@rec78 said:
No, but I really don't understand what you are asking here.
Quarters are the most promising. Even if I find a variety that no one wants, it is still fun to find and ID it and add it to my collection. New quarter varieties are showing up all the time.
i'm guessing you don't loupe or scope every single coin, which means knowing by memory or some other systematic system to know which dates do have good stuff to find (other than VERY scarce discoveries on older dates), which means going outside the CPG and looking over wile's site or wexler's.
something like that.
i also think that cents are the most promising to find SOMETHING and it is significantly cheaper to get a lot of those rolls BUT i'm more in the get XXX amount regularly as oppose to $10k in cents at one time. but for sure i understand the preference of doing quarters. good bang for the buck, lots of stuff to find and easy to handle look at w/o louping. cents and dimes can be quite exhausting to look through thoroughly.
The Kennedy I picked from a two coin souvenir set a while back. The true color is golden with darker rim toning. The luster and eye appeal is thick on this one, I'm thinking 66+.
good grief man!
that IS a major jump in quality. part of the color is drowned out in over-exposure but i'm sure you figured that out. far as i am concerned, you are over the hump baby!
the bright light could be the lights and/or the camera settings. just a matter of trial and error.
The Kennedy I picked from a two coin souvenir set a while back. The true color is golden with darker rim toning. The luster and eye appeal is thick on this one, I'm thinking 66+.
good grief man!
that IS a major jump in quality. part of the color is drowned out in over-exposure but i'm sure you figured that out. far as i am concerned, you are over the hump baby!
the bright light could be the lights and/or the camera settings. just a matter of trial and error.
well done.
Well, I have my lights diffused with cheap paper plates but moving things around helped - Thanks!
@rec78 said:
No, but I really don't understand what you are asking here.
Quarters are the most promising. Even if I find a variety that no one wants, it is still fun to find and ID it and add it to my collection. New quarter varieties are showing up all the time.
i'm guessing you don't loupe or scope every single coin, which means knowing by memory or some other systematic system to know which dates do have good stuff to find (other than VERY scarce discoveries on older dates), which means going outside the CPG and looking over wile's site or wexler's.
something like that.
i also think that cents are the most promising to find SOMETHING and it is significantly cheaper to get a lot of those rolls BUT i'm more in the get XXX amount regularly as oppose to $10k in cents at one time. but for sure i understand the preference of doing quarters. good bang for the buck, lots of stuff to find and easy to handle look at w/o louping. cents and dimes can be quite exhausting to look through thoroughly.
I'm and old guy and I need to loupe every single coin just because I cannot see much without a loupe anymore. If I see a possible variety or error, then it goes under the scope. Yes, I do remember which dates and mm's to look at. It comes naturally after a while. Excepting for minor league varieties, I am very thorough.
The reason I like quarters best right now is because of the many new coins that have error's that can be found and "W" mint coins are still out there.
Let's face it, dimes suck, not much to search for and even if you find 4 silver dimes, it does not equate to one 90% silver half dollar.
I used to get $2000- $4000 in halves every week but have slowed down to $1000 but the last few weeks have been totally fruitless. And my return banks are getting a little bit weary of half dollars.
Pennies are for the most part are unavailable in full boxes at the current time in my area.
Even if you don't find a single silver quarter in 10 boxes, they can still be quite full filling.
Received this stunning 2022 D dime in spare change -
I scan my change for good strikes and this is the best I've seen to date !
It's a nice clean coin will very likely clear MS67 (IMHO) ??? Any grade suggestions ?
i kinda missed the quarters when you posted them and then was a bit tired when i saw them last night.
wonderful images.
just for splitting hairs, the lighting band is a bit narrow which is why there is dark in the left/right fields. if you can move the lights in such a way as to stop the lighting bands from overlapping so much, it MAY just kill 2 birds. not so bright in the middle and a bit more periphreal light for the fields/legend.
there are multi-million & billion dollar auction companies with far worse images.
you captured the luster AND color w/o sacrificing one for the other which is NOT an easy balance to obtain.
i kinda missed the quarters when you posted them and then was a bit tired when i saw them last night.
wonderful images.
just for splitting hairs, the lighting band is a bit narrow which is why there is dark in the left/right fields. if you can move the lights in such a way as to stop the lighting bands from overlapping so much, it MAY just kill 2 birds. not so bright in the middle and a bit more periphreal light for the fields/legend.
there are multi-million & billion dollar auction companies with far worse images.
you captured the luster AND color w/o sacrificing one for the other which is NOT an easy balance to obtain.
Wait wait wait what? I have to slowly and repeatedly dissect what you're saying I'm still trying to figure out the over exposure thing. Mostly, I'm still just learning the controls. I think what I discovered this weekend was the res. adj. and so I maxed it to 1600. Now the pics are large enough to zoom in which is nice but next I need to figure out how to overlay images...I think
The camera responds to different light angles differently and so the position of the lights seems to effect color and maybe that all goes back to the WB.
@Coinscratch said:
The camera responds to different light angles differently and so the position of the lights seems to effect color and maybe that all goes back to the WB.
luster bands are MUCH better on the cent. almost a nice X pattern.
the overlay thing, is really just for super duper uber ultra sharp images.
gj finding the resolution settings. always makes a tremendous difference, for the better, although one need crop the images down or they can be several MB from a nice dslr camera. (like the ones above. 3.5mb)
it is up to you how you reduce the size in MB (not dimensions/resolution) but i usually just drop the images into paint and just re-save the image and it usually 1/2 the size in MB. like this:
and you really don't notice w/o super zooming. for images that require super zoom, best to just to close-ups for specific areas. (pup images)
I got a couple rolls of quarters for kicks. These were random and wrapped (not sure if by Strong or Wells Fargo). I was surprised what I found ... 80 quarters and about half preceded state quarters including 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, with only 4 from 2020 and later. What surprised me were that there were 5 with machine damage / or wrapping scrapes including the following on end.
@Coinscratch said:
What could have been! Or what once was at least for a few seconds this coin could have bought a car. First struck is the most struck...by others.
i'm not sure that even makes ANY sense, so, just be honest; you're looking for ANY reason to post some of your fab images now!?!?!?1
pretty nice but i downgrade the quality to a 7 because you just smoked the luster right outta that image BUT the overall quality of the image is so darn good it is VERY obviously a ddo!
that is the gr8 thing about being a pro at something, even when you mess up or just suck sometimes, those efforts are STILL above average!! (i noticed that about myself and others long ago and is a pretty funny irony to me)
i have to ask though; is posting professional images of regular pocket change against the whole ethos of economical coin searching? don't want the pocket change/roll finders here thinking you've gone all 𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖔𝖎𝖘𝖎𝖊.
Was finishing the entire box of quarters approaching full skunk status...
...Last 5 rolls had a W luster bomb and a chunky roof luster bomb
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
@Kurisu said:
Was finishing the entire box of quarters approaching full skunk status...
...Last 5 rolls had a W luster bomb and a chunky roof luster bomb
So I opened that obw roll of 2000 P Sacagaweas that arrived busted a couple weeks ago.
Confirmed it was absolutely a genuine obw.
There were 3 SBAs in there too...Two from 1999 and one from 2000.
Unfortunately nothing so special in there. The Sacs were mostly MS and some had experienced a touch of circulation wear.
Ended up keeping one, maybe a 66...
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
This New Box from a bank I never received any box from. Sh-h-h-h-hish!
First it was that MONSTER, 2021P
Crossing the Delaware, massive Crown Error. Than a sorely bad shape 2019p Salt River Bay DDO. (Sitting in acetone).
Than this!
# 165W
2021W Rockefeller
Still have about 20 rolls to Hunt.
With 5 Rolls, to go.
2 more finds.
2022p Sally Ride
3 die clashes
#166 W
Another 2020W Rockefeller
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
@Kurisu said:
So I opened that obw roll of 2000 P Sacagaweas that arrived busted a couple weeks ago.
Confirmed it was absolutely a genuine obw. There were 3 SBAs in there too...Two from 1999 and one from 2000.
first box in a while and towards the end of the box:
4 Ws
2 S (i thought there were 3?)
nice ride big nose chip
georgia P partially tilted collar, decent unc MUCH better than the other partially tilted collar found couple months ago. only a few partial reeds on both.
searched couple hundred in dollars but nothing. i didn't loupe the coins. most of the good stuff on dollars don't require louping. iirc (including edge lettering)
edited to add:
i lied. i DID loupe the lettered edges. i usually get like 10-15 at a time and just zip through them because it is faster.
@Kurisu said:
Was finishing the entire box of quarters approaching full skunk status...
...Last 5 rolls had a W luster bomb and a chunky roof luster bomb
hey coinscratch.
have you sent off many/any of the quarters with the scuffed up surfaces like this. i'm curious how the TPGs are handing this as it isn't circulation but it is tantamount to it.
i'm not picking on Kurisu's coins as a lot of my Ws this year have this same look, along with many other quarters that went right from the mint to rolls i presume.
@Kurisu said:
Was finishing the entire box of quarters approaching full skunk status...
...Last 5 rolls had a W luster bomb and a chunky roof luster bomb
hey coinscratch.
have you sent off many/any of the quarters with the scuffed up surfaces like this. i'm curious how the TPGs are handing this as it isn't circulation but it is tantamount to it.
i'm not picking on Kurisu's coins as a lot of my Ws this year have this same look, along with many other quarters that went right from the mint to rolls i presume.
No, and I don't think he plans on sending that one in as it's pretty beat up. The luster he is pointing out is thicker than I've seen but I'm not even looking at those yet. I'm building a set but stuck in the 1970's I'm pretty sure I can muster a set of 67+/68 w/o buying any graded coins for 65 to date. 65, 66, and 67 will be the hardest w/o mint sets. Here is my current 1967 falling short at 66 (graded for toning) and found where the others will eventually come from, an album.
@Coinscratch said:
No, and I don't think he plans on sending that one in as it's pretty beat up. The luster he is pointing out is thicker than I've seen but I'm not even looking at those yet. I'm building a set but stuck in the 1970's I'm pretty sure I can muster a set of 67+/68 w/o buying any graded coins for 65 to date. 65, 66, and 67 will be the hardest w/o mint sets. Here is my current 1967 falling short at 66 and found where the others will eventually come from, an album.
shoo wee. from the TV, that thing sure looks like a beaut!
it is kinda a crappy die state but if the contact isn't there, the luster is and the color is as nice in-hand, i'm a bit shocked it didn't go higher but the peeps in the grading room having the advantage of seeing billions of coins and having them in-hand probably makes a large difference.
i know we've briefly talked about it but just to keep fanning the flame, when you getting your ngc membership? it is kinda rough to have to play the crackout and/or ats game but those are the parameters whether we like em or not.
@Kurisu said:
Was finishing the entire box of quarters approaching full skunk status...
...Last 5 rolls had a W luster bomb and a chunky roof luster bomb
hey coinscratch.
have you sent off many/any of the quarters with the scuffed up surfaces like this. i'm curious how the TPGs are handing this as it isn't circulation but it is tantamount to it.
i'm not picking on Kurisu's coins as a lot of my Ws this year have this same look, along with many other quarters that went right from the mint to rolls i presume.
I'm good with picking on coins...perspective is always good stuff
Just some useless trivia...I've actually entirely forgotten my count, but I believe I'm around 60 W's now...
I've only had 1 of them graded.
It was the first one I found and it made me emotional when I found it thinking about my Grandpa and his Purple Heart and the stories I grew up with from him. I actually got it graded earlier this year.
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
@Kurisu said:
I'm good with picking on coins...perspective is always good stuff
Just some useless trivia...I've actually entirely forgotten my count, but I believe I'm around 60 W's now...
I've only had 1 of them graded.
It was the first one I found and it made me emotional when I found it thinking about my Grandpa and his Purple Heart and the stories I grew up with from him. I actually got it graded earlier this year.
is there some military connection with the 2020 marsh-billings-rockerfellar quarter or just something you were thinking about at the time?
@Kurisu said:
I'm good with picking on coins...perspective is always good stuff
Just some useless trivia...I've actually entirely forgotten my count, but I believe I'm around 60 W's now...
I've only had 1 of them graded.
It was the first one I found and it made me emotional when I found it thinking about my Grandpa and his Purple Heart and the stories I grew up with from him. I actually got it graded earlier this year.
is there some military connection with the 2020 marsh-billings-rockerfellar quarter or just something you were thinking about at the time?
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
hey thanks. guess it is one of those "glad it isn't a snake" things for me again.
working with so many foreign coins with various privy marks (i presume no war connections?) that was the first thing my mind went to when i heard of this privy on usa coinage. it appears, they are not the same at all.
i'll have to look up the rainbow pool thing too even after all i've watched/read about wwii, that one eludes me.
completely unlrelated but for those of you wanting a nice bass test for your surround sound system, that video on the page linked above, will serve you well ! AND you get the bonus of looking at some coins simultaneously!
@Kurisu said:
Was finishing the entire box of quarters approaching full skunk status...
...Last 5 rolls had a W luster bomb and a chunky roof luster bomb
hey coinscratch.
have you sent off many/any of the quarters with the scuffed up surfaces like this. i'm curious how the TPGs are handing this as it isn't circulation but it is tantamount to it.
i'm not picking on Kurisu's coins as a lot of my Ws this year have this same look, along with many other quarters that went right from the mint to rolls i presume.
No, and I don't think he plans on sending that one in as it's pretty beat up. The luster he is pointing out is thicker than I've seen but I'm not even looking at those yet. I'm building a set but stuck in the 1970's I'm pretty sure I can muster a set of 67+/68 w/o buying any graded coins for 65 to date. 65, 66, and 67 will be the hardest w/o mint sets. Here is my current 1967 falling short at 66 (graded for toning) and found where the others will eventually come from, an album.
One of our astute contributors @TomB pointed out a few years back that this coin is a weakly struck dawg, he's not wrong.
Simply compare with this Coinfacts MS68.
My coin 66.
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
i got some nina and wong in the last box but i still need to get updated on what to look for. haven't really seen anything noteworth (to me) from what i've seen thus far. i do like hte look of the designs, especially the wong!
i'm guessing you don't loupe or scope every single coin, which means knowing by memory or some other systematic system to know which dates do have good stuff to find (other than VERY scarce discoveries on older dates), which means going outside the CPG and looking over wile's site or wexler's.
something like that.
i also think that cents are the most promising to find SOMETHING and it is significantly cheaper to get a lot of those rolls BUT i'm more in the get XXX amount regularly as oppose to $10k in cents at one time. but for sure i understand the preference of doing quarters. good bang for the buck, lots of stuff to find and easy to handle look at w/o louping. cents and dimes can be quite exhausting to look through thoroughly.
good grief man!
that IS a major jump in quality. part of the color is drowned out in over-exposure but i'm sure you figured that out. far as i am concerned, you are over the hump baby!
the bright light could be the lights and/or the camera settings. just a matter of trial and error.
well done.
Well, I have my lights diffused with cheap paper plates
but moving things around helped - Thanks!
I'm and old guy and I need to loupe every single coin just because I cannot see much without a loupe anymore. If I see a possible variety or error, then it goes under the scope. Yes, I do remember which dates and mm's to look at. It comes naturally after a while. Excepting for minor league varieties, I am very thorough.
The reason I like quarters best right now is because of the many new coins that have error's that can be found and "W" mint coins are still out there.
Let's face it, dimes suck, not much to search for and even if you find 4 silver dimes, it does not equate to one 90% silver half dollar.
I used to get $2000- $4000 in halves every week but have slowed down to $1000 but the last few weeks have been totally fruitless. And my return banks are getting a little bit weary of half dollars.
Pennies are for the most part are unavailable in full boxes at the current time in my area.
Even if you don't find a single silver quarter in 10 boxes, they can still be quite full filling.
Found in a wheat cent bag

1936 VDDO-002 (FS-102)
Received this stunning 2022 D dime in spare change -
I scan my change for good strikes and this is the best I've seen to date !
It's a nice clean coin will very likely clear MS67 (IMHO) ??? Any grade suggestions ?
1972 dbl die FS-102

Type collector, mainly into Seated. -formerly Ownerofawheatiehorde. Good BST transactions with: mirabela, OKCC, MICHAELDIXON, Gerard
i kinda missed the quarters when you posted them and then was a bit tired when i saw them last night.
wonderful images.
just for splitting hairs, the lighting band is a bit narrow which is why there is dark in the left/right fields. if you can move the lights in such a way as to stop the lighting bands from overlapping so much, it MAY just kill 2 birds. not so bright in the middle and a bit more periphreal light for the fields/legend.
there are multi-million & billion dollar auction companies with far worse images.
you captured the luster AND color w/o sacrificing one for the other which is NOT an easy balance to obtain.
Wait wait wait what? I have to slowly and repeatedly dissect what you're saying I'm still trying to figure out the over exposure thing. Mostly, I'm still just learning the controls. I think what I discovered this weekend was the res. adj. and so I maxed it to 1600. Now the pics are large enough to zoom in which is nice but next I need to figure out how to overlay images...I think
The camera responds to different light angles differently and so the position of the lights seems to effect color and maybe that all goes back to the WB.
luster bands are MUCH better on the cent. almost a nice X pattern.
the overlay thing, is really just for super duper uber ultra sharp images.
gj finding the resolution settings. always makes a tremendous difference, for the better, although one need crop the images down or they can be several MB from a nice dslr camera. (like the ones above. 3.5mb)
it is up to you how you reduce the size in MB (not dimensions/resolution) but i usually just drop the images into paint and just re-save the image and it usually 1/2 the size in MB. like this:
and you really don't notice w/o super zooming. for images that require super zoom, best to just to close-ups for specific areas. (pup images)
have you found that the D on that 75 is strongly deviated from the norm, in terms of position?
also, as a side note for a laugh. i really enjoyed one of my own posts so much, i tried to like it but the software SET ME STRAIGHT!
I got a couple rolls of quarters for kicks. These were random and wrapped (not sure if by Strong or Wells Fargo). I was surprised what I found ... 80 quarters and about half preceded state quarters including 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, with only 4 from 2020 and later. What surprised me were that there were 5 with machine damage / or wrapping scrapes including the following on end.
What could have been! Or what once was at least for a few seconds this coin could have bought a car. First struck is the most struck...by others.
i'm not sure that even makes ANY sense, so, just be honest; you're looking for ANY reason to post some of your fab images now!?!?!?1
and to be honest, i'm eating it up! ↩︎
I need some better subjects...The hunt continues.
@LanceNewmanOCC One more for now, an actual roll find
pretty nice but i downgrade the quality to a 7 because you just smoked the luster right outta that image BUT the overall quality of the image is so darn good it is VERY obviously a ddo!
that is the gr8 thing about being a pro at something, even when you mess up or just suck sometimes, those efforts are STILL above average!! (i noticed that about myself and others long ago and is a pretty funny irony to me)
i have to ask though; is posting professional images of regular pocket change against the whole ethos of economical coin searching? don't want the pocket change/roll finders here thinking you've gone all 𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖔𝖎𝖘𝖎𝖊.
Gee Whiz no cashless bail around here
it is the pcgs photo dept. whenever they see one of us get too close to professional images, that is the heads-up to back off their turf!!
i can already see your photo service. somewhere on the images there will be large tiger claw scratches as your trademark.
Yea, like a quick intro first the avatar, then the bars a tiger claw tearing through a Banned Morgan.
Then BAMM he was gone forever
Cell pics for color, from my cell. Get it? Cell
From a bank where I never got a bank box.

Let's GO...
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Was finishing the entire box of quarters approaching full skunk status...
...Last 5 rolls had a W luster bomb and a chunky roof luster bomb
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
Wow! That's cool!
So I opened that obw roll of 2000 P Sacagaweas that arrived busted a couple weeks ago.
Confirmed it was absolutely a genuine obw.
There were 3 SBAs in there too...Two from 1999 and one from 2000.
Unfortunately nothing so special in there. The Sacs were mostly MS and some had experienced a touch of circulation wear.
Ended up keeping one, maybe a 66...
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
This New Box from a bank I never received any box from.
First it was that MONSTER, 2021P
Crossing the Delaware, massive Crown Error. Than a sorely bad shape 2019p Salt River Bay DDO. (Sitting in acetone).
Than this!
# 165W
2021W Rockefeller

Still have about 20 rolls to Hunt.

With 5 Rolls, to go.
2 more finds.
2022p Sally Ride
3 die clashes

#166 W
Another 2020W Rockefeller

"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.I don't think so.
38 Rolls,
Let's GO...

"I'm back for the Holidays!"
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.i know if there aren't pics it didn't happen:
first box in a while and towards the end of the box:
4 Ws
2 S (i thought there were 3?)
nice ride big nose chip
georgia P partially tilted collar, decent unc MUCH better than the other partially tilted collar found couple months ago. only a few partial reeds on both.
searched couple hundred in dollars but nothing. i didn't loupe the coins. most of the good stuff on dollars don't require louping. iirc (including edge lettering)
edited to add:
i lied. i DID loupe the lettered edges. i usually get like 10-15 at a time and just zip through them because it is faster.
i forgot.
things must be getting tough out there! (are the banks jealous of coinstar or other banks?)
i could see like 3 MAYBE 4 percent for non-customers to JUST cash in change but 9. good grief.
do you still have the rolls?
hey coinscratch.
have you sent off many/any of the quarters with the scuffed up surfaces like this. i'm curious how the TPGs are handing this as it isn't circulation but it is tantamount to it.
i'm not picking on Kurisu's coins as a lot of my Ws this year have this same look, along with many other quarters that went right from the mint to rolls i presume.
just looked up the tallgrass prarie S mint i found earlier. they are a lot better than i thought.
found another S mint (some random one was like $1 is you are lucky, so this one is a big surprise)
No, and I don't think he plans on sending that one in as it's pretty beat up. The luster he is pointing out is thicker than I've seen but I'm not even looking at those yet. I'm building a set but stuck in the 1970's
I'm pretty sure I can muster a set of 67+/68 w/o buying any graded coins for 65 to date. 65, 66, and 67 will be the hardest w/o mint sets. Here is my current 1967 falling short at 66 (graded for toning) and found where the others will eventually come from, an album.
shoo wee. from the TV, that thing sure looks like a beaut!
it is kinda a crappy die state but if the contact isn't there, the luster is and the color is as nice in-hand, i'm a bit shocked it didn't go higher but the peeps in the grading room having the advantage of seeing billions of coins and having them in-hand probably makes a large difference.
i know we've briefly talked about it but just to keep fanning the flame, when you getting your ngc membership? it is kinda rough to have to play the crackout and/or ats game but those are the parameters whether we like em or not.
I'm good with picking on coins...perspective is always good stuff
Just some useless trivia...I've actually entirely forgotten my count, but I believe I'm around 60 W's now...
I've only had 1 of them graded.
It was the first one I found and it made me emotional when I found it thinking about my Grandpa and his Purple Heart and the stories I grew up with from him. I actually got it graded earlier this year.
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
is there some military connection with the 2020 marsh-billings-rockerfellar quarter or just something you were thinking about at the time?
Yes. Actually all the 2020 W's.
The V75 Privy mark is referencing the 75th anniversary of WII. The shape surrounding the Privy mark represents the Rainbow Pool.
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
hey thanks. guess it is one of those "glad it isn't a snake" things for me again.
working with so many foreign coins with various privy marks (i presume no war connections?) that was the first thing my mind went to when i heard of this privy on usa coinage. it appears, they are not the same at all.
i'll have to look up the rainbow pool thing too even after all i've watched/read about wwii, that one eludes me.
completely unlrelated but for those of you wanting a nice bass test for your surround sound system, that video on the page linked above, will serve you well ! AND you get the bonus of looking at some coins simultaneously!
so HERE is the rainbow pool privy mark. neat-o
One of our astute contributors @TomB pointed out a few years back that this coin is a weakly struck dawg, he's not wrong.
Simply compare with this Coinfacts MS68.

My coin 66.
Pretty awesome information on the "Rainbow Pool". I didn't realize, thanks.

This should make the 2020W's, even more special. Esp by value.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.what a neat amazing and rare error!
I'm thinking the only "crying" gonna be done is from the buyers -
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
This looks promising
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
i got some nina and wong in the last box but i still need to get updated on what to look for. haven't really seen anything noteworth (to me) from what i've seen thus far. i do like hte look of the designs, especially the wong!
Well Christmas is coming so I'd say keep a look out for one of these.........
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
btw, i think the last quote you did to me has disappeared?
LOL! AKA Zepplin man, Good time, Bad times,
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"