Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
@Davideo said:
like watching a skilled con-man working a mark.
idk about 'skilled' but found it telling that (forgot his name, the bonanno lawyer's kid) posted silly musings on the zodiac killer sometime prior. as not much audience there, turned to omegaman fictions. zodiac was aka omega in circles, some mixup with the watch or cryptography or whetev
In his last visit, didn't he promise us a movie was being released last summer about his alleged "Zodiac work"?
So then the person who asked people to be respectful is posting comments like "yawn" or suggesting in a sarcastic way that I am not a busy person. I am extremely busy, have a family, and a full-time job that puts me in high-stress situations and "jacks" my sleep schedule up. When I >DO< find time to come here, I am criticized. Many others have begun to now take a negative stance on this when my only request was to get some NEW photos with new zoom/quality technology that would help to solidify my research.
I was wrong to come to these forums and ask questions and so for that, I apologize to YOU all for wasting your time. I'll post this research elsewhere and delete this account. I am shocked by what I know to be a very welcoming and patient community to begin to act like this.
Whew, someone is getting out of this quickly, don't think they really wanted to go through what the last thread went through it looks like! I smell something and it is not a smell of roses!!
@Spegtacular said:
So then the person who asked people to be respectful is posting comments like "yawn" or suggesting in a sarcastic way that I am not a busy person. I am extremely busy, have a family, and a full-time job that puts me in high-stress situations and "jacks" my sleep schedule up. When I >DO< find time to come here, I am criticized. Many others have begun to now take a negative stance on this when my only request was to get some NEW photos with new zoom/quality technology that would help to solidify my research.
I was wrong to come to these forums and ask questions and so for that, I apologize to YOU all for wasting your time. I'll post this research elsewhere and delete this account. I am shocked by what I know to be a very welcoming and patient community to begin to act like this.
As I posted: "YAWN" You made a claim to know something. You don't need images to back this up. How about a little teaser while we continue to wait?
As I posted FAR MORE RESPECTFULLY than usual for me: "The new guy CLAIMS to have new research to post" That's exactly what you claim to have implying that you might even know who Mr. Omega is.
Additionally, it was you who posted that you are VERY BUSY with a family and job. I didn't make that up.
Frankly, I don't believe you have anything to add. Hopefully, a few years (?) from now, you'll get around to publishing your "new" info and prove me wrong.
hey speg, please forgive me and us our insensitive heavy feet. if you only knew how we await with palpitations your next post. please do not take this ats or, heaven's forbid, to ccf or ct. our kiddie table status vis-a-vis those icons would be further cemented. dug out an 1882 zodiac for your research. best could do on pics. trust that the learneds will also now proffer examples and heartfelt apologies. best knowledge is from experience. in this, as with else, had you 3 of these side by side, 2 of one, 1 of the other, your eye would soon be trained to spot the outlier, whether friend or fraud. obviously I submit this zodiac as fraud, and generally, 3 observations blatant:
1) mushy
2) no wire
and 3) mushy
counter to what you've coronaviruslike fake news heard/read, there is nothing special about the ''R', it insults zodiac to presume she would'nt've been able to recognize his own h1. andiwork without cheap cheat-cheats
@Cougar1978 said:
Do these fakes sometimes reappear at shows? A friend / novice got ripped. Should he complain to the bourse chairman.
Of course they do. Many of the people who got burned by these back in the 70’s never found out that they had been taken. And since nobody ever throws away gold, they or their heirs still have them to sell to dealers who weren’t even born when ANACS was writing warnings about them.
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
@Insider2 said:
PS Guys, Let's keep an open mind. The poster came across as very sincere over the phone. Perhaps the new info >will get TTTT back on CU.
@Insider2 said:
PS Guys, Let's keep an open mind. The poster came across as very sincere over the phone. Perhaps the new info >will get TTTT back on CU.
@CaptHenway said:
Of course they do. Many of the people who got burned by these back in the 70’s never found out that they had >been taken. And since nobody ever throws away gold, they or their heirs still have them to sell to dealers who >weren’t even born when ANACS was writing warnings about them.
Any guestimates on the number of Omega MCMVII HR's and/or $3 coins ?
@CaptHenway said:
Of course they do. Many of the people who got burned by these back in the 70’s never found out that they had >been taken. And since nobody ever throws away gold, they or their heirs still have them to sell to dealers who >weren’t even born when ANACS was writing warnings about them.
Any guestimates on the number of Omega MCMVII HR's and/or $3 coins ?
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
@Spegtacular said:
I was wrong to come to these forums and ask questions and so for that, I apologize to YOU all for wasting your time. I'll post this research elsewhere and delete this account. I am shocked by what I know to be a very welcoming and patient community to begin to act like this. - Spegtacular
The guy was treated pretty well here and certainly wasn't "attacked" in any sense.
Unless he has come out with information on his YT channel, well, it's been 4 years which is more than enough time to come up with something even if he does have a job, wife, family, etc.
I have a fake 1882 $3. I bought it long ago for melt before they got popular and expensive. Had a chance to buy the $20 with it but could not afford it. The omega is in the "R" of "Liberty" on the $3, not the "R" in "Dollars."
I clicked on his Icon and he stopped posting before I joined. He was very active. Then, I clicked on Captin Henway and JWWitten and thay are also. Who knew there are so many badges. These guys have thousands of likes and posts!
The Omega is an R. Gilroy Roberts is the forger because he's the only person whose name starts with an R. He's working for the mob. The mob stole gold bars. They're worried that someone will recognize the bars. They don't have a torch to simply melt them. And they're not worried that the Feds will look into counterfeiting. The mob is trying to raise money for a charitable foundation.
I have studied many Omega counterfeits under a good microscope. Whatever the symbol is, it does not resemble Gilroy Roberts' monogram.
The Franklin Mint needed a well respected name to legitimize their operation. They threw enough money at him to make him retire and come work for them and create a lot of cool designs rather than wait around for the treasury to redesign another denomination. How old is the Roosevelt Dime design?
Also, a designer does not have the abilities to make planchets and strike coins. Most counterfeiting operations get busted because it takes many different people to handle the many different skills and the more people involved the more likely it is that one person will blab. Also, the Franklin Mint was making tons of money legitimately. Why would they risk losing everything by making counterfeits?
The Mafia story is plausible, but unproven. This story is laughable.
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
I have studied many Omega counterfeits under a good microscope. Whatever the symbol is, it does not resemble Gilroy Roberts' monogram.
The Franklin Mint needed a well respected name to legitimize their operation. They threw enough money at him to make him retire and come work for them and create a lot of cool designs rather than wait around for the treasury to redesign another denomination. How old is the Roosevelt Dime design?
Also, a designer does not have the abilities to make planchets and strike coins. Most counterfeiting operations get busted because it takes many different people to handle the many different skills and the more people involved the more likely it is that one person will blab. Also, the Franklin Mint was making tons of money legitimately. Why would they risk losing everything by making counterfeits?
The Mafia story is plausible, but unproven. This story is laughable.
He included the mafia. He just dragged poor Gilbert Roberts into the conspiracy for the obvious reason that his Initial is an R and he created a charitable trust.
I have studied many Omega counterfeits under a good microscope. Whatever the symbol is, it does not resemble Gilroy Roberts' monogram.
The Franklin Mint needed a well respected name to legitimize their operation. They threw enough money at him to make him retire and come work for them and create a lot of cool designs rather than wait around for the treasury to redesign another denomination. How old is the Roosevelt Dime design?
Also, a designer does not have the abilities to make planchets and strike coins. Most counterfeiting operations get busted because it takes many different people to handle the many different skills and the more people involved the more likely it is that one person will blab. Also, the Franklin Mint was making tons of money legitimately. Why would they risk losing everything by making counterfeits?
The Mafia story is plausible, but unproven. This story is laughable.
He included the mafia. He just dragged poor Gilbert Roberts into the conspiracy for the obvious reason that his Initial is an R and he created a charitable trust.
I agree, which is probably why he never came back to post his theory on this thread.
The Omega is an R. Gilroy Roberts is the forger because he's the only person whose name starts with an R. He's working for the mob. The mob stole gold bars. They're worried that someone will recognize the bars. They don't have a torch to simply melt them. And they're not worried that the Feds will look into counterfeiting. The mob is trying to raise money for a charitable foundation.
That was an interesting video backed up by his research but I don't believe it for a minute. The "Omega" symbol on the $20 does not look like the Greek letter at all! It does not look like a "skull and Crossbones" either. The bar at the base shows no signs of crossing. Perhaps it should have been nammed the "Skull and Bone." I will admit that the mark on my $3 looks much more like the Greek letter.
That is a great idea. Furthermore, I should like to thank Heather for allowing me to join again as a new member after breaking the rules in spite of being warned at least twice.
I also want to thank all the members who left nice comments about me during the time I was banned. An especially funny discussion was the one I posted asking who do you miss. Then I was gone also. For those of you who were glad I was banned, I'm back and plan to stay. I'll look forward to learning new things about coins from each of you.
PS I hope other banned members reading this attempt to seek Heather's pardon because I miss 99% of them.
That is a great idea. Furthermore, I should like to thank Heather for allowing me to join again as a new member after breaking the rules in spite of being warned at least twice.
I also want to thank all the members who left nice comments about me during the time I was banned. An especially funny discussion was the one I posted asking who do you miss. Then I was gone also. For those of you who were glad I was banned, I'm back and plan to stay. I'll look forward to learning new things about coins from each of you.
PS I hope other banned members reading this attempt to seek Heather's pardon because I miss 99% of them.
Hey Skip. Have you ever seen a good x-ray analysis of the three Omega coins to see if the trace elements match?
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
@CaptHenway said:
Hey Skip. Have you ever seen a good x-ray analysis of the three Omega coins to see if the trace elements match?
To my knowledge, the only folks to analyze these coins are coin dealers with those new-fangled "guns." Someone here can do it. You have given me an idea, I'm going to take my "Omega" coins to a dealer with an x-ray gun. I'll see if he has a fifty Peso also.
PS I hope other banned members reading this attempt to seek Heather's pardon because I miss 99% of them.
How did you do that?
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
PS I hope other banned members reading this attempt to seek Heather's pardon because I miss 99% of them.
How did you do that?
I sent her a box of Sees Chocolate every week for two +years! Actually, I knew she liked chocolate and once, while still a member, I tried to get the address of PCGS to send her some but they would not give it out.
The truth is: The PCGS forum is the best for US coins. I missed not being able to add my 2c and cringed at some of the stuff I read as a "lurker." Long ago, I snuck on as an "alt" but I was discovered in a very short time. What is the point if you need to pretend you were a new collector who could not post anything showing knowledge. So after a long absence, I applied again as a new member. I identified myself, said I missed you guys and the numismatic education going on here and and asked Heather to let a reformed me post. Thankfully, she did.
@CaptHenway said:
Hey Skip. Have you ever seen a good x-ray analysis of the three Omega coins to see if the trace elements match?
To my knowledge, the only folks to analyze these coins are coin dealers with those new-fangled "guns." Someone here can do it. You have given me an idea, I'm going to take my "Omega" coins to a dealer with an x-ray gun. I'll see if he has a fifty Peso also.
PS That Gilroy Roberts stuff is crap!
Let us know the results.
I have handled enough of either to confidently say that the reddish gold typical of 50 Pesos restrikes is not the gold seen on Omega counterfeits.
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
I have some general questions for the Omega counterfeit coin experts. How does the metal content compare to mint specifications? Did the counterfeiters cheat on the gold content and if so, by how much? Does the Mexico 50 peso omega counterfeit gold coin have a hidden omega in the design and if so, where is it located? Thanks.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
That is a great idea. Furthermore, I should like to thank Heather for allowing me to join again as a new member after breaking the rules in spite of being warned at least twice.
I also want to thank all the members who left nice comments about me during the time I was banned. An especially funny discussion was the one I posted asking who do you miss. Then I was gone also. For those of you who were glad I was banned, I'm back and plan to stay. I'll look forward to learning new things about coins from each of you.
PS I hope other banned members reading this attempt to seek Heather's pardon because I miss 99% of them.
I, for one, am glad that you're back.
Never thought it would happen.
"I tell them there's no problems.....only solutions" - John Lennon
Thank you. Do we have one of the $3? I wish I knew someone locally that has one so I could look closely at these coins.
This is a horrible sequel
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Aaaaaand, that’s a wrap!
In his last visit, didn't he promise us a movie was being released last summer about his alleged "Zodiac work"?
Apparently the entire sequel was left on the cutting room floor.
So, let me get this straight: you have a theory about these coins but haven't looked at them closely? I sense a credibility gap.
AFAIK, TTTT had a link to his Zodiac work. The new guy claims to have "new research to post but he is very busy.
So then the person who asked people to be respectful is posting comments like "yawn" or suggesting in a sarcastic way that I am not a busy person. I am extremely busy, have a family, and a full-time job that puts me in high-stress situations and "jacks" my sleep schedule up. When I >DO< find time to come here, I am criticized. Many others have begun to now take a negative stance on this when my only request was to get some NEW photos with new zoom/quality technology that would help to solidify my research.
I was wrong to come to these forums and ask questions and so for that, I apologize to YOU all for wasting your time. I'll post this research elsewhere and delete this account. I am shocked by what I know to be a very welcoming and patient community to begin to act like this.
Whew, someone is getting out of this quickly, don't think they really wanted to go through what the last thread went through it looks like! I smell something and it is not a smell of roses!!
As I posted: "YAWN" You made a claim to know something. You don't need images to back this up. How about a little teaser while we continue to wait?
As I posted FAR MORE RESPECTFULLY than usual for me: "The new guy CLAIMS to have new research to post" That's exactly what you claim to have implying that you might even know who Mr. Omega is.
Additionally, it was you who posted that you are VERY BUSY with a family and job. I didn't make that up.
Frankly, I don't believe you have anything to add. Hopefully, a few years (?) from now, you'll get around to publishing your "new" info and prove me wrong.
hey speg, please forgive me and us our insensitive heavy feet. if you only knew how we await with palpitations your next post. please do not take this ats or, heaven's forbid, to ccf or ct. our kiddie table status vis-a-vis those icons would be further cemented. dug out an 1882 zodiac for your research. best could do on pics. trust that the learneds will also now proffer examples and heartfelt apologies. best knowledge is from experience. in this, as with else, had you 3 of these side by side, 2 of one, 1 of the other, your eye would soon be trained to spot the outlier, whether friend or fraud. obviously I submit this zodiac as fraud, and generally, 3 observations blatant:
1) mushy
2) no wire
and 3) mushy
good luck, hopefully, welcome back
Do these fakes sometimes reappear at shows? A friend / novice got ripped. Should he complain to the bourse chairman.
Of course they do. Many of the people who got burned by these back in the 70’s never found out that they had been taken. And since nobody ever throws away gold, they or their heirs still have them to sell to dealers who weren’t even born when ANACS was writing warnings about them.
Actually it’s called a Gerenuk……a type of antelope! 😉
To tell the truth
Any guestimates on the number of Omega MCMVII HR's and/or $3 coins ?
Unfortunately People will get ripped on them just like they do on fake raw $2.50 Indians.
Love these omega coins!

The guy was treated pretty well here and certainly wasn't "attacked" in any sense.
Unless he has come out with information on his YT channel, well, it's been 4 years which is more than enough time to come up with something even if he does have a job, wife, family, etc.
I have a fake 1882 $3. I bought it long ago for melt before they got popular and expensive. Had a chance to buy the $20 with it but could not afford it. The omega is in the "R" of "Liberty" on the $3, not the "R" in "Dollars."
I miss the OP and his passion.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress
I clicked on his Icon and he stopped posting before I joined. He was very active. Then, I clicked on Captin Henway and JWWitten and thay are also. Who knew there are so many badges. These guys have thousands of likes and posts!
If he hasn't done anything on his YT channel, he either was BS'ing or did his research and found the story lacking.
I think this is the video.
How to make a video with zero information.
The Omega is an R. Gilroy Roberts is the forger because he's the only person whose name starts with an R. He's working for the mob. The mob stole gold bars. They're worried that someone will recognize the bars. They don't have a torch to simply melt them. And they're not worried that the Feds will look into counterfeiting. The mob is trying to raise money for a charitable foundation.
Yeah. That all hangs together.
What utter rot!
I have studied many Omega counterfeits under a good microscope. Whatever the symbol is, it does not resemble Gilroy Roberts' monogram.
The Franklin Mint needed a well respected name to legitimize their operation. They threw enough money at him to make him retire and come work for them and create a lot of cool designs rather than wait around for the treasury to redesign another denomination. How old is the Roosevelt Dime design?
Also, a designer does not have the abilities to make planchets and strike coins. Most counterfeiting operations get busted because it takes many different people to handle the many different skills and the more people involved the more likely it is that one person will blab. Also, the Franklin Mint was making tons of money legitimately. Why would they risk losing everything by making counterfeits?
The Mafia story is plausible, but unproven. This story is laughable.
He included the mafia. He just dragged poor Gilbert Roberts into the conspiracy for the obvious reason that his Initial is an R and he created a charitable trust.
I agree, which is probably why he never came back to post his theory on this thread.
Why am I not surprised at all?
He should reincarnate as @Insider3
That was an interesting video backed up by his research but I don't believe it for a minute. The "Omega" symbol on the $20 does not look like the Greek letter at all! It does not look like a "skull and Crossbones" either. The bar at the base shows no signs of crossing. Perhaps it should have been nammed the "Skull and Bone." I will admit that the mark on my $3 looks much more like the Greek letter.
This video is by a different person -- older -- than the young kid linked in another YT video.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
I also want to thank all the members who left nice comments about me during the time I was banned. An especially funny discussion was the one I posted asking who do you miss. Then I was gone also. For those of you who were glad I was banned, I'm back and plan to stay. I'll look forward to learning new things about coins from each of you.
PS I hope other banned members reading this attempt to seek Heather's pardon because I miss 99% of them.
There goes the neighborhood!
Welcome back, Skip. lol
Founder- Peak Rarities
Hey Skip. Have you ever seen a good x-ray analysis of the three Omega coins to see if the trace elements match?
To my knowledge, the only folks to analyze these coins are coin dealers with those new-fangled "guns." Someone here can do it. You have given me an idea, I'm going to take my "Omega" coins to a dealer with an x-ray gun. I'll see if he has a fifty Peso also.
PS That Gilroy Roberts stuff is crap!
How did you do that?
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
I sent her a box of Sees Chocolate every week for two +years! Actually, I knew she liked chocolate and once, while still a member, I tried to get the address of PCGS to send her some but they would not give it out.
The truth is: The PCGS forum is the best for US coins. I missed not being able to add my 2c and cringed at some of the stuff I read as a "lurker." Long ago, I snuck on as an "alt" but I was discovered in a very short time. What is the point if you need to pretend you were a new collector who could not post anything showing knowledge. So after a long absence, I applied again as a new member. I identified myself, said I missed you guys and the numismatic education going on here and and asked Heather to let a reformed
me post. Thankfully, she
Let us know the results.
I have handled enough of either to confidently say that the reddish gold typical of 50 Pesos restrikes is not the gold seen on Omega counterfeits.
If Skip can come back, which is a good move, how about some of the others, for example - @Dimeman, @amwldcoin?
Would be good I think..............
I have some general questions for the Omega counterfeit coin experts. How does the metal content compare to mint specifications? Did the counterfeiters cheat on the gold content and if so, by how much? Does the Mexico 50 peso omega counterfeit gold coin have a hidden omega in the design and if so, where is it located? Thanks.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Ha. Didn’t expect to see @Spegtacular here> @Spegtacular said:
Type collector, mainly into Seated. -formerly Ownerofawheatiehorde. Good BST transactions with: mirabela, OKCC, MICHAELDIXON, Gerard
I, for one, am glad that you're back.
Never thought it would happen.