@WAYNEAS said:
What I would like to see especially on newly created modern registry sets, is a requirement to have to list the tracking code which would show the shipping date and the delivery date. This would so help eliminate those out there that post coins to their sets without having ownership or the actual coin in hand as required by PCGS. If the coin is a show / store purchase, a photo copy of the bill of sale with an invoice number. These would also help relieve some of the requests to have a coin removed from someone's inventory. I like to see what set the coin is from and where and when the coin was added to that set. You might be surprised.
In the spring of 2020...I contacted an eBay seller who is a PCGS Authorized Dealer...and advertiser who's ads often appear both here and in the quarterly magazine...asking if they had any idea when a specific new coin might become available
I was given an estimated date...and when I asked them to notify Me when it became available they offered to give the cert number thru eBay messaging so I could add it instantly after purchase
@WAYNEAS said:
What I would like to see especially on newly created modern registry sets, is a requirement to have to list the tracking code which would show the shipping date and the delivery date. This would so help eliminate those out there that post coins to their sets without having ownership or the actual coin in hand as required by PCGS. If the coin is a show / store purchase, a photo copy of the bill of sale with an invoice number. These would also help relieve some of the requests to have a coin removed from someone's inventory. I like to see what set the coin is from and where and when the coin was added to that set. You might be surprised.
In the spring of 2020...I contacted an eBay seller who is a PCGS Authorized Dealer...and advertiser who's ads often appear both here and in the quarterly magazine...asking if they had any idea when a specific new coin might become available
I was given an estimated date...and when I asked them to notify Me when it became available they offered to give the cert number thru eBay messaging so I could add it instantly after purchase
Strange offer by an Authorized PCGS Dealer !!
It doesn't surprise me at all. If you can keep a client happy, they surely come back to buy more. Rules are a lot like locks, they are meant to keep honest people honest. Was this a west coast dealer by the way?
@semikeycollector said:
Hi. This is a pet peeve and pie in the sky to ever wish for, but it burns me to see an 1853 XF Seated dime is worth as much in registry points as my VG 1873-cc and G6 1874-cc combined.
I have all of the toughest coins certified, some even in middle and upper grades but have certified few of my common dates. This affects ranking and points quite a bit.
PCGS wants to make it fair to those that don't have the key dates, but it doesn't feel fair seen from the other side. I generally enjoy the coins and forget the ranking, but when I think about it, I don't care for it.
I have the same objection. I have rarer coins throughout the registry and it also burns me to see my 1855-D gold or my 1854-D three dollar weighted the same as a common Philadelphia mint coin. This could be remedied by weighing each type coin individually. For instance all gold dollars can be weighted. A 55-D gold dollar can be weighted more than a 51-P. The weights are already defined in the gold dollar set, so it only adds one more factor to computed for the overall type set. It would even out the playing field for the type set competitors.
@semikeycollector said:
Hi. This is a pet peeve and pie in the sky to ever wish for, but it burns me to see an 1853 XF Seated dime is worth as much in registry points as my VG 1873-cc and G6 1874-cc combined.
I have all of the toughest coins certified, some even in middle and upper grades but have certified few of my common dates. This affects ranking and points quite a bit.
PCGS wants to make it fair to those that don't have the key dates, but it doesn't feel fair seen from the other side. I generally enjoy the coins and forget the ranking, but when I think about it, I don't care for it.
I have the same objection. I have rarer coins throughout the registry and it also burns me to see my 1855-D gold or my 1854-D three dollar weighted the same as a common Philadelphia mint coin. This could be remedied by weighing each type coin individually. For instance all gold dollars can be weighted. A 55-D gold dollar can be weighted more than a 51-P. The weights are already defined in the gold dollar set, so it only adds one more factor to computed for the overall type set. It would even out the playing field for the type set competitors.
Picking up where I left off.
The weighting as done now:
A 51-P MS 64 gold dollar is weighted in the US type set as 5 X64=320
A 55-D AU55 gold dollar is weighted in the US type set as 5 x 55=275
Hardly equitable since the 55-D is 1832 times rarer than the 51-P
The weighting could be done as such:
A 51-P gold dollar is weighted as a 2 in its the gold dollar set
A 51-P gold dollar is weighted as a 5 in the US Type Set
A 55-D gold dollar is weighted as a 10 in its gold dollar set
A 55-D gold dollar is weighted as a 5 in the US type set
Therefore an MS64 51-P gold dollar would be weighted as follows: 2 x 5 x 64=640
and a AU55 55-D gold dollar would be weighted as follows: 10 x 5 x 55=825
A much truer representation of a each coin's weight since the 55-D is 1832 times rarer the 51-P
The same weighting could be applied to all the coins of any type set. I think it is about time the rarity of a coin is a consideration in type sets. Both rarity and condition both are represented.
@WAYNEAS said:
What I would like to see especially on newly created modern registry sets, is a requirement to have to list the tracking code which would show the shipping date and the delivery date. This would so help eliminate those out there that post coins to their sets without having ownership or the actual coin in hand as required by PCGS. If the coin is a show / store purchase, a photo copy of the bill of sale with an invoice number. These would also help relieve some of the requests to have a coin removed from someone's inventory. I like to see what set the coin is from and where and when the coin was added to that set. You might be surprised.
I bought a 2020 Innovation Dollar coin on eBay...and it was delivered yesterday
Much to My dismay...it is registered in a private user Inventory...and won't be released until at least Monday (3/03/2021)
The final 2020 coin I need is scheduled to arrive tomorrow - so My 2020 Proof Set completion is delayed by an eBay seller who has violated eBay policy
When I contacted the eBay seller for help...his reply was that he bought it from an Estate Sale...and would ask to lawyer handling the estate sale to look into it on Monday
When I replied that the listing made no mention of an estate sale purchase...he blew Me off by saying that many sellers do it and I should just wait for PCGS to release it
I have contacted eBay and filed an abuse of policy claim...because any seller on eBay needs to OWN the items they sell - and this seller clearly did not own the coin I bought
I have requested that eBay change policy to insure that sellers verify and own the certified coins they sell...just as anyone who sells a vehicle must have a title to transfer to the buyer
As a group...Set Registry members need to report any seller who sells a certified coin that is registered to someone else...because selling registration-required items is a violation of the law in every US State
If the purchase is interstate commerce...it becomes a Federal offense
If the purchase is US currency...it becomes the responsibility of the Secret Service
I have contacted eBay and filed an abuse of policy claim...because any seller on eBay needs to OWN the items they sell - and this seller clearly did not own the coin I bought
Please let us know how you make out with eBay.
More points/credit for details coins.
NGC does this, giving half points for the stated details grade. if its and UNC details ,it would get half of the points of an MS60 grade
Your. PCGS registry set gets screwed if you have a details graded coin, even though its rare or even very nice/desirable.
This make the registry better suited for deep pocket collectors who can afford the high grade non-detailed keys.
For those who collect Roosevelt dimes, this post may seem a little long, but it was not a quick process. Specifically, our concern was with full band coins although the change was made to non fb coins as well.
Dannie Biddle and myself did manage to get a Roosevelt set composition change. Concerning the 1958 valued at 1 point VS the 1959 valued at 2 points. Now I know the original point value originally assigned was done by the one of, if not the most knowledgeable person concerning the Roosevelt dime ( no names, he knows who I'm talking about ) and it had nothing to do with graded populations. However, looking at the pop reports and knowing the time searching for an ms67fb 1958 P and what I paid for said coin, VS the relative ease in which I acquired not one but multiple 1959 ms67fb's at a less expensive amount, both Dannie and I thought there was a disparity in the set composition. On reaching out to the Registry ( specifically Jakqlyne ) over an extended period of time and several phone calls we did manage to get the 1958 P point value raised from a single point to now a 2 point coin. Not a huge deal as it affects all sets the same. But, nonetheless it is a change. One step at a time people, one step at a time.
However, it does prove to me as well as others that presented with facts and a valid argument our hosts are willing to make changes contrary to what some individuals on the Forum have said in the past.
There is some validity to @WAYNEAS recent post about timestamps...
Above...I mentioned a coin that had a Remove Request when I attempted to add on the day I rec'd the delivery...much to My dismay I could not add the coin until the following day...costing Me a slot in the Rankings
Sure...I have a #1 Set...but it would be nice to see My original placement at #5 restored now that My Set is complete and I was 5th to start the Set
Because of the delay of a single day...even though I explained the situation via email to Set Registry...the reply was nothing could be done until Monday (3 business days after Removal Request)
My issue here...is that I discovered the coin has an NFC Chip - and if the email reply would have advised...I could have added the coin instantly and gained slots - to coincide and match the delivery date
I wish that when you view a set in Photo Gallery mode that the images remain in same sequential date order as the set is layed out. It seems PCGS Trueview images take precedence in the order on the page and other owner posted images go to the back of the line.
Does not appear to be a way to resort in Gallery mode.
OMG ... My Mother was Right about Everything!
I wake up with a Good Attitude Every Day. Then … Idiots Happen!
Also be nice if they had a feature for building and displaying a Custom set such as NGC
Not sure why You would ask for that...
I would assume that a FaceBook Group dedicated to Chevy Corvette's would not welcome a collection of Ford Mustangs
Sorry for any confusion as trying to be brief I guess I did not complete my thought. I did not intent to say to have NGC slab coins in a custom PCGS sets but rather using the NGC Registry as an example - NGC has a feature for members to create and display custom sets in various categories. These sets might be for coins or a collection that might not fit into existing fixed format registry. NGC members have some interesting sets in their custom categories and they do include in the annual awards for Best Custom Set.
Anyway ... just a thought
OMG ... My Mother was Right about Everything!
I wake up with a Good Attitude Every Day. Then … Idiots Happen!
@semikeycollector said:
Hi. This is a pet peeve and pie in the sky to ever wish for, but it burns me to see an 1853 XF Seated dime is worth as much in registry points as my VG 1873-cc and G6 1874-cc combined.
I have all of the toughest coins certified, some even in middle and upper grades but have certified few of my common dates. This affects ranking and points quite a bit.
PCGS wants to make it fair to those that don't have the key dates, but it doesn't feel fair seen from the other side. I generally enjoy the coins and forget the ranking, but when I think about it, I don't care for it.
I have the same objection. I have rarer coins throughout the registry and it also burns me to see my 1855-D gold or my 1854-D three dollar weighted the same as a common Philadelphia mint coin. This could be remedied by weighing each type coin individually. For instance all gold dollars can be weighted. A 55-D gold dollar can be weighted more than a 51-P. The weights are already defined in the gold dollar set, so it only adds one more factor to computed for the overall type set. It would even out the playing field for the type set competitors.
Picking up where I left off.
The weighting as done now:
A 51-P MS 64 gold dollar is weighted in the US type set as 5 X64=320
A 55-D AU55 gold dollar is weighted in the US type set as 5 x 55=275
Hardly equitable since the 55-D is 1832 times rarer than the 51-P
The weighting could be done as such:
A 51-P gold dollar is weighted as a 2 in its the gold dollar set
A 51-P gold dollar is weighted as a 5 in the US Type Set
A 55-D gold dollar is weighted as a 10 in its gold dollar set
A 55-D gold dollar is weighted as a 5 in the US type set
Therefore an MS64 51-P gold dollar would be weighted as follows: 2 x 5 x 64=640
and a AU55 55-D gold dollar would be weighted as follows: 10 x 5 x 55=825
A much truer representation of a each coin's weight since the 55-D is 1832 times rarer the 51-P
The same weighting could be applied to all the coins of any type set. I think it is about time the rarity of a coin is a consideration in type sets. Both rarity and condition both are represented.
What does the forum think of this method?
I don't care for this - it kind of defeats the purpose of assembling a TYPE set - you collect by type, not date, so you are rewarded with finding the highest quality of a certain type (i.e. a MS69 81-S Morgan Dollar should beat a MS63 93-S, otherwise, what's the point?)
Now, that being said, there could be a NEW category, "Type Set, Rarity Weighted", them you can use the method stated above.
@semikeycollector said:
Hi. This is a pet peeve and pie in the sky to ever wish for, but it burns me to see an 1853 XF Seated dime is worth as much in registry points as my VG 1873-cc and G6 1874-cc combined.
I have all of the toughest coins certified, some even in middle and upper grades but have certified few of my common dates. This affects ranking and points quite a bit.
PCGS wants to make it fair to those that don't have the key dates, but it doesn't feel fair seen from the other side. I generally enjoy the coins and forget the ranking, but when I think about it, I don't care for it.
I have the same objection. I have rarer coins throughout the registry and it also burns me to see my 1855-D gold or my 1854-D three dollar weighted the same as a common Philadelphia mint coin. This could be remedied by weighing each type coin individually. For instance all gold dollars can be weighted. A 55-D gold dollar can be weighted more than a 51-P. The weights are already defined in the gold dollar set, so it only adds one more factor to computed for the overall type set. It would even out the playing field for the type set competitors.
Picking up where I left off.
The weighting as done now:
A 51-P MS 64 gold dollar is weighted in the US type set as 5 X64=320
A 55-D AU55 gold dollar is weighted in the US type set as 5 x 55=275
Hardly equitable since the 55-D is 1832 times rarer than the 51-P
The weighting could be done as such:
A 51-P gold dollar is weighted as a 2 in its the gold dollar set
A 51-P gold dollar is weighted as a 5 in the US Type Set
A 55-D gold dollar is weighted as a 10 in its gold dollar set
A 55-D gold dollar is weighted as a 5 in the US type set
Therefore an MS64 51-P gold dollar would be weighted as follows: 2 x 5 x 64=640
and a AU55 55-D gold dollar would be weighted as follows: 10 x 5 x 55=825
A much truer representation of a each coin's weight since the 55-D is 1832 times rarer the 51-P
The same weighting could be applied to all the coins of any type set. I think it is about time the rarity of a coin is a consideration in type sets. Both rarity and condition both are represented.
What does the forum think of this method?
I don't care for this - it kind of defeats the purpose of assembling a TYPE set - you collect by type, not date, so you are rewarded with finding the highest quality of a certain type (i.e. a MS69 81-S Morgan Dollar should beat a MS63 93-S, otherwise, what's the point?)
Now, that being said, there could be a NEW category, "Type Set, Rarity Weighted", them you can use the method stated above.
The problem with most Type Sets is that they are full of common, boring, high-grade coins. They look nice but they have no meat, no story, and nothing interesting compared to a rarer coins. My method allows both to coincide without conflict and someone that strives to put better types in their collection gets rewarded.
@WAYNEAS said:
What I would like to see especially on newly created modern registry sets, is a requirement to have to list the tracking code which would show the shipping date and the delivery date. This would so help eliminate those out there that post coins to their sets without having ownership or the actual coin in hand as required by PCGS. If the coin is a show / store purchase, a photo copy of the bill of sale with an invoice number. These would also help relieve some of the requests to have a coin removed from someone's inventory. I like to see what set the coin is from and where and when the coin was added to that set. You might be surprised.
I bought a 2020 Innovation Dollar coin on eBay...and it was delivered yesterday
Much to My dismay...it is registered in a private user Inventory...and won't be released until at least Monday (3/03/2021)
The final 2020 coin I need is scheduled to arrive tomorrow - so My 2020 Proof Set completion is delayed by an eBay seller who has violated eBay policy
When I contacted the eBay seller for help...his reply was that he bought it from an Estate Sale...and would ask to lawyer handling the estate sale to look into it on Monday
When I replied that the listing made no mention of an estate sale purchase...he blew Me off by saying that many sellers do it and I should just wait for PCGS to release it
I have contacted eBay and filed an abuse of policy claim...because any seller on eBay needs to OWN the items they sell - and this seller clearly did not own the coin I bought
I have requested that eBay change policy to insure that sellers verify and own the certified coins they sell...just as anyone who sells a vehicle must have a title to transfer to the buyer
As a group...Set Registry members need to report any seller who sells a certified coin that is registered to someone else...because selling registration-required items is a violation of the law in every US State
If the purchase is interstate commerce...it becomes a Federal offense
If the purchase is US currency...it becomes the responsibility of the Secret Service
Here is the reply that I got today from the seller after I requested that they release a coin so I could add it to my set.
"I can't, it is part of an estate and the lawyer is not cooperating. Contact PCGs. Then in 3 days, you send then a picture of the slab, both sides and you can add it to your set."
The kick in the pants is I contacted the set owner and he released it many hours earlier.
When viewing a set, missing coins show populations as zero. It would be far more helpful to show the actual pops. For example, 153 in all grades, and 153 higher. Should be an easy fix too.
Andy Lustig
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
@MrEureka said:
Sorry if it's already been mentioned, but...
When viewing a set, missing coins show populations as zero. It would be far more helpful to show the actual pops. For example, 153 in all grades, and 153 higher. Should be an easy fix too.
I very strongly agree. I think thats a great idea. There are spots in my registry set that are empty but there are no certified examples. This would show that spot may be very difficult to not impossible to obtain, not just an empty spot
I don't care for this - it kind of defeats the purpose of assembling a TYPE set - you collect by type, not date, so you are rewarded with finding the highest quality of a certain type (i.e. a MS69 81-S Morgan Dollar should beat a MS63 93-S, otherwise, what's the point?)
The basic question here is "grade versus rarity." Grade can be subjective and ever changing. True rarity, baring a discovery find, is definitive.
@MrEureka said:
Sorry if it's already been mentioned, but...
When viewing a set, missing coins show populations as zero. It would be far more helpful to show the actual pops. For example, 153 in all grades, and 153 higher. Should be an easy fix too.
I very strongly agree. I think thats a great idea. There are spots in my registry set that are empty but there are no certified examples. This would show that spot may be very difficult to not impossible to obtain, not just an empty spot
Actually, I should have said N/A and 153, not 153 and 153.
It would be especially useful in situations where the collector doesn't already know how rare everything is.
Andy Lustig
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
The one important thing in the Registry that I would like to see changed is to revise the All-Time finest ratings for retired sets to reflect their current percentage of completion, so that incomplete sets do not stay on the top of the list anymore.
I wish that low grade key coins (g or vg) were worth significantly more in points than common data coins in grades like XF. An XF 1853 with arrows dime is worth more than a VG 1874-cc dime. The first one I can find at my local coin show. The second date, I may not even find at a Baltimore show.
PCGS wants to level the playing field and I understand the desire to have more slabs. I like slabs, but reward my perseverance and specialization of buying a few rare coins a year, rather than getting something every week.
The collection itself is the reward, but I still don't care for the way the point awards are stacked.
@keyman64 said:
Like for Mercury Dimes, a set that ONLY allowed the varieties. But the same for every series.
This is my favorite suggestion. There are variety registry sets with NO varieties in them, but still rank #1 because the basic date/MM set is very high grade.
I don’t know if anybody already mentioned this, but I’d like to see Everyman sets for every kind of Type Set that there is a regular registry set of. Uncirculated coins and Proofs look pretty, but Everyman coins are real coins that were actually used.
Uncirculated coins and Proofs are like making a coin for collectors only, especially Proofs, almost like fancy reproductions of real coins that aren’t real coins, if you know what I mean. Circulated coins shouldn’t have to compete with proof coins and high grade MS coins that never circulated and were pampered their entire existence.
For PCGS it would increase demand for slabbing, buying and selling of certified Circulated coins, even ones which currently aren’t worth the cost to slab them.
It's quite obvious from all these replies that inclusion of non-PCGS coins is one of the top things users of the registry see as an improvement. Since PCGS already allows the addition of these coins into My Inventory (btw, thanks for that - very useful for inventory tracking), it should be a relatively small incremental build to extend them into the registry framework. In my opinion, these coins should not have any impact on both the %completion and grade and should be for display purposes only. This will do two things: will further motivate folks with non-PCGS (NGC, ANACS, even raw, etc...) to submit their coins for grading to get the points, as well as potentially open up PCGS registry to a whole new group of collectors that would use it for custom / showcase-style presentations of their collections. And any digital marketer would tell you that more traffic is more opportunity for PCGS marketing to earn their keep by increasing upsell and cross-sell tactics and consequently membership numbers.
In my opinion, these coins should not have any impact on both the %completion and grade and should be for display purposes only.
I don't agree. NGC allows both for % completion and grade. Otherwise, I agree PCGS should include NGC graded coins. In my mind, one major advantage PCGS has is their 20 coin boxes will fit in my safe deposit box and NGC's will not.
In my opinion, these coins should not have any impact on both the %completion and grade and should be for display purposes only.
I don't agree. NGC allows both for % completion and grade. Otherwise, I agree PCGS should include NGC graded coins. In my mind, one major advantage PCGS has is their 20 coin boxes will fit in my safe deposit box and NGC's will not.
PCGS is in business of generating value for their shareholders and collectors using their brand. They want to ensure every collector who wants to certify their coins uses their services. Including NGC (or other non-pcgs, even raw) should, in my opinion, only happen if there's no upside from the competition perspective and lots of downside to further incentify people to submit those coins to PCGS for grading.
Honestly, this is something their CMO (i think it's @HeatherBoyd now) should be pushing for as it will increase traffic. And not just anonymous traffic that they can only use in cookie-based re-targeting, but new authenticated / logged in users and their respective information. With 3rd party cookies going fully away in the somewhat-near future, they'll need to have a strong 1st party data strategy if they want to continue re-targeting in DSPs. And what is the best way to collect 1st party data for them? The registry, obviously (well, and forums, but registry would bring in way more engaged users). Collecting coins and want to display them? We got you, here's your free account where you can add and showcase your PCGS-graded coins. Don't have any yet? No problem, use your NGC, other non-PCGS, or even raw coins and participate. Hey, load up pictures, write up descriptions, the more the merrier. Yes, it will increase their cloud hosting costs, but it will bring in more in increased submissions and memberships. Just make sure you provide good contact information that we will validate and later use to follow you with targeted (hopefully relevant) ads through facebook, google, amazon and other ad platforms. Customer and prospect information is an extremely valuable asset and PCGS has a very easy way to get their hands on a lot of it.
In my opinion, these coins should not have any impact on both the %completion and grade and should be for display purposes only.
I don't agree. NGC allows both for % completion and grade. Otherwise, I agree PCGS should include NGC graded coins. In my mind, one major advantage PCGS has is their 20 coin boxes will fit in my safe deposit box and NGC's will not.
The only thing obvious to me is that most PCGS registry set users have not commented on this idea. Put a poll out in the actual PCGS forum, not this one, and see how many PCGS collectors really want NGC coins to count in the registry.
Less than half of the modern NGC coins I send in to be crossed over actually get the same grade as PCGS. I have spent thousands getting NGC coins converted to have a quality PCGS registry set. If NGC coins were allowed in the registry, all of that crossover revenue would be lost. Would be a terrible business decision in my opinion.
No way does it seem fair to me to let NGC coins count the same for registry sets as PCGS coins. Leave the PCGS registry alone. Allowing NGC coins to be tracked in the "My Inventory" is just fine the way it is.
Since NGC allows for both % completion and grade, there is no reason for PCGS to do the same and lower the quality of their registry and benefit of crossover submissions. Allowing NGC coins to be displayed could be of some benefit if it brings in more collectors.
edited to correct my incomplete quote link earlier.
It's quite obvious from all these replies that inclusion of non-PCGS coins is one of the top things users of the registry see as an improvement.
The only thing obvious to me is that most PCGS registry set users have not commented on this idea. Put a poll out in the actual PCGS forum, not this one, and see how many collectors really want this so-called improvement.
Less than half of the modern NGC coins I send in to be crossed over actually get the same grade as PCGS. I have spent thousands getting NGC coins converted to have a quality PCGS registry set. If NGC coins were allowed in the registry, all of that crossover revenue would be lost. Would be a terrible business decision in my opinion.
No way does it seem fair to me to let NGC coins count the same for registry sets as PCGS coins. Leave the PCGS registry alone. Allowing NGC coins to be tracked in the "My Inventory" is just fine the way it is.
You should try reading my entire post, instead of just the first sentence.
It's quite obvious from all these replies that inclusion of non-PCGS coins is one of the top things users of the registry see as an improvement.
The only thing obvious to me is that most PCGS registry set users have not commented on this idea. Put a poll out in the actual PCGS forum, not this one, and see how many collectors really want this so-called improvement.
Less than half of the modern NGC coins I send in to be crossed over actually get the same grade as PCGS. I have spent thousands getting NGC coins converted to have a quality PCGS registry set. If NGC coins were allowed in the registry, all of that crossover revenue would be lost. Would be a terrible business decision in my opinion.
No way does it seem fair to me to let NGC coins count the same for registry sets as PCGS coins. Leave the PCGS registry alone. Allowing NGC coins to be tracked in the "My Inventory" is just fine the way it is.
You should try reading my entire post, instead of just the first sentence.
Sorry, @TwoKopeiki, I got mixed up between your valid comments and those of Disneyfan.
@Goldminers said:
Less than half of the modern NGC coins I send in to be crossed over actually get the same grade as PCGS. I have spent thousands getting NGC coins converted to have a quality PCGS registry set. If NGC coins were allowed in the registry, all of that crossover revenue would be lost. Would be a terrible business decision in my opinion.
I like PCGS holders better; but, I believe NGC has the better Registry program. On the other PCGS board I was surprised to see the number of pictures of coins in NGC slabs.
First, Eric Jordan in his 2010 book, "Modern Commemorative Coins" (p. 81) gave an example of 100 modern coins directly purchased from the mint and sent to NGC and PCGS. In the first go around, 71% of NGC's coins were graded 70 and 28% of PCGS's coins were graded 70. After five rounds the ratios were much closer - 91% and 74%.
Second, I'm not in favor of fluctuating grading standards. Paying extra for a PCGS Gold Shield grade, whereby each coin is imaged in high resolution, registered, and checked against PCGS’ vast proprietary imaging database, should result in a permanent grade.
Finally, CAC does not distinguish between NGC and PCGS coins in deciding to award a sticker. I do understand that CAC does not evaluate modern coins.
2010 was a long time ago, but even then PCGS grading standards were still higher. Certainly the current market pays more on average for PCGS coins, especially for modern highest grades, (lower populations) from my experience.
As far as making gold shield grading permanent, that is an interesting idea. I have never sent back a gold shield for regrading, and I do wonder how many of those ever do get upgraded. I suspect the number is very low for the reasons you point out.
As far as making gold shield grading permanent, that is an interesting idea. I have never sent back a gold shield for regrading, and I do wonder how many of those ever do get upgraded. I suspect the number is very low for the reasons you point out.
This appears to be the same coin. First a MS65 and now a MS66. It was in a Gold Shield holder and received a green CAC both times
Agree. Same coin. It looks like it went in for PCGS restoration service which removed toning and improved apparent luster. Graders just see the coin, and it looked better to them. Also, it is now worth double. Restoration can often be a big plus on certain coins regardless of what holders they are in. From what I hear, CAC also likes luster.
Every time I go to purchase a coin I do a few things. I check the certification to get info on the coin and the PCGS value... and I check to see what it does to my inventory; does it improve my set and rating and rank.
So I'd like to see it where the What If, shows the current info, but adds if it reduces the number of coins needed (do I already own one) as well as bring back the PCGS data for that specific coin.
Another thing I do, and was asked not to do so, is to add the coin to my inventory right after purchase. The main reason I had done this was to get the ball rolling for the owner (presumably the seller) release the coin. This has an interesting side effect that I find super useful... that is to find out that yes, the the sale is legit or as recently happened to me, have that owner tell me that he isn't selling the coin and that someone is scamming me. So I'd like to see where if you enter a certification number that it allows you to send you contact info to the owner to check on the coin without having to add it to your inventory to find if it is registered...
@PwrHsePro said:
Every time I go to purchase a coin I do a few things. I check the certification to get info on the coin and the PCGS value... and I check to see what it does to my inventory; does it improve my set and rating and rank.
So I'd like to see it where the What If, shows the current info, but adds if it reduces the number of coins needed (do I already own one) as well as bring back the PCGS data for that specific coin.
Another thing I do, and was asked not to do so, is to add the coin to my inventory right after purchase. The main reason I had done this was to get the ball rolling for the owner (presumably the seller) release the coin. This has an interesting side effect that I find super useful... that is to find out that yes, the the sale is legit or as recently happened to me, have that owner tell me that he isn't selling the coin and that someone is scamming me. So I'd like to see where if you enter a certification number that it allows you to send you contact info to the owner to check on the coin without having to add it to your inventory to find if it is registered...
The option You need already exists...bottom right corner of the Set Registry Dashboard
@PwrHsePro said:
Every time I go to purchase a coin I do a few things. I check the certification to get info on the coin and the PCGS value... and I check to see what it does to my inventory; does it improve my set and rating and rank.
So I'd like to see it where the What If, shows the current info, but adds if it reduces the number of coins needed (do I already own one) as well as bring back the PCGS data for that specific coin.
Another thing I do, and was asked not to do so, is to add the coin to my inventory right after purchase. The main reason I had done this was to get the ball rolling for the owner (presumably the seller) release the coin. This has an interesting side effect that I find super useful... that is to find out that yes, the the sale is legit or as recently happened to me, have that owner tell me that he isn't selling the coin and that someone is scamming me. So I'd like to see where if you enter a certification number that it allows you to send you contact info to the owner to check on the coin without having to add it to your inventory to find if it is registered...
The option You need already exists...bottom right corner of the Set Registry Dashboard
Must be on the computer and not the mobile version
@PwrHsePro said:
Every time I go to purchase a coin I do a few things. I check the certification to get info on the coin and the PCGS value... and I check to see what it does to my inventory; does it improve my set and rating and rank.
So I'd like to see it where the What If, shows the current info, but adds if it reduces the number of coins needed (do I already own one) as well as bring back the PCGS data for that specific coin.
Another thing I do, and was asked not to do so, is to add the coin to my inventory right after purchase. The main reason I had done this was to get the ball rolling for the owner (presumably the seller) release the coin. This has an interesting side effect that I find super useful... that is to find out that yes, the the sale is legit or as recently happened to me, have that owner tell me that he isn't selling the coin and that someone is scamming me. So I'd like to see where if you enter a certification number that it allows you to send you contact info to the owner to check on the coin without having to add it to your inventory to find if it is registered...
The option You need already exists...bottom right corner of the Set Registry Dashboard
Must be on the computer and not the mobile version
And You'd be correct...
The Mobile App also has some errors when adding new certs in the What If option...
Seen alot of results saying I will be #2 when the truth would be 16th or 27th or whatever number is below all the Top-Ranked Sets at #1...among other incorrect results I have seen
I just entered the cert for a coin I purchased about 15 minutes ago...and it WILL NOT take Me to #2 in the 2018 Proof Set - going to be #15 by My calcs...
Same for 1968-Present Proof Set - Perfect Rating is 71.095 and I guarantee I won't have a Top-Rank #1 Set
Rating and Grade for the Wash Qtrs Comm Set are WAY OFF - perfect is 71.00
Give us more credit ie: points for details grades
NGC does, if details at UNC you get half of the MS 60 straight grade points.
I think PCGS credits you with ONE point. ridiculous
@PwrHsePro said:
Every time I go to purchase a coin I do a few things. I check the certification to get info on the coin and the PCGS value... and I check to see what it does to my inventory; does it improve my set and rating and rank.
So I'd like to see it where the What If, shows the current info, but adds if it reduces the number of coins needed (do I already own one) as well as bring back the PCGS data for that specific coin.
Another thing I do, and was asked not to do so, is to add the coin to my inventory right after purchase. The main reason I had done this was to get the ball rolling for the owner (presumably the seller) release the coin. This has an interesting side effect that I find super useful... that is to find out that yes, the the sale is legit or as recently happened to me, have that owner tell me that he isn't selling the coin and that someone is scamming me. So I'd like to see where if you enter a certification number that it allows you to send you contact info to the owner to check on the coin without having to add it to your inventory to find if it is registered...
The option You need already exists...bottom right corner of the Set Registry Dashboard
Must be on the computer and not the mobile version
It's available as another APP from the Menu (upper left corner) of the Mobile App
In the spring of 2020...I contacted an eBay seller who is a PCGS Authorized Dealer...and advertiser who's ads often appear both here and in the quarterly magazine...asking if they had any idea when a specific new coin might become available
I was given an estimated date...and when I asked them to notify Me when it became available they offered to give the cert number thru eBay messaging so I could add it instantly after purchase
Strange offer by an Authorized PCGS Dealer !!
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
It doesn't surprise me at all. If you can keep a client happy, they surely come back to buy more. Rules are a lot like locks, they are meant to keep honest people honest. Was this a west coast dealer by the way?

Kennedys are my quest...
US Mint is in CA - PCGS is in CA - Dealer is in...yep...CA
Sure seems like an ATF List lock-in process in progress
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Overland Trail Collection Showcase
Dahlonega Type Set-2008 PCGS Best Exhibited Set
Picking up where I left off.
The weighting as done now:
A 51-P MS 64 gold dollar is weighted in the US type set as 5 X64=320
A 55-D AU55 gold dollar is weighted in the US type set as 5 x 55=275
Hardly equitable since the 55-D is 1832 times rarer than the 51-P
The weighting could be done as such:
A 51-P gold dollar is weighted as a 2 in its the gold dollar set
A 51-P gold dollar is weighted as a 5 in the US Type Set
A 55-D gold dollar is weighted as a 10 in its gold dollar set
A 55-D gold dollar is weighted as a 5 in the US type set
Therefore an MS64 51-P gold dollar would be weighted as follows: 2 x 5 x 64=640
and a AU55 55-D gold dollar would be weighted as follows: 10 x 5 x 55=825
A much truer representation of a each coin's weight since the 55-D is 1832 times rarer the 51-P
The same weighting could be applied to all the coins of any type set. I think it is about time the rarity of a coin is a consideration in type sets. Both rarity and condition both are represented.
What does the forum think of this method?
Overland Trail Collection Showcase
Dahlonega Type Set-2008 PCGS Best Exhibited Set
I bought a 2020 Innovation Dollar coin on eBay...and it was delivered yesterday
Much to My dismay...it is registered in a private user Inventory...and won't be released until at least Monday (3/03/2021)
The final 2020 coin I need is scheduled to arrive tomorrow - so My 2020 Proof Set completion is delayed by an eBay seller who has violated eBay policy
When I contacted the eBay seller for help...his reply was that he bought it from an Estate Sale...and would ask to lawyer handling the estate sale to look into it on Monday
When I replied that the listing made no mention of an estate sale purchase...he blew Me off by saying that many sellers do it and I should just wait for PCGS to release it
I have contacted eBay and filed an abuse of policy claim...because any seller on eBay needs to OWN the items they sell - and this seller clearly did not own the coin I bought
I have requested that eBay change policy to insure that sellers verify and own the certified coins they sell...just as anyone who sells a vehicle must have a title to transfer to the buyer
As a group...Set Registry members need to report any seller who sells a certified coin that is registered to someone else...because selling registration-required items is a violation of the law in every US State
If the purchase is interstate commerce...it becomes a Federal offense
If the purchase is US currency...it becomes the responsibility of the Secret Service
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Please let us know how you make out with eBay.
Kennedys are my quest...
Yesterday's cert snafu is resolved today by the NFC chip...
But eBay has their warning of what I will do if they don't enact a corrective policy
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
More points/credit for details coins.
NGC does this, giving half points for the stated details grade. if its and UNC details ,it would get half of the points of an MS60 grade
Your. PCGS registry set gets screwed if you have a details graded coin, even though its rare or even very nice/desirable.
This make the registry better suited for deep pocket collectors who can afford the high grade non-detailed keys.
For those who collect Roosevelt dimes, this post may seem a little long, but it was not a quick process. Specifically, our concern was with full band coins although the change was made to non fb coins as well.
Dannie Biddle and myself did manage to get a Roosevelt set composition change. Concerning the 1958 valued at 1 point VS the 1959 valued at 2 points. Now I know the original point value originally assigned was done by the one of, if not the most knowledgeable person concerning the Roosevelt dime ( no names, he knows who I'm talking about ) and it had nothing to do with graded populations. However, looking at the pop reports and knowing the time searching for an ms67fb 1958 P and what I paid for said coin, VS the relative ease in which I acquired not one but multiple 1959 ms67fb's at a less expensive amount, both Dannie and I thought there was a disparity in the set composition. On reaching out to the Registry ( specifically Jakqlyne ) over an extended period of time and several phone calls we did manage to get the 1958 P point value raised from a single point to now a 2 point coin. Not a huge deal as it affects all sets the same. But, nonetheless it is a change. One step at a time people, one step at a time.
However, it does prove to me as well as others that presented with facts and a valid argument our hosts are willing to make changes contrary to what some individuals on the Forum have said in the past.
There is some validity to @WAYNEAS recent post about timestamps...
Above...I mentioned a coin that had a Remove Request when I attempted to add on the day I rec'd the delivery...much to My dismay I could not add the coin until the following day...costing Me a slot in the Rankings
Sure...I have a #1 Set...but it would be nice to see My original placement at #5 restored now that My Set is complete and I was 5th to start the Set
Because of the delay of a single day...even though I explained the situation via email to Set Registry...the reply was nothing could be done until Monday (3 business days after Removal Request)
My issue here...is that I discovered the coin has an NFC Chip - and if the email reply would have advised...I could have added the coin instantly and gained slots - to coincide and match the delivery date
Sadly...Set Registry failed Me on that day
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
I wish that when you view a set in Photo Gallery mode that the images remain in same sequential date order as the set is layed out. It seems PCGS Trueview images take precedence in the order on the page and other owner posted images go to the back of the line.
Does not appear to be a way to resort in Gallery mode.
OMG ... My Mother was Right about Everything!
I wake up with a Good Attitude Every Day. Then … Idiots Happen!
Also be nice if they had a feature for building and displaying a Custom set such as NGC
OMG ... My Mother was Right about Everything!
I wake up with a Good Attitude Every Day. Then … Idiots Happen!
Not sure why You would ask for that...
I would assume that a FaceBook Group dedicated to Chevy Corvette's would not welcome a collection of Ford Mustangs
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Sorry for any confusion as trying to be brief I guess I did not complete my thought. I did not intent to say to have NGC slab coins in a custom PCGS sets but rather using the NGC Registry as an example - NGC has a feature for members to create and display custom sets in various categories. These sets might be for coins or a collection that might not fit into existing fixed format registry. NGC members have some interesting sets in their custom categories and they do include in the annual awards for Best Custom Set.
Anyway ... just a thought
OMG ... My Mother was Right about Everything!
I wake up with a Good Attitude Every Day. Then … Idiots Happen!
I don't care for this - it kind of defeats the purpose of assembling a TYPE set - you collect by type, not date, so you are rewarded with finding the highest quality of a certain type (i.e. a MS69 81-S Morgan Dollar should beat a MS63 93-S, otherwise, what's the point?)
Now, that being said, there could be a NEW category, "Type Set, Rarity Weighted", them you can use the method stated above.
The problem with most Type Sets is that they are full of common, boring, high-grade coins. They look nice but they have no meat, no story, and nothing interesting compared to a rarer coins. My method allows both to coincide without conflict and someone that strives to put better types in their collection gets rewarded.
Overland Trail Collection Showcase
Dahlonega Type Set-2008 PCGS Best Exhibited Set
Here is the reply that I got today from the seller after I requested that they release a coin so I could add it to my set.
"I can't, it is part of an estate and the lawyer is not cooperating. Contact PCGs. Then in 3 days, you send then a picture of the slab, both sides and you can add it to your set."
The kick in the pants is I contacted the set owner and he released it many hours earlier.
Kennedys are my quest...
I would create a carefully crafted feedback to indicate the seller's inability to assist...
That cannot be revoked and may change his mind or that of future buyers
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Sorry if it's already been mentioned, but...
When viewing a set, missing coins show populations as zero. It would be far more helpful to show the actual pops. For example, 153 in all grades, and 153 higher. Should be an easy fix too.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
I very strongly agree. I think thats a great idea. There are spots in my registry set that are empty but there are no certified examples. This would show that spot may be very difficult to not impossible to obtain, not just an empty spot
Visit USPatterns.com
The basic question here is "grade versus rarity." Grade can be subjective and ever changing. True rarity, baring a discovery find, is definitive.
Actually, I should have said N/A and 153, not 153 and 153.
It would be especially useful in situations where the collector doesn't already know how rare everything is.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
Go back to 90% completion of sets requirements. Some are so very difficult to get to 95% for the annual awards.
I have a few sets that are clear leaders in the Native dollars and Presidential Dollars, but 92% -93% just doesn't cut it.
Gardnerville, NV
Our Website -->Innovation, Native & Presidential Dollar Errors, Lincoln Cents and more
Check it out --> Our eBay Auctions
95% only comes into play for Sets with 500+ slots...and neither the N/A or Pres sets come anywhere close
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
The one important thing in the Registry that I would like to see changed is to revise the All-Time finest ratings for retired sets to reflect their current percentage of completion, so that incomplete sets do not stay on the top of the list anymore.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
I wish that low grade key coins (g or vg) were worth significantly more in points than common data coins in grades like XF. An XF 1853 with arrows dime is worth more than a VG 1874-cc dime. The first one I can find at my local coin show. The second date, I may not even find at a Baltimore show.
PCGS wants to level the playing field and I understand the desire to have more slabs. I like slabs, but reward my perseverance and specialization of buying a few rare coins a year, rather than getting something every week.
The collection itself is the reward, but I still don't care for the way the point awards are stacked.
This is my favorite suggestion. There are variety registry sets with NO varieties in them, but still rank #1 because the basic date/MM set is very high grade.
I don’t know if anybody already mentioned this, but I’d like to see Everyman sets for every kind of Type Set that there is a regular registry set of. Uncirculated coins and Proofs look pretty, but Everyman coins are real coins that were actually used.
Uncirculated coins and Proofs are like making a coin for collectors only, especially Proofs, almost like fancy reproductions of real coins that aren’t real coins, if you know what I mean. Circulated coins shouldn’t have to compete with proof coins and high grade MS coins that never circulated and were pampered their entire existence.
For PCGS it would increase demand for slabbing, buying and selling of certified Circulated coins, even ones which currently aren’t worth the cost to slab them.
Maybe this has been answered but cruising through the thread I didn’t really see so….
Is there an option to add PCGS slabs that have no cert. numbers to a collection?
I have some “novelty” items -
a. El Cazador treasure
b. SS Central America nugget
C. and several others with no numbers.
I think it would be cool to add these but how would you go about putting them on the site?
It's all about what the people want...
It's quite obvious from all these replies that inclusion of non-PCGS coins is one of the top things users of the registry see as an improvement. Since PCGS already allows the addition of these coins into My Inventory (btw, thanks for that - very useful for inventory tracking), it should be a relatively small incremental build to extend them into the registry framework. In my opinion, these coins should not have any impact on both the %completion and grade and should be for display purposes only. This will do two things: will further motivate folks with non-PCGS (NGC, ANACS, even raw, etc...) to submit their coins for grading to get the points, as well as potentially open up PCGS registry to a whole new group of collectors that would use it for custom / showcase-style presentations of their collections. And any digital marketer would tell you that more traffic is more opportunity for PCGS marketing to earn their keep by increasing upsell and cross-sell tactics and consequently membership numbers.
Just my 2c
8 Reales Madness Collection
In my opinion, these coins should not have any impact on both the %completion and grade and should be for display purposes only.
I don't agree. NGC allows both for % completion and grade. Otherwise, I agree PCGS should include NGC graded coins. In my mind, one major advantage PCGS has is their 20 coin boxes will fit in my safe deposit box and NGC's will not.
PCGS is in business of generating value for their shareholders and collectors using their brand. They want to ensure every collector who wants to certify their coins uses their services. Including NGC (or other non-pcgs, even raw) should, in my opinion, only happen if there's no upside from the competition perspective and lots of downside to further incentify people to submit those coins to PCGS for grading.
Honestly, this is something their CMO (i think it's @HeatherBoyd now) should be pushing for as it will increase traffic. And not just anonymous traffic that they can only use in cookie-based re-targeting, but new authenticated / logged in users and their respective information. With 3rd party cookies going fully away in the somewhat-near future, they'll need to have a strong 1st party data strategy if they want to continue re-targeting in DSPs. And what is the best way to collect 1st party data for them? The registry, obviously (well, and forums, but registry would bring in way more engaged users). Collecting coins and want to display them? We got you, here's your free account where you can add and showcase your PCGS-graded coins. Don't have any yet? No problem, use your NGC, other non-PCGS, or even raw coins and participate. Hey, load up pictures, write up descriptions, the more the merrier. Yes, it will increase their cloud hosting costs, but it will bring in more in increased submissions and memberships. Just make sure you provide good contact information that we will validate and later use to follow you with targeted (hopefully relevant) ads through facebook, google, amazon and other ad platforms. Customer and prospect information is an extremely valuable asset and PCGS has a very easy way to get their hands on a lot of it.
8 Reales Madness Collection
The only thing obvious to me is that most PCGS registry set users have not commented on this idea. Put a poll out in the actual PCGS forum, not this one, and see how many PCGS collectors really want NGC coins to count in the registry.
Less than half of the modern NGC coins I send in to be crossed over actually get the same grade as PCGS. I have spent thousands getting NGC coins converted to have a quality PCGS registry set. If NGC coins were allowed in the registry, all of that crossover revenue would be lost. Would be a terrible business decision in my opinion.
No way does it seem fair to me to let NGC coins count the same for registry sets as PCGS coins. Leave the PCGS registry alone. Allowing NGC coins to be tracked in the "My Inventory" is just fine the way it is.
Since NGC allows for both % completion and grade, there is no reason for PCGS to do the same and lower the quality of their registry and benefit of crossover submissions. Allowing NGC coins to be displayed could be of some benefit if it brings in more collectors.
edited to correct my incomplete quote link earlier.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
You should try reading my entire post, instead of just the first sentence.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Sorry, @TwoKopeiki, I got mixed up between your valid comments and those of Disneyfan.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
No worries, man. You just raised the same points as the ones I addressed in the post and i thought you were just having a reaction to my first line.
8 Reales Madness Collection
I like PCGS holders better; but, I believe NGC has the better Registry program. On the other PCGS board I was surprised to see the number of pictures of coins in NGC slabs.
First, Eric Jordan in his 2010 book, "Modern Commemorative Coins" (p. 81) gave an example of 100 modern coins directly purchased from the mint and sent to NGC and PCGS. In the first go around, 71% of NGC's coins were graded 70 and 28% of PCGS's coins were graded 70. After five rounds the ratios were much closer - 91% and 74%.
Second, I'm not in favor of fluctuating grading standards. Paying extra for a PCGS Gold Shield grade, whereby each coin is imaged in high resolution, registered, and checked against PCGS’ vast proprietary imaging database, should result in a permanent grade.
Finally, CAC does not distinguish between NGC and PCGS coins in deciding to award a sticker. I do understand that CAC does not evaluate modern coins.
2010 was a long time ago, but even then PCGS grading standards were still higher. Certainly the current market pays more on average for PCGS coins, especially for modern highest grades, (lower populations) from my experience.
As far as making gold shield grading permanent, that is an interesting idea. I have never sent back a gold shield for regrading, and I do wonder how many of those ever do get upgraded. I suspect the number is very low for the reasons you point out.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
This appears to be the same coin. First a MS65 and now a MS66. It was in a Gold Shield holder and received a green CAC both times
Agree. Same coin. It looks like it went in for PCGS restoration service which removed toning and improved apparent luster. Graders just see the coin, and it looked better to them. Also, it is now worth double. Restoration can often be a big plus on certain coins regardless of what holders they are in. From what I hear, CAC also likes luster.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Every time I go to purchase a coin I do a few things. I check the certification to get info on the coin and the PCGS value... and I check to see what it does to my inventory; does it improve my set and rating and rank.
So I'd like to see it where the What If, shows the current info, but adds if it reduces the number of coins needed (do I already own one) as well as bring back the PCGS data for that specific coin.
Another thing I do, and was asked not to do so, is to add the coin to my inventory right after purchase. The main reason I had done this was to get the ball rolling for the owner (presumably the seller) release the coin. This has an interesting side effect that I find super useful... that is to find out that yes, the the sale is legit or as recently happened to me, have that owner tell me that he isn't selling the coin and that someone is scamming me. So I'd like to see where if you enter a certification number that it allows you to send you contact info to the owner to check on the coin without having to add it to your inventory to find if it is registered...
I mainly collect raw Ancients, PCGS Mercury Dimes, and raw CSA'S... but have misc other sets...Jeffhttps://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/mysetregistry/set/215647https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/mysetregistry/showcase/8378
The option You need already exists...bottom right corner of the Set Registry Dashboard
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Must be on the computer and not the mobile version
I mainly collect raw Ancients, PCGS Mercury Dimes, and raw CSA'S... but have misc other sets...Jeffhttps://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/mysetregistry/set/215647https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/mysetregistry/showcase/8378
And You'd be correct...
The Mobile App also has some errors when adding new certs in the What If option...
Seen alot of results saying I will be #2 when the truth would be 16th or 27th or whatever number is below all the Top-Ranked Sets at #1...among other incorrect results I have seen
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Here's an example...
I just entered the cert for a coin I purchased about 15 minutes ago...and it WILL NOT take Me to #2 in the 2018 Proof Set - going to be #15 by My calcs...
Same for 1968-Present Proof Set - Perfect Rating is 71.095 and I guarantee I won't have a Top-Rank #1 Set
Rating and Grade for the Wash Qtrs Comm Set are WAY OFF - perfect is 71.00
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
I will reserve this postspace to edit and confirm the results when the coin arrives - perhaps a week from now
EDIT: The coin arrived and upgraded My 2018 Proof Set to 70.793 Rating - Proving the APP is flawed
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Give us more credit ie: points for details grades
NGC does, if details at UNC you get half of the MS 60 straight grade points.
I think PCGS credits you with ONE point. ridiculous
It's available as another APP from the Menu (upper left corner) of the Mobile App
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold