New vs Old TruView

I had a coin that was sent to be re-holdered that previously had a TruView. Thought it would be interesting to see how the images compared. I wasn't expecting much seeing what was coming out after Phil left but was not expecting this.
And here's a picture I took in the light.
Colors in hand aren't as bright the old TruView but there is not that yellow tint as seen in the new one (called white balance off or overexposed?). Sorry, not very knowledgeable in coin photography.
I wonder if PCGS can switch it back to the old one.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
Half my trueview now are yellow tinted. Getting tired of paying for it.
From what I've seen, a significant portion of recent TVs are coming back with a severe yellow tint, and often of poor quality otherwise.
I have a very nice Peace dollar listed on the BST and a potential buyer (rightfully) questioned the accuracy of my photos after looking up the TrueView, which I didn't include in the listing because it was so bad.
I recently let my PCGS membership lapse and will not reinstate it despite having a growing number of coins I need reholdered or want regraded.
I'm not planning to start any new sets this year, but if I do I will seriously consider a competitor TPG unless the photography issues are corrected.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Which image captures the coin?
I would not be critical of either image.
edited to add- terrific coin
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@PCGSPhoto Please take note of this thread, along with many other similar threads. So many of us made PCGS our TPG of choice primarily because of Trueviews. I personally know 10+ long time PCGS members who have cancelled their memberships or are very close to doing so solely because of the degradation of Trueviews since @PhilArnold left.
We want to give you our business. Most of us have been loyal despite long turn around times, less than stellar customer service, and a, what appears to be at times, disdain for the average collector. Please don't make us regret our decision by continuing to sell us subpar images.
@lermish agree with everything you said but it's hard to take you seriously from behind bars
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
"true" view

In hand

The old TruView captures the colors more accurately although the colors aren't as bright in hand. Coin does not have the yellow tint showed in the new TruView.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
Very disappointing.
Sunshine Rare Coins
I like the older one better.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Shhh!!! Don't tell the warden!
I didn't really want to do this, but here are my trueviews from March 2024 compared to my inhand photos and needless to say, I am not happy with the outcome. If I remember correctly Greg(Walkerguy21D) photos are of the Walkers and Joe(Crazyhounddog) photo'd the 21 Buff. Hopefully this is helpful as I'm preparing to send another 8 coins for grading and TV's.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Wow, looks like the post-Phil photos have white balance issues, yikes. I thought Phil had staff working for him, and that after 15 years or so one of his successors could produce comparable quality.
the top photo is juiced. just sayin
Here are my photos of the 21 Buff. Orange juice is the only juice I am familiar with.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Have to be honest, other than the yellow tint I think those Trueviews are not bad at all. Compared with Manifest_Destiny's seated quarter which is washed out and lacks detail those walkers are sharp and look better than your "In Hand" photos. Just my opinion of course.
I can add my 2 c's. I had a coin imaged by Phil when he headed PCGS. He sent me 5 photos. Many a few were gorgeous but did not accurately reflect reality, in fact no matter how I titled it in what light I had I could not match these Rembrandt like photos. I chose the photo that represented the coin accurately without trying to find that sweet spot angle. Needless to say thee photo I picked showed hokum toning because that was reality, didn't want to fool myself or there.
I then had a long discussion with Phil regarding his photographing technique and in a nutshell he stated that consumers want their coins in the best possible light and if that means an unrealistic gorgeous photo so be it. That he was giving what the customer wanted. He was surprised I chose the mundane photo
I agree that the new TV’s are inferior and show too much yellow/orange colors.
A: The year they spend more on their library than their coin collection.
A numismatist is judged more on the content of their library than the content of their cabinet.
The old TVs look better but I would never buy a coin based only on a TV which IMO is nothing more than a glamour shot.
The old TV looks better to me. I would have to see the coin in hand to better judge the pics.
VERY nice coin👍
That’s like the reporter who interviewed Mrs. Lincoln at Ford’s Theater and asked, “So other than the assassination, how was the play?”
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
It seems to be a white balancing issue.
Of course you can adjust it at any time.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
When did Phil leave?
I have noticed recent things coming back, stuff that’s not even mine, but checking the true views just out of curiosity, and seeing that they are very lacking.
My YouTube Channel
To echo @PocketChange and @lermish to a certain degree, my CU membership is lapsing at the end of the month and I too am having second thoughts on renewing, even though I have a decent size accumulation of pieces I would like to submit.
For me, one of meaningful reasons to submit to PCGS was the Digital Album format, and how nicely the Truview's fit into that system, as well as the Truview service more generally. If you kick out the leg of pleasant Truview's, the Digital album becomes much less alluring, and the PCGS service becomes more commoditized.
I will take things a tad further and acknowledge that Truviews and Digital Albums are really just 'add-on's' or features that PCGS added to enhance the collecting experience, and that the meat of the reason for using their service is adding liquidity to your coins. But even on that front, as Pocketchange's experience shows, a poor Truview product can actually become a liability and hurt liquidity/perceived value of your coin in the market place, whether it be that 1) you no longer have an image you feel comfortable using to represent the likeness of the coin or 2) a buyer proactively seeks out the image and finds an image at odds of however the owner has decided to showcase it.
I will most likely defer renewing my membership in the hopes a turn around can be demonstrated in a reasonable amount of time.
Buffalo Nickel Digital Album
Toned Buffalo Date SetDigital Album
I believe it was late last year.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
White Balance is way off and it's over-saturated. TrueViews are not worth the extra few dollars until PCGS gets the imaging deficit issues corrected.
These from my last submission: Totally unacceptable. Although the coin PCGS forgot to image and was resubmitted (they covered the cost) was right on. Last one shown.
Near perfect image:

Yikes. This is really disappointing.
Guess I’ll hold off on that sub for a little while until it’s sorted. Neither the coins, nor our host are going anywhere.
Without trying too hard to assume facts not in evidence, wouldn’t this be a significant and exceptionally urgent issue for management? Perhaps a real pro is just that difficult to find, hire, and afford?
But now my other voice says, wouldn’t you spare all expense? This service is surely bringing home the bacon. I guess like everything else in the numismatic world - there are ALOT of variables.
Having fun while switching things up and focusing on a next level PCGS slabbed 1950+ type set, while still looking for great examples for the 7070.
The real issue, in my opinion, is inconsistency. The old TrueViews might have been a bit over-glamorous at times, but a person could easily interpret them as the photography technique was reasonably consistent. Now, it seems to be all over the place.
This supports my position in another thread that their lead of photography should be a highly-compensated position.