1951 roosevelt for big money

I was a losing bid on this lot, but was surprised when I saw last evening what this coin went for. It has nice color, but I was surprised. Am I missing it as a variety?
transactions with cucamongacoin, FHC, mtinis, bigjpst, Rob41281, toyz4geo, erwindoc, add your name here!!!
I looked at that one early in the week. It’s pretty, but I must be missing the same thing you are.
I guess it’s not tooo far above PCGS retail for a + (which it’s not graded at). There apparently were two people two viewed it as worth that. I hope one is really happy today and I assume one is not.
I went as far as checking the Cherrypickers Guide for the 1951. I didn't see anything.
I think when it comes to the grade + toning and the luster on this dime ... bidders love this stuff and will pay.
Just my opinion.
I tried making a few strong bids on it before dropping out at $300. I definitely think it ends up in at least a 7+ holder and maybe a couple bidders thought it has a chance at an 8?
I think a lesson was learned when they graded dimes MS 68 with obvious hits. this one looks relative mark free with nice original tone, a solid coin in my book.
Many people now feel that the rattler/OGH holders have been picked over so attention is being paid to the solid blue and even the blue fade holders by those looking for upgrade contenders. I don't know if this one falls into that category but its possible.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
I did not bid on the coin, but my experience indicates to me that the 1951 issue is not as often found with attractive toning as something like the 1951-S, so perhaps that had something to do with it. Alternatively, the coin appears to be covered with pretty strong die polish lines, which might make some think it could get into a PCGS PL holder (if they now offer that for Roosevelt dimes) and then it would be worth significantly more.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
It's in a recent vintage holder. I really like the toning, especially for a 51P (which is a tough date for nice color), but I almost never pay up big for upgrade candidates based solely on photos. I watched, but didn't bid.
You're right that it's a hard date with vibrant colour.
Most are brownish/orange/grey with subdued luster.
Once in a while you will see a flashy white one with golden/yellow/orange rims but that's about it.
I bid on this one but dropped out when I thought the profit in it was gone.
Here's the 1951 in my Registry set, also graded MS67. I paid about a fifth of what the Sunset coin went for, but to be fair, I don't think mine has as much upgrade potential.
It sold for a bit over 67+ money, according to the PCGS price guide. I did not look up auction history or anything else. That does not seem unusual for a coin that a few people want to engage in a bidding war over. That said, it seems like a big gamble based on the photos provided. The amount of carbon spotting through "BERT" that has eaten through the luster layer, along with possible carbon at the rim at 4:30-8:30 on the obverse seems to be quite limiting for the coin. There's a possible carbon spot on the neck and up in the hair. Some of the color is decent but it isn't magical by any stretch. It certainly isn't FB/FT either. I think the coin is okay but would not have been for me.
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
Nice dime
You'd be crazy not to submit your 51 multiple times for upgrade. That's a solid + coin, or better.
This will end up in a + holder.
I agree on your coin being a good shot a +. All you have to lose is a fee!!!
Felt that coin was undergraded, not a 68 but worthy of a 67+
was an underbidder as well.
It is a very nice piece.
Looked at the bid history. Bidder # 9 went big early. How big? We may never know ...
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242