Activity page issue

I received this email from Emilio this AM:
PCGS Set Registry
8:28 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
Hi Randy,
Glad everything is working else is working out! I'm trying as hard as I can to get the activity page fixed, there's only so much I can do when it's an I.T. issue. I appreciate everyone's patience with this!
Thanks for using the Set Registry, and have a great week!
Emilio Gutierrez
Set Registry Coordinator
Set Registry
Yes, we’ve known for over two months that this is NOT Emilio’s fault at @SetRegistryManager, but is clearly an I.T. issue! However, despite replies from other PCGS personnel on other similar threads, NO ONE has yet to explain why PCGS upper management, including Stephanie Sabin, is choosing to completely ignore this serious issue!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
This is what you expect from a top associate who interfaces with customers. With so many CSRs it's just crickets. Even though Emilio can't fix the issue himself, he is keeping Randy informed, which is exactly what a excellent CSR should do.
Accessing the activity page has worked for me for several days now. Appears fixed.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Agreed ... worked for me today as well
Top 10 Cal Fractional Type Set
successful BST with Ankurj, BigAl, Bullsitter, CommemKing, DCW(7), Downtown1974, Elmerfusterpuck, Joelewis, Mach1ne, Minuteman810430, Modcrewman, Nankraut, Nederveit2, Philographer(5), Realgator, Silverpop, SurfinxHI, TomB and Yorkshireman(3)
Still NOT working for me - neither on my desktop or iPad. UGH!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
I have given up looking, well over 6 months now still only the error message
I have checked it every day for over 2 weeks now
Fed up with it
I sent a request to Emilio 3 times over the past 2 weeks and NOTHING
My Indians
Danco Set
It started working for me again over the weekend. I am using Chrome web browser.
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
I use Chrome, and it still will NOT work on my desktop!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
How old is your processor, Steve?
What does the processor have to do with it?
My Indians
Danco Set
My desktop is about three years old or so. My iPad is about six months old. The key is each of these two devices work perfectly on EVERY website I go to, except for the PCGS activity page!
Are they using Elementary School programmers that design the site so that it works ONLY on “new” computers? I hate to say this, but is this situation now at the point that PCGS should be embarrassed that they choose to not get this long term broken functionality fixed?
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Try this:
Sign out of PCGS, then clear your cache. Best to do it at least as far back as you last knew it worked, or just all dates. You will have to sign in to a few sites again.
Reboot, then go to PCGS and sign in. There is a chance this will work.
On the iPhone, uninstall the PCGS app, and reinstalling it.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Just did that and it still doesn't work
My Indians
Danco Set
That is so strange. My activity page has been working fine the whole time since I did that a few weeks ago.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
On the activity page at the top by the https:// there is a padlock symbol. Click on it and you will see the permissions. Click on that and reset them all to default. Then on the same padlock there is a "cookies and site data" go there and click on each active "allowed" one and remove it.
Then close and get out of your web browser entirely and restart it and try to go to PCGS. Maybe that will work.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
In all my years of computer problems, clearing cache and cookies has never fixed ANY of them. Ever. The only thing it "accomplishes" is forcing me to re-log in and re-2FA into every single account that I typically don't have to fight with. And I'm sure ALL the tech support "gurus" are well aware of that - it's there version of "leave me alone for 20 minutes" and by the time someone comes back to say "It didn't work" that tech support guy is on a different call or on break.

This is all I see
I don't see any padlock
My Indians
Danco Set
If they don't have anybody in IT to fix these problems
My Indians
Danco Set
Your browser might show it this way

Also, something that just kinda hit me here -- if you're running any kind of adblock, disable it, refresh the page, and see if that changes anything. It's a long shot, but.... My facebook newsfeed will only load two posts and then lock up, with adblock running (kinda says something, doesn't it...) -- I just tried it on the "Report a cert that should match" bug, and it made no difference, so I wouldn't hold my breath, but, yeah, worth mentioning and trying, regardless
My level of understanding these issues is very low. But with that said, what I do know, is that I have NOT RECENTLY added any adblockers to my desktop or iPad, and for MANY years had NO problem very regularly accessing the Activity page, until a few months ago! The PCGS programmers should be able to restore the functionality of accessing that page without me (and apparently many others) from having to jump through all of the technological hoops you have generously suggested!
But I do appreciate your suggestions. Thank you!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
I just tried from my logged in PCGS page pasting in and going to . Take a guess what happened? I got the famous “Oops” message!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Honestly it is hard to understand. I do not have any problems accessing that page. I use the newest beta Microsoft Edge browser, but it works for Chrome and DuckDuckGo, too. This is why it is possibly a very difficult bug to track down. The only time I have had the errors happen screen recently is when Microsoft did an update to Windows that did not finish.

My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
I don't think it has to do with the age of the computer or the processor. If it did, I doubt mine would work as I am on a computer running Windows 7 that I bought in 2009. I doubt anybody here is using anything older than that. Mine did not work for a few weeks and then I decided to clear my cache and cookies and it worked. I did not even shutdown and reboot my computer as it takes a while to do.
I understand how frustrating this can be as It took me a little over 3 weeks to get a coin into my set and then when I was finally able to get it into my set, it was only giving me 58 points in my set instead of 464 points. It took almost another month for that to be corrected. The weird thing is, it was fixed on a Saturday. I know this because I checked 3 or 4 times a day, everyday until it finally calculated correctly.
I thanked Emilio and like many others here, I told him that the hierarchy at PCGS need to start taking the registry problems more seriously before it is too late and people move on to somewhere else.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
OK, I decided to not be so stubborn, so I cleared out the cache, deleted all history and browser stuff! Guess what? I'm still getting the "Oops" message! But now i have to relog in to many sites, and in several cases, reset new passwords. That impacts my iPad logging in as well with passwords! UGH!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
So sorry you had to go through all that trouble Steve, only to get the same results.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
I suspect it is a server connectivity or load issue. Just like sometimes you add new items and you get the Oops page and sometimes it works, I think that sometimes you can get lucky and see your activity page. The activity page requires a lot of database queries to run to produce the content.
Unbelievable checked today and the activity page is working. Big thankyou to who ever it was that manage to fix the issue. Now I can look forward to requesting the removal of some many coins that others have sold and not bothered to do the right thing.
Still not me!😢
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Still broken here.
When my Activity Page comes up, it will update the "set changes" and allow me to use the Header Bar options like Dashboard and Inventory.
Since I can't add any slot requests thru the "Report a Cert That Should Match This Composite", my slots requests are all showing zero requests.
When I go into one of my actual registry sets that I need to have a coin slot added or the ability to add a coin to this set using the "Report a Cert That Should Match This Composite", it Bombs out with the Oops! Errors Happen message.
Many of my 20+ Kennedy sets still do not recognize the 2024 coins and one or two do not recognize the 2023 coins.
These sets show the red ampersand with the words "*These items are optional and not calculated in the grade or the percent completion of the set."
It is 2025 and all sets should require the 2024 and earlier dated coins that fit the set and have their value added to that set.
This issue has been going on since November of last year.
Anyone else having this issue?
Kennedys are my quest...
The activity page issue seems to be a hit-or-miss bug, some users have essentially zero access to it, mine shows up every time I try to access it but the "Set Changes" box takes forever to populate. The other boxes, for me, have no content, so perhaps that's what's helping mine function
For those having the "Activity Page" not showing up, here's a set of individual links to the boxes on the page - see if any of them get you closer:
(These individual pages have a sub-header with all the same links as above, plus one more not shown on the Activity page -- at least on mine: )
If any of those fail to load, that page might be what's responsible for blocking the activity page.
My "Set Changes" box does not show the update I made last night, which did move one of my sets 'up' from 3rd to 2nd place. I don't know if that has any diagnostic value to speak of or not.
The "Report a cert" function is a universal failure - I think it's broken for everyone.
I had some free time today (that was a joke since all my days are free)
I have two computers in my office, one I always use for my coins and other things but the other one I never used for coins. I went to my other computer, the one I never use for coins and logged into PCGS, put in my user name and password and I was in
I then brought up MY SETS. I then clicked on the 3 vertical lines on the left and it opened another window. I then clicked on the activity link and guess opened!!!!! The first time in about 4 months. I was able to see the page and not that OPPS sign.
I didn't do anything other than open the link to PCGS and log in
THEN, I went back to my other computer and opened the PCGS page which I always have saved and never close. Guess what, now the activity page opens
Was it me??? Was it them???
Right now I don't have any coins waiting to add since Emilio fixed the last one so I don't know if the whole system works or not
Just letting everyone know, hope this can help someone else out
My Indians
Danco Set
What "3 vertical lines" are you referring to? What browser? No luck for me trying any of this.
I think he meant the three "Horizontal" lines, which gives you a menu that includes "Activity" page.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Yes they are horizontal, my bad. I guess I got so excited that it worked!
My Indians
Danco Set
Yes they are horizontal, my bad. I guess I got so excited that it worked!
I don't know why it worked, Im using Chrome
My Indians
Danco Set
still haveing problems getting my 2024 Kennedys into all my sets. I started a thread concerning this Kennedy problem. Hope they get it fixed soon.
Any progress?
My Indians
Danco Set
No, I never got it to work. With the message saying "forbidden" it could be a permissions issue that if you perform the right sequence it works but if you don't it doesn't. I could never figure it out. Also could be a mobile vs desktop thing.
However, my recent email (with photos) to setregistry to remove some coins another member had was respnded to in less than a week so I think they're clearing the backlog a bit.
I have gotten my 2024 MS coins into all my Kennedy registries. They did a fix last week on this. I still have numerous problems all about the website though. Getting and exceptional amount of :OOOPS".
w> @smalltime said:
Glad to hear that you have had some success.
Do your sets show all the 2024 coins as required or still with the red ampersand saying
"*These items are optional and not calculated in the grade or the percent completion of the set?"
Some of my date sets show the ms coins as required without the ampersand but most of my sets
still do not especially with the 2024 proofs.
The IT department should have by now pressed the magic button so that all sets that need 2024 coins are now required and
reflect the set's ranking being lowered until they are added.
Any set that contains the 2024 coins should not have the coin preceeded with the ampersand.
We are 3 months into 2025!
There might be an IT sign on the door with the lights on, but nobody is home!
I believe that Emilio is putting on band-aids to fix a certain individual's issue because again the IT guys are not fixing the root
cause issues which effects us all.
I am very thankful to him but he is only one person.
Too me, set registry has two major problems.
The first is that the "report a cert that should match this composite".
When you try to report / use it, you get the "oops" error page and due to this,
the second problem occurs because the oops page also prevents you from accessing the "request to have a cert
removed from another member's inventory" option.
In order to get it reported or fixed, you must go thru the email route or try to get a human on the phone.
These things have been broken since November of 2024 or longer.
I can not wait until it comes time to meet the set requirements for the 2025 set awards.
Creedence Clearwater Revival sums it up the best:
I see the bad moon a-rising, I see trouble on the way, I see earthquakes and lightning, I see bad times today.
Kennedys are my quest...
And as of "right now" I'm getting a server error message trying to open the Set Registry mobile app, so it looks like we can cross off the NFC-scan workaround too. I REALLY hope that's just a random fluke error that fixes itself quickly
Actually, as of right now, it looks like the entire PCGS site is dead. Maybe someone decided to unplug it and plug it back in. Let's hope they remember that second part...
same here
Kennedys are my quest...
(Mobile app and main website seem to be back in operation again.... with no indication that anything was fixed in the process :-/ )
I only have 4 sets, all named luvmyredc3. none of them have proofs. all have my 2024 coins showing up as they should. I do stillhave the 2 major problems you mention with the OOOPS crap. I got an email the other day to remove a coin from my inventory and could not do it the normal way, so i just went into inventory and deleted it. Been about a w eek now and heard nothingmore about it, so must be ok.
Somebody named Hy helped me thru email to get my sets updated.
@PCGS_Hy has also been of significant help to me with getting coins wrongly still listed in sellers sets able to be properly listed in my Registry, since I proved with dated photos I actually have the coins. Two down, two to go.
Oddly, the remaining two are strange. The person who has these two items in their Registry actually denied the PCGS request to remove them, claiming he has them. Yet @PCGS_Hy recognizes the dated photos I emailed him are real. My sense is both that person and I bought our modern medals from the same seller, who had many to sell, and used stock photos. While I tried to enter my actual cert # in my Registry, I believe the other collector just entered the cert numbers from the stock photos, not recognizing they were stock photos, with his actual cert numbers being different. A little bit more time should resolve this in my favor.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set: