Another way to look at my collection

Alternate titles:
- What do you think of my collection? or,
- Pocket change from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, or,
- How about some non-central and south American stuff around here for once?
I've been relaxing/decompressing the last couple weeks (my day job is a Pulm Critical Care doc, so juuuuuust a biiiiit stressful lately) by trying to figure out how to do a coin collage, like @BryceM and others. We had to buy a computer for some home schooling, and to make lemons out of lemonades I also got Adobe Photoshop and started on this project.
None of the pictures were taken by me, but are TVs or from @indeetlib, then my good friend @RAB helped with pre-processing.
I know this is not very artistic, but it's a first effort and wanted some suggestions. What do you think?
My current "Box of 20"
Fantastic! It looks like you have a stunning collection
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ANA Life Member & Volunteer District Representative
2019 ANA Young Numismatist of the Year
Doing my best to introduce Young Numismatists and Young Adults into the hobby.
I'm liking it. I've tried a bunch of different styles, text, no-text, coins extending off the edges. I'd crop this a little tighter to show less black but that's just style. Mostly I just play with it until it looks right to me. If others don't like it, they don't have to look at it. : ) But.... we hired an interior designer to help us lay out some artwork in a room. My wife and I tried it, and then she fixed it..... and it looked about 1000x better, so maybe I'm not the best one to ask.
Sometimes a background will help the coins pop a little bit. Something related to the period is visually interesting. Other times it's just nice to see the coins. Here's one I'm playing around with. It isn't finished yet, and I don't just mean there's still empty holes.
Look at all those mean men with big hair on the front of those coins!
Nice wildeman coins
OP goodness, very awesome collection!!!
Makes me want to rethink my collection!!!
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
Lovely collage. You have a very consistent eye for color and originality.
Gobrecht's Engraved Mature Head Large Cent Model
Lovely collages. Artistically I would change the blue font on the US Set to something more to the theme of the map like a Ye Olde font or one to match the map fonts.
Love both colllages in their different styles - I think they both pop.
The coins look great but the photo composition needs a focal point. As it is the eye just jumps around from one coin to another and never really finds anything to concentrate on. This is a common problem with student still life paintings and photographs.
nice pocket change
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Thanks all for the feedback. Appreciate @291fifth comments - will definitely work on various compositions with likely fewer coins, with a more consistent themes.
@BryceM - I am wondering about a map of Europe with coins from each region based on your map. Stellar 1806 Half by the way...
My current "Box of 20"
Bob: Nice coins! But, more importantly, THANK YOU for being on the frontlines of the current battle against the Covid-19, and STAY HEALTHY/SAFE!!!!
Nice look to those coins!
Latin American Collection
I tried to make a sample collage with a map of Germany at the beginning of the 18th century.
Light theme:

Dark theme:

@DBSTrader2 - where I am we have some COVID and some very sick patients, but we have enough PPE, vents, etc. and we have a great team of RNs, RTs and many more. By the time they get to my unit we know if they have COVID. I never thought I’d say this (I like to kid with the other specialties) but my hat is off to the ER docs who are truly on the front lines.
@IVB - I like it! The light map is what catches my eye the most. I think I would do not just Germany but maybe more of Europe and match coins with geography. You obviously have way more experience with imaging than me!
My current "Box of 20"
Outstanding! I agree with @Rexford - you have an ecxellent eye for patina and originality. I do like the fact that the pieces are correctly proportioned in size relative to each other. I made a collage a few years ago and I did not keep the proportions consistent and it is a bit misleading.