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Inducting a new nut

Pnies20Pnies20 Posts: 2,113 ✭✭✭✭✭

I made this post last week and it got nuked for some reason… anyways…

This past year has been a wild ride for me. Lots of good, some bad, drama I didn’t deserve, but one of the best things to ever happen was my wife and I had our first baby after 7 years of trying!

In the hobby, I became #248 in the BHNC, which has been a great time and something that has kept me sane. My sponsor @habaraca and his lovely wife came to visit last Saturday and brought gifts and coins and we had a great time. I even bought a few things

First the purchases….
Both coins were purchased directly from Henry Hilgard over a decade ago. I never met him but I’ve been told he was a great friend, great collector and knew almost everything there was to know about bust halves. His coins were always original and had great surfaces.

1812 O-106 VF35ish - the coin has a wonderful crust from being in an envelop for decades. The severely impaired die caused the obverse portrait to be weakly struck. The cracks are cool evidence of that.

1826 O-102 great surfaces and a thick kraft envelope crust.

The present…
It was the coolest gift I’d ever seen! Very thoughtful. I asked if this makes her an honorary member. Maybe someday she’ll share in my favorite hobby, much to the chagrin of my wife.

Here she is after we tried to explain the 7 seven die states of the 1817 O-105… Ive got some work to do

Tried showing her @habaraca dansco album and she…. Well maybe she’s not ready to be a nut just yet

I love this hobby. Here’s to a great rest of the year!

BHNC #248 … 108 and counting.


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