1967 quarter error

Hi! I am a newbie to coins. In one of my hunts i found a 1967 U.S. quarter that the obverse is stamped twice. So, the date looks like 11996677, with one set of the numbers being fainter. There is a noticeable outline of Washington's nose and forehead about 1cm to the left of his face. I cannot find any information about this error. Can anyone please direct me to the place or places where I could possible find more about this? Or give me their more knowledgeable opinion? Thank you in advance😁
Post some pictures
Full front & back
If you can do a close up of what you are looking at post them too
Shoot the straight on and we’ll lit
I only have my phone to take pictures. Hence why i tried to describe it lol. But i will try
Is it a proof coin in a plastic holder? Lots of times proof coins look doubled when they are in air tites or slabbed because of the reflection
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
No need to direct you elsewhere. There are many experts on this forum, and you will get the right answer here about your coin. But only if you post a picture so others can make a judgement. Guess work without being able to see a coin does not work very well in numismatics.
Ok so look im trying to get u a photo. Downloaded a magnification app. Got photos. But this site asks for a URL when i try to post a picture in the comment area. I am now trying to figure out what this is and how to do it. I played with dirt as a kid and dont get around this kind of stuff well. Please bare with me a moment
Its in my phone gallery but i only get an URL option when i press the picture icon. Not sure why i dont get the other options. Should i try on my laptop?
No its not in plastic. Just pocket change
There’s a link just above that shows how to post pics from a phone
Instead of the “URL” … look above that area for a “Choose Files” button
Yeah. Go for the laptop and you can”drag and drop” into the text area then just hit post comment
It fies nit give me that option. Only a rectangle box pops up with image url inside it ...nothing else pops up. No other options. What you were saying is what I was hoping would happen when I first touched the picture icon in the comment box area.
*it does not
That link above is for “from the laptop”
There should be a "choose files" button above the url spot.
Another new user did report an issue seeing that option recently.
I created an album in google photos.
Let me know if this works. I will try to post in the picture image url option as well
Well i tried. Dont know how this is going to end up. I put the url in the box. And there was nothing that happened. If i touch the icon. Its an empty box. Very frustrating
Those are too blurry to tell one way or another
One method is to take 2 cans of food and steady on them
Really, too blurry but if any kind of DDO check out Variety Vistas page for 67 quarters.........
http://www.varietyvista.com/09b WQ Vol 2/DDOs 1967.htm
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Well, I think I see it.
I doubt the coin is as struck and suspect the extra image is some sort of chemical effect from a film that sat on it and then shifted and stayed like that for years. The coin has a little less wear than most '67's suggesting it didn't circulate for ten or fifteen years.
A better picture would help with better lighting and more angles. It's not impossible it's some sort of counter clash or something but there's not nearly enough information in the pictures.
I was expecting something like some wild spread on the date from the description
I don’t see that wild effect in the full on photo.
You may have a little something or maybe not.
Those photos will be key.
I’m off to bed for tonight. We’ll be on tomorrow
Ok. Look. I can only see the "extra" on the coin thru a magnifier. I do not have any ho-tech equipment available to give you any better. I see that i must not seek online help because i do not have the proper equipment to give u a magnified clear picture. And kt seems that just to request info of any known errors/mistakes on the 1967 quarter cannot be answered without a visual. All I wanted to know is if there is a list where I could go to to look and see if this year had any issues I can see it with a magnifying glass but I can't give you a picture of what I see because I'm dealing with a Samsung phone a stupid app and a four times magnifying glass. Thank you for your time but this has been the most frustrating evening I have ever endured and I will do it no more lol
If this is the most frustrating evening you have ever endured, you have lived a charmed life. Well done.
On the contrary, I see at least 2 members going out of their way to try and assist you with instructions on how to post images so that we can see what you are actually referring to with one even posting images on your behalf and another member posting a link to known error varieties for 1967 quarters. Not sure what else you could possibly expect in a case like this.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
One member gave you a link to Variety Vista. That is where you can look at known doubled dies.
I have a Samsung phone and I can get much better photos. I zoom in to get closer images. No special app needed.
Check the following sites for an EXACT match. Since doubled dies are caused by the die, close=you don't have it
Many, many coins that appear to be doubled are actually due to mechanical doubling or die deterioration. These are common and have no additional value and very little collector interest. Here is a link to help you tell the difference
@KrisG55... Welcome aboard.... Relax a bit.... Try to avoid frustration. Many of us have had difficulties in the beginning here. Check the links above for known varieties... and on your laptop you can either copy and paste or drag and drop here. Good luck, Cheers, RickO
Good morning
Two things
An information site for 1967 quarters with doubling on the front (obverse)::
http://www.varietyvista.com/09b WQ Vol 2/DDOs 1967.htm
You can always take it to a local coin store and see if they can see if it is a minor doubled die obverse.
I hope you can come back and tell us the result. Even finding a minor doubled die is a happy dance moment..
here is an extreme example of doubling. obviously the 1967 is not extreme
just imagine if those letters and numbers move closer and closer together.
both sets of letters and numbers would stick up the same height off the coin but at some point they would overlap.
here is a close up from the 1969-S
here is a close up from the 1969-S
notice on the bottom of the 2nd 9.
there is a notch.
the closer and closer those numbers move together, the harder to see that notch will be.
Still the two sets of numbers are both raised off the coin, instead of one set flat against it.
you are looking for notching, and if they are overlapping enough you are looking for extra thickness for when they overlap a tiny amount.
if they overlap but one set of letters &/or numbers is low and flat... that is called a number of different names and one is mechanical doubling. that is nothing special and comes from the motion of the coin against loose die and machinery