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FUN, vicariously and a toned buff

ad4400ad4400 Posts: 2,111 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 15, 2020 2:11PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Greetings all. While the cleats are more or less hung up, sometimes an opportunity knocks, the "offer you cant' refuse", as it were. I stumbled across this piece and felt it would make the perfect addition to my set. A numerical upgrade, I find this toning very appealing, and was available at what I deemed to be a fair price.

Called seller, only to be told the entirety of their inventory was at FUN, lord only knew whether it was still available or not. Placed the order, hoped for the best, and this showed up today. A quick shout out to seller, Sarasota Numismatics, who I've bought from several times over the years and who continue to have a great eye, very fair pricing and great customer service.

If memory serves, this is attempt #3 at date. Attempt #1 was actually bought at my sole in-person attendance at a FUN show around 2010. Attempt #2 came about five years later, a OGH 65 with to-die-for thick skin and a great gold/violet tone look. Was more than happy with that one for five years or so and had not seriously considered swapping out until I stumbled across this one Pretty sure this will be the final go!


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