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Some BEAUTIFUL Charmy ERROR and VARIETY Newps!!!

ThePennyLadyThePennyLady Posts: 4,468 ✭✭✭✭✭
Just picked these up at Santa Clara (purchases were pre-arranged from two separate parties). The errors were purchased from Xan Chamberlain who has an enviable and amazing Indian cent error collection. The two varieties were purchased from another one of my favorite variety collectors - the same guy I bought that blue/green 1894/1894 Indian cent a few months back! Any way, I just love them and couldn't wait to show them off to you all (and a big thanks to Todd for being so quick with his magical photographic skills)!

These first two are really beautiful off center errors....



I just bought this same variety and then was presented with this beautiful higher grade example and couldn't pass it up....


This is a very rare 5-star double die obverse variety and I believe this coin is the top pop for this variety, plus it has absolutely beautiful toning....


And here's the 1894/1894 I mentioned that I bought a while back from the same variety collector....

Charmy Harker
The Penny Lady®


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