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Laura (Legend) Dunks on the ANA show in her Market Report

CatbertCatbert Posts: 7,393 ✭✭✭✭✭



"First what the heck is this mess with the auction companies? Lot viewing is 3 blocks away. STUPID and dangerous in our opinion. The auction companies paid for their partnerships w/ANA and this is what they get? Many collectors come to the show to see the auction lots then stroll the show. Not having the lots on premises, we see is a huge negative. Move the lot viewing back to the show!

Time for the ANA to realize, they are going to lose the money from the auctions soon. It’s ridiculous for the auctions to pay for the rights only to have the sale a week later. They better figure out what to do when they lose that revenue......"


"....Attendance is pathetic. When we say it’s well attended, that means the usual crowd showed up-most likely UNDER 10,000 people including spouses and relatives of dealers. Keep in mind, this is a once-a-year National level major show. We think there should be at least 25,000 people attending (yeah, it’s a dream).

Bring better ANA exhibits. The exhibits the ANA brings are tired. Every year it’s the same coins-the 1804 $1 and a 5C 1913 from the ANA Museum. They need to reach out to the public for better material. Give people a trophy or something....."

Seated Half Society member #38
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"


  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,591 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 21, 2022 4:54PM

    Should be "Laura the Legend."

    She says what she means, and she means what she says......._"I can be reached at lsperber1@hotmail.com. Your opinions matter to me! Thanks for reading my opinion about the ANA show." _

  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,270 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 21, 2022 8:13PM


  • CatbertCatbert Posts: 7,393 ✭✭✭✭✭


    I was attempting to show separation between paragraphs taken from different parts of her rant so the reader did not think one section followed another in her screed. If that was incorrectly quoted/demonstrated, I apologize. ;)

    Seated Half Society member #38
    "Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
  • ZoinsZoins Posts: 34,388 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @dcarr said:
    I never really liked the traditional stand-up "trophies". Fancy medals are much better ;)

    How are the annual ANA medals handled?

    Have they ever reached out to you to do one?

  • DscoinDscoin Posts: 346 ✭✭✭✭

    I will give her this, the amount of SPACE Stacks, Heritage, GC, and Legend all took up is a joke. None of them needed ~20 tables each. Why not give that room to have more dealers? I talked to David McCarthy (Of Kagin’s) and he also agreed to a shorter show. He thought of having a dealer set up day and then a 3 day show after that. I agree with him. When I left of Thursday at noon the good stuff was gone and the dealers I talked to were all happy with what took place and were ready to go home.

    Successful transactions with: Lakesammman, jimineez1, Flackthat, PerryHall, bidask, bccox, TwistedArrow1962, free_spirit, alexerca, scooter25, FHC, tnspro, mcarney1173, moursund, and SurfinxHI (6 times)

  • mr1931Smr1931S Posts: 6,274 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 21, 2022 5:25PM

    But I do agree that having auction lot viewing three blocks away is not a good arrangement.

    Heaven forbid that one has to walk a few blocks every now and then. What? Half a mile. Maybe ANA providing a free to and from shuttle service would solve the problem for those who are reluctant or unable to walk.

    Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein

  • spyglassdesignspyglassdesign Posts: 1,634 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @mr1874 said:
    But I do agree that having auction lot viewing three blocks away is not a good arrangement.

    Heaven forbid that one has to walk a few blocks every now and then. What? Half a mile. Maybe ANA providing a free to and from shuttle service would solve the problem for those who are reluctant or unable to walk.

    This is in a major city. I wouldn't want to walk 3 blocks in a major city like Chicago... If they offered shuttles that would be a decent balance if they HAD to have it elsewhere.

    Still weird to have it separate from the show.

  • The Auction houses and most people bidding on them prefer having auctions a week later.

    1.) The auction houses have a lot less money to invest in an in-person auction

    2.) many people are busy at the show. It gives them an opportunity to take their time after lot viewing

    3.) (minus on the company front)
    Ego bidding is not as prevalent as in-person.

  • goldengolden Posts: 9,871 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I was at the ANA for three days and do not even remember seeing her table. Must not have been very memorable.

  • Pioneer1Pioneer1 Posts: 158 ✭✭✭

    @alefzero said:
    There could be a good balance with anchoring auctions. A huge problem in the past was that the sessions would be during bourse hours. I missed on floor bidding on a lot I really wanted at a FUN show years ago because I was at my table with tire kickers who ultimately bought nothing. Do it like the Heritage Platinum sessions after hours. And definitely do lot viewing on the premises. Sessions during the day take dealers away from their tables, a frustration for buying and selling. But without a real anchoring auction a lot of buyers, particularly the whales, don't show up to the show.

    If everything in life is about money, then I have to assume:
    (i) the cost of having lot viewing at the Rosemont Convention Center was too high (who deals with that) ?
    (ii) either Rosemont management, Stacks/Heritage costs. the ANA, insurance costs were to blame... or someone was too greedy

    So... to answer these questions... EXACTLY where was the lot viewing ? ... and does anyone have an opinion on the money / costs ?

    Personally, I would very much life to have lot viewing and auctions ON SITE WITH THE SHOW.

    A So-Called Dollar and Slug Collector... Previously "Pioneer" on this site...

  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 20,097 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Safety really wasn't a big issue for the off-site lot viewing at this venue as much as the inconvenience and extra time required, although it would have been at the 2014 Gold Kennedy ANA show. I agree that the ANA exhibits are becoming tired. I don't know why they don't set up their mini mint at these things and do periodic demonstrations, especially on Friday and Saturday when there are more families attending.

  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 20,097 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @dcarr said:

    @Zoins said:
    The comparison to COMICON is interesting:

    Laura said:
    Attendance is pathetic. When we say it’s well attended, that means the usual crowd showed up-most likely UNDER 10,000 people including spouses and relatives of dealers. Keep in mind, this is a once-a-year National level major show. We think there should be at least 25,000 people attending (yeah, it’s a dream).
    Last, I do not think they should be so eager to move the show. Keep it in super easy to reach Chicago and build on it. Comic Con is in hard-to-get San Deigo, but they draw 100,000 people every year! Time to change the charter of the ANA (Moving the show around) as shows are dying events that eat up substantial expenses for all involved.

    I get the feeling that most people that go to COMICON are not there to buy comics, but that most people go to coin shows to buy coins.

    Now I haven't been to a comic convention but do know people that do cosplay.

    Is this a correct assessment?

    I've had tables at numerous coin shows. I've also had a booth at the Denver "Comic-Con" (actually called "Fan Fest").
    The Fan Fest draws a very large attendance compared to coin shows. But the Fan Fest attendees mostly just want to look at other visitors (costumes), and meet TV/Movie personalities for autographs and in seminars. The typical Fan Fest attendee doesn't have very much money that they are willing to spend on physical items. Coin collectors and dealers at shows spend a LOT more per capita.

    They will pay $100 a pop to get into the show and acquire VIP credentials to be able to see celebrities. At the ANA Spring convention in Dallas several years ago there was a Zombie-Con (or whatever it was called) that had long lines of people ready to spend money on admission. No idea what there was to spend money on once they got inside. Double secret VIP passes, costumes, costume parts and accessories, inexpensive souvenirs, I suppose.

  • lilolmelilolme Posts: 2,755 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @MrEureka said:

    The bourse would run from Wednesday to Saturday, with absolutely no officicial pre-show, PNG Day or "Dealer Day".

    'Dealer Day' will not be eliminated as it is an important and integral part of how the dealers move, exchange, trade, obtain or whatever one wants to call it their material. If the 'show' does not have a 'dealer day', then it will simply occur in another convention room, hotel convention room or even hotel rooms. It makes sense to have a day for the dealers who want to participate in the 'dealer day' to be there to do business without having to deal with the public at the same time and possible obtaining material for them. While this can and does continue throughout the show much of it is done on the 'dealer day'.

    https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yq4KA0mUnC8 - Dream On (Aerosmith cover) via Morgan James & Postmodern Jukebox

    https://youtube.com/watch?v=m3lF2qEA2cw - Creep (Radiohead cover) via Haley Reinhart & Postmodern Jukebox

    RLJ 1958 - 2023

  • MrEurekaMrEureka Posts: 24,334 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @lilolme said:

    @MrEureka said:

    The bourse would run from Wednesday to Saturday, with absolutely no officicial pre-show, PNG Day or "Dealer Day".

    'Dealer Day' will not be eliminated as it is an important and integral part of how the dealers move, exchange, trade, obtain or whatever one wants to call it their material. If the 'show' does not have a 'dealer day', then it will simply occur in another convention room, hotel convention room or even hotel rooms. It makes sense to have a day for the dealers who want to participate in the 'dealer day' to be there to do business without having to deal with the public at the same time and possible obtaining material for them. While this can and does continue throughout the show much of it is done on the 'dealer day'.

    No doubt some dealers will find a way to buy and sell ahead of the main event. And if there's a PNG Day or a Dealer Day, the same dealers will find a way to meet ahead of those. So the premise behind an ANA sponsored PNG or Dealer day is fatally flawed, and the ANA should stop pretending otherwise.

    Andy Lustig

    Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.

    Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
  • lilolmelilolme Posts: 2,755 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @MrEureka said:

    @lilolme said:

    @MrEureka said:

    The bourse would run from Wednesday to Saturday, with absolutely no officicial pre-show, PNG Day or "Dealer Day".

    'Dealer Day' will not be eliminated as it is an important and integral part of how the dealers move, exchange, trade, obtain or whatever one wants to call it their material. If the 'show' does not have a 'dealer day', then it will simply occur in another convention room, hotel convention room or even hotel rooms. It makes sense to have a day for the dealers who want to participate in the 'dealer day' to be there to do business without having to deal with the public at the same time and possible obtaining material for them. While this can and does continue throughout the show much of it is done on the 'dealer day'.

    No doubt some dealers will find a way to buy and sell ahead of the main event. And if there's a PNG Day or a Dealer Day, the same dealers will find a way to meet ahead of those. So the premise behind an ANA sponsored PNG or Dealer day is fatally flawed, and the ANA should stop pretending otherwise.

    Flawed maybe but fatally flawed no. Many dealers do business on dealer day and get it out of the way. This way when the public / customers come in there is less dealers doing transactions and taking up the space over the cases or dealers having the material or themselves out elsewhere. It helps to clear out much of the dealer activity before the public / customers come in and gives them more access to the dealers and material to some extent. Yes it continues on throughout the show but less of it.

    https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yq4KA0mUnC8 - Dream On (Aerosmith cover) via Morgan James & Postmodern Jukebox

    https://youtube.com/watch?v=m3lF2qEA2cw - Creep (Radiohead cover) via Haley Reinhart & Postmodern Jukebox

    RLJ 1958 - 2023

  • mtn_scoutmtn_scout Posts: 101 ✭✭✭

    The attendance may not be what Laura wanted but the attendance was much, much bigger than last year and I met quite a few collectors who flew in from other countries (Canada, Romania, Ireland, etc) to attend. Other than FUN (possibly - never been) I'm not sure what shows in the US draw international collectors. Agree with her on the ANA exhibit but if we are being honest the ANA money museum w/o the Bass exhibit is too.

  • ZoinsZoins Posts: 34,388 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @mtn_scout said:
    The attendance may not be what Laura wanted but the attendance was much, much bigger than last year and I met quite a few collectors who flew in from other countries (Canada, Romania, Ireland, etc) to attend. Other than FUN (possibly - never been) I'm not sure what shows in the US draw international collectors. Agree with her on the ANA exhibit but if we are being honest the ANA money museum w/o the Bass exhibit is too.

    NYINC is one of the more popular shows that draw international collectors:


  • kruegerkrueger Posts: 888 ✭✭✭✭

    When is the WFOM coming again to the west coast?
    The largest number of ANA members are in California.
    Anaheim (2016) and San Diego (1982) are very nice areas / weather .hotels, safe! etc.
    Las Vegas can't be beat for facilities. Most hotels in the country. PCGS is there regularly.
    Yes Chicago is central but at 2300 miles distant from all the collectors on west coast.
    Otherwise the WFOM becomes an east coast show every year in Chicago. Becomes boring.
    ANA family activities use to be great. Tours to downtown, Navy Pier, Baseball games, Museums /dinners.
    My wife always came, signed her up for membership back then. No excitement anymore.
    surrounding the convention. Another city that should be considered is Omaha Neb. where warren Buffet lives
    Audrey Beebe lived there too and other coin collecting notables of the past.
    TO THE ANA : lets shake it up a little.

  • pruebaspruebas Posts: 4,582 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Chicago is East Coast? Sure thing.

    The LA show was widely criticized as a dud.

    But I agree, the ANA needs to bend some of their “rules” and shake things up a bit. Rosemont (like all suburban locations) is BORING for fly-in attendees.

  • bronzematbronzemat Posts: 2,646 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Zoins said:
    The comparison to COMICON is interesting:

    Laura said:
    Attendance is pathetic. When we say it’s well attended, that means the usual crowd showed up-most likely UNDER 10,000 people including spouses and relatives of dealers. Keep in mind, this is a once-a-year National level major show. We think there should be at least 25,000 people attending (yeah, it’s a dream).
    Last, I do not think they should be so eager to move the show. Keep it in super easy to reach Chicago and build on it. Comic Con is in hard-to-get San Deigo, but they draw 100,000 people every year! Time to change the charter of the ANA (Moving the show around) as shows are dying events that eat up substantial expenses for all involved.

    I get the feeling that most people that go to COMICON are not there to buy comics, but that most people go to coin shows to buy coins.

    Now I haven't been to a comic convention but do know people that do cosplay.

    Is this a correct assessment?

    My Dad and I used to go to SDCC from 1986-2008, we stopped going because little by little the "comic" part was chipping away and it's basically a glorified hollywood movie/tv showcase to hype up the latest films and shows coming out, along with "A" name celebrities, some sticking around for autograph signing, with lines usually a 4 hour wait and thats if your lucky to get a ticket to get the quick signature and get booted by security for the next person to get a signature.

    Maybe it's changed a bit for the better, but from the photos I see, it doesn't look like it.

    Local Comic Cons do a better job sticking with the "comic" being the prime reason to go.

    And yes, the cosplay stuff can be fun to view. Some very creative and talented people out there.

    I've yet to see "Mustard stained shirt coin dealer" cosplay.....that's an idea for my next local con. :o

  • yspsalesyspsales Posts: 2,515 ✭✭✭✭✭

    From a geographic and logistical standpoint, ANA should remain in Chicago.

    If you draw from the population and cannot make it in a major city, you will certainly fail in a minor city.

    The cost of travel and lodging is prohibitive for me.

    BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out

  • DelawareDoonsDelawareDoons Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @krueger said:
    When is the WFOM coming again to the west coast?
    The largest number of ANA members are in California.
    Anaheim (2016) and San Diego (1982) are very nice areas / weather .hotels, safe! etc.
    Las Vegas can't be beat for facilities. Most hotels in the country. PCGS is there regularly.
    Yes Chicago is central but at 2300 miles distant from all the collectors on west coast.
    Otherwise the WFOM becomes an east coast show every year in Chicago. Becomes boring.
    ANA family activities use to be great. Tours to downtown, Navy Pier, Baseball games, Museums /dinners.
    My wife always came, signed her up for membership back then. No excitement anymore.
    surrounding the convention. Another city that should be considered is Omaha Neb. where warren Buffet lives
    Audrey Beebe lived there too and other coin collecting notables of the past.
    TO THE ANA : lets shake it up a little.

    Omaha? No way. That's not how you get ANA attendance up lol.

    "It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."

  • logger7logger7 Posts: 8,725 ✭✭✭✭✭

    We are inundated with positive promotions, so good that one of the heavy hitters is stepping up to the plate to call it like she sees it.

  • FranklinHalfAddictFranklinHalfAddict Posts: 682 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Interesting perspective, and coming from her I’m not surprised it’s almost entirely negative.
    I’ve never attended an ANA show so I guess I have to take her word for how it was.
    10,000 attendees seems pretty good, is it not?

  • ZoinsZoins Posts: 34,388 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @FranklinHalfAddict said:
    Interesting perspective, and coming from her I’m not surprised it’s almost entirely negative.
    I’ve never attended an ANA show so I guess I have to take her word for how it was.
    10,000 attendees seems pretty good, is it not?

    She mentions that 25,000 is more to her thinking. How easy would it be for the ANA to get to that number?

  • skier07skier07 Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Catbert said:
    Omaha? :D That would guarantee one of the least attended shows ever by dealers!

    Omaha would be a great destination if the ANA could time it with the College World Series and secure us tickets. I’d go. Lol.

  • Desert MoonDesert Moon Posts: 5,920 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @pruebas said:
    Chicago is East Coast? Sure thing.

    The LA show was widely criticized as a dud.

    But I agree, the ANA needs to bend some of their “rules” and shake things up a bit. Rosemont (like all suburban locations) is BORING for fly-in attendees.

    I truly enjoyed the Anaheim show even if not as convenient as Rosemont - why was it a dud?

    My online coin store - https://desertmoonnm.com/
  • CryptoCrypto Posts: 3,740 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 22, 2022 1:07PM

    The ANA should lead the way to revitalize conventions and create a Collectors corner to rent tables to non-pros in half day blocks to buy/ sell/ trade/ exhibit their own wares without a resale license under the guise that they pay all respective taxes ect. Give dealers extra access or first bite and role the vest pockets and collectors through there. It would not only create excitement it would also inject new material and bring more feet to the show. Sounds like a win win win to me

    put it in the back of the floor and incentivize walkers to make it back there, it would add value to the dealer spots near otherwise stale floor locations as well. By doing half day blocks everyday it would also incentives people/dealers to stick around longer and more days. The more feet that stick around longer will equate to more dollars spent in most models simply due to idle hands

  • pruebaspruebas Posts: 4,582 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @spacehayduke said:

    @pruebas said:
    Chicago is East Coast? Sure thing.

    The LA show was widely criticized as a dud.

    But I agree, the ANA needs to bend some of their “rules” and shake things up a bit. Rosemont (like all suburban locations) is BORING for fly-in attendees.

    I truly enjoyed the Anaheim show even if not as convenient as Rosemont - why was it a dud?

    I was talking about the LA show in 2009. Not Anaheim.

    I actually liked both shows since they were a change.

  • jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 35,346 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 22, 2022 1:58PM

    @Crypto said:
    The ANA should lead the way to revitalize conventions and create a Collectors corner to rent tables to non-pros in half day blocks to buy/ sell/ trade/ exhibit their own wares without a resale license under the guise that they pay all respective taxes ect. Give dealers extra access or first bite and role the vest pockets and collectors through there. It would not only create excitement it would also inject new material and bring more feet to the show. Sounds like a win win win to me

    put it in the back of the floor and incentivize walkers to make it back there, it would add value to the dealer spots near otherwise stale floor locations as well. By doing half day blocks everyday it would also incentives people/dealers to stick around longer and more days. The more feet that stick around longer will equate to more dollars spent in most models simply due to idle hands

    That would be illegal in many/most/all jurisdiction.

    You also can't really justify to me why they should give away tables that they charge a lot of money for. If I were a dealer at the ANA. I would throw a fit if I have to compete with a group of sellers that have a lower cost of business. A lower cost that I'M paying to provide.

  • fishteethfishteeth Posts: 2,259 ✭✭✭✭✭

    the auction lot viewing being a few blocks away caused me to have to skip it. I had 6 hrs to spend at the show and did not have time to make the walk. Will probably keep me from participating in the auction.
    I live 2 hours from Rosemont and would prefer the convention to be anywhere else. Chicago is my least favorite place to visit. I was at the show Thursday and it felt dead to me compared to other shows pre-covid. This was my first large show since covid, so maybe this is the new normal

  • jmlanzafjmlanzaf Posts: 35,346 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @bignubnumismatics1 said:
    The Auction houses and most people bidding on them prefer having auctions a week later.

    1.) The auction houses have a lot less money to invest in an in-person auction

    2.) many people are busy at the show. It gives them an opportunity to take their time after lot viewing

    3.) (minus on the company front)
    Ego bidding is not as prevalent as in-person.

    I think the issue was more about paid sponsorship than anything else. If Heritage is having the auction from Dallas the following week, they don't need to pay to be the official auctioneer of the ANA. They can just do lot viewing and have their own later. Especially if lot viewing is off site.

  • goldengolden Posts: 9,871 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @pruebas said:

    @spacehayduke said:

    @pruebas said:
    Chicago is East Coast? Sure thing.

    The LA show was widely criticized as a dud.

    But I agree, the ANA needs to bend some of their “rules” and shake things up a bit. Rosemont (like all suburban locations) is BORING for fly-in attendees.

    I truly enjoyed the Anaheim show even if not as convenient as Rosemont - why was it a dud?

    I was talking about the LA show in 2009. Not Anaheim.

    I actually liked both shows since they were a change.

    The LA show in 2009 was probably the worst ANA show I have been to since 1970.

  • MrEurekaMrEureka Posts: 24,334 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @jmlanzaf said:

    @bignubnumismatics1 said:
    The Auction houses and most people bidding on them prefer having auctions a week later.

    1.) The auction houses have a lot less money to invest in an in-person auction

    2.) many people are busy at the show. It gives them an opportunity to take their time after lot viewing

    3.) (minus on the company front)
    Ego bidding is not as prevalent as in-person.

    I think the issue was more about paid sponsorship than anything else. If Heritage is having the auction from Dallas the following week, they don't need to pay to be the official auctioneer of the ANA. They can just do lot viewing and have their own later. Especially if lot viewing is off site.

    Agreed, but the ANA can still charge premium prices to the auction companies for auction viewing rooms at the convention center. It will probably never amount to as much as the ANA was used to earning back in the day, but it could still be a nice profit center.

    Andy Lustig

    Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.

    Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
  • DelawareDoonsDelawareDoons Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I will say I do find Rosemont to be kinda boring. I wish they'd do it more in a downtown area like Philly. RTM is right there :heart:

    "It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."

  • MrEurekaMrEureka Posts: 24,334 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 22, 2022 5:50PM

    @Crypto said:
    The ANA should lead the way to revitalize conventions and create a Collectors corner to rent tables to non-pros in half day blocks to buy/ sell/ trade/ exhibit their own wares without a resale license under the guise that they pay all respective taxes ect. Give dealers extra access or first bite and role the vest pockets and collectors through there. It would not only create excitement it would also inject new material and bring more feet to the show. Sounds like a win win win to me

    put it in the back of the floor and incentivize walkers to make it back there, it would add value to the dealer spots near otherwise stale floor locations as well. By doing half day blocks everyday it would also incentives people/dealers to stick around longer and more days. The more feet that stick around longer will equate to more dollars spent in most models simply due to idle hands

    The ANA does offer daily tables, but they don't keep them all in one section of the bourse.

    Andy Lustig

    Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.

    Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
  • kruegerkrueger Posts: 888 ✭✭✭✭

    "The ANA should lead the way to revitalize conventions and create a Collectors corner to rent tables to non-pros in half day blocks to buy/ sell/ trade/ exhibit their own wares without a resale license under the guise that they pay all respective taxes ect. Give dealers extra access or first bite and role the vest pockets and collectors through there. It would not only create excitement it would also inject new material and bring more feet to the show. Sounds like a win win win to me

    put it in the back of the floor and incentivize walkers to make it back there, it would add value to the dealer spots near otherwise stale floor locations as well. By doing half day blocks everyday it would also incentives people/dealers to stick around longer and more days. The more feet that stick around longer will equate to more dollars spent in most models simply due to idle hands"

    Years ago. 80's on the last days of the Long Beach shows Sat. and Sunday. empty vacated tables could be had by local dealers or collectors selling. Packed bourse around those tables. fresh material, good prices, good hunting
    I drove 100 miles round trip on Sunday after early church every time. had to fight the crowds around the new sellers tables.
    always found stuff. some of the best fun I ever had at a coin show. Sam Lopresto ran the show back then.
    It actually became almost a separate show. great memories of those times.

  • NJCoinNJCoin Posts: 2,624 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 22, 2022 9:23PM

    @MrEureka said:

    @jmlanzaf said:

    @bignubnumismatics1 said:
    The Auction houses and most people bidding on them prefer having auctions a week later.

    1.) The auction houses have a lot less money to invest in an in-person auction

    2.) many people are busy at the show. It gives them an opportunity to take their time after lot viewing

    3.) (minus on the company front)
    Ego bidding is not as prevalent as in-person.

    I think the issue was more about paid sponsorship than anything else. If Heritage is having the auction from Dallas the following week, they don't need to pay to be the official auctioneer of the ANA. They can just do lot viewing and have their own later. Especially if lot viewing is off site.

    Agreed, but the ANA can still charge premium prices to the auction companies for auction viewing rooms at the convention center. It will probably never amount to as much as the ANA was used to earning back in the day, but it could still be a nice profit center.

    Right, but if the auction is not actually going to be held at the venue, what's in it for the auction companies to pay those premium prices? Serious bidders will walk the few blocks, including Laura, no matter how much she might complain about it. Sure beats flying to Dallas, or wherever, for people who are at the show anyway!

    There is already a thriving online auction market, as Great Collections has shown, even for big money coins. In 2022, no one needs to pay both the ANA and a convention center to rent several rooms for a week in order to conduct a successful coin auction.

    If, for whatever reason, the auction companies do not feel it is worth the extra expense to actually conduct the auction at the show, there is simply no reason to pay to set up shop at a convention center versus a nearby hotel. My guess is that the pandemic showed them that they will do just fine with off-site auctions, and Laura is correct insofar as that is probably going to blow a huge hole in the ANA's budget in the years ahead.

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