And the winners are...Announcing the Annual PCGS Set Registry Awards

Greetings Fellow Collectors and Set Registry Members!
The 2019 Annual PCGS Set Registry Awards have been finalized and are now viewable on the 2019 Award Winners page. In a few days, we will be sending out an email announcement to all PCGS Set Registry Members announcing the 2019 winners. Until then, click the link above to see all the winning sets and collections of 2019.
All 2019 Gold, Platinum and Best of the Registry winners should now see 2019 award icons next to their winning sets. We will be posting the 10 Year Anniversary Recipient award icons within the next few days as well.
With over 20,000 participating members, 1.6 million registered coins, over 100,000 registered sets and over 40,000 of those sets with a completion rate of 90-100%, the 2019 awards have been another for the record books!
Thank you to everyone that participates in the PCGS Set Registry, big and small collectors alike. Without our members and their participation, the PCGS Set Registry would not be what it is today!
Congratulations to all the 2019 Annual PCGS Set Registry Award winners!
PCGS Set Registry Manager
I called them yesterday. The rep told me that they are almost ready and the results will be announced in a week or two. Fingers crossed.
Yes, Old Coin Dawg, I agree, the timeline posted on the website was mid August. If it were a normal year, plaques would have had to have been prepared by the ANA show in early August. In the mean time, there has been no further announcement or update on timelines for the announcement of winners.
Hurry up and wait.... 🙄
DL Hansen coins are no longer in their sets per Current Standings requires, So that being the cased, why are DL Hansen sets still in the Current Standings? They all should be retired. No disrespect to Mr Hansen. Just fairness is required for this Registry to be fun!
ebay ID: 78terp
ANA # R-3143946
1899 Mint Set
Well, we are now well past mid-September, over a SOLID month past the last online post / statement by PCGS that winners would be announced - with no announcements, no updates, no apologies, no NOTHING.
The silence from PCGS is DEAFENING in terms of collectors asking amongst themselves: "what is REALLY going on at PCGS?!?!?!"
Are the awards not important anymore, irrelevant? And does anyone at PCGS even care?
Or will they just be quietly mailed so that MAYBE we get them by Christmas - NEXT YEAR????
Hi everyone, just wanted to take a quick moment to jump in here, as I am just getting started with overseeing Set Registry for both PCGS & PSA.
As you may or may not know, there have been many changes recently to the team here, which has contributed to a delay in announcements for the 2020 PCGS Set Registry Awards. Combined with COVID 19 and the cancelling of key industry events, then we have hit an unfortunate trifecta with regards to this announcement.
We appreciate your patience while we get things back on track with regards to the 2020 awards. I don't want to start off by making a promise for a new date just yet, but I'm working on getting the answers.
I honor your commitment to collecting with us, and the passion that you have for our Set Registry is both incredible and impressive. I'm looking forward to working with you and am grateful for the opportunity to do so. My virtual door is open to you to engage and connect with me here and via email or phone.
Best regards,
Jamie Kiskis
Jamie - Thanks for the update. What you wrote is understandable given everything that is happening. I was a bit concerned with the lack of a status communication coming from PCGS. It is good to get the information, much appreciated.
Thanks for the update
Kennedys are my quest...
Thank you for your patience. Much appreciated.
Not sour graping, just frustrated at the fact that PCGS sets timelines and rules that we, as members / collectors / registry set owners must abide by.
PCGS has made statements regarding the annual awards that have yet to come to pass.
I have been at this game for several years now, and I am a little concerned by the turnover rate at PCGS - with no explanations offered as to where people have gone - or why. There seems to be a revolving door or musical chairs in the Registry Set area there.
I've had more than one fellow collector state the following:
It's all numbers and statistics, the numbers auto-calculate when you add or remove an item. How hard can it be to tally the winners?
I have thought exactly the same things...
The database is the result of mathematical calculations...instantly updating every possible number when any coin is added to any Set prior to the Annual Awards deadline
The very nano-second the deadline arrives...the tally is there...plain and simple...the numbers cannot lie
I am new to Set Registry...but I've also wondered WHY the 2020 awards icons will occur...but NO 2020 coin is allowed to be part of any Set or calculation/rank/rating
In addition...We are more than 3/4 thru 2020 as of this writing and STILL no Annual Awards
I was told within a week...and that phone call was made 8/27...the data was all compiled and ready to be announced at that time (My cellphone has the datestamp record)
Annual Awards could have been announced at 5:00:01 PDT on June 30...automatically like any other auto-generated email we see on a weekly/daily basis from PCGS
I guess We should all withhold payment of Membership Dues for an equal timeframe past the due date?
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Well, everyone else is using COVID as an excuse / cover for whatever reason.... Why not PCGS too....
I will again point back to the fact that in "normal" years, the winners are notified prior to the ANA show that typically takes place the first or second week of August so that PCGS can ostensibly order plaques for winners that are goung to attend the awards luncheon and receive their plaques in person. The winners who do not attend get their pkaques later in the year. PCGS missed that late July / early August "normal year" threshold high wide and (not so) handsome.
I've been told by dealers: "Don't poke the bear", meaning - don't question PCGS, just go with the flow.
I say: We as collectors, dealers, and registry set owners, are paying an exorbitant amount into our hobby. I have no problem whatsoever questioning PCGS on "Hey,what gives????" - ever compare grading fees for a sports card versus a coin??????
So while I'm poking - are the 2020 annual awards gonna be like the goofy medal program they rolled out A WHILE AGO with promises of tangible prizes, cash equivalent free grading, etc, with NO FOLLOW UP????? Yeah, I scraped scrabbled and scrambled my way to the Number One slot for that medal program (I got screen shots, LOL), all for nothing. The medals program is geared primarily towards US coin collectors, and I have ZERO INTEREST in spending limited funds for my hobby on modern coins that for all intents and purposes should all be 70s or 69s...
But then again, if you took black electrical tape and wrapped 5 modern slabs (ASEs come to mind) and said "pick the 70", It would get VERY amusing when you unwrapped them and gee, they are all 69s - or all 70s. Does it matter, and can anyone tell the difference?
Hey PCGS - the natives are getting restless.....
@Jonjet asked, "I am new to Set Registry...but I've also wondered WHY the 2020 awards icons will occur...but NO 2020 coin is allowed to be part of any Set or calculation/rank/rating?"
The 2020 registry awards are for coins up to and including 2019. The 2020 coins will likely be required in the 2021 Registry Awards just like the past years. There is always a one year delay so that everyone can have enough time to get the most recent coins.
Several 2020 coins have not even been minted yet, so it would be premature to require the 2020 coins in any sets.
However Including them in the registry set listings, (and all new coins) as soon as they have Coin Facts or submission grading numbers assigned, would be a big plus. This would cut down on the many dozens of requests for new coins to be added as mentioned by some above, as numbers would already be linked. This would benefit all modern collectors and should be a reasonable project challenge for a computer programmer and software tester to fix.
Of course right now the 2020 coins that are in sets should still have the red * noting they are not in the set rating calculation yet, until sometime next year.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Here's My issues with "waiting for every cow to come home" with regards to the 2020 yet-minted coins...
1) They are NOT part of US Mint Proof Sets and should not be included (like MANY coins that are)
2) Waiting for a year gives the old school boys nearly a year to get them...I thought this is a friendly competition?
3) I am logged into the site daily...but those who add coins in the mere seconds before Annual Awards deadline get the same rating/ranking/timestamp for coins I've owned for MONTHS?
Sounds like those who "finish the race to completion last" get the same credit...
There oughta be a ADDED DATE/COMPLETION DATE tie-breaker added to the Rules
I also find it very odd that the new 2020 basketball coins already have slots and are allowed to be well as rated and ranked but real coins are not
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
If you have the same quality graded coins and the same set completion percent, you should get the same ranking.
You have correctly stated there is a problem with the Retired sets staying on top of the All-Time list for all sets that have a "present" for the end date. I have also been asking PCGS to revise this also. This is not a problem for sets that do not have new coins added to them each year.
If a person retires a set at 100%, it is still showing 100%, even when they no longer have 100% of the coins. THAT IS NOT THE WAY IT SHOULD BE. This proof set is a perfect example:
The top #1 All-Time set does not have any coins since 2015. If you click you can see that set is really only 52% complete. It should move down to #33 position.
I don't remember this being this way. That BGM set should move down in the All-Time slot to reflect this. I am confident at some point this will get resolved and should really help your proof sets get the attention they deserve.
Timing is a different issue for the annual new coins. If I live in Newport Beach and order a new proof set for 2020 overnight from San Francisco and take it to PCGS and pay for express grading, I can get a new set faster than most others and clearly that is not the point of the registry. It is to document the quality of the coins, not how fast I can buy them or how much I pay to get them earlier than necessary.
If I want a 2020 Palladium proof 70 now, it could cost me $4,000. If I wait to get mine from the Mint graded it will cost me about $3,200, but it will take a month. Either coin is a 70, so racing to buy is not advisable in this case and that is why there is a lag for adding the new year coins to be fair to all, including those who have collected that set from the beginning.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
I completely agree with You on all one...and that one point is what led Me to the Number 1 Ranking and Set Leader Medal...
I was the First to add the 2019 Native American that time My collection was all PR69DCAM...but because no other set had it...I moved to #1
Imagine the thrill after only 40 days as a member of Set Registry to become Set Leader!!!
As others added the coin...their sets moved above Me simply because their Start Date was before Mine and many collected PR70DCAM...
That is when I decided to "dig in with a passion" and now purchase only PR70DCAM coins...and I currently have 7 Top Rank Proof Sets...the upgrade in the NA coin collection was completed in about a month
I fully expected that adding the 2020 coin would "move Me back up" but the Rules currently won't allow sounds rather rediculous to have 2020 Annual Awards with no 2020 coins allowed or counted
That "thrill" is what drives Me...and it needs to be available for each and every collector to at least "see the path" to Number One...or Set Registry is doomed during future generations
I worked relentlessly with David Talk to add over 200 new coin slots...pouring over the data on an almost daily basis...working thru every possible set I collect (currently 103 of them) to get all the missing slots added
When the 2018 North American Reverse Proof was slotted...I dumped a big handful of the Top Dogs by 20-30 rankings and became #6 in PR70DCAM...but the silly Start Date tie-breaker has dropped Me to Page 2 of the Current Ranking list
Retired Sets have no place in Set Registry...neither do "private collections" that take up a space without public viewing allowed - Set Registry should not allow either to exist
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
I too am on page two with this set with a number 1 ranking
I learned from this experience that I do not need to pay premium for a just released coin
so my set would stay at the number 1 slot on page 1 because I listed it first
I have all year to do so and end up in the same slot that I am entitled to by the start date rule
so when a new set comes out, I start that set immediately and add any any coin required in that set and then as times goes by I add the highest grades that I can obtain little by little at reduced cost to me.
you are right on the retired sets and the private sets
keep the faith and good hunting for that right coin
Kennedys are my quest...
So...when the 2020 coins are "counted/ranked/slotted" how will the rankings for that set be determined?
I've actually been the one to request the new slots based on coin possession for all but (I believe) the Jefferson nickel - I would tend to believe that would qualify My 2020 Proof Set with a very high position?
Based on the requirement that the coin slot can only be requested if You have a cert that matches the criteria for a new slot?
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
When are we going to get the 2020 icons posted!
According to the Set Registry Manager as of 10/06/2020...the winners will be notified by email
Shortly thereafter, the 2020 icons will begin to appear
No specific date was given
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Wait, they give out plaques? I still have boxes of those from when I used to go to car shows.

Collecting world gold, German State silver Marks and other things of interest
Are we going to get the 2020 icons posted before Halloween, before Election Day, before Thanksgiving, before Christmas or when?
It did not happen before Halloween. Election Day?
My apologies to the PCGS Set Registry community. The awards for this year have taken longer for reasons quoted above. We have a whole new team on the PCGS Set Registry and training is still taking place to get up to speed. That being said, we are working to make sure that we provide accurate results, because we realize how important they are to the community. I can't respond to what was stated about the awards prior to September when I arrived. Please know that the winners will be notified soon and we can get on with going back to enjoying collecting again.
Some of you have reached out directly to me and I appreciate that opportunity. To make it easier, my email is: and phone is 949-567-1167.
Again, appreciate your patience. Thank you, Jamie
Jamie - thanks for the update, very much appreciated. Looking forward to hearing about the winners and seeing the icons posted.
I've seen a couple "past-tense" references to David Talk, on here. Is he no longer involved with PCGS/Registry?
He is not...
No reasons - No explanations - No dates - No Info
Coin graders and the like are not inclined to commit to a brand...or a company
Few care Who signs the paycheck and if there's a bigger number offered elsewhere - They are gone
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Damn, that's disappointing. I sure hope PCGS can survive the disaster that this year has been :-/
What happened before you came on board was not your fault.
However, the members of the PCGS Set Registry have heard the word "soon" on many occasions. "Soon" is a subjective word, and is interpreted based on the person's experiences. Some may think "soon" means "up to one full year," while others might think it means" less than one hour." This was compounded by the PCGS SocialMedia thread in September entitled "How the PCGS Set Registry Changed The Hobby." If PCGS had the time to write and circulate such an article, the members would naturally expect the Registry Awards to come swiftly afterward. I think the Registry members would be comforted if you could tell us what "soon" means to you, so that we can have realistic expectations.
It always seems like grading takes forever - and at times, it really does seem questionable - ie, send in 3 different submissions at the same time, two of 'em get back in three weeks, 3rd takes two months. I do hope your September submission is still safe, I know with all the other chaos going on, I'd be worried too. Somehow this kind of timeline is normal for them though, so hopefully all is still well. I have a large submission I'm holding off on sending in, until there's some level of "normal" restored to the company - partially due to efficiency and uncertain security, partially because there's enough abnormality in my order that needs their personal attention, that I haven't gotten a response over yet (have 5 coins that PCGS labelled wrong, some blatantly, one that David Talk specifically emailed me to request I send back for correction - Gal I spoke with on the phone said to email pictures to her, I did, and never got a reply for what to do next. I'm guessing she may have joined the ranks who jumped-ship. I do certainly hope PCGS can survive though, especially after all the NGC crossovers I've sent off to keep my sets matching :-/
PCGS's facebook page still has near-daily updates, so there's at least some indication of a pulse, so I'll take that as a good sign...
Not by Halloween and not by Election Day. Thanksgiving?