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Eureka! I have found it! 1875-CC “Wide CC” Trade Dollar

mbogomanmbogoman Posts: 5,191 ✭✭✭✭✭

Now there are three. The “Wide CC” (1.2mm) Trade dollars are a well known subset of the series among Trade dollar collectors. Starting with the 1873-CC and ending with the 1876-CC, a small number from each year were minted using the same reverse die with a 1.2mm wide, small cc mint mark. Until recently, the only examples were from 1873, 1874 and 1876. All are rare or scarce, with the 74-CC generally thought of as the toughest, followed by the 73 and then the 76. For years collectors wondered about the apparent gap year of 1875, searching in vain for an example. Then, a couple years ago a board member here found the first 1875 “Wide CC” and shortly after that another was found. Both have issues, grading XF details (one is cleaned, the other has minor rim damage). Last week I plucked this one off of Ebay. It is a very wholesome looking coin, grading VF30 at PCGS. At this time, it is the only known, no problem straight graded example of this very rare variety, which kinda makes it the “Finest Known”. It completes the “Wide CC” subset for me. I am SO stoked to have found it!



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