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OT: How OLLLLDD are you?



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    I turned 40 this past 9/11image
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    I'm 44. I had to get out the calculator to make sure.image I've been rounding up to 45 so long I forget how young I really am.image
    The strangest things seem suddenly routine.
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    BearBear Posts: 18,954 ✭✭
    The Bear will be 65 in July. Thats right, I am really a crab.

    So you all better watch it, I can be Bearly civil and crabby at the same time.image
    There once was a place called
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    theboz11theboz11 Posts: 6,576 ✭✭✭
    58 going on 59 in June.
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    CharlieBCharlieB Posts: 441
    "location, location, location...eye appeal, eye appeal, eye appeal"
    My website
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    darktonedarktone Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭
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    BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
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    MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    46 here!
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

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    tjkilliantjkillian Posts: 5,578 ✭✭✭
    41 years old. I was born when they still had Franklins circulating!


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    GTOsterGTOster Posts: 861 ✭✭✭
    44 today but 45 on Friday the 16th of May
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    izzy452izzy452 Posts: 929

    Walt image
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    UncleJoeUncleJoe Posts: 2,528 ✭✭✭
    48 years young. image

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    Just turned 41 a month ago - all you peeps who forgot the b-day presents need to send those coins quick!!! image
    Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!!
    'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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    nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,387 ✭✭✭
    Well, I'll turn 30 on August 22!
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    CLASSICSCLASSICS Posts: 1,164 ✭✭
    i remember when 55 chevys were new.....and watched elvis for the first time on t.v. 1955 double dies cents were just a thought, and walking libertys could still be found in your change.......you could still go out at night with no worrys, and didnt have to lock your doors..........q. david bowers wasnt in business, and you could go to your bank and get bags of silver dollars.............gasoline was 28 cents a gallon, and they always checked your oil........bill gates wasnt even born, and henery ford was still alive........ it seems like yesterday.........but today is here......and tomorrow will come, and i will be happy to see another day.............
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    UncleJoeUncleJoe Posts: 2,528 ✭✭✭
    old enough to know , and old enough to tell......


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    GaCoinGuyGaCoinGuy Posts: 2,756 ✭✭✭✭
    I will be 34 on July 19th

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    54 (Act like I'm 13)
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    FC57CoinsFC57Coins Posts: 9,140
    ICK - I'm the same age as Marty! 46!

    We're twin brothers from different mothers! image
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    maddogalemaddogale Posts: 859 ✭✭
    gotcha beat, Frank.....just turned 47 last week......BTW, I wouldn't admit being a brother to Marty anytime!!! image
    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on; I don't do these things to other people, I require the same from them."
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    FatManFatMan Posts: 8,977
    45 years young. image
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    pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭
    39 looking at 40

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
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    GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭
    I would never have guessed at the age(s) of the majority here. At first blush 40+ seems about the average, at least for those who have posted so far. And I never would have guessed at those who are, well, seniors. I guess most of the folks I know 40 and better hardly bother with a computer recreationally.

    Dragon, I just would have never thought you to be your age. No negative inference intended; I'm impressed.

    I tell you what, though. I'm generally a "home-body" and don't get out to socialize much, so forgive my awe. Most of us are around the same age, which makes it very curious to me, why some of us don't get along even better.

    Anyhow, it is pleasantly surprising to know a little more about you all. I think knowing a persons age can provide a "bit" of insight into their personality, by inference or expectation only, or course, but somewhat helpful nonetheless.

    With that, drum roll please, pencil me in with the forty-something crowd. I'll be 45 this year. image
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    jeffnpcbjeffnpcb Posts: 1,943
    47 going on 87! The 3 kids in my icon pic are mine at 5, 3, and fresh mint 7 weeks!


    Millions on WELFARE depend on you!
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    I be 61 years young. Get to draw social security starting in January 2004. More coin money!!image
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    DAMDAM Posts: 2,410 ✭✭
    This is image !

    I'm 46. It seems there are quite a few 46 year olds here. image
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    Born in 1955! (47)
    Lurking with intent to loom
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    I am 41.
    My eBay Items

    I love Ike dollars and all other dollar series !!!

    I also love Major Circulation Strike Type Sets, clad Washingtons ('65 to '98) and key date coins !!!!!

    If ignorance is bliss, shouldn't we have more happy people ??
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    RussRuss Posts: 48,515 ✭✭✭
    Man, a Geritol salesman could make a killing over in BST.

    Russ, NCNE
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    ZerbeZerbe Posts: 587 ✭✭
    58,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I think ?
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    GeomanGeoman Posts: 2,491 ✭✭✭
    34 here...........
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    45 going on 46. May 15 is my Birthday! I accept all Buffalo Nickels PCGS graded thursday!image
    BTW, I still have it! imageimage
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    gripgrip Posts: 9,962 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Im 61 and still warmimage.Al
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    43...but ran my Navy Physical Fitness Test this morning and feel about 65...still a chick magnet though...
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    WoodwindWoodwind Posts: 486

    Oh, wait. You probably want my age in years, not months image In that case, I'm 33 and will be 34 (408 months) on May 28.

    Lurking proudly on internet forums since 2001
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    FlashFlash Posts: 1,090 ✭✭✭
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    Sleep well tonight for the 82nd Airborne Division is on point for the nation.
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    coinlieutenantcoinlieutenant Posts: 9,305 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just turned 27....

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    ERER Posts: 7,345
    John (coinleutenant), I thought you were MUCH older.

    BTW, the 1902 Liberty nickel is beautiful. Is that a toned fingerprint on her cheek?
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    Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536

    And GAT that's Whipper Snapper. image
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    NysotoNysoto Posts: 3,787 ✭✭✭✭✭
    46, act 19, look 59
    Robert Scot: Engraving Liberty - biography of US Mint's first chief engraver
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    29, I guess that makes me a medium numistatist? Not exactly young since I've been collecting on and off since the early 80's, but I guess I still bow down to the people with 40 plus years experience...

    My Blog
    90% lurker, 10% poster, 100% American!
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    TonekillerTonekiller Posts: 1,308 ✭✭
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    ksteelheaderksteelheader Posts: 11,777
    55 next Wednesday, May 21st. You all get my presents ready....Ken
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    jcpingjcping Posts: 2,649 ✭✭✭
    42 here
    an SLQ and Ike dollars lover
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    43...44 in December. My oldest daughter is getting married next month. Two daughters and a son in-law in college at the same time. Ack!!
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