Will Dell Loy Hansen ever catch Daniel Carr...

... for forum thread views and comments?
Here are the current thread stats for 3 popular threads. Dan is noticeably ahead in views and comments. Of note, the Michael Hayes Barber Megathread thread has more comments than both but with a lower number of views.
I am surprised by that statistic.
To be fair, the "Carr" thread is about 2.5 years old and the "Hansen" thread is only about 1.0 years old.
So I would expect the Hansen thread to eventually exceed most threads here including those mentioned.
But I've never seen any thread match the rate that the Carr "1964-D" Peace Dollar thread was growing when it was deleted in 2010
Good points Dan.
One reason the 1964-D Peace Dollar thread was growing fast was because it was controversial so people with different points of view would keep posting back and forth on the thread. The current Carr thread is without such controversy so that may account for a slower growth. The Hansen thread, however, is still somewhat controversial with some continually asking him to start collecting patterns
...I predict the Random Pictures for Friday thread takes the lead sometime around 2023...winning formula will be that everyday is considered a Friday on the CU boards coupled with no extra funds needed to post a random picture
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This is on of my all time favorite threads on the boards
Love for Music / Collector of Dreck
Interesting statistics.... I see those threads often on the first two pages... once in a while one will slip to the third or fourth page.... but always quickly moves back up front....I do not think I have posted in any of those three threads...Cheers, RickO
@ricko I believe you're right... Check the Friday thread here in a minute...

I must update it
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As we go into the new year, we have both Hansen and Carr threads on the first page. Dan is still ahead but Dell Loy is catching up in a big way. Since the last checkin back in April, Dell Loy has gained 60.7K views and 1.2K comments while Dan has gained 19.9K views and 0.8K comments. Both are very significant accomplishments compared to the longevity of most threads here.
The Friday picture thread is also coming up strong as it now has more comments than the Hansen thread. It's also on the first page.
The Barber Megathread still has the most comments but has grown slower with 7.6K views and 0.3K comments. It's currently on page 5.
I have not opened any of those threads in a very long time and now I am too far behind.
I hope so. I actually learn something useful from the Hansen thread.
I got curious. about this again and we have some threads trading places in the list.
So it's happened and the Hansen thread has surpassed the Dan Carr thread in views, however both have impressive stats over 170K views and the Carr thread still has many more comments.
Random picture thread has also surpassed the Barber Megathread.
These four are all on the first page and far above the rest.
The only other two above 10K views are far behind, but both created fairly recently. the New Purchase thread was created 7 months ago while the Palladium thread was created just 4 months ago.
I bet if it's allowed to continue the humor thread will eventually pass them all!