I am worried about all of you carrying coons around. We had them in our chimney and they are flea ridden. They get into the trash and raid the chicken coop - yet you guys carry them around. Weird.
I usually carry enough cash on me to get 100 miles away from anywhere. I learned this lesson in 1990. I was getting ready to deploy to desert storm and I was stationed in San Diego. Me and a couple of Navy buddies decided to go down to Tijuana for one last horray. I'll save you t he details, but the cash I had in my wallet kept me from a night in a Tijuana jail.
Need a Barber Half with ANACS photo certificate. If you have one for sale please PM me. Current Ebay auctions
I always carry around cash, but very rarely actually use it these days. My wallet has a little pouch for coins and I always try to give exact change when I use cash, if I have it.
Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one. Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Only carry currency occasionally, like when I travel.
I do not use coins at all. Years ago, we had a guy at work that carried a wad of cash. It was really only a wad of $1's with a $100 on top. He thought that he was impressing the women, but they all laughed at him.
Panhandlers require cash. Not equipped with a swiper yet.
We recently had a panhandler at our local Target store over the holidays and he had the swiper/reader on his phone. He solicited a customer walking into Target and asked if she could donate $2 to a local cause to help youth. She put her card in the reader and noticed that the transaction was for $2000. The subject then ran and jumped into a waiting car and made his getaway. She came into Target telling people of being scammed and she was informed Target couldn't do anything; he didn't work or have permission from Target. There was also a report of the same scam across town that weekend. Although I use a credit card to pay for everything, even my home bills, so as to receive their free money from points, I always carry some cash(currency) but never leave the house with coins. I prefer the credit card, so my debit card doesn't get hacked, which has happened in the past, mostly when it involved travel. I pay the balance off monthly, and yes, that can hurt when you see the balance.
With a credit card, she can call her credit card company and cancel the charge. If it was a debit card, she's probably out of luck.
Carry at least $100 bills and $20 in loose change stashed in my truck. For the car wash, lottery machine, etc. and to the occasional homeless person I judge that needs it. Don’t bother with the pros and cons, my call. Otherwise, agree that using a credit card is the best. Get the rewards and pay it off each month. Great deal.
@Clackamas1 said:
I am worried about all of you carrying coons around. We had them in our chimney and they are flea ridden. They get into the trash and raid the chicken coop - yet you guys carry them around. Weird.
In a small town I try to pay with cash so that they don’t pay extra fees for credit card usage. And I make every effort to put a cash tip in the waitress or waiter’s hand. Not on the table
I carry a small wad for those silver coons that you seldom get back in change. Last hit was Taco Bell about a year back when the employee gave me back two silver quarters in change. I quickly asked for a dollar more in quarters and received two more silvers. Then I got greedy drove around and went inside asking for more where the manager was quickly on to me and suddenly taking interest noticing the old dates.
Only carry currency occasionally, like when I travel.
Years ago, I went to lunch with some friends at one of the best Vietnamese restaurants in Houston. I had the best pho that I've ever had. When it came time to settle up, I pulled out my debit card and was shocked to find that they did not take checks or cards, only cash(!!!) Luckily, my good buddy had a $50 bill in his wallet, and he was able to buy us both out of our predicaments.
Ever since that day, I have kept a crisp, tightly folded $100 bill in my wallet, hidden behind my membership and insurance cards. I figure that $100 will get me out of about any jam that I find myself in.
Panhandlers require cash. Not equipped with a swiper yet.
We recently had a panhandler at our local Target store over the holidays and he had the swiper/reader on his phone. He solicited a customer walking into Target and asked if she could donate $2 to a local cause to help youth. She put her card in the reader and noticed that the transaction was for $2000. The subject then ran and jumped into a waiting car and made his getaway. She came into Target telling people of being scammed and she was informed Target couldn't do anything; he didn't work or have permission from Target. There was also a report of the same scam across town that weekend. Although I use a credit card to pay for everything, even my home bills, so as to receive their free money from points, I always carry some cash(currency) but never leave the house with coins. I prefer the credit card, so my debit card doesn't get hacked, which has happened in the past, mostly when it involved travel. I pay the balance off monthly, and yes, that can hurt when you see the balance.
With a credit card, she can call her credit card company and cancel the charge. If it was a debit card, she's probably out of luck.
It was my understanding it was her debit card.
I never understood why someone would carry and use a debit card for purchases when a credit card will do the same thing and is much safer to carry and use. Also, many credit cards will give you a cash rebate.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
@PerryHall said:
I never understood why someone would carry and use a debit card for purchases when a credit card will do the same thing and is much safer to carry and use. Also, many credit cards will give you a cash rebate.
I only carry the debit card so I can get cash from the ATM. But I rarely use cash. When I get out $100 it lasts a couple of months. My barber is the only transaction that takes only cash.
Only carry currency occasionally, like when I travel.
@Choppy . That reminded me. Anytime I know I am dealing with a new person or business I take along cash. My wife switched to a new hairdresser in January. When I asked how she liked her money she told me it was cash and carry only. My bank was only 3 blocks away but I wouldn't have wanted to have to have her "hold' the wife while I ran there. Lol. James
Always have cash and have taught my children to always have some.
In an emergency it can come in handy and, as I told them, you can’t bribe anyone with a credit/debit card.
Also a cash stash for extreme emergencies. Have been in the damage zone of a couple tornados and electricity was out but could still purchase water, etc.
Cash may not still be king but is at least a prince. 😉
Q: When does a collector become a numismatist?
A: The year they spend more on their library than their coin collection.
A numismatist is judged more on the content of their library than the content of their cabinet.
There are a couple bars and pizza joints I occassionally visit that are cash only. I guess all you ritzy hoity-toities can't relate to that.
BTW, I have credit cards, and what i consider to be an ATM card that is probably also a debit card, but as mentioned above, why use it as an unprotected debit card when I can use a credit card to get points and extra protection against fraud.
Cash is still king at flea markets, gun shows, etc. mom and pop sellers do not set up for credit cards, and many buyers do not want their information tracked or shared with taxing authorities. The underground economy lives!
I always carry some cash. You never know when power might go out or something else and can't use debit/credit cards.
I never carry coins except if I am going somewhere where I would need to use metered parking. Plus I have a small baggie of change in the car in case I need change for something but never in my pockets.
ebay seller name milbroco email bcmiller7@comcast.net
I generally carry a few ones and fives for tipping. My mother in law just passed, so I have a fistful of Susie B's, Sacagawea's, and Ike dollars that I look forward to distributing and waiting for the cashiers to ask their managers if this is real money. I'm guessing 50/50 that they know. :-)
You know me, I always have some cash on hand, and coins. I even am the full supplier to several banks for dimes and $1s. I had $2300 in the bank with me today.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
Panhandlers require cash. Not equipped with a swiper yet.
We recently had a panhandler at our local Target store over the holidays and he had the swiper/reader on his phone. He solicited a customer walking into Target and asked if she could donate $2 to a local cause to help youth. She put her card in the reader and noticed that the transaction was for $2000. The subject then ran and jumped into a waiting car and made his getaway. She came into Target telling people of being scammed and she was informed Target couldn't do anything; he didn't work or have permission from Target. There was also a report of the same scam across town that weekend. Although I use a credit card to pay for everything, even my home bills, so as to receive their free money from points, I always carry some cash(currency) but never leave the house with coins. I prefer the credit card, so my debit card doesn't get hacked, which has happened in the past, mostly when it involved travel. I pay the balance off monthly, and yes, that can hurt when you see the balance.
With a credit card, she can call her credit card company and cancel the charge. If it was a debit card, she's probably out of luck.
It was my understanding it was her debit card.
I never understood why someone would carry and use a debit card for purchases when a credit card will do the same thing and is much safer to carry and use. Also, many credit cards will give you a cash rebate.
Panhandlers require cash. Not equipped with a swiper yet.
We recently had a panhandler at our local Target store over the holidays and he had the swiper/reader on his phone. He solicited a customer walking into Target and asked if she could donate $2 to a local cause to help youth. She put her card in the reader and noticed that the transaction was for $2000. The subject then ran and jumped into a waiting car and made his getaway. She came into Target telling people of being scammed and she was informed Target couldn't do anything; he didn't work or have permission from Target. There was also a report of the same scam across town that weekend. Although I use a credit card to pay for everything, even my home bills, so as to receive their free money from points, I always carry some cash(currency) but never leave the house with coins. I prefer the credit card, so my debit card doesn't get hacked, which has happened in the past, mostly when it involved travel. I pay the balance off monthly, and yes, that can hurt when you see the balance.
With a credit card, she can call her credit card company and cancel the charge. If it was a debit card, she's probably out of luck.
It was my understanding it was her debit card.
I never understood why someone would carry and use a debit card for purchases when a credit card will do the same thing and is much safer to carry and use. Also, many credit cards will give you a cash rebate.
I think maybe some people can't use a CC because of uncontrollable spending. I have known so many people that got into CC debt, and they were buried in debt with several CC companies. We were there at one time in our younger years, but we were able to turn it around and get out of CC debt and live a debt free life, so far. If you're disciplined enough to pay off the monthly statement balance and to avoid interest and late fees, it's a big win.
For the last 15 years or so I've primarily used cash only for everyday purchases. Only used cards for online purchases and bills. The last month or so I've been using cards a lot more.
I always carry some cash just in case and usually a few coins in my pocket. Yesterday I found myself in the Aldi's Grocery Store. Their shopping carts are chained together and you have to put a quarter in the device to remove one cart. When you are done you return the cart and it gives you your quarter back. That eliminates the need to have someone go out and wrangle up all the carts all around the parking lots since they are always neat and orderly. However, when I pulled in and looked in my change pile in the truck there was not a quarter to be found. My wife had no change on her and my pockets only gave up a couple of dimes. I wasn't about to walk in and stand in the cashier line to get a quarter so we left and shopped at Walmart and then went for lunch. Later that evening I loaded a few quarters into the change holder of the truck and went back. I got my buggy and then saw an older lady approaching so I spent another quarter and got her a cart to ease her shopping experience.
So, as long as the situations arise where some change is needed, I will continue to carry a variety for what ever need. In the old days I always had a dime in my penny loafers just in case I had to make an emergency call at the local pay phone. I don't see very many of those around anymore but you just never know.
Only carry currency occasionally, like when I travel.
@oldabeintx . Quite true. I have seen it several times. Also, for about a month after our new Aldi opened, there was a stack of quarters sitting on a stand to the right when you walked in.
Only carry currency occasionally, like when I travel.
I just remembered that some years ago I was entering a turnpike in the Midwest that required change. (a minor tributary entrance). I had to fish out some change that I had coincidentally tossed in my briefcase. Backing up wasn’t a good option - an unpleasant few minutes. Never seen that before or since, except in Europe.
I am worried about all of you carrying coons around. We had them in our chimney and they are flea ridden. They get into the trash and raid the chicken coop - yet you guys carry them around. Weird.
I usually carry enough cash on me to get 100 miles away from anywhere. I learned this lesson in 1990. I was getting ready to deploy to desert storm and I was stationed in San Diego. Me and a couple of Navy buddies decided to go down to Tijuana for one last horray. I'll save you t he details, but the cash I had in my wallet kept me from a night in a Tijuana jail.
I always carry around cash, but very rarely actually use it these days. My wallet has a little pouch for coins and I always try to give exact change when I use cash, if I have it.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
At shows plenty of cash for procurement / buy offers. Otherwise $300-$500 walking around cash.
I do not use coins at all. Years ago, we had a guy at work that carried a wad of cash. It was really only a wad of $1's with a $100 on top. He thought that he was impressing the women, but they all laughed at him.
Not sure why, but I usually carry about $60 in cash. Even then, it lasts for months and months. I haven't carried coins in probably 15-20 years.
My Indians
Danco Set
It was my understanding it was her debit card.
Better not to these days not safe out there.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Choice number 5:
Carry at least $100 bills and $20 in loose change stashed in my truck. For the car wash, lottery machine, etc. and to the occasional homeless person I judge that needs it. Don’t bother with the pros and cons, my call. Otherwise, agree that using a credit card is the best. Get the rewards and pay it off each month. Great deal.
Yes, and they can have rabies as well.
In a small town I try to pay with cash so that they don’t pay extra fees for credit card usage. And I make every effort to put a cash tip in the waitress or waiter’s hand. Not on the table
Lafayette Grading Set
I carry a small wad for those silver coons that you seldom get back in change. Last hit was Taco Bell about a year back when the employee gave me back two silver quarters in change. I quickly asked for a dollar more in quarters and received two more silvers. Then I got greedy drove around and went inside asking for more where the manager was quickly on to me and suddenly taking interest noticing the old dates.
Old school- I always carry cash, never gets turned down
Years ago, I went to lunch with some friends at one of the best Vietnamese restaurants in Houston. I had the best pho that I've ever had. When it came time to settle up, I pulled out my debit card and was shocked to find that they did not take checks or cards, only cash(!!!) Luckily, my good buddy had a $50 bill in his wallet, and he was able to buy us both out of our predicaments.
Ever since that day, I have kept a crisp, tightly folded $100 bill in my wallet, hidden behind my membership and insurance cards. I figure that $100 will get me out of about any jam that I find myself in.
$100 bill and $100 in $20's at all times.
Always carry 2 or 3 hundred in my wallet. Never spend the change I get. Give them a quick look and separate them in qt. soup containers.
I never understood why someone would carry and use a debit card for purchases when a credit card will do the same thing and is much safer to carry and use. Also, many credit cards will give you a cash rebate.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I only carry the debit card so I can get cash from the ATM. But I rarely use cash. When I get out $100 it lasts a couple of months. My barber is the only transaction that takes only cash.
@Choppy . That reminded me. Anytime I know I am dealing with a new person or business I take along cash. My wife switched to a new hairdresser in January. When I asked how she liked her money she told me it was cash and carry only. My bank was only 3 blocks away but I wouldn't have wanted to have to have her "hold' the wife while I ran there. Lol. James
Just to be clear- you would have come back for her, right?
Always have cash and have taught my children to always have some.
In an emergency it can come in handy and, as I told them, you can’t bribe anyone with a credit/debit card.
Also a cash stash for extreme emergencies. Have been in the damage zone of a couple tornados and electricity was out but could still purchase water, etc.
Cash may not still be king but is at least a prince. 😉
A: The year they spend more on their library than their coin collection.
A numismatist is judged more on the content of their library than the content of their cabinet.
There are a couple bars and pizza joints I occassionally visit that are cash only. I guess all you ritzy hoity-toities can't relate to that.
BTW, I have credit cards, and what i consider to be an ATM card that is probably also a debit card, but as mentioned above, why use it as an unprotected debit card when I can use a credit card to get points and extra protection against fraud.
Cash is still king at flea markets, gun shows, etc. mom and pop sellers do not set up for credit cards, and many buyers do not want their information tracked or shared with taxing authorities. The underground economy lives!
I always carry some cash. You never know when power might go out or something else and can't use debit/credit cards.
I never carry coins except if I am going somewhere where I would need to use metered parking. Plus I have a small baggie of change in the car in case I need change for something but never in my pockets.
email bcmiller7@comcast.net
You never know when the deal of a lifetime will be infront of you
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
, you can’t bribe anyone with a credit/debit card.
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
I generally carry a few ones and fives for tipping. My mother in law just passed, so I have a fistful of Susie B's, Sacagawea's, and Ike dollars that I look forward to distributing and waiting for the cashiers to ask their managers if this is real money. I'm guessing 50/50 that they know. :-)
You know me, I always have some cash on hand, and coins. I even am the full supplier to several banks for dimes and $1s. I had $2300 in the bank with me today.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
Lafayette Grading Set
I always carry about twenty $5 bills for tips. Otherwise, I almost exclusively use Applepay, and never use coins.
I don't carry change. Don't want to scratch my Derringer!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I think maybe some people can't use a CC because of uncontrollable spending. I have known so many people that got into CC debt, and they were buried in debt with several CC companies. We were there at one time in our younger years, but we were able to turn it around and get out of CC debt and live a debt free life, so far. If you're disciplined enough to pay off the monthly statement balance and to avoid interest and late fees, it's a big win.
For the last 15 years or so I've primarily used cash only for everyday purchases. Only used cards for online purchases and bills. The last month or so I've been using cards a lot more.
We were there at one time in our younger years, but we were able to turn it around and get out of CC debt and live a debt free life, so far.
Same here, well said
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
My PPK s has some scratches
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
Looks like my "Bersa Thunder" .380ACP
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I always carry some cash just in case and usually a few coins in my pocket. Yesterday I found myself in the Aldi's Grocery Store. Their shopping carts are chained together and you have to put a quarter in the device to remove one cart. When you are done you return the cart and it gives you your quarter back. That eliminates the need to have someone go out and wrangle up all the carts all around the parking lots since they are always neat and orderly. However, when I pulled in and looked in my change pile in the truck there was not a quarter to be found. My wife had no change on her and my pockets only gave up a couple of dimes. I wasn't about to walk in and stand in the cashier line to get a quarter so we left and shopped at Walmart and then went for lunch. Later that evening I loaded a few quarters into the change holder of the truck and went back. I got my buggy and then saw an older lady approaching so I spent another quarter and got her a cart to ease her shopping experience.
So, as long as the situations arise where some change is needed, I will continue to carry a variety for what ever need. In the old days I always had a dime in my penny loafers just in case I had to make an emergency call at the local pay phone. I don't see very many of those around anymore but you just never know.
Wonder if any silver quarters were deposited in those .25 rental cart boxes.
I’ve been told an Aldi cashier will lend one a quarter if asked.
@oldabeintx . Quite true. I have seen it several times. Also, for about a month after our new Aldi opened, there was a stack of quarters sitting on a stand to the right when you walked in.
I just remembered that some years ago I was entering a turnpike in the Midwest that required change. (a minor tributary entrance). I had to fish out some change that I had coincidentally tossed in my briefcase. Backing up wasn’t a good option - an unpleasant few minutes. Never seen that before or since, except in Europe.
Always cash, change from the day goes into my roller sorter machine.
Yup, need a wad of cash in order to take advantage of buying opportunities
BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW
Tip carry the least amount of coins to cover .99 cents
4 one cents
1 five cent
2 dimes
3 quarters
I carry it in my wallet, have some at home, and some in a SDB.
I always have $100 in my wallet. The last time I spent any cash was back in 2019 so that $100 is properly aged at this point.