other competition "gives back your finishing spot from last year" if You decide not to compete for awhile?
3) Just curious...how do You have a 2021 coin pending when this is November of 2020? Some global entity chooses what year to place on a coin rather that date it during production?
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
If you don't like the rules, you can always quit using it. It is a free service provided by PCGS and it has worked for many years with thousands of very satisfied people. You know that 2020 coins will be recognized in 2021 like always. Why do you think you are so special that they should change the rules just for you?
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Why do you think you are so special that they should change the rules just for you?
1) A rule change will affect everyone equally...but currently a select few have a huge advantage
If the Founding Fathers of the US Constitution were so correct...why did We make so many amendments?
Times change...and I see it is a time for changes to be made to benefit future generations
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Some Australia 2021 coins are already available - Not sure why or how, but they are. https://www.pcgs.com/cert/40882389 is in my hand (another one that never got TrueViewed :-( ) I've also got the 2021 AC/DC set, although I wont be sending those off for grading. All those are readily found on ebay currently.
Great news. The icons for 2020 were just posted!
2020 Awards and icons are now posted. Thanks PCGS.
The wait is over at last, I'm relieved to see the progress. I will admit to a bit of disappointment that the first Comprehensive Ike set in the Registry's history to make 100% was still not good enough to warrant a gold, but at least I can say, and now prove, that I knocked Hansen down to second place for a while -- I understand that's a big accomplishment in itself LOL. Congrats to everyone who made the lists :-)
Congrats everyone. I'm a little in shock right now though. My Great Wildebeest Collection failed to repeat it's 2019 Gold Star performance, despite upgrading it with the single overall finest coin in the entire PCGS population. That coin is the holy grail. I had custom photos taken of it and everything. Sometimes you just have to throw up your hands and say "what are you gonna do?" The good news is that I have more crazy upgrades just waiting in the wings. The Wildebeest are ready to rumble in 2021.
Well put.
I see the results are up and I'm personally blown away by how many sets are out there. No wonder it takes so much time to compile the lists. I ended up with one best of 2020 award. Congratulations to all who received an award as well.
Collecting world gold, German State silver Marks and other things of interest
I'm with you too! My Registry Set of Libertas Americana medals received a gold medal for that past 3 years, and even though it was complete and upgraded - rating at 67.20 out of the "finest possible" score of 67.767 (and surpassed the #2 entry at 16.01), it failed to get an award this year.
With the prior judges gone, the new judges seem to have deemed some of the categories were not worthy of any gold awards - even if those top sets blast away the competition. (Hmm....wasn't competition one of the elements in the formula, enough so that the Set Registry Dashboard lists "competition" as an element of achievement!)
Something is amiss... Going from Gold to nothing and visa versa! Here's a good example: How in the world do you go from 3 years in a row with the Blue icon "Best of the Registry" for the years 17, 18, and 19 and have NOT touched or modified the set in any way since 2017 when you started it, and it is NOT 100% complete with the set user rating in the 67 percentile, yet by some miracle, advances to a Gold Icon, Best Sets for 2020!!?? I'm sure someone out there has a good explanation.... Mine is codified with just 2 letters which I'm sure readily comes to readers minds!
I managed 5 Blue 2020 icons...and sort of expected a Gold for at least one...
Having attained Set Leader status after only 40 days of membership in Set Registry on 2/08/2020
But 2021 will show triple and possibly more #1 sets...so this is only the start
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Blue icons don't cost any money, whereas the Gold has a $ impact... Look back many years ago when there were far fewer sets, but a much larger number of Gold awards. Compare the number of Gold awards today with any prior years, and you'll find a precipitous drop in this years. Additionally, I failed to find a Best New Set in any of the awards, but only searched in the Low Ball Category... Did anybody receive a "Best New Set" Gold award for this year?? Sounds to me like PCGS has shifted/Withdrawn support for the registry program which I see exhibited in far fewer Gold awards. Is this the beginning of the end for the registry program? Time to jump ship and mass migration to the "Other" grading service??
Yeah, this is super weird! I went through all 398 South Africa sets and no one in the history of the PCGS South African sets has ever dropped from Gold to Blue... until 2020. Lucky me!
I have the single largest complete collection out of all 398 South African sets. 20 out of 25 coins are Top Pops. 15 of those are unique Top Pops. I added not one, but two additional unique top pops this year, one of which is the overall finest in the category. This set is a dominant beest.
PCGS... Come on, man!
I have seen many sets go from gold to blue year to year.
This is what knocked off the champ. What's wrong with this picture?

Blue 2019, Gold 2020:

Gold 2019, Blue 2020:

I think I counted 16 "Best New Set" Gold awards on their list - including Cannonball, who I think I've seen posting on this forum somewhere? (Congrats!) -- I agree, it does feel like the judges have shifted tastes/priorities, some, which, I guess, it is what it is. Disheartening, but we can't all win 'em all. I know my Ike set will probably never hit #1 again now, so its one chance of fame has passed (would probably need deep-five-digits to pass Hansen again) and if they're not going to recognize the Ikes as worthwhile, well, I've got more important places to use any available resources, especially after 2020 gets through with all of us. As far as jumping ship, I hope we're not there yet -- I know I'm not. I'm far too invested in PCGS to give up on 'em, although I am a lot more gun-shy about sending off new submissions to 'em. NGC does seem to have a better registry range, at least for the Australia stuff I'm heavily into, and I got the impression that the prior PCGS staff was impressed and supportive of my push to help PCGS catch up to them. Whether it's just 2020's dry-rape of all of us, or something more internal, I don't know, but it sure does seem like the registry folks have stopped caring about the Australia sets. They just authorized my 2020 Kangaroo slot request yesterday - I submitted it at the end of July.
I do really hope things smooth out for them, I personally like the PCGS slabs better than any of the others, and am far too invested to give up on 'em (especially for how many NGC slabs I've busted open to get into my sets...!!!) 2020's been brutal on all of us, and I have to assume PCGS and the registry took their own beatings from it too, so I'm OK with giving 'em the benefit of the doubt for a while, and hope things get back to normal in the next year.
Just noticed -- my Kookaburra 2nd place set is still (and will hopefully always stay) just below Ridgeline's perfect 71.00 rated set. 28 coins, six with <10 pop, Gold for three years straight, blue for 2020. Now that is a slap in the face :-(
I don’t often pop over here (I’m a card guy) but just wanted to say congrats to all the award winners. We had delays as well but they did get it done. In this year - where our side of CU has been stealing some resources from you guys because every Tom, Dick and Harry in America decided to send cards in thanks to The Last Dance and COVID-19 (Dammit!) - it’s been nice to have my hobby as a distraction and it seems the pandemic has been good for prices; I hope that’s the case for coins, too.
I’m also the curious type; what’s with the gold vs blue that everyone is up in arms about? I can see it is a big deal to many of you but we don’t have an equivalent in cards - not that I can tell. I am working on a few select sets and I am fortunate to have one obscure #1 Registry set (1951 Wheaties Premium Photos, if you are curious) and it comes with a blue icon with the year denoting the year I achieved that spot (2020 being my first).
There’s a ‘Best of the Registry’ icon, too, but I don’t think my set is eligible for that - it tends to go to the more mainstream sets.
One more thing? More pics, guys! Let’s see some of these beautiful metal circles!
Good luck with awards and the hunt in the rest of 2020, in 2021 and beyond to all.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
End Systemic Elitism - It Takes All of Us
Farrell set was the highest on June 30th.
2020 Gold Star - 1907 Proof Set with Gold - Zero Top Pops, GPA 65.46
2020 Blue Star - 1908 Proof Set with Gold, Three Top Pops, GPA 66.57
End Systemic Elitism - It Takes All of Us
PCGS... Here's where you have created a major headache for yourself in 2020 that will have ripple effects for years... you knocked an excessive number of people off track for Platinum! PCGS instituted Platinum as the mechanism by which multi-year Gold winners fall out of the running for annual Gold awards, allowing more people to compete for Gold.
Let's just take the Libertas Americana collection, for instance. He had won Gold 3 years in a row, upgraded his set, and yet was inexplicably downgraded this year. Now forget about the unfairness of that for a moment and just consider the math. Now he has to start all over and win a minimum total of 8 Gold awards (rather than 5) before he reaches Platinum. This happened to a whole lot of people this year, meaning that there is now a log jam of prior-year Gold winning sets competing for Gold again, and again, and again, and again.... it's trapping them in registry set purgatory. For everyone's sake, please let deserving sets like this reach Platinum heaven!
YES!!! THIS right here!!! Again I'll reference Ridgeline's Kookaburra set. "Three golds and a slap in the face" :-(
I suppose that's what we get for pressuring 'em to finally get their awards in, eventually they just have to start throwing darts at the wall to get it done