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OT BUT they're predicting GUSTAV will be WORSE than Katrina - latest details here. Post a coin if yo

I'll post a coin to keep this coin related however, in case you don't know,
according to the following, they're saying this one is going to be worse than Katrina.

The latest on this MONSTER! Here we go again!


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    Hope everyone stays safe.

    imageQuid pro quo. Yes or no?
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    sumnomsumnom Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭
    My heart sank when I saw the projected path of the storm. I can't believe they may have to go through this again.
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    BoomBoom Posts: 10,165

    Till I get a chance to experiment with the new gadgets and gizmoes! image
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    DoubleEagle59DoubleEagle59 Posts: 8,216 ✭✭✭✭✭
    New Orleans is a great historical city and of course is a major port for commerce, but if it was me living there, I would have hightailed it to higher grounds one day after Katrina hit (permanently!!).

    I don't understand people who still live there (unless for reasons beyond their control).
    "Gold is money, and nothing else" (JP Morgan, 1912)

    "“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)

    "I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
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    I dont know how anyone down there can cope with this AGAIN. Hope everyone has learned from the the past.

    Proud recipient of Y.S. Award on 07/26/08.
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    sumnomsumnom Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I dont know how anyone down there can cope with this AGAIN. Hope everyone has learned from the the past. >>

    That's my fear as well. There are some people who are only now starting to rebuild from Katrina. How on earth will the city be able to handle another storm of such magnitude?
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    FullStrikeFullStrike Posts: 4,353 ✭✭✭
    There has got to come a time when we abandon the Federal rebuilding of the Gulf Coast Hurricane Zone.

    Perhaps we can appeal to China for some disaster relief? image
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    BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    It undoubetdly WILL take place - in due time.

    How people can continue to try & rebuild?

    Ever hear that 1 particular story of the determination shown by a spider?
    It tried & failed 7 times, to attach it's web - but wouldn't quit!

    Finally .... on the 8th try - she did it! She succeeded & her Home was finally in place!

    * Not sure of the exact #s of attempts but they are of little consequence here!
    The POINT IS, she wouldn't quit and determined beyond exhaustion, she persisted till she succeeded!

    There IS a lesson to be learned here - if not several! image
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    ChrisRxChrisRx Posts: 5,619 ✭✭✭✭
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    I wonder if Lootie will show up...
    "Everyday above ground is a good day"

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    BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,957 ✭✭✭
    At least this time they are prepared with hundreds of buses for an evacuation if necessary.
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    Poor New Orleans. This whole situation makes me feel terrible.
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    I don't expect anyone to understand who doesn't live here. Our families have lived here for generations. We are an extremely proud and loyal people. The vast majority of us don't expect or want a federal handout. We also cannot imagine leaving our unique state and culture and giving it up to the Gulf of Mexico. Unfortunately, that is exactly what is happening.

    Small towns all over Louisiana and Mississippi rebuilt with minimal assistance from FEMA or the insurance companies. Boom's home town of New Iberia is one of the oldest in the state- those people are not giving it up- ever. It and it's surrounding areas are some of the most beautiful wetlands on the planet- bar none. Go see Avery Island- home of Tabasco to get some idea of why those people will not leave until they're planted in the ground. My wife's parents and Grand-parents are from there.

    On the other hand we were failed miserably by our government last time- with the exception of a few local officials. Why did it take 5-7 days for AMERICANS to be rescued from rooftops and that stinking &**&**& Superdome and Convention Center? Would that have happened in New York? California? Be honest with yourself.

    I was there. I saw what happened. I drove an unairconditioned yellow school bus for 3 days straight between the Superdome and airport evacuating AMERICAN FAMILIES who were sick, broke, exhausted, and in pain and fear. It was not until the 82nd airborne came into the city on the Thursday (5 DAYS) after the storm that I was not constantly in fear for my life. I am not exaggerating or being dramatic. Read

    The Great Deluge by Douglas Brinkley if you want to have some small idea of what it was like. The federal troops outside the Superdome were calling us "Louisianastan". I have not gone back inside that accursed building and I never will. They should have torn the damn thing down and salted the Earth as the Romans did to Carthage.

    I love and appreciate these boards, and if this political post gets me banned I will miss it greatly. My emotions are a little raw right now. Please don't think of us as backwards, uneducated people sucking at the government nipple. That is not fair to us, nor is it accurate. Sorry for the rant.
    "College men from LSU- went in dumb, come out dumb too..."
    -Randy Newmanimage
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    19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,485 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>It undoubetdly WILL take place - in due time.

    How people can continue to try & rebuild?

    Ever hear that 1 particular story of the determination shown by a spider?
    It tried & failed 7 times, to attach it's web - but wouldn't quit!

    Finally .... on the 8th try - she did it! She succeeded & her Home was finally in place!

    * Not sure of the exact #s of attempts but they are of little consequence here!
    The POINT IS, she wouldn't quit and determined beyond exhaustion, she persisted till she succeeded!

    There IS a lesson to be learned here - if not several! image >>

    The big problem with your analogy Boom is that each time the spider tried, it wasn't costing her any money, just her time.

    I certainly do feel for the victims of these storms but there is a certain financial break even point at which, despite the desire to, it becomes financially impossible to continue trying. It is simply not a matter of will power as much as money power.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
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    DoubleEagle59DoubleEagle59 Posts: 8,216 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I love and appreciate these boards, and if this political post gets me banned I will miss it greatly. My emotions are a little raw right now. Please don't think of us as backwards, uneducated people sucking at the government nipple. That is not fair to us, nor is it accurate. Sorry for the rant.

    We don't think of you that way.

    We know that people who stay and fight are extremely proud of their heritage.

    Our prayers are with you.
    "Gold is money, and nothing else" (JP Morgan, 1912)

    "“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)

    "I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
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    I respect your point of view 19Lyds and understand your feelings.

    I assure you that no one is currently building a house in the Lower 9th Ward or St. Bernard Parish. However, where does your line of reasoning end? Do we abandon the entire Gulf Coast because of hurricanes? All of Florida?

    Do we turn our eyes away from the Mid-West because of the Mississippi's devastating floods? Should we abandon California because much of the Southern part of the state is geologically unstable?

    I have never complained about my tax money going to help those in regions of our nation that have been hit with natural disaster- it is one of the few uses of tax dollars and our federal government's power of which I approve.

    The people who have stayed in our state have done so knowing full well that if we get wiped out again, it is up to us to rebuild. FEMA taught many of us that lesson three years ago.
    "College men from LSU- went in dumb, come out dumb too..."
    -Randy Newmanimage
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    I'm going to shut up now. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and kind words. We'll be okay- we're not going to repeat the mistakes of last time. This ain't our first rodeo.image
    "College men from LSU- went in dumb, come out dumb too..."
    -Randy Newmanimage
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    pakasmompakasmom Posts: 1,920
    We have you in our thoughts and prayers. The whole nation is watching and holding it's collective breath for you all.... Stay safe, dear Boom. And all that are in Gustav's path.
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    BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Oh, make no mistake about it ... I DO understand EVERYONES' feelings at a time like this - including MINE!

    I just turned 54 this past Monday. During my lifetime I have personally witnessed many INCREDIBLE things!

    I just received a phone call ordering MANDATORY EVACUATION. It seems our newly elected Sheriff, Governor etc
    do not wish to have the deaths of many innocent people on their hands, which I understand & appreciate BUT ...

    This is MY HOME, MY PROPERTY and once inside these gates, unless invited... you are Trespassing! This applies to
    Sherriff Deputies and or any other governing body. I don't know how it is wherever YOU live but I DO know I am American, a Louisiana Native and as such am protected by The Constitution of The United States. NO ONE WILL SET FOOT ON THIS PROPERTY under such dire circumstances nor will ANYONE MAKE ME LEAVE! Period!

    We still live under a very unique system of Law known as Napoleonic Code. I actually bought and READ THE BOOK!

    If, at any time anyone wants to know anything pertaining to La Law, I've got The Napoleonic Code (Law).

    No one is playing Hero here but there comes a time in every man's life when he either stands for SOMETHING
    or he stands for NOTHING!

    What happened Yesterday I cannot control nor do I care to remember! Time moves on and heals ALL wounds!

    What MAY happen Tomorrow, I cannot control and may not be here to cope with, therefore I WILL NOT WORRY about things that may never come to pass!

    Instead, I CHOOSE (as a FREE AMERICAN and as one that believes in God and the FREE WILL He has given me) -
    TO STAY and to protect not only what is mine in this world but also those of my Neighbors. I gave them all my Word when they left (which is their right and undoubtedly what they felt was the right thing to do for THEM).

    I know EXACTLY who & what I am. I am totally aware of my lineage and my Heritage, along with the dangers once we reach the point of No Return! I am very comfortable and very SAFE here!

    I have been through Hurricanes Audrey, Hilda, Camille, Betsy, Andrew, Katrina and Rita (all MAJOR HURRICANES) not to mention all the "lesser" ones, and AM STILL HERE! Now, it's not at all pleasant dealing with what we are about to endure, particularly AFTER the storms, when all the oppressive heat, humidity, snakes, mosquitoes and lack of power must be dealt with. At that time THE most important thing becomes a very dependable Generator and enough Fuel!

    If, by some chance, the unthinkable happens .... well, I suppose it's just the way it was meant to be.

    Besides, we ALL will die one day any way. I'd much rather go this way, defending Home & Family than to fade away one day in a Hospital bed, just some old Nobody costing taxpayers money!

    My mind is made up and I am prepared to deal with whatever happens and or the consequences.
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    TO all living in the affected areas,My prayers are with you may "GOD WATCH OVER YOU AND PROTECT YOU" . MoJo
    Ebay Seller I.D
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    SONG by U2

    the saints are coming
    Ebay Seller I.D
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    BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Thank you Dave. I appreciate you.


    Boom image
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    be safeimage
    Ebay Seller I.D
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    tahoe98tahoe98 Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭

    .....very unfortunate but not too surprising when the area is below sea level it's only going to happen time and time again. very unfortunate and my prayers are sent.
    "government is not reason, it is not eloquence-it is a force! like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." George Washington
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    << <i>If, by some chance, the unthinkable happens .... well, I suppose it's just the way it was meant to be. >>

    Think positive my friend image and like I said you can come on up north for a few days ,weeks? image
    Lake Huron is across the road, lots of counrty to relax and kick back and we have a early doe(whitetail deer) season in September if I have to bag one for you to send you some meat I will lol ,MoJo
    Ebay Seller I.D
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    etexmikeetexmike Posts: 6,798 ✭✭✭
    My aunt, uncle and a whole bunch of 1st and 2nd cousins just made the drive from Lake Charles, La. to East Texas to ride out the storm. If it stays on track we will be getting some strong winds in this area in the 40 to 60 mph range for a couple of days and the possibility of a foot of rain. image

    Did the same thing a few years back as I recall. It wasn't any fun even this far in Texas. I can't begin to imagine what it would be like right on the coast.

    My prayers for all concerned.

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    edix2001edix2001 Posts: 3,388
    Not too worried here in Houston, at least not me personally.
    I'm even hosting a giveaway:
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    MarkMark Posts: 3,525 ✭✭✭✭✭

    While your decision about staying and my decision would be different, you and yours will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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    BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Your prayers are priceless and very much appreciated.

    The latest from AT&T, feel free to read!

    Here is the latest regarding GUSTAV as it applies to New Orleans, per AT&T

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    itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,777 ✭✭✭
    While I understand Boom's desire to stay, I hate to see others left to put their lives at risk to save those who did not get out of the way.
    Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
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    pakasmompakasmom Posts: 1,920
    Boom, I'm really sorry to hear that you have already given your word to your neighbors and "that your mind is made up." I would send one last plea for you to remember that your Mom and your dog's lives are also in your hands and your responsibility to protect. Send them away to safety if you won't go yourself...image
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    CoinspongeCoinsponge Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Oh, make no mistake about it ... I DO understand EVERYONES' feelings at a time like this - including MINE!

    I just turned 54 this past Monday. During my lifetime I have personally witnessed many INCREDIBLE things!

    I just received a phone call ordering MANDATORY EVACUATION. It seems our newly elected Sheriff, Governor etc
    do not wish to have the deaths of many innocent people on their hands, which I understand & appreciate BUT ...

    This is MY HOME, MY PROPERTY and once inside these gates, unless invited... you are Trespassing! This applies to
    Sherriff Deputies and or any other governing body. I don't know how it is wherever YOU live but I DO know I am American, a Louisiana Native and as such am protected by The Constitution of The United States. NO ONE WILL SET FOOT ON THIS PROPERTY under such dire circumstances nor will ANYONE MAKE ME LEAVE! Period!

    We still live under a very unique system of Law known as Napoleonic Code. I actually bought and READ THE BOOK!

    If, at any time anyone wants to know anything pertaining to La Law, I've got The Napoleonic Code (Law).

    No one is playing Hero here but there comes a time in every man's life when he either stands for SOMETHING
    or he stands for NOTHING!

    What happened Yesterday I cannot control nor do I care to remember! Time moves on and heals ALL wounds!

    What MAY happen Tomorrow, I cannot control and may not be here to cope with, therefore I WILL NOT WORRY about things that may never come to pass!

    Instead, I CHOOSE (as a FREE AMERICAN and as one that believes in God and the FREE WILL He has given me) -
    TO STAY and to protect not only what is mine in this world but also those of my Neighbors. I gave them all my Word when they left (which is their right and undoubtedly what they felt was the right thing to do for THEM).

    I know EXACTLY who & what I am. I am totally aware of my lineage and my Heritage, along with the dangers once we reach the point of No Return! I am very comfortable and very SAFE here!

    I have been through Hurricanes Audrey, Hilda, Camille, Betsy, Andrew, Katrina and Rita (all MAJOR HURRICANES) not to mention all the "lesser" ones, and AM STILL HERE! Now, it's not at all pleasant dealing with what we are about to endure, particularly AFTER the storms, when all the oppressive heat, humidity, snakes, mosquitoes and lack of power must be dealt with. At that time THE most important thing becomes a very dependable Generator and enough Fuel!

    If, by some chance, the unthinkable happens .... well, I suppose it's just the way it was meant to be.

    Besides, we ALL will die one day any way. I'd much rather go this way, defending Home & Family than to fade away one day in a Hospital bed, just some old Nobody costing taxpayers money!

    My mind is made up and I am prepared to deal with whatever happens and or the consequences. >>

    I would be happy to let you make your own decision to stay as long as you were the only one to bear the burden of your decision but think of others. I just don't know if this nation can take another outbreak of Hiraldo Rivera emotionalism when he finds your body and and starts crying and cursing his own country for letting you drown. That is why you need to leave.
    Gold and silver are valuable but wisdom is priceless.
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    TavernTreasuresTavernTreasures Posts: 1,262 ✭✭✭
    "Circle of Trust" New Orleans style..............Photo shows Katrina looters working the Circle.
    Advanced collector of BREWERIANA. Early beer advertising (beer cans, tap knobs, foam scrapers, trays, tin signs, lithos, paper, etc)....My first love...U.S. COINS!
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    FullStrikeFullStrike Posts: 4,353 ✭✭✭
    Boom you da man.

    I got to say, if I lived down there near New Orleans and had a place that would stay high n dry I'd be staying to ride it out also. HOWEVER, if I lived in an area prone to flooding, you better believe I'd be a packin and a leavin - real fast like.

    I trust you are not subject to being in water up to your ears AND 120+ mph winds. I trust your judgement and believe you are standing a good chance of riding this thing out.

    On the subject of federal bailouts. Up here in Delaware, the knuckleheads that build on the Beaches get all upset whenever their sandy shores end up washing out to sea every year. I in turn get upset every time I read about some project to dredge up sand and pump it back into their backyards. I say if some idiot wants to build on the beach, why should I have to help bear the cost of their house not washing out to sea?

    This debate won't go on forever. The time is fast approaching when we will be so broke, we won't even be able to even eat food. The beach people will be able to eat the sand which is in their backyards - so I suppose they won't worry about ever going hungry. image

    Here's hoping for the best for everyone that will be affected by Gustav. Anymore that includes everyone everywhere in the USA.
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    Musky1011Musky1011 Posts: 3,899 ✭✭✭✭
    This is from an approaching storm we had in Milwaukee, Wisconsin this Spring

    my prayers go out to everyone in the "southland"
    Pilgrim Clock and Gift Shop.. Expert clock repair since 1844

    Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA

    http://www.pcgs.com/SetRegistr...dset.aspx?s=68269&ac=1">Musky 1861 Mint Set
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    19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,485 ✭✭✭✭
    I wish you well Warren and certainly hope this works out for you! I also hope that the folks who are charged with protecting the evacuated areas do not confuse your intentions as many will be stressed and quick to judge.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
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    illini420illini420 Posts: 11,466 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Perhaps these t-shirts will become popular again????


    Seriously, hope all stay safe!!!
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    gecko109gecko109 Posts: 8,231

    << <i>Oh, make no mistake about it ... I DO understand EVERYONES' feelings at a time like this - including MINE!

    I just turned 54 this past Monday. During my lifetime I have personally witnessed many INCREDIBLE things!

    I just received a phone call ordering MANDATORY EVACUATION. It seems our newly elected Sheriff, Governor etc
    do not wish to have the deaths of many innocent people on their hands, which I understand & appreciate BUT ...

    This is MY HOME, MY PROPERTY and once inside these gates, unless invited... you are Trespassing! This applies to
    Sherriff Deputies and or any other governing body. I don't know how it is wherever YOU live but I DO know I am American, a Louisiana Native and as such am protected by The Constitution of The United States. NO ONE WILL SET FOOT ON THIS PROPERTY under such dire circumstances nor will ANYONE MAKE ME LEAVE! Period!

    We still live under a very unique system of Law known as Napoleonic Code. I actually bought and READ THE BOOK!

    If, at any time anyone wants to know anything pertaining to La Law, I've got The Napoleonic Code (Law).

    No one is playing Hero here but there comes a time in every man's life when he either stands for SOMETHING
    or he stands for NOTHING!

    What happened Yesterday I cannot control nor do I care to remember! Time moves on and heals ALL wounds!

    What MAY happen Tomorrow, I cannot control and may not be here to cope with, therefore I WILL NOT WORRY about things that may never come to pass!

    Instead, I CHOOSE (as a FREE AMERICAN and as one that believes in God and the FREE WILL He has given me) -
    TO STAY and to protect not only what is mine in this world but also those of my Neighbors. I gave them all my Word when they left (which is their right and undoubtedly what they felt was the right thing to do for THEM).

    I know EXACTLY who & what I am. I am totally aware of my lineage and my Heritage, along with the dangers once we reach the point of No Return! I am very comfortable and very SAFE here!

    I have been through Hurricanes Audrey, Hilda, Camille, Betsy, Andrew, Katrina and Rita (all MAJOR HURRICANES) not to mention all the "lesser" ones, and AM STILL HERE! Now, it's not at all pleasant dealing with what we are about to endure, particularly AFTER the storms, when all the oppressive heat, humidity, snakes, mosquitoes and lack of power must be dealt with. At that time THE most important thing becomes a very dependable Generator and enough Fuel!

    If, by some chance, the unthinkable happens .... well, I suppose it's just the way it was meant to be.

    Besides, we ALL will die one day any way. I'd much rather go this way, defending Home & Family than to fade away one day in a Hospital bed, just some old Nobody costing taxpayers money!

    My mind is made up and I am prepared to deal with whatever happens and or the consequences. >>

    With all due respect, its THIS type of pride and bravado that cost many people their lives last time. Furthermore, it will be someone such as NHSbaseball who will critisize our government for taking 5-7 days to rescue you! You guys KNOW its coming, its not a suprise. This is not an earthquake nor a fire where people are killed almost instantly without warning. You guys have been warned. The stubborness and pride is what will unfortunately result in more deaths this time around. GET OUT OF HARMS WAY FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!
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    BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Musky, that is what the sky is beginning to look like here.

    Everything is in position here, having been checked, double-check and then checked again, including the checklist itself.

    I am in an area that surprisingly enough (check out New Iberia and see exactly where it is located) was on the Western most
    side of Katrina, the East-side of Rita and again just on the Western most side of Andrew.

    I can't impress upon you all that having endured these left me feeling very fortunate if not "protected".

    With Andrew, just a few miles East of me (less than 10) was total & utter devastation! I sat on the back porch & literally watched
    tornadoes dancing across the backyard, tearing off roofs, snapping trees in half (Old Oak trees) etc. It was all so .... surreal. Worst part about Andrew was being without power for every bit of 2 weeks. When I got out & about, it was then that it hit Home just how fortunate I truly was.

    Not one thing on my Home at that time was even out of place. I incurred NO DAMAGE whatsoever. Just call me "Lucky" I guess.

    With Katrina, again - less than 10 miles from me, entire communities were wiped off the face of the planet. I got a lot of rain & wind &
    was without power but again - NO DAMAGE. Again, I personally watched twisters dance across the tops of trees in the yard. Incredible stuff to watch, for sure!

    Just a short time later Rita paid us a visit and again, entire communities such as Holly Beach, a very nice community on which "Camps that had been built completely off the ground, very well founded with huge Cresote pilings having been driven VERY DEEP into the ground - was completely GONE! Not ONE camp off this pristine community was left. It looked as though an Atomic Bomb had been detonated as in many cases all that was left were traces of what once were cement driveways and cement flooring for Bath houses, tool sheds etc.

    Rita flooded all around me VERY SEVERELY. Just a few miles away is an old Town named Delcambre! Rita totally flooded it up to peoples' roof tops! Water rose so high and came so far inland that it stopped less than half a mile from me. A map was published in the local newspaper, showing the extent of the flooding. It was then that I realized that my Great-Grandfathers certainly were no fool as they claimed the highest spot here back in the late 1700s. Anyway, that Map showed "What if" and in every scenario where I am at NO TIME ever was shown to be or would ever be under water!

    Back when I was young we experienced some REAL MONSTERS and obviously there was no Weather Channel or any of the technology we now have Today.

    Go on and check Hurricanes Audry, Camille, Betsy and Hilda (just to name a few)! Being young, these hurricanes truly were very frightening and there was damage but never, at any time, have we ever (us - me & my immediate family who are with me now) sustained what I refer to as Major Damage yet people all around us did!

    I suppose NOW you can better appreciate my Gratitude TO GOD ( Yes, I DO BELIEVE IN GOD) along with my feelings of compassion for my fellow man and one reason why I've always been driven to help others. How can I NOT?

    I am not foolish enough to say we are in an invincable fortress. As we all know, Tornadoes can just totally wipe such a place away in a matter of moments. Can it happen? Sure - you bet! Could it happen? You'd better believe it could. Am I afraid - NO! Is my Family afraid or here against their collective wills? NO! Indeed NOT!

    Everyone here is so because he or she CHOOSES to be. At anytime they all have been free to go yet have chosen to leave where THEY LIVE to come and stay HERE! There is no False Bravado here, nor is there any "dictatorship". To a person ALL have chosen to stay - NO MATTER WHAT! We are all quite prepared and "all set". If power goes off, the 6K generator is set up, in place and has already been tested. We have enough fuel to keep the entire estate up & running for at least 10 days - non stop!

    There is absolutely NO WAY I would place anyone in my family or even my dogs in harms way. Sure, it's probably going to get rough but as someone said. "This ain't our first rodeo!"

    I'll keep you all posted but will more than likely be out in the garage practicing on the drum set, with Camcorder in hand - just in case! If not doing that I'll be online or making sure everything is OK, not only here but with ALL the neighbors that have stayed.... or sleeping! Strange as it sounds, I always get my best, most sound rest during Storms!

    Later y'all! image
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    BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    I hear thunder coming and need to log off now for a bit in case of a power surge.

    Later guys! image
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    BearBear Posts: 18,954 ✭✭
    With the potential rise in the water level, due

    to the melting of the glaciers, great coastal cities

    like New Orleans, may disappear within the next

    10 - 20 years. Very sad indeed.
    There once was a place called
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    << <i>On the other hand we were failed miserably by our government last time- with the exception of a few local officials. Why did it take 5-7 days for AMERICANS to be rescued from rooftops and that stinking &**&**& Superdome and Convention Center? Would that have happened in New York? California? Be honest with yourself. >>

    If memory serves me correctly. And I could be wrong, as I was not there.

    I do believe the entire area was told to LEAVE and decided to stay.

    I can only assume I am correct because they are taking a hard stance on the issue.

    It comes down to economics. If the community has a will to survive they will. If they are
    looking for the Goverment to do it for them. They will perish. The goverment can't save you
    from yourself...
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    All right, I swore I would shut up but I just can't. Cinman, what you and many others don't understand is that the vast majority of people left in New Orleans after Katrina COULDN'T get out. I asked families that I evacuated from the Superdome why they stayed. The storm came at the end of the month, before payday. These families didn't own cars. They had nowhere to go and no money to get there! Y'all have to understand, it wasn't that they WOULDN'T get out, it was that they COULDN'T. You have got to understand the poverty that exists in the New Orleans inner city.

    I don't have a political agenda, I was sickened by the response of ALL of the politicians- Black, White, Democrat, and Republican.

    My personal heroes are and will always be the Coast Guard- those guys were studs. Nobody else had a clue.

    I will go to my grave sickened by what I saw in the city that week. And no, I didn't wait for the government to bail us out- I risked my job and took our school athletic bus to New Orleans without permission and drove evacuees for 3 straight days. I was threatened with arrest and detained at gunpoint more than once. I would tell you stories about what happened but most of you won't believe them and will think I'm a grandiose nut case.

    It didn't have to happen that way.

    I'm really, really done now.
    "College men from LSU- went in dumb, come out dumb too..."
    -Randy Newmanimage
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    what has happened down here
    is the winds have changed
    clouds roll in from the north
    and it starts to rain

    rained real hard and
    rained for a real long time
    six feet of water
    in the streets of Evangeline

    -from Randy Newman's, "Louisiana 1927"
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    PCcoinsPCcoins Posts: 3,354 ✭✭✭
    I think you will be safe Boom as long as your on high ground. The water is really the only thing you need to be concerned about, The winds are not that strong right now, 115mph and they're only calling for a 5-6 ft. storm serge, compared to Katrina's 20ft. storm serge. image
    "It is what it is."
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    lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,355 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hanna is the one that is pointed directly at me.

    (Edited to spell the name correctly.)

    Ahh, the joys of coastal living. We are lucky here in the Golden Isles of Georgia (knock on wood). We're the most tucked-in portion of the whole Eastern seaboard, so they usually hit the Gulf Stream and roar on past us on their way to the Carolinas. But it's nerve-wracking. I live only a few feet above sea level and a few hundred yards from a tidal river.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
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    mozinmozin Posts: 8,755 ✭✭✭
    This time, I hope everyone living in New Orleans does what the government tells them to do, LEAVE NOW!

    I want everyone to be safe, but I would like nature to run its' course and totally run over New Orleans. There is absolutely no way that land mass can continue to survive the forces of nature. The taxpayer should not be funding any more reconstruction on that land. Find new homes for all those now living in New Orleans, but forget about ANY reconstruction. JMHO
    I collect Capped Bust series by variety in PCGS AU/MS grades.
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    BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Resorting to name calling and accusing people of grandiose Bravado when you know NOTHING of my position,
    logistically, circumstance or surroundings - is totally uncalled for. I AM NOT in New Orleans!

    I am on the same meridian as New Orleans but approximately 130 miles due East of that grand old City, which oh
    BTW HAD to BE CREATED for CONTROL of the Mouth of the Mississippi River (see Battle of New Orleans circa 1812) against the British. The River was THE Gateway to the open seas and he who controlled the Mississippi controlled this
    fledgling country.

    At this point in History this young country of Rebels had fought England for Independence just 35 years prior.
    (BTW, it's Geraldo) image

    If I truly believed that my or my Family's lives were endangered, I being Paternal Patriarch of this family,
    would have INSISTED and seen to it that everyone would have long since evacuated.

    Having lived here all my life, having been through some REAL monsters, I know we are in NO DANGER here EXCEPT
    from the very real possibility of Tornadoes, which are EXTREMELY RARE!

    If you're looking to flame or insult, please take it elsewhere. I'd appreciate it.

    Thank you,

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    notwilightnotwilight Posts: 12,864 ✭✭✭
    Not sure who you're referring to in your last post but those trying to assess whether it is OK to stay or not over the internet without even a description of where you live reminds me of the loan assessment of a few dollars for flood insurance or some such thing. Apparently the govt says anyone getting a home loan in the coastal area is in a flood area and needs to pay up. I live on the second hill in from the ocean at about 350 ft. If it floods here lots of cities are in trouble. --Jerry
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    BearBear Posts: 18,954 ✭✭
    If one is not living in the 9th ward, is living on at

    least the second floor of a brick building and is stocked

    with adequate water, canned food ect, then it is probably

    ok to stick it out.In addition those folks should have hand crank

    radios and flashlights and a lot of large candles.
    There once was a place called

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