zPrediction : Gold prices could reach $2,000 by the end of the year, strategist says

- Gold prices are set to “reach $2,000 by the end of the year,” predicts David Roche, president and global strategist at London-based Independent Strategy.
- Roche recommends investors hold gold in their portfolios, alongside some European fixed income and U.S. Treasuries.
maybe it is time to sell.......
Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
I will keep watching...my stacks came much, much cheaper....Transactions now are, IMO, not wise...That is just my opinion... Cheers, RickO
that's a take on the call being a contrary indicator. it's a somewhat cynical view on pundit price calling.
European fixed income???????? That's almost like double secret probation!!!
I knew it would happen.
Would be great if the GSR ever went back to 50.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Interesting....on the other hand....kitco is predicting something else.
I can't believe that all those fortune tellers actually earn a living predicting PM movements.
Which one is truly the psychic
The problem with predicting gold prices is that the value of gold is not unquantifiable. It does not throw off an income stream. It does not own property, plant or equipment. It does not have employees. It cannot file a patent. Ect.
It just is. And everyone has a different definition of is
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Predicting gold prices is as simple as predicting confidence in the money printers and the national money spenders.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Yeah golds going to $2K ok think I'll buy some treasuries. Oh where do they find these people. lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
That would only be the 1,243,566th prediction that was wrong. But who's counting?
did you mean "psycho?"
what year?
The future : published today.
Can we start a pool?
I've heard that all the gold mined in the world would fill 3 swimming pools...
It's all about what the people want...
Not in Nicki Minaj’s zip code.
The president wants a weaker dollar for political (election) reasons. Weaker dollar drives gold price up. While he looked to the FED to help weaken the dollar (and they did not) it’s actually the responsibility of the Treasury Department, not the FED, to manage the value of the U.S. dollar versus foreign currencies. Unlike the FED, the president does have full control over the treasury department. Look for the dollar to definitely weaken in the near term which will result in higher gold prices.
Also note the uniqueness of recent gold price increases while the dollar gained strength. This mostly unreported anomaly speaks volumes for the strength of the current gold price movement.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Great meme to point out there really is not much difference between 1932 and now insofar as what one ounce of gold can buy. Except in Alaska and Hawaii (due to shipping costs) and California (due to fascist government)
Negative yields (yes, they are coming) will send gold to new highs as investors look for protection.
“As Europe faces prospects that negative rates might become a long-term fixture in the euro region, concerns are mounting in the U.S. that a global slide toward negative yields could infect the market for Treasury securities, should the U.S. slip into a recession,” writes Guggenheim Investments Chief Investment Officer Scott Minerd.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Gold is already $2,128 if you happen to live in Australia.
My Adolph A. Weinman signature

China takes next big step in currency wars: Chinese Yuan Crashes To New Record Low
$2000 gold is much closer than many think.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
How close is much closer?
Read the title of the thread. Equities will get hammered on Monday.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
This is interesting... The Yuan dives below 7 and yet China has been amassing gold...As Sherlock Holmes said..."Come Watson, the game's afoot.".....
Wouldn't it be great if "equities"

were truly ...equity? Like equity in a house.
And not a pile of 401K driven hype.
Equities down about 2%...I don't consider that being "hammered." Gold up about 1%...not much of a move considering all the doom & gloom.
Not holding my breath for this to happen "any time soon"
anything over 500 points down on the DOW qualifies as a hammering.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
overdue. Earnings and yields don't justify a Dow ....anywhere near....its recent levels.
dollar devalues.
who predicted?
just be aware that previous us manipulations of the currency eventually failed in about two weeks
the play with china devaluing the currency is to raise tariffs
Oh it is not. We gottem on the ropes now.
Dow off another 300 or so points in the aftermarket futures contract.
That's it. I'm out.
I'm going to sell all my gold tomorrow, I'm just going to bring it to my local shop and take the spot -2% he offers for AGE. Just over 10 oz, in at under $1200 average. Yes there is more upside (I think, but I have established that I don't know squat), but I just am really not happy with myself rooting for world chaos so my metals are worth $500 more than last week.
I don't need this, and I would happily give up any gains I have made to turn back the calendar a few days when the world was just a bit less of a shitty place.
Gold stackers are not "rooting for world chaos". They buy gold is an insurance policy against economic turmoil. Do people with life insurance policies hope for death so they cash in on their insurance? Of course not.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I know what you are saying, and when I started buying AGE I was just looking for a store of money, I never looked at it as if it was an investment. But with the recent rise of the price of spot and its seemingly relation to horrific degradation of societal norms, I found myself today rooting for the dark side for my PM to rise.
That's a place I don't like to be. Either my personal ethics go, or the gold goes.
I'm waiting for a solid 1470+ day to sell a bit and watch for a dip on the way to 1500 which I believe is coming.
And I'm looking for something so incredibly neat that it would persuade me to sell some gold for a new geegaw.
I agree no wonder his company is independent.!
Sounds like you do not own equities ? 😎
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
At $1500 my hens get a coop nicer than most Americans primary residences. Got to spend it somewhere because we certainly can't take it with us. Plus I really love the farm fresh egg sandwiches so my girls may as well live in style. Just $20 away.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
So I am out at $1440 (except for an ounce that I put on BST lat week that I'm waiting for payment before shipping).
Best of luck to you all.
Equity in a company is real. Current problem with equity in most companies is that the stock price is way much higher (overvaluation) than the actual book (liquidation) value of that small piece of the company.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
$1991 in Canadian dollars..................oh so close!!
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
Start holding your breath