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Winner is Sadysta1--How many AU58's has MadMarty made???

And the winner is sadysta1 with a guess of 28!! Marty gave me a lower number at first but immediately revised upward after digging deep into the closet and finding that AU58 box!!! 30 was the total. Now , you pick the denomination and win the slab. We have an ms-66, a 67dcam and a 68 cam on the line. Please PM me your pick and address. I will announce it to the gallery and send it along.

I just read MadMarty's submission results. Near the bottom AU58. MadMarty seems to take it in stride and I hope he doesn't get upset but it leads me to this.............How many has he gotten??? If MadMarty knows the answer and doesn't mind I will send the winner a slabbed coin. I have 3 to choose from a lincoln a jefferson or a washington. one is a pcgs slab, one is an icg slab and one is a ngc slab. Twice the fun...you pick the denomination and get the slab it's in. No cheating....if you have first hand knowledge don't guess. Contest ends sunday nite at 7 p.m. This all depends on Madmarty though.


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