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Nickel and Dime me (giveaway)WINNER IN FIRST POST

OK, I was bored today so I rolled some up.
Guess how many dimes and I'll send you a roll of each. (nickels and dimes).
Tiebreaker: How many nickels in the jar?

Don't put the monetary value or your guess don't count.

One guess per person. Edit all you want up til the end.
The end is tomorrow (8-13) @ 8:13 (PST) and I will announce the winner, shortly after.

wrong forum.......oops. image

edit: I decided to put a "surprise" in each roll.


Skamaniac is the winner with 1474. Actual, 1499 dimes.

Also 801 nickels. So, send me your info and I'll mail
the rolls out when I get around to it. image

imageDo not taunt Happy Fun Ball image


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