Shifting gears today while on the hunt for cameos and toners. Did pretty well as 1st or at least 2ond dibs on a collection. plus an unopened 61 and 62 proof set, and a bag of Kennedys. I’ll post goodies from those If any, later after some grapes
But first, the variety search.
@Coinscratch said:
Shifting gears today while on the hunt for cameos and toners. Did pretty well as 1st or at least 2ond dibs on a collection. plus an unopened 61 and 62 proof set, and a bag of Kennedys. I’ll post goodies from those If any, later after some grapes
But first, the variety search.
Love dem "toners and Cam's"
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
you've had a little while with your new set up. how is it going? settled in? feeling better being more mobile? how is your back?
Thanks for asking Lance. I could not get used to sitting down at the other desk just feels weird now so I’m back to standing up and crunching over each time I look through the loupe, lol.
This past week I’ve been working on learning my Camera system through trial and error. And getting close to figuring out the lighting, software, and such. Once I’ve done this I’m gonna be dangerous.
you've had a little while with your new set up. how is it going? settled in? feeling better being more mobile? how is your back?
Thanks for asking Lance. I could not get used to sitting down at the other desk just feels weird now so I’m back to standing up and crunching over each time I look through the loupe, lol.
This past week I’ve been working on learning my Camera system through trial and error. And getting close to figuring out the lighting, software, and such. Once I’ve done this I’m gonna be dangerous.
i recall you saying your wife got you the desk you're using now (you called it something else) and didn't want to alter it but how about getting something sturdy under it so you can stand straight up and/or kinda just barely lean over with your elbows with towels or something as elbow pads, as you lean forward for the light and ALSO, put something under the lamp so it sits higher. it will look a little weird but be 100x as effective. i have a super sturdy printer box about 20" in height under my coin lamp when using it (i don't really have a dedicated station since i'm not doing much coin stuff in-person right now) so the angle of light hits the coin(s) at the angle my neck/back is comfortable at. fwiw
the camera thing. for me it was months of torture and then kinda one day i just woke up and it all clicked and i burned through many thousands of images. i kinda settled for 8 or 9 out of 10 level of quality on images BUT it was because i could shoot so much so quick, it was worth it because the images were still so good. the closer you can get to 1:1 the better.
you know what? i think the solution lies somewhere between that, the girl spinning in the chair i posted and one of that massage tables with the face holes! i mean seriously, if we're gonna do this, lets be comfortable AND rest!
seriously though. i have noted a marked increase in my focus and stamina the more relaxed and organized i am. of course we don't want to get TOO comfy and spend 10 hours straight doing it but get it to the point so that if we WANTED to, ya know, we could?
here is what one of the trips looked like. did about 3-4 groups. just because it seems to be culture to post boxes. anyone recognize the coin carrier i am using.
i was going to do a few hundred in halves but the lovely lady that had the halves in her locked safe at her station went on vacation literally the NEXT day i was doing all of this. took some effort on my part to get that info because she doesn't work all the time and i tried to time my pick ups around when she was there but i thought i had a day or two. WRONG. lol - and in ALL of my conversations asking about halves and the people there said they trust me and to some extent like me, NEVER told me about some upcoming even that would prohibit my getting some of those halves so i put them off til last. kinda weird how it all worked out but that's fine. perhaps i'll try next week?
i could say i'm glad they have as much coins available as they do. they said people usually get $1000 bags and they have many available!
without further ado: (only 25c and 50c for my trips this time)
the boxes yielded (stuff i knew/learned to look for) maya die chips (no ddr), 2-3 W (i think i lost one), a nice bat grease strike through (not one of the better ones though), no washington head chips, no high/low leaves (of course), no privy, 82p no FG slider, some 50c/25c feeder finger? gouges shallow and wide, washington crossing clash (seems kinda tough?) so nothing earth-shattering but enough to probably feed the desire to keep looking anyway.
@LanceNewmanOCC said:
anyone recognize the coin carrier i am using.
It looks like Brinks to me...
a good guess but not brinks.
i would give a hint but all the hints i came up with really just gives it away. as good as i am at some things, i am really not one of those witty crossword puzzle guys, despite my decent vocab and thesaurus tendencies, i usually get whooped by even the most average of crosswords. lol
so as much as i would like to whip out some poetic and engaging lingo, i would only accomplish making matters worse.
i will say that i will be shocked if someone, even in this thread, doesn't recognize it.
I totally recognize them in fact they look just like the rolls I found my 22 W 2019 Lowell’s in. And I just assume they are fed rolled but maybe they are Loomis?! @LanceNewmanOCC
@Coinscratch said:
I totally recognize them in fact they look just like the rolls I found my 22 W 2019 Lowell’s in. And I just assume they are fed rolled but maybe they are Loomis?! @LanceNewmanOCC
another good guess. i have to give a hint now to expand away from armored car companies.
coins where SHIPPED in the box but not from whom you guys are thinking of.
i'm confident if you could see the top/bottom/sides, it would be VERY easy.
now i look at the image, there is a hint, kinda, at the top RIGHT (EDIT) center of the image. there was even a thread about it recently!
ok, second hint. the inside is missing part of what it came with.
And yes, always post pictures of your pick ups of boxes, rolls, and etc.
Not only because you’ll have a keepsake memory of what the box looked like when you found that 1969 doubled die penny but also because a lot of us are just downright Desperate and lonely and we need to look at boxes of coins, lol
It would be nice if we could get @Paradisefound to post some pictures of her lustrous Gems.
@Coinscratch said:
I totally recognize them in fact they look just like the rolls I found my 22 W 2019 Lowell’s in. And I just assume they are fed rolled but maybe they are Loomis?! @LanceNewmanOCC
another good guess. i have to give a hint now to expand away from armored car companies.
coins where SHIPPED in the box but not from whom you guys are thinking of.
i'm confident if you could see the top/bottom/sides, it would be VERY easy.
now i look at the image, there is a hint, kinda, at the top left center of the image. there was even a thread about it recently!
ok, second hint. the inside is missing part of what it came with.
@Coinscratch said:
And yes, always post pictures of your pick ups of boxes, rolls, and etc.
Not only because you’ll have a keepsake memory of what the box looked like when you found that 1969 doubled die penny but also because a lot of us are just downright Desperate and lonely and we need to look at boxes of coins, lol
It would be nice if we could get @Paradisefound to post some pictures of her lustrous Gems.
@Coinscratch said:
And yes, always post pictures of your pick ups of boxes, rolls, and etc.
Not only because you’ll have a keepsake memory of what the box looked like when you found that 1969 doubled die penny but also because a lot of us are just downright Desperate and lonely and we need to look at boxes of coins, lol
It would be nice if we could get @Paradisefound to post some pictures of her lustrous Gems.
@Coinscratch said:
I totally recognize them in fact they look just like the rolls I found my 22 W 2019 Lowell’s in. And I just assume they are fed rolled but maybe they are Loomis?! @LanceNewmanOCC
Fed banks don't roll coins. They turn $50,000 bags of quarters over to contracted carriers such as Loomis and Brinks to be rolled and then distributed to commercial banks for entry into the economy. Sealed boxes from these carriers is the same as getting them from the Fed - carrier is only a middle man.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
@Coinscratch said:
I totally recognize them in fact they look just like the rolls I found my 22 W 2019 Lowell’s in. And I just assume they are fed rolled but maybe they are Loomis?! @LanceNewmanOCC
Fed banks don't roll coins. They turn $50,000 bags of quarters over to contracted carriers such as Loomis and Brinks to be rolled and then distributed to commercial banks for entry into the economy. Sealed boxes from these carriers is the same as getting them from the Fed - carrier is only a middle man.
are those the monster ballistic "bags" i've seen before? they are on skids.
@Coinscratch said:
I totally recognize them in fact they look just like the rolls I found my 22 W 2019 Lowell’s in. And I just assume they are fed rolled but maybe they are Loomis?! @LanceNewmanOCC
Fed banks don't roll coins. They turn $50,000 bags of quarters over to contracted carriers such as Loomis and Brinks to be rolled and then distributed to commercial banks for entry into the economy. Sealed boxes from these carriers is the same as getting them from the Fed - carrier is only a middle man.
are those the monster ballistic "bags" i've seen before? they are on skids.
Yes, Fed orders them from the mint. It is how all circulating coinage enters the economy. Contracted carriers roll both these new coins and recycled coins they get back from the banks. Most sealed carrier boxes are simply recycled coins. When you get lucky and open a box of the new coins, it is a sight to behold.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
@Coinscratch said:
Shifting gears today while on the hunt for cameos and toners. Did pretty well as 1st or at least 2ond dibs on a collection. plus an unopened 61 and 62 proof set, and a bag of Kennedys. I’ll post goodies from those If any, later after some grapes
But first, the variety search.
Love dem "toners and Cam's"
did ya finally have those grapes?
i see some goodies from that unedited post, so i presume you haven't posted finds yet?
@Joe_360 said:
I have tested positive, can't get to the back, no coin roll hurting, sitting in isolation blues...
Take of yourself! So you can get back to the hunt
Good time to do some learnin'
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then making a penny." - Steven Wright
OK, One of my drop-off banks is going to close one of its' branches on July 22. I decided to go in today (July 21) and ask if I could get any coin rolls that they had on hand. I told them I would take any denomination and all they had. They were more then happy to get rid of them and sold me all they had! I wish I would have thought of this idea earlier as quite a few other bank branches of banks that I deal with have closed since the pandemic began. (5 or 6).
Quarters about $950
Dimes $850
No half dollars.
A few dollar and nickel, and penny rolls
And a still sealed box of Jefferson nickels.
Total $2177.50 face value.
So, if any bank branches near you are going to close, go in the day before and ask if you can get any coin rolls!
It will take me some time to go through all of these.
I will post any finds from these as bank closure roll finds or something to that effect..
@rec78 said:
So, if any bank branches near you are going to close, go in the day before and ask if you can get any coin rolls!
It will take me some time to go through all of these.
I will post any finds from these as bank closure roll finds or something to that effect..
good idea. i hope you got some of the back shelf dusty unsearched stuff we all dream about!
@Coinscratch said:
Shifting gears today while on the hunt for cameos and toners. Did pretty well as 1st or at least 2ond dibs on a collection. plus an unopened 61 and 62 proof set, and a bag of Kennedys. I’ll post goodies from those If any, later after some grapes
But first, the variety search.
Love dem "toners and Cam's"
did ya finally have those grapes?
i see some goodies from that unedited post, so i presume you haven't posted finds yet?
I’ve had soooooo many grapes that my feet are sore 😂
I’m still searching for varieties although I have several no brainers to cut open but will wait until I can photograph accurately. Also being careful to not open sets that I could resale. Then it gets tough for some for example the 63 Franklin, it obviously looks cam so I could auction as is but then what if it’s a 69 no cam. Or what if I open it and it’s a 68 cam but if I auction it and only brings 75.00. No good!
Then there’s the 77 or 78 P FS & FB
If they’re MS65 no biggie but what if one hits 66, decisions decisions.
PCGS takes roughly 3 months currently which is fine because every time I think I’m ready to send in another order I have to wait another week because there’s always more on the way. Currently waiting on 3 more buys and then going on another vacation lol it might be a while.
All in good time my friend.
@LanceNewmanOCC Also, I won’t edit a post unless a typo or Freudian slip instead the results will just be down the list. Reason? The Poof which, in of itself is a Freudian slip 😉
@emeraldATV said:
@ rec78,
Can you weigh the 1910 cent shown above ?
When you can. Should be 3.1 I know,
I'll explain later.
Thank You.
Ok, it weighs 2.98 most likely due to wear.
Keeping it short,
I have a coin (wheat) covered in grease.
adding to the weight .
wt. is 2.7 with no definitive date, although it's there
1910 is possible but the date 43 is now in play . (photo)
Settle down, don't even go there as am not thrilled.
This coin really needs to be pro cleaned or is their another way just to show the date.
Got two boxes of new Wilma's and one Maya this week.
When i get a box of new quarters I usually open about five of the double headers to get an idea of how many older coins (if any) got mixed with the rolls. I only do this because I like to sell the rolls but want to be assured I'm selling good rolls.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Getting new boxes me thinks the banks are finally revolting to having to screw around ordering them and having to put up with the few that still returns to the same bank!!! If you keep getting new rolls then will you still want to search them? I have no idea, but I do know I couldn't stand getting boxes of them damn shield cents - they broke my spirit like a guy getting 50 lashes and I never wanted a box again! It's a "conspiracy against the roll hunter I say!"
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
you gonna keep em whole like they are or look for some varieties/errors?
Probably gonna keep the double obverse rolls and search through a couple of double headers, maybe sell a few. I Do not know much about the varieties, but do look for errors.
@Steven59 said:
Getting new boxes me thinks the banks are finally revolting to having to screw around ordering them and having to put up with the few that still returns to the same bank!!! If you keep getting new rolls then will you still want to search them? I have no idea, but I do know I couldn't stand getting boxes of them damn shield cents - they broke my spirit like a guy getting 50 lashes and I never wanted a box again! It's a "conspiracy against the roll hunter I say!"
68 is the magic number and notice there are no 2015 D 68s…Yet
Now put your boots back on and get your ass back to work
Love it when packages show up early!
Nice lil date-run set with several graders, some PLs, and a couple of Struck-Thrus. Will post better images eventually…
Searched a box of Pennie’s yesterday. Found 39 wheats. 23 were in the fifties—11 in the forties—-4 were 1937 and 1 was 1928. Majority of them were bright and shiny. Several bright and shiny sixties and seventies. Collection dump. Have a photo but don’t know how to load it
@Husker73 said:
Searched a box of Pennie’s yesterday. Found 39 wheats. 23 were in the fifties—11 in the forties—-4 were 1937 and 1 was 1928. Majority of them were bright and shiny. Several bright and shiny sixties and seventies. Collection dump. Have a photo but don’t know how to load it
Click that far right icon at the top of your post, follow the prompts. Insert an image, choose files.
Get Well Soon, buddy.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig THIS is what i read about with the blind bat thing! not my coin.
found a handfull of 82p 82d 83p 83d unc/slider halves. decent find i think.
a couple W lowell (correction, san santoino) quarters in unc.
a minor struck through samoa quarter, bat eye with some weird die "gouges" in that same area.
depending on how the halves do, didn't find too much out of $350 in quarters/halves an a couple rolls of nikcels.
fun to try though.
@LanceNewmanOCC said:
Looks like he's wearing VR goggles or something lol
Young Numismatist. Over 20 successful transactions including happy BST transactions with @CoinHoarder, @Namvet69, @Bruce7789, @TeacherCollector, @JWP, @CuKevin, @CoinsExplorer, @greencopper, @PapiNE and @privatecoin
"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing" -Benjamin Franklin
Shifting gears today while on the hunt for cameos and toners. Did pretty well as 1st or at least 2ond dibs on a collection. plus an unopened 61 and 62 proof set, and a bag of Kennedys. I’ll post goodies from those If any, later after some grapes
But first, the variety search.
Love dem "toners and Cam's"

"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.@Joe_360 ... Hope it is not too bad, and you have a swift recovery. Send someone else to the bank to get some boxes.
Cheers, RickO
you've had a little while with your new set up. how is it going? settled in? feeling better being more mobile? how is your back?
Thanks for asking Lance. I could not get used to sitting down at the other desk just feels weird now so I’m back to standing up and crunching over each time I look through the loupe, lol.
This past week I’ve been working on learning my Camera system through trial and error. And getting close to figuring out the lighting, software, and such. Once I’ve done this I’m gonna be dangerous.
i recall you saying your wife got you the desk you're using now (you called it something else) and didn't want to alter it but how about getting something sturdy under it so you can stand straight up and/or kinda just barely lean over with your elbows with towels or something as elbow pads, as you lean forward for the light and ALSO, put something under the lamp so it sits higher. it will look a little weird but be 100x as effective. i have a super sturdy printer box about 20" in height under my coin lamp when using it (i don't really have a dedicated station since i'm not doing much coin stuff in-person right now) so the angle of light hits the coin(s) at the angle my neck/back is comfortable at. fwiw
the camera thing. for me it was months of torture and then kinda one day i just woke up and it all clicked and i burned through many thousands of images. i kinda settled for 8 or 9 out of 10 level of quality on images BUT it was because i could shoot so much so quick, it was worth it because the images were still so good. the closer you can get to 1:1 the better.
Let's GO...
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Or maybe one of these

you know what? i think the solution lies somewhere between that, the girl spinning in the chair i posted and one of that massage tables with the face holes! i mean seriously, if we're gonna do this, lets be comfortable AND rest!
seriously though. i have noted a marked increase in my focus and stamina the more relaxed and organized i am. of course we don't want to get TOO comfy and spend 10 hours straight doing it but get it to the point so that if we WANTED to, ya know, we could?
Well what do ya know, SILVER!
Yes, finally, in my 20th roll of the box.
1968d 40%
In Gorgeous condition too.

End results.
Good enough to keep
"Skunky" away!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig is what one of the trips looked like. did about 3-4 groups. just because it seems to be culture to post boxes. anyone recognize the coin carrier i am using.
i was going to do a few hundred in halves but the lovely lady that had the halves in her locked safe at her station went on vacation literally the NEXT day i was doing all of this. took some effort on my part to get that info because she doesn't work all the time and i tried to time my pick ups around when she was there but i thought i had a day or two. WRONG. lol - and in ALL of my conversations asking about halves and the people there said they trust me and to some extent like me, NEVER told me about some upcoming even that would prohibit my getting some of those halves so i put them off til last. kinda weird how it all worked out but that's fine. perhaps i'll try next week?
i could say i'm glad they have as much coins available as they do. they said people usually get $1000 bags and they have many available!
without further ado: (only 25c and 50c for my trips this time)
the boxes yielded (stuff i knew/learned to look for) maya die chips (no ddr), 2-3 W (i think i lost one), a nice bat grease strike through (not one of the better ones though), no washington head chips, no high/low leaves (of course), no privy, 82p no FG slider, some 50c/25c feeder finger? gouges shallow and wide, washington crossing clash (seems kinda tough?) so nothing earth-shattering but enough to probably feed the desire to keep looking anyway.
Just picked up $20 worth of cents at a bank…Bank error in my favor, Advance to the nearest railroad and collect $11
Two rolls full of dimes and marked $6 ea.
It looks like Brinks to me...
Young Numismatist. Over 20 successful transactions including happy BST transactions with @CoinHoarder, @Namvet69, @Bruce7789, @TeacherCollector, @JWP, @CuKevin, @CoinsExplorer, @greencopper, @PapiNE and @privatecoin
"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing" -Benjamin Franklin
a good guess but not brinks.
i would give a hint but all the hints i came up with really just gives it away. as good as i am at some things, i am really not one of those witty crossword puzzle guys, despite my decent vocab and thesaurus tendencies, i usually get whooped by even the most average of crosswords. lol
so as much as i would like to whip out some poetic and engaging lingo, i would only accomplish making matters worse.
i will say that i will be shocked if someone, even in this thread, doesn't recognize it.
I totally recognize them in fact they look just like the rolls I found my 22 W 2019 Lowell’s in. And I just assume they are fed rolled but maybe they are Loomis?!
another good guess. i have to give a hint now to expand away from armored car companies.
coins where SHIPPED in the box but not from whom you guys are thinking of.
i'm confident if you could see the top/bottom/sides, it would be VERY easy.
now i look at the image, there is a hint, kinda, at the top RIGHT (EDIT) center of the image. there was even a thread about it recently!
ok, second hint. the inside is missing part of what it came with.
And yes, always post pictures of your pick ups of boxes, rolls, and etc.
Not only because you’ll have a keepsake memory of what the box looked like when you found that 1969 doubled die penny but also because a lot of us are just downright Desperate and lonely and we need to look at boxes of coins, lol
It would be nice if we could get @Paradisefound to post some pictures of her lustrous Gems.
@derryb I purchased some recently as well!
Numero Uno GEM ❤️

@Coinscratch 😘
Absolutely love the toning and now I am too 😊
Fed banks don't roll coins. They turn $50,000 bags of quarters over to contracted carriers such as Loomis and Brinks to be rolled and then distributed to commercial banks for entry into the economy. Sealed boxes from these carriers is the same as getting them from the Fed - carrier is only a middle man.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
are those the monster ballistic "bags" i've seen before? they are on skids.
Yes, Fed orders them from the mint. It is how all circulating coinage enters the economy. Contracted carriers roll both these new coins and recycled coins they get back from the banks. Most sealed carrier boxes are simply recycled coins. When you get lucky and open a box of the new coins, it is a sight to behold.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
did ya finally have those grapes?
i see some goodies from that unedited post, so i presume you haven't posted finds yet?
Take of yourself! So you can get back to the hunt

Good time to do some learnin'
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then making a penny." - Steven Wright
CRH finds from a $25 penny box:

a Crusty 1903 Indian head cent
a 1910 Lincoln cent

A 1989 Helvetica (Switzerland) 10 rappen coin pretending to be a penny

and 34 more common wheat cents (not shown)
OK, One of my drop-off banks is going to close one of its' branches on July 22. I decided to go in today (July 21) and ask if I could get any coin rolls that they had on hand. I told them I would take any denomination and all they had. They were more then happy to get rid of them and sold me all they had! I wish I would have thought of this idea earlier as quite a few other bank branches of banks that I deal with have closed since the pandemic began. (5 or 6).

Quarters about $950
Dimes $850
No half dollars.
A few dollar and nickel, and penny rolls
And a still sealed box of Jefferson nickels.
Total $2177.50 face value.
So, if any bank branches near you are going to close, go in the day before and ask if you can get any coin rolls!
It will take me some time to go through all of these.
I will post any finds from these as bank closure roll finds or something to that effect..
good idea. i hope you got some of the back shelf dusty unsearched stuff we all dream about!
@ rec78,
Can you weigh the 1910 cent shown above ?
When you can. Should be 3.1 I know,
I'll explain later.
Thank You.
I’ve had soooooo many grapes that my feet are sore 😂
I’m still searching for varieties although I have several no brainers to cut open but will wait until I can photograph accurately. Also being careful to not open sets that I could resale. Then it gets tough for some for example the 63 Franklin, it obviously looks cam so I could auction as is but then what if it’s a 69 no cam. Or what if I open it and it’s a 68 cam but if I auction it and only brings 75.00. No good!
Then there’s the 77 or 78 P FS & FB
If they’re MS65 no biggie but what if one hits 66, decisions decisions.
PCGS takes roughly 3 months currently which is fine because every time I think I’m ready to send in another order I have to wait another week because there’s always more on the way. Currently waiting on 3 more buys and then going on another vacation
lol it might be a while.
All in good time my friend.
Ok, it weighs 2.98 most likely due to wear.
@LanceNewmanOCC Also, I won’t edit a post unless a typo or Freudian slip instead the results will just be down the list. Reason? The Poof which, in of itself is a Freudian slip 😉
Keeping it short,
I have a coin (wheat) covered in grease.
Settle down, don't even go there as am not thrilled.
This coin really needs to be pro cleaned or is their another way just to show the date.
My biggest Cud find.

"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.My bank was so kind today

They gave me a whole box of Sally Rides
11 double Sally
25 single Sally
14 no Sally ends but still all Sally
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for first loving us.
you gonna keep em whole like they are or look for some varieties/errors?
Come on, find those babies!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Got two boxes of new Wilma's and one Maya this week.
When i get a box of new quarters I usually open about five of the double headers to get an idea of how many older coins (if any) got mixed with the rolls. I only do this because I like to sell the rolls but want to be assured I'm selling good rolls.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Getting new boxes me thinks the banks are finally revolting to having to screw around ordering them and having to put up with the few that still returns to the same bank!!!
If you keep getting new rolls then will you still want to search them? I have no idea, but I do know I couldn't stand getting boxes of them damn shield cents - they broke my spirit like a guy getting 50 lashes and I never wanted a box again! It's a "conspiracy against the roll hunter I say!"
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Probably gonna keep the double obverse rolls and search through a couple of double headers, maybe sell a few. I Do not know much about the varieties, but do look for errors.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for first loving us.
68 is the magic number and notice there are no 2015 D 68s…Yet
Now put your boots back on and get your ass back to work
Love it when packages show up early!
Nice lil date-run set with several graders, some PLs, and a couple of Struck-Thrus. Will post better images eventually…
Searched a box of Pennie’s yesterday. Found 39 wheats. 23 were in the fifties—11 in the forties—-4 were 1937 and 1 was 1928. Majority of them were bright and shiny. Several bright and shiny sixties and seventies. Collection dump. Have a photo but don’t know how to load it
My Saturday morning errands

Let's GO...
Really, Nothing! Only this nice 1969d Die Crack filled Quarter.

"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Click that far right icon at the top of your post, follow the prompts. Insert an image, choose files.