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Speaking of Spotted Coins & eBay Ripoff Artists You think the other one is bad check this one ou

You guys think that's bad what happened to the other guy?

Check what this guy did to me.

eBay auction

I got taken for $730 (including shipping)

Another member got taken for $9800 + $1300+

And a few others had to use hard words to get refunds for coins that were clearly sold as NO SPOTS.

other eBay auction stating NO SPOTS

If you look at each of those auctions, and the auctions where negative feedbacks were left, you will clearly see that the auction pictures are so small that you can't make out if these coins have problems.

Now you tell me, would a Life ANA member, do these types of things if they were honest?

Also, if you take the time to look at some of this person's positive feedbacks, you'll clearly see where someone said the same thing as the negatives did, (spotted toned undisclosed problem coins) they left 3 positive feedbacks in fear of retaliatory feedback, but still managed to clearly state that they are selling problem coins.

Also, there was NO sales receipt (invoice), nor a thank you note for my purchase.

The packing was so horrible, I asked myself what the F' are all these tape balls on the PCGS box that was just rattling inside of a cardboard box no bubble wrap no nothing.

Just a Blue PCGS box with coins in a large cardboard (used) box and that's it!

Folks the packing was the most horrific I've ever seen in my 19 years of doing business.

Not only that, when I called up to talk to the owner, the owner's wife which is his $5 an hour gatekeeper, told me rudely 5 times we do not take refunds, and I was told to go F myself.

Only after I tried resolving this many times over the phone, I had no choice to voice my opinion under the advice of eBay.

I posted a negative feedback stating the facts.

2 days later they stated that in a retaliatory feedback I didn't pay fast enough? I paid them via paypal 15 mins after the auction closed, they claimed 10 days later that they did not get or accept it, I called to make sure that they got paid by calling this in a second time with my credit card.

Also in their negative to me they said I was argumentative.

Minded I have over 3000 feedbacks with a perfect record until this happened.

Wouldn't you be argumentative with this junk?


As soon as I started to put ANA, eBay, and legal pressure on them they started to retract all their negative feedbacks left for them, I'm sure they are shipping refund checks faster than the printing company can print them.

As of today I'm still out my $730 bucks.

They refused to cooperate with squaretrade as well.

Now you tell me if any member that reads this got this garbage as I did what would you guys do?

I've already hired a good lawyer,also sent ANA a formal complaint, and filed eBay fraud, not to mention a host of other things.

I wonder what they are going to do when the ANA sees what they are doing ?


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    nederveitnederveit Posts: 1,038 ✭✭✭
    Where in the ad (for the set of ASE's) does is say they are spot-free?
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    I don't see anywhere in your particular auction where they said this collection was spot free. But I do hope you can get some satisfaction.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
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    It looks like from the Poe/Mirabela incident thread that PayPal will refund your money if you can prove you returned the coins to the seller. Not sure about this though.

    Still, it seems your best recourse is through PayPal. I don't know the details, but your auction has a "PayPal Buyer Protection - Free coverage up to $500" message on it.

    Although, unlike the other auction you linked, yours does not state "spot-free" coins.
    Dave - Durham, NC
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    Too many people have looked at your pics already and Geocities has shut it off. Email it to me at catfish172@elvis.com and I'll put it up for you.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
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    image Why is a "multibillionaire" popstopsegoselfcenteredegotisticgazziondollareverybodyelsescoinssuck" like you buying off of EBAY?????
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    LOL is that the longest word or what?

    I actually bought these for a client that met me at the ANA show.

    My client wanted a complete run of MS gold MS platinum and MS silver.

    I had to go on the open market to get the silver.
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    << <i>LOL is that the longest word or what?

    I actually bought these for a client that met me at the ANA show.

    My client wanted a complete run of MS gold MS platinum and MS silver.

    I had to go on the open market to get the silver. >>

    Well......even YOU don't deserve that crap, i hope it works out for ya and you can prevent it from happenning to someone else.....image
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    Your photo link didn't work. Try again so we can see what you got for your money. I did go to the actual listing, and I hate to say this, but it didn't say that the coins were spot free in the auction that you bid on. I do agree that if these were problem pieces, the seller had a moral obligation to say something, but from a legal standpoint, I think he has covered himself on this one. I wouldn't do business with anyone who stated 'no returns' in his listings. That's a potential warning that what he is selling may not be as good as you think it is. Any reputable dealer will go out of their way to keep customers happy and coming back for more to prevent a loss of reputation. Anyone who doesn't care about their rep. as a seller doesn't deserve to be in business.
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    Look at the second auction which is basically identical to mine.

    They put that in only after I filed a complaint with eBay.

    Same result spotted junk coins.

    The 2 top key coins of the second auction were just as bad as mine.

    As far as I know, the buyer of the second set sent the coins back for a refund, we'll see how long it takes him to finally get his money back.

    I'm asking a simple question guys....

    If this happened to you guys what would you do?

    Would you take it up the you know where or would you fight back and let everyone and their mother know.

    That's all this discussion should be about.
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    By ANA code of ethics, (the seller is a life member of the ANA)

    It clearly states, any buyer has the right to ask for a refund no questions asked.

    ANA rules, also states, that the seller must refund the client's money no questions asked, within a reasonable amount of time.

    These coins are junk, I want my refund, the seller has refunded other people's money and refuses to do the right thing.

    All I want is my dang money back how hard is that?

    I think I've helped many others that have seen my threads avoid these types of auctions and sellers.

    Also, what about the retaliatory feedback, doesnt that say anything?
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    nederveitnederveit Posts: 1,038 ✭✭✭
    MrP, I think the answer to your question is that most of us would not have made that purchase:

    - seller doesn't accept returns
    - no description of the coins
    - no detailed pictures of the coins

    I don't disagree that the coins are spotted, that is obvious (now).

    IF I had made completed such a transaction, then I have no one else to blame but myself, and would chalk it up to experience. Next time I would ask for:

    - a return policy
    - a detailed description of the coins
    - detailed pictures of the coins

    Sorry you got stuck here, but caveat emptor....
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    image Here's the pic MrPlatinum emailed me.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
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    Well then, if that's what ANA rules state that their members must do, then he should do the right thing or risk being banned from said organization. Please don't mind me if I sound negative when replying in the threads here. I'm one of those people who sees the glass as half empty rather than half full. It's just the way I am. I have nothing personal against anyone and don't mean to be confrontational.
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    No problem.

    I'm not here to cause problems either.

    Well maybe a little image but that's only between Russ and I, no one else.

    Catfish thanks buddy, Semper Fi.

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    ccexccex Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭

    << <i>LOL is that the longest word or what?

    I actually bought these for a client that met me at the ANA show.

    My client wanted a complete run of MS gold MS platinum and MS silver.

    I had to go on the open market to get the silver. >>

    I'm confused. The ANA show ended last weekend, but you went on the open market to buy these for a client on 7/11? Perhaps you met him at an earlier ANA show and decided to gamble on a set slabbed by PCGS but with no return policy and no real description of individual coins' appearances?

    "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity" - Hanlon's Razor
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    I don't understand. I admit I am still pretty green, but how did those coins get MS69 designations if they were spotted like that? Or did they develop the spots in the holder? Whats the deal with this?
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    Verry strange. I am no expert by any means but doesn't that look like an after slabbing effect?

    I just can't see PCGS slabbing those at 69. I'm probably wrong but what do the resident experts think?

    Alex in Alaska
    Collecting Morgans in Any Grade
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    The thing is....

    I've sold this guy quite a few coins in the past...

    If you look at his feedbacks you'll see where he's bought quite a bit from me...

    I wouldn't have questioned him, only because we've done business in the past.

    Most of the commems he's selling right now are my former MS-69's that I sold him last year.

    Notice how NONE of those have any spots or complaints.

    Notice how my 3000+ feedbacks are all pretty much the same.

    The only small problems I've had, were people with low feedbacks that do not pay me.

    Instead of teaching his wife how to be nice to people, he has her as the backyard pitbull that attacks anything that moves.

    You figure someone with his so called reputation would have a bit more class.

    All I wanted was a darn refund that was it.

    I got nothing but excuses, and got hung up on more than once.

    Now he's going to wish his wife did not handle their customer relations.

    This will undoubtedly cost him 10's of thousands of dollars in potential sales not to mention the ANA is going to raise their eyebrows when they get the packet my lawyer sent them.

    Hopefully this will help others not make the same mistake as I did.

    Now you guys can see why they have limited liability corporation.
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    I was asked on July 4th by a very good client to assemble a complete set of

    MS eagles 4 denominations of Platinum 4 denominations of Gold and a complete set of Silver eagles I completed the set with a Jessica Lynch Signature 2004 silver eagle.

    I had no choice but to go on the open market to locate the silver eagles.

    I won these on July 11th.

    By the time I got them in my hands it was Aug.10th. during the PRE ANA.

    My client met me at the pre ANA,only at that time did we notice what had been shipped.
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    nederveitnederveit Posts: 1,038 ✭✭✭
    Mr. P, you make a better case given your past transactions with this dubious seller.

    However, their ad is clear, so I don't see how you have a "leg to stand" on here.

    Most would not burn their bridges like this if they value their customers, but I don't see any misrepresentation on their part. Yep, most would have class, but we are all aware of the pitfalls of e-bay; it is important to take extra precaution before buying anything from a seller, especially when they state no return.

    Instead, I'm sure you are both upset, and wasting time when it could have been avoided. What's the real loss? Was it 6 spotted coins that you could sell (at a slight loss) then replace? Things could be a lot worse.....
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    Yeah, you're right. Those are seriously detracting marks. I'd be ashamed to resell those. If I had a shop, those would go straight to the bargain bins at deeply discounted prices for the kiddies, which is where this guy probably found them. I don't think they could have been slabbed in that grade with those marks. They must have appeared after, but how? Aren't slabs supposed to be airtight and chemically inert?
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    nederveitnederveit Posts: 1,038 ✭✭✭
    I think I have read that most slabs are not (truly) air-tight.
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    relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    That's what happens when you buy PCGS slabbed bullion on eBay from a image
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
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    << <i>Minded I have over 3000 feedbacks with a perfect record until this happened.

    per·fect [ púrfəkt ]


    1. without faults: without errors, flaws, or faults

    feedback left by triplexotica (6 mutually withdrawn)

    Lightning Fast Payment Thank You!
    Buyer futrwild12 ( 25) Jul-24-04 20:49 3920737651
    Used threats to get a free coin then nuked my feedback a total a$$hole
    Buyer excuser ( 186) Jul-24-04 20:44 3913069337
    Reply by excuser: THREAT U WITH RED MARK TO GET U 2 DO WHAT U SUPPOSED 2 DO. SEND ITEM! Jul-25-04 02:43
    Follow-up by triplexotica: Everyone that uses eBay needs to block this idiot!Look @what he's done to others Jul-25-04 10:20
    Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more. Jul-31-04 13:46

    You're just a crybaby b1atch that's all I have to say now watch what happens!
    Buyer giovanni119(private) Jun-07-04 03:17 3900790789
    Follow-up by triplexotica: only crooks keep their feedbacks private! Jun-07-04 03:27
    Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more. Jul-25-04 18:21

    Feedback abuse from a crybaby a$$hole but no one will read it!
    Buyer giovanni119(private) Jun-07-04 03:16 3900727718
    Follow-up by triplexotica: Yeah read my comments you're digging yourself a deep hole! Jun-07-04 09:46
    Reply by giovanni119: THIS PERSON IS VERY UNPROFESSIONAL, I WILL NOT STOOP TO HIS LEVEL!!!! Jun-07-04 10:03
    Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more. Jul-25-04 18:21

    You are an ass Sanchez why block your feedbacks stop being a baby!
    Buyer giovanni119(private) Jun-07-04 03:12 3901605672
    Follow-up by triplexotica: UR comments are private because UR not a real man & made a big deal over $7 Jun-07-04 09:47
    Reply by giovanni119: FEEDBACK IS NOT BLOCKED!!! IT'S PRIVATE TO KEEP PEOPLE LIKE YOU OUT!!! Jun-07-04 10:05
    Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more.

    Dead Beat Bidder Screwed me all the way around relisted item #3903311004
    Buyer sariteee ( 6 ) May-05-04 17:55 3904347755
    Reply by sariteee: Liar! He blocked his Paypal acnt from acepting CC's. Auction list that accepts. Jun-03-04 13:41
    Follow-up by triplexotica: 4 words! (Not A Registered User) now who's the liar? Jun-07-04 11:52
    Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more. Jun-24-04 09:36

    This is BS! If square trade removes your BS feedback they will remove mine!
    Buyer jonluke789 ( 64)
    no longer a registered user Mar-23-04 18:03 3901769411
    Reply by jonluke789: This guy has harassed me over a Neutral Reply, with the threat of libel!!!

    Deadbeat Bidder Screwed me all the way around, intem relisted # 3901130523
    Buyer mayo10-4 ( 85) Mar-15-04 10:36 2208989634
    Reply by mayo10-4: This was a misunderstanding currently being fixed. check my other feedbacks. Apr-26-04 16:44
    Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more.

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    BikingnutBikingnut Posts: 3,371 ✭✭✭
    Where does it say they are spot free? The only claim they make is that they are graded PCGS MS69 and that there are no returns on PCGS graded coins. I personally would not have bid based on the fact that I have seen plenty of silver eagles graded MS69 that have spots, and the fact that the picture doesn't show me anything about the coins other than they are graded MS69. If I were the seller I wouldn't entertain return requests either, based on the details on the auction.
    US Navy CWO3 retired. 12/81-09/04

    Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.
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    When you're a guy like me you have a big bull's eye.

    If you notice each of those guys either DID NOT pay me or scammed me for something free.

    each of those were retalitory feedbacks you moron, you are another Russ, maybe you can be his woman since he does not have one.

    And yes my feedback is perfect for the exceptions of people that do not pay me.

    Also since you're scoping out my feedback, go to my feedback from sellers!

    Go on tell me what you find!

    Any questions?
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    I agree, people of your girth do carry larger bullseyes. Be mindful of who you call moron, Leo Garcia. Your statement was not truthful and I provided the information to back my claim.
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    nederveitnederveit Posts: 1,038 ✭✭✭
    dang, I can't find the popcorn icon.....
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    I also called "Steve" I asked how did the coins look?

    I was told they look good no problems, so I threw in a $1000 dollar bid!

    electric let's go thru each of these shall we?

    Lightning Fast Payment Thank You!
    Buyer futrwild12 ( 25) Jul-24-04 20:49 3920737651
    Used threats to get a free coin then nuked my feedback a total a$$hole
    Buyer excuser ( 186) Jul-24-04 20:44 3913069337
    Reply by excuser: THREAT U WITH RED MARK TO GET U 2 DO WHAT U SUPPOSED 2 DO. SEND ITEM! Jul-25-04 02:43
    Follow-up by triplexotica: Everyone that uses eBay needs to block this idiot!Look @what he's done to others Jul-25-04 10:20
    Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more. Jul-31-04 13:46

    Go check the history if this idiot scamming people for free coins you jack ass.....

    You're just a crybaby b1atch that's all I have to say now watch what happens!
    Buyer giovanni119(private) Jun-07-04 03:17 3900790789
    Follow-up by triplexotica: only crooks keep their feedbacks private! Jun-07-04 03:27
    Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more. Jul-25-04 18:21

    Feedback abuse from a crybaby a$$hole but no one will read it!
    Buyer giovanni119(private) Jun-07-04 03:16 3900727718
    Follow-up by triplexotica: Yeah read my comments you're digging yourself a deep hole! Jun-07-04 09:46
    Reply by giovanni119: THIS PERSON IS VERY UNPROFESSIONAL, I WILL NOT STOOP TO HIS LEVEL!!!! Jun-07-04 10:03
    Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more. Jul-25-04 18:21

    You are an ass Sanchez why block your feedbacks stop being a baby!
    Buyer giovanni119(private) Jun-07-04 03:12 3901605672
    Follow-up by triplexotica: UR comments are private because UR not a real man & made a big deal over $7 Jun-07-04 09:47
    Reply by giovanni119: FEEDBACK IS NOT BLOCKED!!! IT'S PRIVATE TO KEEP PEOPLE LIKE YOU OUT!!! Jun-07-04 10:05
    Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more.

    < This user has private feedbacks > not only that he did not pay me for 3 items.

    Dead Beat Bidder Screwed me all the way around relisted item #3903311004
    Buyer sariteee ( 6 ) May-05-04 17:55 3904347755
    Reply by sariteee: Liar! He blocked his Paypal acnt from acepting CC's. Auction list that accepts. Jun-03-04 13:41
    Follow-up by triplexotica: 4 words! (Not A Registered User) now who's the liar? Jun-07-04 11:52
    Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more. Jun-24-04 09:36

    <<< This user had 5 feedbacks and did not pay me on a $1000 dollar item>>>> damn right I'm going to leave a negative jackass!

    This is BS! If square trade removes your BS feedback they will remove mine!
    Buyer jonluke789 ( 64)
    no longer a registered user Mar-23-04 18:03 3901769411
    Reply by jonluke789: This guy has harassed me over a Neutral Reply, with the threat of libel!!!

    <No longer a registered user> This person did not pay me for the proper amount, then wanted me to ship the coin for free. yeah right, eBay canned him right away.

    Deadbeat Bidder Screwed me all the way around, intem relisted # 3901130523
    Buyer mayo10-4 ( 85) Mar-15-04 10:36 2208989634
    Reply by mayo10-4: This was a misunderstanding currently being fixed. check my other feedbacks. Apr-26-04 16:44
    Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more.

    <another dead beat bidder on a 1 ounce Platinum coin> you better bet I'm going to give people negs for not paying me.

    Now you tell me other than that b/s what else did you find... what I figured buttwhipe, go play with Russ will you, I bet you lick his bung when no one is looking, I bet he thinks you're his woman.

    In my eyes and many of my client's eyes my feedback is spotless!

    Let me see you do what I've done in the short period of time, to think that's what you see on eBay, imagine all the sales I have outside of eBay.

    You just want to distract people from the truth, bash me for no reason.

    The truth about this thread is I got taken for $730 plain and simple!

    I'm just pointing this out so it does not happen to others.

    Electric moron go pull the seller's feedbacks come on buddy I'm waiting.

    Make room for the bad guy!

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    nederveitnederveit Posts: 1,038 ✭✭✭
    Mr. P, you can disagree with people and not have to get nasty. You reap what you sow....
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    In my eyes electric you are a moron.

    You and Russ must drink the same water.

    I'm going to have my wife do a nice thing just for you don't worry you're next.

    My girth?

    I'm 5'9 about 180 size 31 pants and 32 jeans.

    Now tell me am I fat at that size?

    I bet you're just like Russ, womanless!
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    BikingnutBikingnut Posts: 3,371 ✭✭✭
    Where's the forum moderator's when you need them? I can see this thread getting yanked.
    US Navy CWO3 retired. 12/81-09/04

    Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.
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    nederveitnederveit Posts: 1,038 ✭✭✭
    let's hope....
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    << <i>Now you tell me other than that b/s what else did you find... what I figured buttwhipe, go play with Russ will you, I bet you lick his bung when no one is looking, I bet he thinks you're his woman. >>

    I realize that english is your second language, but you really do need to get a better grasp on the rules of punctuation and spelling. Leo, you read like a 1st grade coloring book. Your vulgarity belies your lack of intelligence and shows your inability to debate a point without resorting to profane language.
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    Scew you electric and Russ.

    No one invited your stupid comments on my thread.
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    BikingnutBikingnut Posts: 3,371 ✭✭✭
    No one invited your stupid comments on my thread.

    Actually, I believe everyone is invited when posting to a public forum.

    Do you flame on your clients when they disagree with you?
    US Navy CWO3 retired. 12/81-09/04

    Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.
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    You call that a debate?

    Every chance you get to bash my threads electric and or russ you just do.

    I hope someone screws you out of your hard earned money.

    And yes I work hard for my money.

    Also, what does my belt size have anything to do with coins?

    I'm quite happy with my size, if anything I'm a bit on the thin side.

    I just don't get you guys.

    If it's not one thing it's another.

    No wonder Russ is womanless, he spends 9 hours a day making love to the PCGS threads.

    Electric, you're not too far behind him bud.
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    << <i>I'm going to have my wife do a nice thing just for you don't worry you're next. >>

    Idle threats from an idle mind. This is the second time you have made a promise to me and haven't kept your word.

    << <i>I'm 5'9 about 180 size 31 pants and 32 jeans. Now tell me am I fat at that size? >>

    Weight figures are meaningless unless bone structure and percentage of body fat are taken into account.

    << <i>I bet you're just like Russ, womanless! >>

    If I get more Tang than the astronauts or not, it isn't really your concern.

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    << <i>In my eyes electric you are a moron.

    You and Russ must drink the same water.

    I'm going to have my wife do a nice thing just for you don't worry you're next.

    My girth?

    I'm 5'9 about 180 size 31 pants and 32 jeans.

    Now tell me am I fat at that size?

    I bet you're just like Russ, womanless! >>

    5'9 - 180 - 31/32 fat ? no,not unless you count that 50 pound fat head you got...heh...just funnin
    couldnt resist....one of them good "wake up to pee,take a look at the puter,throw it in there" kinda things
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    I only flame up when electric eye sits there and points out crap then has nothing to back him up.

    If he had something constructive to say I would cheerfully take it like a man.

    Oh and then there's Russ, he's a lost cause I'm not even going to go there.

    Anyone with 26,000 posts in 2 years + has some serious issues.

    Where's Miss Russ is my only question.
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    << <i>No one invited your stupid comments on my thread. >>

    Your inane posts always invite scrutiny.
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    oh yeah, and BTW jay is filthy rich. he'd spend a million to win a thousand dollar argument...
    and he's proven it before...thread thinly on the expense of combat with him..
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    << <i>I only flame up when electric eye sits there and points out crap then has nothing to back him up. >>

    I think my original post summed it up pretty well. image
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    Electric the only tang you get is from a 12 ounce can. image

    Like I said it must be the same water you and Russ drink.

    Anyone for some orange tang? (orang_a_tang)
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    damn! this is inthirsting, hell i may make a grita or 2 and call in sick to myself in the morning....heh..
    ya'll note the new word now,for the record i came up with "inthirsting" first, so, when it makes websters
    you know where it came from. now...help with the collegiate definition please..
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    Just ask Goliath what happened to him for messing with David.

    I'll do battle with anyone.

    I fear no man especially guys that think they can beat me because they think they have $,It's a matter of principal now.

    I can care less if he has millions or who he is.

    I'm going to give him a major battle.

    I'll let a judge rule on this.

    Bring it on, is all I'm going to say.

    I have more cojones than most people you know.

    You go ahead and take the day off try to enjoy it, I'm sure this thread will hit 500 by the weekend!
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    Man, you guys are like pit bulls. If thats all the bad feedback he has after 3000 he must be an excellent person to do business with. You can't do that much business without running into a few idiots and con artists. How can you try grind him over tso few negs?

    As far as the purchase, it seems you believe that the seller should live by the same code of business ethics you do. He probably should but in this case it is obvious he needs to dump those dogs on someone. I'd keep the pressure up and he will take them back and try to dump them on someone else.

    Why has no one mentioned making PCGS accountable. Are these considered 69 material? I wouldn't call it that.

    Good luck on getting them returned. Myself, I don't buy anything that doesn't have a return policy stated unless it has good pictures and Im willing to gamble. I just wouldn't take a chance for that amount. In fact I wouldn't buy anything for that amount without flying out to inspect them in person. After all you might have gotten an box with a brick instead.

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    dude, wake up man, millions buys verdicts
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    << <i>Anyone for some orange tang? (orang_a_tang) >>

    You really need to purchase a joke book, but then again, your family photo album should suffice.

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    << <i>I'm going to have my wife do a nice thing just for you don't worry you're next. >>

    I am going to hold you to that, Leo Garcia.

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