The ANA Chicago show ?

With the new change and the new taxes on everything, will they tax dealers at coin show and flea markets?
Pat Vetter,Mercury Dime registry set,1938 Proof set registry,Pat & BJ Coins:724-325-7211
With the new change and the new taxes on everything, will they tax dealers at coin show and flea markets?
Not yet, I hope?

"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.What new change/law for coins/bullion went into effect in Illinois?
Next ANA show is in Pittsburg, PA
Tax info: page 22
That's actually a key consideration for show locations, the Dealers and customers don't want to deal with sales tax issues.
Illinois: page 6
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
So, are you asking about next year's ANA scheduled for Chicago?
And yet another reason not to go to Chicago!
So what are the changes?
New mayor….some ideas below and the article linked at the bottom
Johnson’s proposals include a new real estate transfer tax and a new tax on aviation fuel at the airports — both need state or federal approval and can't be done by City Hall alone.
Also on Johnson’s list of proposed tax increases is to make Chicago’s hotel-motel tax the highest in America.
Then, there's a possible financial transaction tax that experts say wouldn't general much revenue at all, since the CME Group and others could easily begin to execute trades outside of Chicago, putting them beyond the reach of local tax collectors.
He’s not the mayor of Rosemont too, is he?
How far is Indiana from Chicago?
Well, it looks like coins are exempt.... That is cool. Never understood how the exchange of currency could be taxed anyway. No matter if it is old, uncommon etc., if it is legal tender, it should not be taxed. Cheers, RickO
Also something to consider: he doesn’t believe theft some thefts should be prosecuted. Be careful!
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
He’s not the mayor of Rosemont too, is he?
Exactly - the ANA is held in Rosemont, not in Chicago. I wish the OP would return and explain what he's talking about.
The ink on the election results wasn't even dry before the governor (of the same party) pooh-poohed the incoming mayor's proposal to tax securities trades.
A> @skier07 said:
Not far at all.
I think I’ll invest in Uhauls.
So much misinformation here
Latin American Collection
It’s a thriving industry in Chicagoland
That has been an issue before the current election (in Chicago and multiple other big cities across the US).
You do have to go through O’Hare or Midway if flying to the show (both in Chicago). O’Hare recently was home to a large group of homeless people. After a while (when it made the news) they moved them out of there.
Close enough to take a growing number of Illinois refugees.
Oklahoma city here we come, future ANA SHOW.
OHARE airport is the property of the city of chicago. Mayor Daly
made that happen years and years ago.
Enlighten me.
Edit: I’m not being facetious. Spoken from someone that may or may not go to Rosemont next time.
Edit #2: Not really seeing many claims in the thread that could be that off base.
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
So this is really just a thread complaining about the city of Chicago.
Latin American Collection
Fair enough. It IS in Cook County, though, correct?
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
Yes, barely.
Rosemont has always felt safe to me. More sterile and boring and a far cry from the south side of Chicago.
The Baltimore show is much more dangerous than Rosemont
Latin American Collection
I haven’t seen anything that mentions proposed tax increases on coins & bullion, but then I haven’t seen any concrete details about the proposed tax increases at all. I’m sure they will start in earnest soon, however.
The only saving grace there is that most people don’t have any idea about coins/bullion. Plus it really isn’t much of a revenue stream compared to other potential taxes. So whatever law is on the books (currently no tax) has a good chance of staying.
The things to be more concerned about are taxes on hotels/motels (makes your stay more expensive), taxes on restaurants, any other taxes in Chicago if someone wanted to travel there while at the show, and safety.
It is in Cook County (not sure what “barely” means since it’s completely inside the county boundaries). There are nicer areas in Cook County but it’s gradually degrading. What was once thought to be only a south side of Chicago issue has spread throughout much of the county (and neighboring counties). Rosemont is still a better location than Baltimore but there have been events lately that make one have to keep their head on a swivel (like several armed robberies at the nearby casino).
Barely as it is on the edge of the county line.
Latin American Collection
I’m still not sure how that matters. It is still within the county and all the laws apply the same regardless if an area is in the center of the county or on the edge.
For those of us who once resided in Chicagoland this is all very interesting. Thanks.
It doesn’t of course matter. I just meant that it was on the edge of the county.
Latin American Collection
It’s a real shame. Central and Southern Illinois gets screwed because most of the taxes dollars flow into the urban areas. The urban areas get screwed because of a lack of leadership and poor polices.
DuPage and Will counties are now feeling the effects as well.
But for now - coins and bullion are not taxed.
Just wait until you try to get to OKC. I'll give you a hint, it's a little over a 3h drive from DFW. It's actually a nice drive.
But that stretch south of Norman until the Texas state line is a bit, um, wild. And from Norman north, most Oklahomans drive sanely. Technically the speed limit in OK is lower than that of Texas. And somedays the effective speed matches up. Somedays...
I was cruising along, having pushed up the speed to keep up with traffic when somebody blew by me like I was standing still. "expletive", I said, "he must be doing 90". Then looking down at MY speedo and seeing 92, I amended that to "He must be doing 100".
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
In Indiana's mind, not far enough! Lol
USAF (Ret.) 1985 - 2005. E-4B Aircraft Maintenance Crew Chief and Contracting Officer.
My current Registry sets:
✓ Everyman Mint State Carson City Morgan Dollars (1878 – 1893)
✓ Everyman Mint State Lincoln Cents (1909 – 1958)
✓ Morgan Dollar GSA Hoard (1878 – 1891)
Just wait until you try to get to OKC.
That's what airplanes are for.
Not at WRWA - with the # of daily flights manually added
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
Come to the Nashville show in October and take a spin on Briley parkway. I get passed by people doing over 100 multiple times a commute.
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.