Anyone received this in-person "United States Mint Focus Group Survey" invitation?

"The in-person focus group is a limited time engagement lasting 90 minutes on Wednesday, August 25th between 5:30 PM-7:00 PM. These in-person discussions will be held at Fieldwork, a market research firm in Fort Lee, NJ. A $125 honorarium will be given to you IF YOU QUALIFY AND PARTICIPATE in appreciation of your time and opinions."
Sounds interesting if you live in that area. But....even if I did live around there I wouldn't do it. Can't sit still for 90 minutes. That's my problem. But.....sounds interesting.
I do live around, about 35 min drive.
I visited that town many times. It is at the foot of George Washington bridge, a "Korea town".
And, it is also about 1 hour drive from West Point Academy.
I won't go.
I've done one of these before. Your feedback helps chose mint offerings for next year. Not a bad way to make $125, plus in our focus group there was a drawing to win another $50.
If I went, and told them what I think about their current offerings, I doubt I’d get the $150.
Not local or near enough for me.... Would cost more than $125 to attend. It does sound interesting though. Cheers, RickO
they'd likely want me to focus on their issues...instead of the ones I have with the mint
To much of a cost for me to attend.
Kennedys are my quest...