Better 1977 OPC could not be produced if we ran the original line and process today. None of these getting a PSA 10 is a joke. Compare any of these to the previously discussed PSA 10s of the 1979 Eck or 1981 Gibson and these are visibly superior 100% of the time. If PSA doesn’t get this fixed, it risks devaluing their brand and undoing the standard of the hobby. PSA needs to do better. Consistency is everything for an ‘unbiased’ third party service.
they want you you to review them. all about the coin.
Your Fisk is better than my 9. Beautiful cards which we already knew.
While the Yount has a slight tilt - I think Brad31's is slightly nicer - I don't know what would now qualify as a 10.
Almost all seem to meet the stated criteria. No obvious print marks, no focus issues, sharp corners and virtually perfect centering.
Better 1977 OPC could not be produced if we ran the original line and process today. None of these getting a PSA 10 is a joke. Compare any of these to the previously discussed PSA 10s of the 1979 Eck or 1981 Gibson and these are visibly superior 100% of the time. If PSA doesn’t get this fixed, it risks devaluing their brand and undoing the standard of the hobby. PSA needs to do better. Consistency is everything for an ‘unbiased’ third party service.
The Yount is slightly tilted in the holder. The card itself is not tilted