<< <i>I haved lurked here for about 3 months and have decided to register and post for the first time tonight. I have collected since I was 7, but have collected on and off since high school. The last period of avid collecting for me was in the late 1980's. At that time, I used to hit large coin shows in the Balt-Wash area and enjoyed junk boxing and shopping for Lincoln's, Canadian LC's, US LC's, and seated dimes. Nowadays, I'm trying to focus on Barber coins, but I cannot resist snatching up random types that I like, for instance, Bust halfs. Now I just hit ebay and other auctions, but am itching to go to large shows again for what they offer (a chance to see coins before purchase and to talk with knowledgable dealers and collectors).
My recent ebay purchases have largely been lessons in learning what is an original coin, and just how many coins have been altered by rubbing, old-time polishing, etc., but they superficially look "original". It is discouraging to see the amount of deception on ebay in how coins are photographed. Different lighting schemes are used to make coins appear original or to hide hairlines. I also think that sometimes I've been the victum of shill bidding and am tryng to establish more dicipline in my bidding.
I have found most threads here to be interesting, even the discussions of coins way out of my reach, flame wars, grading threads, etc. The entire topic of grading is fascinating and am beginning to see the wiggle room among even the most well respected graders (PCGS, NGC, ANACS) with the more experience I gain. Ebay is rafe with overgrading. I often disagree with posters here about grading, either on items they have on ebay or in pictures posted here. Third world slabbers should be rounded up and shot. Crooks abound in this hobby just as much as they did 30 years ago when I'd get tossed out of coin shops for offering my advice to naive customers or would catch a dealer selling altered coins. Anyway, just some thoughts.
I think fear of posting on this forum is silly (who cares if some "dirtbag coin dealer" belittles you or your coins ) and will post again. >>
I don't really collect coins, but I have insomnia. When I can't sleep, I've found that it helps to read the endless messages about plastic and artificial toning.
I don't really collect coins, but I have insomnia. When I can't sleep, I've found that it helps to read the endless messages about plastic and artificial toning.
The repetition is relaxing.
Thanx! >>
That's the same reason I watch Shop at Home! Do you read the forums with a credit card, the telephone, and a bottle of strong medication on the nightstand like I do when I watch the Coin Vault?
Been around for a few months but dont post much because my knowledge is not to good. I have collected coins for several years, since my grandfather past and left me his silver dollar collection. Nothing fancy. He gave all his grandkids a silver dollar of their birth year and I have add mine in my pocket ever since. Had it with me when I got married and when my daughter was born.
Still learning the hobby and the boards have helped out alot.
I collect SAE's. At this point I'm working on my second set, UNC and PR, graded and raw. I dont spend alot of dough per month I may pick up a few coins each month. This could take awhile. My daughter is 2 and when I recieve coins she wants to put them in her piggy bank.
I recently sent my first in to have some coins graded for the first time to see what happens.
I just joined the forum recently but i've been reading them for 3 years or so. I really like this place and I'm sure I will be around for a while if the Lord willing. I've been a collector for a lot of years but I've learned more since I've been here than I have in all the time before. Thanks for all the knowledge that you all have given me and maybe someday soon I can be a knowledgeable contributor.
Been reading the forums for about 6 months, joined about 3 months ago because I saw a post that I wanted to respond to, had something meaningful to say. Been a collector of Morgans for about 4 years.
Came here to learn, and that has happened, but never realized I would be entertained so much by all the personalities involved with the forum. An added bonus.
I rarely reply or start a post because I'm mainly at work (ssshh) and don't have the time to hang around to respond to questions and such. Don't want to join the party then leave unannounced. Figured it would give a negative impression.
I started a post a couple of weeks ago, logged off for a few hours, when I came back, the post was on page 4. The stuff comes fast & furious here, esp for a good thread. I wish some of the "hey look at me" stuff was posted elsewhere to keep the good posts more manageable for consumption.
Will continue to lurk and learn. When I get a digital camera, will share some of my prized possessions (Morgans for the common man).
I only post to threads I feel I have some input on other than that I spend alot of my time on these boards running search questions to gain info. Currently working on a 70/70 with my son and an Ike set for me, other than that I have a large mix of coins from when I was a kid and still collect coins that strike my fancy.
Support your local gunslinger, you never know when you'll need him
My name is Matt and I too am a lurker, I am currently still in lurker rehab and am working on the steps to get up the courage to post more, but like a lot of other I pick up a lot by of knowledge by reading and listening to the expert opinions. I enjoy putting together Dansco albums of BU modern 20th century stuff Peace dollars, Sacs/Ikes, Kennedy/Franklin halves, Roosevelt dimes, Jefferson nickels and whatnot.
Sure, we want to go home. We want this war over with. The quickest way to get it over with is to go get the bastards who started it. The quicker they are whipped, the quicker we can go home. - General George S. Patton
<< <i>I bet alot of people don't post here because they don't collect $10,000 coins and know that all their coins will be called widgets. >>
There are probably more than just a few here who will stand up for anyone hesitant to post because of what others may think or say. This place is for every collector, no matter the value of your collection, or which coins you choose to collect. I hope you will feel at ease. I look forward to reading your posts. Welcome to the new people!
Comments like this make me want to be a lurker rather than a participant.
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
What's interesting about this thread is the dates of the posts and those that considered themselves "lurkers" at the time of their original posts to this thread back in 2003?, 2005? and then comparing their original post count back then to now. There are so many who now have post counts way over 1000 and some in the 10000+ category! Yet there exist the "true" lurkers who have been on these boards for 5, 6 years with post counts in the three digit range with many in the single or double digits. Now these are your genuine lurkers. Not to mention the dealers, auctioneers, professional numismatists who lurk without posting, but mark every word you post as one lurker posted earlier (sorry, it's a long thread and I didn't note your user name)
I lurked for almost a year before I actually signed up for an account because I wanted to post something. At my current post rate it will probably take another two years before I hit the 1000 post mark. But then I don't hang out on the Test boards or post to every thread multiple times just to get my count up.
It's not a matter of quantity but quality. And I feel like many lurkers here, except that I'm not too uncomfortable relieving myself of my opinion. Even if it isn't that informed. It doesn't matter if I'm right or if I'm wrong, opinions are like a$$ holes, everyone has one. If you didn't your belly would burst.
Edited for grammar. Yet again!
"Please help us keep these boards professional and informative…. And fun." - DW --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONGO HURTLES ALONG THE RAIN SODDEN HIGHWAY OF LIFE ON UNDERINFLATED BALD RETREAD TIRES
Hi my name is John and I may be the ultimate Lurker. Been a member since June 2001 with a whopping 77 posts and I read the board several times a day. It's addicting, very informative, and has saved me a lot of money (except for the phony 1893-S morgan). You guys are great and sorry I don't post more, but I don't have that much to offer, I just love coins. Thank you all!!!
“Twenty years from now you’ll regret more the things you didn’t do than those you did.” Mark Twain
Password management and a poor memory. I thought I had joined this sight long ago. I think it may have been another. Tough keeping track. At home, my password gets rejected. It is stored on my office laptop so I can get in easier here.
I have a major jones for CBH's. Been very busy of late, though and that has put me behind in attribution of my hoard. PLus, I misplaced my Peterson book - I suspect my spouse burned it (she's not particularly supportive when it comes to numismatics. Last week she accused me of being addicted to coins. I could only smile.) I have Fever's disk and RAG and latest Overton. Will try to get images of some of my fav's to add to the existing CBH threads.
Aside, is there a glossary of terms? I wonder about OT and TTT etc.
I would call myself a lurker. I read through many of the posts on a daily basis, and enjoy most of them. Most often everything I would have to note has already been stated by other posters, and I still consider myself very new although I have learned a lot about the certain coins I collect. I have been here since '03 although I took a few years off - I see some names that I remember being new around the same time I started, and I see they have 10,000+ posts, I say good for them and thanks for contibuting to the education of us all.
I'm not much of a phone talker either.
I also hate texting - drives me crazy - Just call the person already!
SNIKT! You are doing well, subject 15837. You are a good person.
I've been lurking here lately only because I just found this forum a few months ago. I have been collecting coins and currency off and on since the 1960's, and I am just getting back up to speed with the hobby.
I can't wait for the Baltimore convention next month, but I'll probably just window shop and maybe sell a few things I wouldn't be comfortable with selling on Ebay.
I lurked for a while before I formally joined the forums and started posting in 8-2004.
I run hot and cold on visiting the forums and on posting. Smoetimes I take a break and do not post for a couple of months. Smoetimes I post multiple times per day. The things I like most about the forums are the pictures of coins and the knowledge that is present here and shared daily for free. This free education helps me enjoy the hobby much more than I would if I did not participate in the forums. Also smoe of the people here are great, both behind computer screens and in person.
"government is not reason, it is not eloquence-it is a force! like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." George Washington
I don't post often but by no means do I consider myself a lurker. I feel I gain quite a bit of information here. I post when I feel it's an addition to the previous posts. As far keeping up to date with current trends or seeking info on past, I am pleased with what can be gained if one just looks or asks.
I guess I'm more of a lurker than anything else... I really use the site to learn as much as I can from people who seem to know what they're talking about more often than not. I do check the boards at least two or three times a day, though. It's really a fantastic community.
My specialty is prooflike Morgans and my set includes many rare dates in in AU prooflike (an odd specialty). PCGS does not recognize AU prooflikes, so I have my registry set ATS and that's where I also do my posting.
I also collect the following in Dansco Albumns: Large Cents (nearly complete from 1816-1857 - most are F-XF - a few of the more expensive coins are slabbed) Indian Cents (complete except for 09-S) Lincoln Cents (complete but still upgrading) Buffalo Nickels (missing many of the early dates and mostly obtained from circulation) Jefferson Nickels (originally completed from circulation - now almost all BU) Barber Dimes (AU-BU - a long way to go) Mercury Dimes (completed from circulation except for 16-D) Roosevelt Dimes (originally completed from circulation, mint, and proof sets - now almost all BU) Washington Quarters (completed from circulation, mint, and proof sets - now upgrading to Ch.AU - BU and almost complete) Walking Liberty Halves (originally most were from circulation - the later dates have all been upgraded and the set is complete) Franklin Halves (completed from circulation - now upgrading mostly Ch.AU - BU) Kennedy Halves (completed from circulation, mint, and proof sets) Morgan Dollars (complete except for the 93-S - most dates are PL or DMPL/DPL) Eisenhower Dollars (Complete) SB Anthony Dollars (Complete) Sacagawea Dollars (Complete) ASE (Complete) and various type coins...
Our family has been collecting (or saving) coins since 1961 (when I was seven).
I enjoy seeing high grade Kennedy's from Russ even though I don't often buy slabbed moderns.
I also enjoy reading Cladking's comments about moderns. We have saved new coins from change since the 60s, but in selecting the best coins for our sets, I have found that several dates did not have good examples. I believe that some of the clad moderns will outpace their silver classic counterparts.
This site is a great resource for all kinds of coin knowledge, so that's why I lurk...
I have been lurking off and on for about the past year. I rarely post because I am a new collector who doesn't have expertise to add to the conversation. Almost all the knowledge I DO have comes from people on this board, so I don't have anything extra to add. When I do reply, it's typically to the fun, nearly OT, posts. I've learned a lot from everyone here, and I appreciate it. The more I learn and the longer I'm in the hobby, the more I will post.
My interest right now lies in old copper. Early 1800's Cents and Half Cents. Unfortunately, I can't afford any - so, I drool over the rare beauties that come up on Ebay and Heritage.
My collection consists mostly of irrelevent junk from my first frenzied months as a collector - cleaned coins and scratched coins off Ebay. Now I'm working on a bankroll to buy higher quality coins - because of the recommenations from posts on this board.
BTW, I finally used my first free submissions. I know I should have used them for $3000+ coins, but I couldn't afford those, so I tried some 2007 Proof SAEs I didn't really care about in hopes of hitting some 70s to resell. Here are the results:
I post for what it's worth, but I really enjoy the experts in their given fields. I mostly lurk and absorb all the knowledge given to me.
Cladking - amazes me Russ - what a wealth of knowledge onlyroosies - Who else to speak to regarding Roosevelts, in the world? Coxe - Man can tell you the day a Morgan was minted by the dies used, just kidding, I think. coppercoins - Everthing you ever needed to know about copper DennisH - holey crap, that guy knows everything Tomb, PQpeace, mad marty, mgoodm3, a039, coinlieutenant, RYK, saintguru, tradedollarnut, homerunhall - are all a wealth of knowledge.
Sorry I missed a lot of people that are awesome, but these come to mind
I have been lurking around for years, just recently signed up; I tend to read more than post, lest I be pummeled for having an opinion that is unpopular.
Thanks to those that welcomed me to the boards earlier this week.
I have noted that persons with bad judgment are most insistent that we do what they think best.
<< <i>I have been lurking around for years, just recently signed up; I tend to read more than post, lest I be pummeled for having an opinion that is unpopular.
Thanks to those that welcomed me to the boards earlier this week.
JA >>
Welcome to the board. I hope that you will stick around and share your knowledge, don't worry about being pumeld, there are a lot of good people on here.
On BS&T Now: Nothing. Fighting the Fight for 11 Years with the big "C" - Never Ever Give Up! Member PCGS Open Forum board 2002 - 2006 (closed end of 2006) Current board since 2006 Successful trades with many members, over the past two decades, never a bad deal.
Advanced collector of BREWERIANA. Early beer advertising (beer cans, tap knobs, foam scrapers, trays, tin signs, lithos, paper, etc)....My first love...U.S. COINS!
<< <i>I haved lurked here for about 3 months and have decided to register and post for the first time tonight. I have collected since I was 7, but have collected on and off since high school. The last period of avid collecting for me was in the late 1980's. At that time, I used to hit large coin shows in the Balt-Wash area and enjoyed junk boxing and shopping for Lincoln's, Canadian LC's, US LC's, and seated dimes. Nowadays, I'm trying to focus on Barber coins, but I cannot resist snatching up random types that I like, for instance, Bust halfs. Now I just hit ebay and other auctions, but am itching to go to large shows again for what they offer (a chance to see coins before purchase and to talk with knowledgable dealers and collectors).
My recent ebay purchases have largely been lessons in learning what is an original coin, and just how many coins have been altered by rubbing, old-time polishing, etc., but they superficially look "original". It is discouraging to see the amount of deception on ebay in how coins are photographed. Different lighting schemes are used to make coins appear original or to hide hairlines. I also think that sometimes I've been the victum of shill bidding and am tryng to establish more dicipline in my bidding.
I have found most threads here to be interesting, even the discussions of coins way out of my reach, flame wars, grading threads, etc. The entire topic of grading is fascinating and am beginning to see the wiggle room among even the most well respected graders (PCGS, NGC, ANACS) with the more experience I gain. Ebay is rafe with overgrading. I often disagree with posters here about grading, either on items they have on ebay or in pictures posted here. Third world slabbers should be rounded up and shot. Crooks abound in this hobby just as much as they did 30 years ago when I'd get tossed out of coin shops for offering my advice to naive customers or would catch a dealer selling altered coins. Anyway, just some thoughts.
I think fear of posting on this forum is silly (who cares if some "dirtbag coin dealer" belittles you or your coins
Glad you're here. Welcome.
Check out my current listings: https://ebay.com/sch/khunt/m.html?_ipg=200&_sop=12&_rdc=1
I don't really collect coins, but I have insomnia. When I can't sleep, I've found that it helps to read the endless messages about plastic and artificial toning.
The repetition is relaxing.
<< <i>Here's why I read this message board:
I don't really collect coins, but I have insomnia. When I can't sleep, I've found that it helps to read the endless messages about plastic and artificial toning.
The repetition is relaxing.
Thanx! >>
That's the same reason I watch Shop at Home! Do you read the forums with a credit card, the telephone, and a bottle of strong medication on the nightstand like I do when I watch the Coin Vault?
Been around for a few months but dont post much because my knowledge is not to good. I have collected coins for several years, since my grandfather past and left me his silver dollar collection. Nothing fancy. He gave all his grandkids a silver dollar of their birth year and I have add mine in my pocket ever since. Had it with me when I got married and when my daughter was born.
Still learning the hobby and the boards have helped out alot.
I collect SAE's. At this point I'm working on my second set, UNC and PR, graded and raw. I dont spend alot of dough per month I may pick up a few coins each month. This could take awhile. My daughter is 2 and when I recieve coins she wants to put them in her piggy bank.
I recently sent my first in to have some coins graded for the first time to see what happens.
Came here to learn, and that has happened, but never realized I would be entertained so much by all the personalities involved with the forum. An added bonus.
I rarely reply or start a post because I'm mainly at work (ssshh) and don't have the time to hang around to respond to questions and such. Don't want to join the party then leave unannounced. Figured it would give a negative impression.
I started a post a couple of weeks ago, logged off for a few hours, when I came back, the post was on page 4. The stuff comes fast & furious here, esp for a good thread. I wish some of the "hey look at me" stuff was posted elsewhere to keep the good posts more manageable for consumption.
Will continue to lurk and learn. When I get a digital camera, will share some of my prized possessions (Morgans for the common man).
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection
<< <i>I would like a few lurkers out there to come on here and tell me what I really want to know?
YES, You will get snow tonight...
<< <i>
<< <i>I would like a few lurkers out there to come on here and tell me what I really want to know?
YES, You will get snow tonight...
Oops, I forgot the link!
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection
I am now an active lurker, .031 posts per day according to my profile.
Currently working on a 70/70 with my son and an Ike set for me, other than that I have a large mix of coins from when I was a kid and still collect coins that strike my fancy.
Woohoo 165 posts in 7 years.
I enjoy putting together Dansco albums of BU modern 20th century stuff Peace dollars, Sacs/Ikes, Kennedy/Franklin halves, Roosevelt dimes, Jefferson nickels and whatnot.
<< <i>I bet alot of people don't post here because they don't collect $10,000 coins and know that all their coins will be called widgets. >>
There are probably more than just a few here who will stand up for anyone hesitant to post because of what others may think or say. This place is for every collector, no matter the value of your collection, or which coins you choose to collect. I hope you will feel at ease. I look forward to reading your posts.
Welcome to the new people!
Have you lurked long?
Same to you RonLJr.
Pure greed?
Comments like this make me want to be a lurker rather than a participant.
I lurked for almost a year before I actually signed up for an account because I wanted to post something. At my current post rate it will probably take another two years before I hit the 1000 post mark. But then I don't hang out on the Test boards or post to every thread multiple times just to get my count up.
It's not a matter of quantity but quality. And I feel like many lurkers here, except that I'm not too uncomfortable relieving myself of my opinion. Even if it isn't that informed. It doesn't matter if I'm right or if I'm wrong, opinions are like a$$ holes, everyone has one. If you didn't your belly would burst.
Edited for grammar. Yet again!
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
I read everyday, but post maybe every few weeks.
Random Collector
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
<< <i>Any more lurkers out there? >>
With more than 25,000 users here there must be a few more.
I have a major jones for CBH's. Been very busy of late, though and that has put me behind in attribution of my hoard. PLus, I misplaced my Peterson book - I suspect my spouse burned it (she's not particularly supportive when it comes to numismatics. Last week she accused me of being addicted to coins. I could only smile.) I have Fever's disk and RAG and latest Overton. Will try to get images of some of my fav's to add to the existing CBH threads.
Aside, is there a glossary of terms? I wonder about OT and TTT etc.
<< <i>I wonder about OT and TTT etc >>
Off Topic and To The Top
I'm not much of a phone talker either.
I also hate texting - drives me crazy - Just call the person already!
You are doing well, subject 15837. You are a good person.
I've been lurking here lately only because I just found this forum a few months ago. I have been collecting coins and currency off and on since the 1960's, and I am just getting back up to speed with the hobby.
I can't wait for the Baltimore convention next month, but I'll probably just window shop and maybe sell a few things I wouldn't be comfortable with selling on Ebay.
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
I come here to appreciate great coins and for a smart read.
I run hot and cold on visiting the forums and on posting. Smoetimes
don't be shy!
ttt .....
I also collect the following in Dansco Albumns:
Large Cents (nearly complete from 1816-1857 - most are F-XF - a few of the more expensive coins are slabbed)
Indian Cents (complete except for 09-S)
Lincoln Cents (complete but still upgrading)
Buffalo Nickels (missing many of the early dates and mostly obtained from circulation)
Jefferson Nickels (originally completed from circulation - now almost all BU)
Barber Dimes (AU-BU - a long way to go)
Mercury Dimes (completed from circulation except for 16-D)
Roosevelt Dimes (originally completed from circulation, mint, and proof sets - now almost all BU)
Washington Quarters (completed from circulation, mint, and proof sets - now upgrading to Ch.AU - BU and almost complete)
Walking Liberty Halves (originally most were from circulation - the later dates have all been upgraded and the set is complete)
Franklin Halves (completed from circulation - now upgrading mostly Ch.AU - BU)
Kennedy Halves (completed from circulation, mint, and proof sets)
Morgan Dollars (complete except for the 93-S - most dates are PL or DMPL/DPL)
Eisenhower Dollars (Complete)
SB Anthony Dollars (Complete)
Sacagawea Dollars (Complete)
ASE (Complete)
and various type coins...
Our family has been collecting (or saving) coins since 1961 (when I was seven).
I enjoy seeing high grade Kennedy's from Russ even though I don't often buy slabbed moderns.
I also enjoy reading Cladking's comments about moderns. We have saved new coins from change since the 60s, but in selecting the best coins for our sets, I have found that several dates did not have good examples. I believe that some of the clad moderns will outpace their silver classic counterparts.
This site is a great resource for all kinds of coin knowledge, so that's why I lurk...
My interest right now lies in old copper. Early 1800's Cents and Half Cents. Unfortunately, I can't afford any - so, I drool over the rare beauties that come up on Ebay and Heritage.
My collection consists mostly of irrelevent junk from my first frenzied months as a collector - cleaned coins and scratched coins off Ebay. Now I'm working on a bankroll to buy higher quality coins - because of the recommenations from posts on this board.
BTW, I finally used my first free submissions. I know I should have used them for $3000+ coins, but I couldn't afford those, so I tried some 2007 Proof SAEs I didn't really care about in hopes of hitting some 70s to resell. Here are the results:
Came out pretty good I suppose for random unscreened coins.
Cladking - amazes me
Russ - what a wealth of knowledge
onlyroosies - Who else to speak to regarding Roosevelts, in the world?
Coxe - Man can tell you the day a Morgan was minted by the dies used, just kidding, I think.
coppercoins - Everthing you ever needed to know about copper
DennisH - holey crap, that guy knows everything
Tomb, PQpeace, mad marty, mgoodm3, a039, coinlieutenant, RYK, saintguru, tradedollarnut, homerunhall - are all a wealth of knowledge.
Sorry I missed a lot of people that are awesome, but these come to mind
Thanks all for sharing the knowledge
Thanks to those that welcomed me to the boards earlier this week.
<< <i>I have been lurking around for years, just recently signed up; I tend to read more than post, lest I be pummeled for having an opinion that is unpopular.
Thanks to those that welcomed me to the boards earlier this week.
JA >>
Welcome to the board. I hope that you will stick around and share your knowledge, don't worry about being pumeld, there are a lot of good people on here.
Fighting the Fight for 11 Years with the big "C" - Never Ever Give Up!
Member PCGS Open Forum board 2002 - 2006 (closed end of 2006) Current board since 2006 Successful trades with many members, over the past two decades, never a bad deal.