Sorry guys, I was busy yesterday, I'm just now getting back to this thread. Another dealer was at my work, asked my opinion of these, as soon as they hit my hand I could tell they were wrong. They weighed a little less than an ounce, the sound of them was off, and they just felt off. The Sigma showed them as bad also, thin plating I have indeed seen the Sigma fooled with larger items in the past, but my friend's XRF gun went deeper revealing a copper core (This was a few years ago on a large "silver" round)
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
got a sigma?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
No need to. Kookaburras never had the year on the queen side of the coin. It's suppose to say 1 Dollar.

75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
don't believe they are all kooks and I do believe date placement varied.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
or put a magnet to it...
For comparison, the below scans represent what they should look like.
Kookaburra with 4 legs....error maybe?
So long as there is 10 mils of silver plate the sigma will call it good. Sigma is a bigger scam than the fakes they were meant to detect.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I never cared for foreign coins.
Bad bad bad FAKES
Elizabeth looks mad for some reason jmo
Where were these acquired/found?? Ebay scam? Cheers, RickO
Sorry guys, I was busy yesterday, I'm just now getting back to this thread. Another dealer was at my work, asked my opinion of these, as soon as they hit my hand I could tell they were wrong. They weighed a little less than an ounce, the sound of them was off, and they just felt off. The Sigma showed them as bad also, thin plating I have indeed seen the Sigma fooled with larger items in the past, but my friend's XRF gun went deeper revealing a copper core (This was a few years ago on a large "silver" round)
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