How much $$$$ for color?

Did I pay too much? It was one of those must have the minute you see it coins. Educate me.
" YOU SUCK " Awarded 5/18/08
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But that is a beautiful coin.
I'm sure you will like it.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
And HOW do you get a link to post was my other question.
I thought that it would sell for around $250. In retrospect, I was dead wrong. You purchased a high-grade Lincoln cent that has both beautiful and unique toning. I am quite sure it will be spectacular in-hand
Congratulations on the win
editied to add that I was the underbidder on the 1915-D Lincoln MS64BN that Coho had going. That was the nicest 64BN that I've seen and I was willing to pay strong for the color. Someone was willing to pay just a little stronger
Collector of Early 20th Century U.S. Coinage.
ANA Member R-3147111
An authorized PCGS dealer, and a contributor to the Red Book.
Just look at it this way some folks spend a lot more then your cent on a fake tan... which fades. won't be burried in this coin and even non collectors will say wow when they see it
You have to reach for the truly good stuff.
"Those guys weren't Fathers they were...Mothers."
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Looks like a monster coin is coming your way and well worth it. Cohodk has very nice coins!
I think it was worth a premium.
<< <i>I was well aware of the CDN and PCGS price guide. This coin, to me at least has eye appeal beyond compare, will fit well into my color set. I have never paid that high a premium before, but I am comfortable with it. Just asking opinions, am I the only one here with the disease of coin addiction as well? LOL, THANKS
And HOW do you get a link to post was my other question. >>
Click the "HTTP" button and paste in the URL....when the second window asks for "text" put in your naming.
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
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I'm probably the wrong person to ask this question, because I've walked away from most nice coins when I thought the premium was too high. The best example was a Bust Half Cent in 5 BN which was the nicest I've ever seen, which I thought was priced $1,500 too high.
I am willing to pay a small premium for a coin with exceptional color, that's it. So, I rarely get these coins, but occasionally, I get one. That being said, the nicest toned coins I have are a Liberty Nickel & a no motto Seated Half. I've purchased attractively toned coins -- but not monsters (try to find a monster business strike Barber Half) -- for virtually no premium at all.
"Seu cabra da peste,
"Sou Mangueira......."
However, it IS a lovely coin. If you feel in your gut it was worth the premium to you, then good for you. Rock on.
By the way, I love red-brown copper with great color. There are some real treasures to be had among two-cent pieces, for example, where coins that are designated RB or BN sell relatively cheaply, yet occasionally these may have fabulous color.
Sunnywood's Rainbow-Toned Morgans (Retired)
Sunnywood's Barber Quarters (Retired)
but with copper, and especially Lincs, I want red.
You bought a nice high grade coin, but for me, there is no justification for a premium for your RB.
however, with that said, there are collectors who like colorful toning, and if you are in that camp, congrats on your win.
What's that like 3 x sheet?
Really nice high-end coin for the grade... no CAC sticker needed, and someone wanted it bad enough and was ready to write the check for color.
I saw that amazing coin and think $950 was still a good deal.
Many collectors would likely prefer that coin to a 66RD from an eye appeal standpoint.
<< <i>Well the price paid is not much of a premium to the 66RD price.
Many collectors would likely prefer that coin to a 66RD from an eye appeal standpoint. >>
My thoughts exactly. This one goes in the personal set tho, not the inventory box.
You did good and as long as you hold on to it you will be happy. I recently paid a nice premium for a nicely toned coin and have zero regrets. In fact I have had offers for much more than I paid which makes me feel even better.