HELP!!! Dansco Pages are warping!!!

GAH, a bunch of my Dansco album and pages are warping and I have no idea what's happening.
Here is a picture showing some of the worst warping of pages
I'm not sure if it's humidity. I bought a gauge to see what the humidity and temperature were like and this pic is typical of what I have. [70-75 degrees, 18-23% humidity]
I live in a desert state but I would imagine that the lower humidity would help the albums?
I'm rushing to purchase a bunch of Dansco slipcases to preserve the books. But I'm afraid many pages are irreversibly warped
Some additional detail that may matter:
- All my albums are in a 12 x 12 feet room which is my workroom
- I keep and use my computer in my workroom
- The albums are near electrical outlets
- I recently added a dehumidifier to the room
Has anyone faced this before? What should I do?
I put mine in zip-lock bags if that helps.
19% way too low. Moisture sucked right out of the pages. At 75 degress, 40% humidity OK. I keep my storage area at 68/38.
Don't go above 50 humidity or below 30 humidity....ever.
USAF veteran 1984-2005
It's not so much the pages are warping. The glue that holds the paper on each side of the page is weakening, and the plastic slides are separating.
You can surgically use a roll-on type glue to reattach the paper to the pages and, after doing so, use a heavy weight- like a stack of books, to keep the pages compressed while the glue dries. Place the books on top of the pages and not the outer cover.
Well it is late and I have been doing the music thing all night. So maybe I should not be replying here but here goes.
I don't think you have a big problem. From the photo it appears your Dansco albums are together. Notice how they are together at the top, bottom and two places in between which should line up with the plastic slides/windows (you have three it appears).
Here is a picture of one of mine I just pulled out. Temperature measured 67 degrees. Don't have the fancy humidity but the room is around 50%.

So the Dansco pages are 'attached' or glued together at the top, bottom and two (or mine 3) places in-between. When the pages were produce and glued together there was a temperature (and humidity) at that time in the room. Also the temperature of each piece, if not the same, comes into play.
Looking at the Dansco page it has outer sheets (one on each side) and an inner thicker core. These are glued together as noted at top, bottom and in-between. Then as a secondary note is the plastic insert.
So when the temperature changes and to some extent the humidity the outer sheets expand/contract. The inner core also expands/contracts due to temperature and humidity changes. And similarly the inner plastic sheets. But since they are not the same material they expand/contract at different rates.
However, since the outer sheets and inner core are attached (or glued) together at the ends (top and bottom) and in-between, when they expand/contract they are restricted at these attached/glued points. So the difference in the expansion/contraction is accounted for by the bowing or lack of in the outer sheets.
In this photo I used a hair dryer on the above picture to heat up the pages. Notice how they appear a little 'tighter' together or a little less bow in the outer sheets.

Then I put the Dansco in the freezer for several minutes and removed and took another similar picture. Here you can see the outer sheets starting to bow out from the inner core.
So depending not only on your specific temperature and humidity but also the temperature of each piece (outer sheet and inner core) when it was bonded together can cause the outer sheet to bow.
Okay, back to the music. - Dream On (Aerosmith cover) via Morgan James & Postmodern Jukebox - Creep (Radiohead cover) via Haley Reinhart & Postmodern Jukebox
RLJ 1958 - 2023
Looks to me like they got wet at some point.
It's a humidity problem. Drier is probably good for the coins but not for that storage medium. I would lose the Dansco(s) and go with something else.
Here’s a hotlink to my solution for my Dansco 7070. It won’t warp!
Steve (lol)
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
The issue in the OP would not even bother me. As long as the coins hold, not concerned about a little bit of paper warp. Cheers, RickO
Me either, but, Dansco albums are quite expensive these days and should be kept in as good a condition as possible.
I live in a desert area with humidity under 15% most of the year, never had any issue with any of my older Dansco albums. Just pulled one off the shelf for Lincolns cents, perfectly flat no bowing of any kind. Perhaps an issue for the newer albums?
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Back in olden days, they made edge protectors that fit the Dansco page.
Like these but harder plastic and slipped right on the edge and held slides in and pages together.|tkp:Bk9SR86jidCNYQ
A local coin shop may have some left over. Or maybe someone here.
I've lost half dismes, and 3c silvers in DANSCO-type set albums.
This is how I try to eliminate or avoid that problem. In addition to protecting the coins. Who knows if it works or not?!?!