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August, 2004

LongacreLongacre Posts: 16,717 ✭✭✭

How are things in the coin world? Your very own Longacre has not been on for a while, but I was waxing nostalgic and logged in. I went into my private messages, and scrolled through the old times. My first private message was from August, 2004, which, incredibly, was 18 years ago. I almost began to weep, seeing all of the screen names and the back and forth. Messages from Dentuck and the Coinosaurus brought back fond memories. Interactions and banter with RYK provided a special smile on Longacre's face. I hope everyone is doing well. I need to check out some threads and see what I missed. I need to do a search and find my first thread. I am sure it was memorable. ;)

Always took candy from strangers
Didn't wanna get me no trade
Never want to be like papa
Working for the boss every night and day
--"Happy", by the Rolling Stones (1972)


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