@MountainsOfSlabs your regular order gives me hope. I have one arrived 2/24 but not entered yet. Looks like we can expect about 2.5 months for turnaround on those. Were your regular and value vintage delivered in the same box or shipped separate?
@envoy982 The regular and value vintage were shipped in the same box, wrapped separately. I was pleasantly surprised that the regular moved multiple steps in 2 days, although I don't know if that means much. I'm thinking that I got in at the very beginning of the big rush to beat the price increases.
@OneDaysRide said:
Huzzah! Great hope and optimism abounds. I've finally made it to grading ...
How'd you make that pic ? The geek in me needs to know
Luckily I don't have time to be OCD and check their Order status screens more than once a day . Been keeping my thoughts busy by scanning what I already have for registry updates. You know- the crap you set aside, and say "I'll get to it "= and a year later its sitting there in a pile 10x as big. Yeah - that pile
Just wait til I send the set registry people the 28 new sets I need inputted- they gonna love me next month
My oldest open CTD is June 30th so if that CTD is accurate- maybe in April ??
Went into grading in Sept 2020 been sitting there ever since.
@mrburns443 said:
I haven’t seen anyone receive an economy order that was entered after 9/1. I honestly believe they completely stopped working on them until recently. On blowout forums I saw a few economy orders from 9/2 and 9/3 that have moved out of grading in the past few days.
Agree. I think this is where economy and CC vouchers hit the log jam. I had an economy that was entered 8/25 that I got back on 11/28. I have an economy that was entered 9/23 that 7 months ago I was thinking would be a month behind the first economy. It has now been in the grading stage since October 16 (5 months). There are a lot of posts on this thread of people who have economy/CC vouchers in this early to mid September time frame.
Here’s my thing though, economy and CC vouchers were both suspended sometime in October right? Why not go ahead and knock out the last months worth of those orders and be done with them? Forever....seems that clears a good chunk of the backlog.
I am beginning to believe materials may be the biggest hurdle PSA is facing. Namely plastic. In my industry it is impossible to get steel and aluminum. What we do get the price has skyrocketed. I think this cannot be overlooked
I am beginning to believe materials may be the biggest hurdle PSA is facing. Namely plastic. In my industry it is impossible to get steel and aluminum. What we do get the price has skyrocketed. I think this cannot be overlooked
this make a ton of sense, I am sure not 100% the issue, but possible 25% on the backlog and maybe more towards the price jumps.
@rexvos said:
I am beginning to believe materials may be the biggest hurdle PSA is facing. Namely plastic. In my industry it is impossible to get steel and aluminum. What we do get the price has skyrocketed. I think this cannot be overlooked
It's gone up some just recently, but it's been fairly stable, on a slight downward trend while all the backlog was occuring.
I am writing on behalf of PSA regarding submission # 10508xxx (attached). This submission contains 2 cards that do not qualify for the $50 fee due to their value. We understand that you had no way of knowing the grades; however, when the value does exceed the value limit for the fee you originally selected, we must make the proper adjustments.
Please see the attached printout of your submission with the correct fees noted in the right column.
In order to complete the process, I will need your approval to charge the correct amount of $900. Please reply to this email at your convenience.
@envoy982 said: @blurryface so do you know the grades already? What do they do if you say “no!”? Are they charging you the pre 3/1 price or post increase?
i do. they sent an invoice showing the grades. so apparently good things do happen to bad people. and there's no way i would not pay it. upcharges are my favorite! 😉
forgot to add: yes, they charged the pre-increase price. one was just a very big up charge
@shawther said: @blurryface
Congratulations! I would love to get an up charge email. Would make the wait worth while.
Me too but 50 to 900 would be a bit of sticker shock! I want to know what these cards were! You have to share. And I am happy to hear that it was pre-increase pricing at least.
@shawther said: @blurryface
Congratulations! I would love to get an up charge email. Would make the wait worth while.
Me too but 50 to 900 would be a bit of sticker shock! I want to know what these cards were! You have to share. And I am happy to hear that it was pre-increase pricing at least.
i was waiting for them to pop on site, which usually happens quickly after you send the "agree" reply, but still hasn't happened. but here's a screen shot:
It must have been a monster for that increase! I’d have to let go of a couple cards to come up with the extra money. I too want to know what the card is. I have followed many of Blurry’s basketball submissions. Very impressive!
@envoy982 said: @blurryface WOW! Congrats on that Nicklaus! Can't be a very high pop on that card I'm guessing. Did you source it raw? That's an incredible find.
yes i submitted it raw. trying to stack 9s and go for the 10. one day!
@shawther said:
It must have been a monster for that increase! I’d have to let go of a couple cards to come up with the extra money. I too want to know what the card is. I have followed many of Blurry’s basketball submissions. Very impressive!
zion was an upcharge, but jack gottem! prolly not too many sub forms w that combo on it. 😉
Nice score!!! Love the way you slipped in a 50 year old card. Upcharge is a little confusing. SMR value 2K but everyone knows it's pushing 20K...... so???? Didn't know there was a 10 for that Jack yet.
@sayheywyo said:
Nice score!!! Love the way you slipped in a 50 year old card. Upcharge is a little confusing. SMR value 2K but everyone knows it's pushing 20K...... so???? Didn't know there was a 10 for that Jack yet.
thanks gents!
and there's a 10? had to have been hit very recently 😢
@sayheywyo said:
Nice score!!! Love the way you slipped in a 50 year old card. Upcharge is a little confusing. SMR value 2K but everyone knows it's pushing 20K...... so???? Didn't know there was a 10 for that Jack yet.
Congrats Blurry. Any assumptions how this got processed so fast? My 12 card regular order was entered earlier and has been in grading a month. Is there some pre-grade happening in research phase to determine up charges? Seems like if you want to push a few regulars through fast just add one card you know will get upcharged?
@Kyser said:
Congrats Blurry. Any assumptions how this got processed so fast? My 12 card regular order was entered earlier and has been in grading a month. Is there some pre-grade happening in research phase to determine up charges? Seems like if you want to push a few regulars through fast just add one card you know will get upcharged?
thank you BUT let's not count the chickens yet. and what i mean by that, is i have had tons of upcharges over the years. every single time whether i called in to the special number that's on the email or gotten the confirmation on my "i agree to the upharge email", the grades have been released on site within minutes. half an hour, tops.
however, technically my order still has not popped on site. still been sitting in qa2. as w/ my original post, i wasnt trying to be secretive or build up anticipation. i was fully ready to copy, paste & post my sub the minute it popped. but as of the next morning it still hasnt popped. and i have a buddy that had an express or pop 8 days ago and it still hasnt shipped.
so back to your original question, do we officially count this as processed? technically, i just got the grades early in my mind. it could still be sitting there another week or two, i guess.
@galaxy27 said:
mammoth hit blurry -- can't wait to see that bad boy when you get it back
believe it or not there is footage of your card popping
I remember the first time I saw this and he goes, "want me to show you" and just nails it. Ho hum, just another putt for the Golden Bear. Just incredible.
Question - if I have a regular order that arrived 2/24 but still isn't entered, should I be concerned? With Blurry arrived 2/2, entered 2/21and grades on 3/25 I feel like mine should have been entered by now.
@galaxy27 said:
mammoth hit blurry -- can't wait to see that bad boy when you get it back
believe it or not there is footage of your card popping
I remember the first time I saw this and he goes, "want me to show you" and just nails it. Ho hum, just another putt for the Golden Bear. Just incredible.
Question - if I have a regular order that arrived 2/24 but still isn't entered, should I be concerned? With Blurry arrived 2/2, entered 2/21and grades on 3/25 I feel like mine should have been entered by now.
didnt even line it up. threw a ball down, stepped up and drained a 4 breaker, 100 footer. like it was nothing. now that's the goat.
nope, i have an express that was there around the same time and still not entered! ugh.
Question - if I have a regular order that arrived 2/24 but still isn't entered, should I be concerned? With Blurry arrived 2/2, entered 2/21and grades on 3/25 I feel like mine should have been entered by now.
I have a regular sub that arrived around the same time. No movement for that sub either.
Wow, a whole day since your up charge post and nobody complaining about the concept of up charges. Miracles do happen. (Congrats on the big hits, by the way).
Greetings from a newbie. Long-time collector, first-time grader. After seeing @blurryface 's post about a six-card regular, I thought I'd share my current status.
Two-card regular
Arrived 3/3/21
Entered 3/8/21 (and I believe progressed to grading either that day or the following day)
6 card regular- Arrived 3/3. Not yet entered. 3 Card regular Arrived 3/9, not yet entered. 33 Card sub arrived at NB PO 3/18, not to PSA yet...
7 card economy Arrived 8/5 Entered 9/4- Grading.
My other subs from September that are still in Research/ID have contacted me and have said they have been held hostage so long they no longer want to come home. Cardstockholm Syndrome.
@Geoff76 said:
Greetings from a newbie. Long-time collector, first-time grader. After seeing @blurryface 's post about a six-card regular, I thought I'd share my current status.
Two-card regular
Arrived 3/3/21
Entered 3/8/21 (and I believe progressed to grading either that day or the following day)
@Geoff76 said:
Greetings from a newbie. Long-time collector, first-time grader. After seeing @blurryface 's post about a six-card regular, I thought I'd share my current status.
Two-card regular
Arrived 3/3/21
Entered 3/8/21 (and I believe progressed to grading either that day or the following day)
Damn...ok. I guess I'd rather not be worried and have to try and get in the queue. I keep expecting to wake up and see the CTD go passed my arrival. > @Batpig said:
Wow, a whole day since your up charge post and nobody complaining about the concept of up charges. Miracles do happen. (Congrats on the big hits, by the way).
Haha! I actually find it a bit ridiculous that someone goes to ebay and looks up the value of your cards to see if they should charge you more before they ship it back. Maybe that's what QA2 really is (eBay Value Check) Grading fees based on card value is an absurd premise IMHO. I get charging insured shipping based on value but grading Jack in that set vs some no-namer isn't any more difficult and even if it is, it isn't $450 more difficult. If I went to car wash with my 1990 Chevy Impala and paid $6 then showed up an hour later with my Range Rover I wouldn't expect to pay $500 for that same wash. Anyways, didn't want to disappoint by not commenting.
I am disappointed to see that a 3/3 arrival was entered already and mine is sitting there untouched... boo...hiss.
@Geoff76 said:
Greetings from a newbie. Long-time collector, first-time grader. After seeing @blurryface 's post about a six-card regular, I thought I'd share my current status.
Two-card regular
Arrived 3/3/21
Entered 3/8/21 (and I believe progressed to grading either that day or the following day)
clemson fan? what parts of sc?
Yep. Clemson alum. Grew up in Greenville.
so is the wife. which makes me a clemson fan now! 😉
@envoy982 said:
Damn...ok. I guess I'd rather not be worried and have to try and get in the queue. I keep expecting to wake up and see the CTD go passed my arrival. > @Batpig said:
Wow, a whole day since your up charge post and nobody complaining about the concept of up charges. Miracles do happen. (Congrats on the big hits, by the way).
Haha! I actually find it a bit ridiculous that someone goes to ebay and looks up the value of your cards to see if they should charge you more before they ship it back. Maybe that's what QA2 really is (eBay Value Check) Grading fees based on card value is an absurd premise IMHO. I get charging insured shipping based on value but grading Jack in that set vs some no-namer isn't any more difficult and even if it is, it isn't $450 more difficult. If I went to car wash with my 1990 Chevy Impala and paid $6 then showed up an hour later with my Range Rover I wouldn't expect to pay $500 for that same wash. Anyways, didn't want to disappoint by not commenting.
I am disappointed to see that a 3/3 arrival was entered already and mine is sitting there untouched... boo...hiss.
i get it, trust me. but at the same time, they can do it on everyone of my subs and i will gladly smile. 😉
and yes, i agree on the sub loggage. but happy for him obviously. i've been on both sides of the aisle. would like to see them institute a first in, first out method.
Just had one of my 80s hit assembly. I have 3 out. A higher end, a mid tier and a low end. This one is the mid tier. Pretty excited and shocked to see progress
Regular Arrived 3/16 - Not Yet Entered
Express Arrived 2/17 - Entered - 3/8 Current Status - Grading
Value Modern (1972- 2017) - Arrived - 10/30/2020 Entered 1/26/2021 - Current Status - Research & ID
CC Free - Arrived 8/14 Entered - 9/15 Current Status - Grading
Congrats and High Fives - Socially Distant Ones - to those who are seeing progress
Things sure do appear to be getting worse at the express and regular levels.
I sent a package containing a three-card express and a four-card regular order on March 5. The package was delivered on March 8, but the orders didn’t appear as “arrived” until March 15. So there’s one week. Now it’s been another two weeks and neither order is marked as entered. The CTD clock hasn’t even started ticking yet!
Plus, the published CTD data shows the express and regular levels falling behind by 6 and 7 days, respectively, since March 17.
So pay double for worse service? Terrific. These will be my last express and regular orders until things improve. Guess I’m doing my part to address the backlog!
Things sure do appear to be getting worse at the express and regular levels.
I sent a package containing a three-card express and a four-card regular order on March 5. The package was delivered on March 8, but the orders didn’t appear as “arrived” until March 15. So there’s one week. Now it’s been another two weeks and neither order is marked as entered. The CTD clock hasn’t even started ticking yet!
Plus, the published CTD data shows the express and regular levels falling behind by 6 and 7 days, respectively, since March 17.
So pay double for worse service? Terrific. These will be my last express and regular orders until things improve. Guess I’m doing my part to address the backlog!
no "appears" about it. it's substantially worse. and it's not just by a few days. they were getting completed in the time it takes just to get checked in. it's awful.
@MountainsOfSlabs your regular order gives me hope. I have one arrived 2/24 but not entered yet. Looks like we can expect about 2.5 months for turnaround on those. Were your regular and value vintage delivered in the same box or shipped separate?
@envoy982 The regular and value vintage were shipped in the same box, wrapped separately. I was pleasantly surprised that the regular moved multiple steps in 2 days, although I don't know if that means much. I'm thinking that I got in at the very beginning of the big rush to beat the price increases.
How'd you make that pic ? The geek in me needs to know
Luckily I don't have time to be OCD and check their Order status screens more than once a day . Been keeping my thoughts busy by scanning what I already have for registry updates. You know- the crap you set aside, and say "I'll get to it "= and a year later its sitting there in a pile 10x as big. Yeah - that pile
Just wait til I send the set registry people the 28 new sets I need inputted- they gonna love me next month
My oldest open CTD is June 30th so if that CTD is accurate- maybe in April ??
Went into grading in Sept 2020 been sitting there ever since.
I'm a decades long user of photoshop. Whipped up a psd file in about 10 minutes.
Agree. I think this is where economy and CC vouchers hit the log jam. I had an economy that was entered 8/25 that I got back on 11/28. I have an economy that was entered 9/23 that 7 months ago I was thinking would be a month behind the first economy. It has now been in the grading stage since October 16 (5 months). There are a lot of posts on this thread of people who have economy/CC vouchers in this early to mid September time frame.
Here’s my thing though, economy and CC vouchers were both suspended sometime in October right? Why not go ahead and knock out the last months worth of those orders and be done with them? Forever....seems that clears a good chunk of the backlog.
I am beginning to believe materials may be the biggest hurdle PSA is facing. Namely plastic. In my industry it is impossible to get steel and aluminum. What we do get the price has skyrocketed. I think this cannot be overlooked
I am beginning to believe materials may be the biggest hurdle PSA is facing. Namely plastic. In my industry it is impossible to get steel and aluminum. What we do get the price has skyrocketed. I think this cannot be overlooked
this make a ton of sense, I am sure not 100% the issue, but possible 25% on the backlog and maybe more towards the price jumps.
It's gone up some just recently, but it's been fairly stable, on a slight downward trend while all the backlog was occuring.
So now we have an Avalanche Of Cardboard combined with a Paucity of Plastic! Yikes. Could things get any worse.
6 card, regular
arrived: 2/2/21
entered: 2/21/21
pop: 3/25/21
Good morning,
I am writing on behalf of PSA regarding submission # 10508xxx (attached). This submission contains 2 cards that do not qualify for the $50 fee due to their value. We understand that you had no way of knowing the grades; however, when the value does exceed the value limit for the fee you originally selected, we must make the proper adjustments.
Please see the attached printout of your submission with the correct fees noted in the right column.
In order to complete the process, I will need your approval to charge the correct amount of $900. Please reply to this email at your convenience.
@blurryface so do you know the grades already? What do they do if you say “no!”? Are they charging you the pre 3/1 price or post increase?
i do. they sent an invoice showing the grades. so apparently good things do happen to bad people. and there's no way i would not pay it. upcharges are my favorite! 😉
forgot to add: yes, they charged the pre-increase price. one was just a very big up charge
Congratulations! I would love to get an up charge email. Would make the wait worth while.
Me too but 50 to 900 would be a bit of sticker shock! I want to know what these cards were! You have to share.
And I am happy to hear that it was pre-increase pricing at least.
i was waiting for them to pop on site, which usually happens quickly after you send the "agree" reply, but still hasn't happened. but here's a screen shot:
It must have been a monster for that increase! I’d have to let go of a couple cards to come up with the extra money. I too want to know what the card is. I have followed many of Blurry’s basketball submissions. Very impressive!
@blurryface WOW! Congrats on that Nicklaus! Can't be a very high pop on that card I'm guessing. Did you source it raw? That's an incredible find.
yes i submitted it raw. trying to stack 9s and go for the 10. one day!
zion was an upcharge, but jack gottem! prolly not too many sub forms w that combo on it. 😉
I have 3 subs arrived in June , and still not graded.
see. good things do happen to bad people! 😉
CONGRATS @blurryface nice hits.
Nice score!!! Love the way you slipped in a 50 year old card. Upcharge is a little confusing. SMR value 2K but everyone knows it's pushing 20K...... so???? Didn't know there was a 10 for that Jack yet.
thanks gents!
and there's a 10? had to have been hit very recently 😢
APR has the last two sales, as you say, at $20k.
Wow, congrats on the Nicklaus!!
mammoth hit blurry -- can't wait to see that bad boy when you get it back
believe it or not there is footage of your card popping
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Congrats Blurry. Any assumptions how this got processed so fast? My 12 card regular order was entered earlier and has been in grading a month. Is there some pre-grade happening in research phase to determine up charges? Seems like if you want to push a few regulars through fast just add one card you know will get upcharged?
thank you BUT let's not count the chickens yet. and what i mean by that, is i have had tons of upcharges over the years. every single time whether i called in to the special number that's on the email or gotten the confirmation on my "i agree to the upharge email", the grades have been released on site within minutes. half an hour, tops.
however, technically my order still has not popped on site. still been sitting in qa2. as w/ my original post, i wasnt trying to be secretive or build up anticipation. i was fully ready to copy, paste & post my sub the minute it popped. but as of the next morning it still hasnt popped. and i have a buddy that had an express or pop 8 days ago and it still hasnt shipped.
so back to your original question, do we officially count this as processed? technically, i just got the grades early in my mind. it could still be sitting there another week or two, i guess.
I remember the first time I saw this and he goes, "want me to show you" and just nails it. Ho hum, just another putt for the Golden Bear. Just incredible.
Question - if I have a regular order that arrived 2/24 but still isn't entered, should I be concerned? With Blurry arrived 2/2, entered 2/21and grades on 3/25 I feel like mine should have been entered by now.
didnt even line it up. threw a ball down, stepped up and drained a 4 breaker, 100 footer. like it was nothing. now that's the goat.
nope, i have an express that was there around the same time and still not entered! ugh.
I have a regular sub that arrived around the same time. No movement for that sub either.
Wow, a whole day since your up charge post and nobody complaining about the concept of up charges. Miracles do happen. (Congrats on the big hits, by the way).
Greetings from a newbie. Long-time collector, first-time grader. After seeing @blurryface 's post about a six-card regular, I thought I'd share my current status.
Two-card regular
Arrived 3/3/21
Entered 3/8/21 (and I believe progressed to grading either that day or the following day)
6 card regular- Arrived 3/3. Not yet entered. 3 Card regular Arrived 3/9, not yet entered. 33 Card sub arrived at NB PO 3/18, not to PSA yet...
7 card economy Arrived 8/5 Entered 9/4- Grading.
My other subs from September that are still in Research/ID have contacted me and have said they have been held hostage so long they no longer want to come home. Cardstockholm Syndrome.
clemson fan? what parts of sc?
Yep. Clemson alum. Grew up in Greenville.
Damn...ok. I guess I'd rather not be worried and have to try and get in the queue. I keep expecting to wake up and see the CTD go passed my arrival. > @Batpig said:
Haha! I actually find it a bit ridiculous that someone goes to ebay and looks up the value of your cards to see if they should charge you more before they ship it back. Maybe that's what QA2 really is (eBay Value Check) Grading fees based on card value is an absurd premise IMHO. I get charging insured shipping based on value but grading Jack in that set vs some no-namer isn't any more difficult and even if it is, it isn't $450 more difficult. If I went to car wash with my 1990 Chevy Impala and paid $6 then showed up an hour later with my Range Rover I wouldn't expect to pay $500 for that same wash. Anyways, didn't want to disappoint by not commenting.
I am disappointed to see that a 3/3 arrival was entered already and mine is sitting there untouched... boo...hiss.
so is the wife. which makes me a clemson fan now! 😉
we are down on daniel island.
i get it, trust me. but at the same time, they can do it on everyone of my subs and i will gladly smile. 😉
and yes, i agree on the sub loggage. but happy for him obviously. i've been on both sides of the aisle. would like to see them institute a first in, first out method.
16 card, economy order
arrived: 8/11/20
logged: 9/4/20
assembly: 3/26/21
this is my oldest economy in the system. moved to assembly today. just providing for context and comparison purposes.
My economy order that arrived 8/7 and logged 9/4 also just moved to assembly.
Just had one of my 80s hit assembly. I have 3 out. A higher end, a mid tier and a low end. This one is the mid tier. Pretty excited and shocked to see progress
Ill add my few for kicks and giggles ...
Regular Arrived 3/16 - Not Yet Entered
Express Arrived 2/17 - Entered - 3/8 Current Status - Grading
Value Modern (1972- 2017) - Arrived - 10/30/2020 Entered 1/26/2021 - Current Status - Research & ID
CC Free - Arrived 8/14 Entered - 9/15 Current Status - Grading
Congrats and High Fives - Socially Distant Ones - to those who are seeing progress
What category does ten day preferred fall under? My order arrived on 3/8.
They must have forgot to do some updates this week as several levels saw a decent jump

Nothing changed as of this morning unless they plan to update later
Dates still appear as of this 3/27 post from @envoy982
Things sure do appear to be getting worse at the express and regular levels.
I sent a package containing a three-card express and a four-card regular order on March 5. The package was delivered on March 8, but the orders didn’t appear as “arrived” until March 15. So there’s one week. Now it’s been another two weeks and neither order is marked as entered. The CTD clock hasn’t even started ticking yet!
Plus, the published CTD data shows the express and regular levels falling behind by 6 and 7 days, respectively, since March 17.
So pay double for worse service? Terrific. These will be my last express and regular orders until things improve. Guess I’m doing my part to address the backlog!
no "appears" about it. it's substantially worse. and it's not just by a few days. they were getting completed in the time it takes just to get checked in. it's awful.