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2020-W quarter dollars with privy mark...

BackroadJunkieBackroadJunkie Posts: 3,745 ✭✭✭✭✭

Didn't see a thread on this...

Coin World is confirming there will be 2020-W quarters injected into circulation with a twist...


Each of the 2020-W quarter dollars is being struck with a privy mark that will appear on each coin’s obverse, in the field in front of George Washington’s portrait, above the inscription LIBERTY.

The privy mark is being sculpted directly into the master die.

The earliest strikes are test pieces that U.S. Mint officials refer to as “design validation strikes."

Same as last year, 2 million of each quarter will be salted into 140K coin bags.

I have failed miserably in getting any 2019-W quarters. I've gotten a higher percentage of eagle backs than any time after the ATB's started.... :(


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