The Clad Cents Thread!

This just arrived and looks super nice in hand to me, much nicer than these photos suggest. Perhaps it needs a visit to the PCGS TrueView studio?
I couldn't resist this because I like the 1974 aluminum cents so much.
Are there any other 1974 cents on wrong planchets?
Very cool!
Better than the steel one. Congrats
......... I couldn't resist this because I like the 1974 aluminum cents so much.
Now I just need a 1974-D and 1974-S
way cool I like
Very nice, I love off metal error coins.
That is cool.... would love to find one of those in the wild... Cheers, RickO
What's the best thing you've found in the wild
@Zoins......I married her.....
Cheers, RickO
Yea, I like that!
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
Very nice !!!
That is a very nice pickup @Zoins. Always interesting to think about what was going in the mint when these were being made. Thanks for the showing.
Here's a nice 1982 Lincoln cent on clad dime planchet.
The cool thing about this coin, which I haven't seen before, is that it's also double struck so it appears to be on a full planchet!
1964 cent on a clad dime planchet!!!
Someday this 1964 cent struck on a clad dime planchet will compete with the 1943 copper cent in populairity.
I have a few Clad Dime errors acquired since 1979.
This is my favorite SMS Flat Pack issue:
SMS 1965 10c on SMS 25c planchet

Flip Over Double Dated Double Strike

1971D Bow Tie

Misread Thread Title, Clad Cents, not Clad Dimes:
in one of the somewhat recent error threads, i THINK byers posted a link to a doc/pdf listing all the "known" wrong planchets. it may have been for not only wrong planchet but wrong country flans. i did d/l it and put it in my numis folder but that folder just now is chaotic at best and i looked but it didn't jump out at me.
They were using clad in 1964?
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
They were still minting 1964 dated coins in 1965 and early 1966.
@Zoins said:
“ I couldn't resist this because I like the 1974 aluminum cents so much.
Are there any other 1974 cents on wrong planchets?”
I sold my 1974S Cent in aluminum.
@LanceNewmanOCC stated:
“in one of the somewhat recent error threads, i THINK byers posted a link to a doc/pdf listing all the "known" wrong planchets. it may have been for not only wrong planchet but wrong country flans. i did d/l it and put it in my numis folder but that folder just now is chaotic at best and i looked but it didn't jump out at me.”
Lance there are 1,300 Mint Error News articles. I will check if there is one specifically on just off-metals known.
But I think you are referring to these 3 links on articles in Mint Error News on highest prices realized?
1966 1c Off Center on 10c un annealed Type 1 Blank, not a Type 2 Planchet.
Should be clad, but edge is not viewable.
One of these days I may crack it out to confirm its not some odd non clad foreign market coinage blank.
i really thought it was you but may have been someone else that posted a link to a tracking sheet/spreadsheet/pdf or whatever listing the "known" incorrect planchet strikes. i may have to just do a sort by file type in my top-level nums folder, which is where i d/l it to.
for sure don't put a lot of work into this, at least no more than you already have. perhaps even a forum search for .pdf or .doc by author may turn it up.
i'll link it here and @ a couple people just for the record, if i come across it again.
ok. that came up faster than anticipated with .pdf and Byers as author. i'll keep looking as it isn't what i thought it was and you've probably posted more than just one post like this and i want to be thorough. thought for sure there was one for off-metal/wrong stock o/s or something like that.
the below is just for coins struck by USA for other countries.
THREAD/POST - it goes directly to your post with what is one of your many linked pdfs on this forum.
for those posting for the on-topic for zoins, ignore me and post away!
ok this is my last search. i think i just misread the above link of coins strcuk by us in a wrong stock thread and thought it was for coins struck on wrong stock (other countries) coinage.
here is the only other thing i have d/l that is related. couldn't find the original uploader.
1919 1c on Foreign
Pattern Like in appearance as its fully struck out rim to rim in wrong metal.
I think of it as my poor man's pattern coin.
I'm wondering how could the planchet and quarter be fed into the striking chamber without some sort of shenanigans.
Indeed !
Thoughtfully executed Shenanigans in my mind too.
But as I was not at the Mint when they produced this pair 35 years apart it's just my best guess.
SMS 1965 10c on SMS 25c planchet

The timing may not match perfectly, but could the SMS be from the San Francisco mint (I'm not sure which mint struck SMS issues). They were responsible for a lot of shenanigans a few years later.
There was also the incident where a Philly mint employee was caught sneaking errors out in the oil pans of fork trucks. That may have been around 2000 but I can't recall exactly
Just some thoughts
I was drawn to the 1965 as that year one of San Fransico reopening after getting moth balled in 1956.
I knew it was unusually special the moment I saw it.
Fred Weinberg told me the 1965 was the earliest known example of that type of error he'd seen.
There are Shenanigans from Philly from 1999, 2000, 2001 & 2002.
Denver in 1968 thru 1976 also thoughtfully produced Mint Sport examples:
i meant to ask earlier but forgot. do you mind if i/we take snapshots of images of coins form your newsletters, just to share. from just the ONE i was looking through. my mind was blown several times and it would be shame not to share some of them on here!
Lance- You may but please give credit to Mint Error News…
That's very cool. What newsletter do you publish?
It would be great to see Mint Error News mentioned in your newsletter!

oh man Zoins. that is POTD.
ty much and will do!
there is simply TOO much amazing stuff in those not to pull out some excerpts/snippets to share here.
Wanna sell that to me?