My 2025 FUN show report

When I arrived at my hotel for the FUN show on Wednesday, no rooms were available. So I checked my bag and headed over to the Convention Center, put my case in Security and went to lot viewing. I always prepare by examining the lots online and making a list of what lots I want to see. That way I can zip through lot viewing as fast as they can get me the boxes. The lots I viewed included some nice Bust halves and quarters, proof-only half cents, Liberty Seated quarters, Civil War half eagles, Liberty Seated halves and dollars. The highlights for me were the 1827/3 Bust quarter (9 known) in Proof-63 and the 1873-CC No Arrows Seated quarter (5 known) in MS-63. Those coins are out of reach but I did find other coins of interest. So I will see what happens in the auction. At this point in my collecting career, I am lightening the load by trying to sell coins that just don’t fit with the current coins I want to collect. Right now I have a “Box of 3” (which will grow a little bit) that I’m keeping, so that means I need to sell quite a few coins.
Then I met a few friends, wished everyone a Happy New Year and caught up. I had only attended one show since the January 2024 FUN show, so I hadn’t seen a lot of people during that year. As a University of Michigan grad, I made sure to show pics of my Michigan 2023 National Championship jacket to all of my friends who are fans of the Ohio State University. I did tell them that if they won two more games they could buy a similar jacket. One friend wanted to see my coins so I got my case and he bought 9 coins, including an “1820” half cent, before the show started. When I got into the show, I went to a currency dealer with whom I was negotiating a deal. I had previously sent him pics and he had made an offer, but when I showed him the notes, we both agreed they were much better than the pics indicated, so he increased his offer and I accepted, so another sale. I caught up with another friend who wanted to check out my box, and he bought two coins. Then I went back to the hotel to get checked in. I went to dinner with two dealer friends who I have known for 35 years and we had a great time but the restaurant was quite loud.
Thursday was very busy. I sold a partial set of Indian cents which had been consigned to me as well as two proofs I had. I also sold a “1931” Jefferson nickel and a California octagonal slug replica. I got lunch for two dealer friends and myself, which they appreciated because their table was super busy. Then I sold my 2024 230th Anniversary gold flowing hair dollar and two more coins, and then I sold two one ounce silver bullets in case someone is chasing werewolves. Then I sold three coins to the dealer I had dinner with the previous night. I covered probably two-thirds of the tables on Thursday, and when I got back to the hotel my legs were a bit tired, so I went downstairs for dinner and hit the sack early.
Friday included three meetings and some time on the bourse floor. The first meeting was the John Reich Collectors Society, where I listened to a presentation on the completion of a set of Proof Bust Quarters by date. There are 21 different dates, and the most anyone ever had previously was 6. The collector had the focus and determination to complete what he called the “Mission Impossible” set. Five of the coins are unique, and there are only 89 proof Bust quarters among all 21 dates. (Believe it or not, the most common proof Bust quarter is the 1827/3!) The next meeting was the Liberty Seated Collectors Club where I heard about 2024 activities and plans for 2025. Also, John Frost discussed the Club’s display of over 700 twenty-cent pieces (also known as double dimes). After that was the PCGS luncheon where I met some new people who were friendly and interesting, and I found out about PCGS’s new online submission module, which looks pretty cool. Its main features I picked up on are the ability to create up to 30 draft submissions, and the ability to create a large submission, and then the module will divide the coins up into the various submissions (regular, express, modern, economy, etc.).
After lunch, I sold a coin I had bought opportunistically a few months ago to a dealer who was a mentor of mine when I became a dealer, for a significant profit. Then I sold my “1804” half dollar to a veteran dealer I have known for many years. I also found a super coin that I was very happy to buy. That evening a dealer friend, his table partner and I went to a restaurant we usually go to at the FUN show. The food was excellent and the conversation was a lot of fun. I got back to my room right after halftime of the football game, just in time for an announcement of a fire alarm. They told us to evacuate the building but not use the elevators. Unfortunately, the stairs only went down to the second floor, so a lot of us were stuck there. Finally someone took the elevator to the first floor and found the front desk staff just standing around. So we assumed the fire alarm was a false alarm and we returned to our rooms. About an hour and a half after the first announcement, they announced that it was a false alarm. But I missed quite a bit of the football game and I was planning to pack during the commercials, so I was behind on that also.
Saturday was a bit slower, but I went to one dealer who was too busy to see me earlier during the show, and he bought 15 coins. So my total for the show was sales of 47 coins, purchase of 1 coin plus a Greysheet, consigned 5 coins, plus I saw a lot of people I knew and met a lot of new people. A great show, from my standpoint.
Great report
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
Thanks for the interesting and informative report. Glad you had a good time.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Great show report! Thanks for sharing.
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
There must be something about the FUN show and fire alarms. I had an alarm experience in Orlando. IIRC it was 1981, possibly 1982. I was staying at the hotel hosting the show, just about on the top floor. Doesn't the fire alarm go off at 1 or 2 in the morning !
I was so tired, I thought my traveling companion had put an alarm clock in a trash can or something, as a joke. I had a hard time getting lucid.....I called the front desk and was informed about a false alarm. It sure did cause a ruckus though.......
"Then I sold my “1804” half dollar to a veteran dealer I have known for many years."
Sounds like a semi-typical busy FUN show and successful. Glad you got that "1804" half dollar sold. - Dream On (Aerosmith cover) via Morgan James & Postmodern Jukebox - Creep (Radiohead cover) via Haley Reinhart & Postmodern Jukebox
RLJ 1958 - 2023
Great report. It was nice to run into you on the floor and at the LSCC meeting.
Complete Set of Chopmarked Trade Dollars
Carson City Silver Dollars Complete 1870-1893"
It was great to see you too, Dave! It had been a while, great to catch up!
An authorized PCGS dealer, and a contributor to the Red Book.
Thanks for your report.
Great report, as always it was great talking with you.
It was great talking with you and your lovely wife also. I'm happy that you had a good show!
An authorized PCGS dealer, and a contributor to the Red Book.