Anyone up for some Roosie Talk? - Thread #5

I have been asked to start yet another one of these infamous Roosie threads, and as always you can do a search to see the previous 4 threads and comments on those are always welcome...These threads do get a bit long, and when I start a new thread it always stirs up conversation to current Roosie news which brings me to my next comments.
The latest news that I have is @onlyroosies (Almighty Dimes) has retired his all time #1 sets (Actually did it right this time) including his Massive 1965-Date clads and his varieties. No word on who the new Roosie King is, but if I had to guess, I'm assuming it's none other than D. L. Hansen, who had purchased Nick's insane 1946-1964 #1 Roosie set. So, I guess some congratulations are in order for Nick as he has NO ROOSIES left.
Also if you are a big GC auctions follower, it looks like some heavy hitting Roosies are up for sale within the next 60 days or less, including what is the only 1946-2016 SP70FB dime in existence in the 2007-P PCGS SP70FB Satin Finish pop (1/0). Yes, its a dreaded SF dime, but being the only 70FB before the 2017 explosion of 70's, it is quite a desirable dime...for me anyways.
Also in the GC auctions is the pop (1/0) 1965 PCGS MS68FB, which is one of the dimes I inquired about on the very first thread post back in the Roosie Talk #1 thread. It previously sold on Heritage for quite the lofty sum.
Lastly, if anyone noticed, I listed my 1946-Date FB Roosie sets as of January 1st.
Later, Paul.
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
I don’t like that coin. It’s ugly.
Yes all my Roosie sets have been retired (the right way this time). After I sold my silver set 10 months ago I realized I had quite a few beautiful dups, and still owning all the varieties and of course my unbeatable 65 - date clad set I decided to rebuild the silver side. Thanks to a couple Roosie Buddies who contributed some great looking coins, (Lablover you know I'm talking about you) I was able to complete the task in a few months. This new set produced 10 #1 Roosevelt Dime registry sets including the new #1 1946 - date FB set which I consider to be the king of all Roosie sets. 3 of the sets went gold. Not even DL's silver set went gold. So naturally you would think DL would step up and buy me out. Not the case. I was contacted by another Roosie collector. After a couple e-mails we talked on the phone and his passion for Roosie's was so refreshing. We quickly came to terms for my entire collection. 1946 - Date FB with complete varieties set. This is the almighty set of sets and comprises 10 #1 Roosevelt Dime registry sets. Hopefully he will post soon and list his new sets on the registry. I can truly say the torch is now officially handed off for good. I am retiring from Roosies and coins. I hope to be helping the new owner complete his Mission with his Roosies. I doubt he will need much help as he is a very savvy collector and already has many to add to the set. You will soon see the greatest 1946 - date FB Roosie set ever assembled on the registry. Congratulations to the new owner.
That 61P pic is not correct. I know that coin is graded higher. I've held that coin in hand and I personally grade it MS68FB.
Congrats on the sale!!! So, you are officially retiring from coins? I hope it was just a "I decided to retire" other than for something like health reasons.
Always wishing you the best on your next endeavors...
Later, Paul.
Thanks Paul,
Health is great. Just the right time and person to pass it onto. I really expected to be here for at least another 5 years.
Actually it's the person assuming the new roll that convinced me it's was also the right time.
Congrats on the sell and once again (how many sets has it been over the years) building a #1 set. It's been fun my friend, but please say you'll still be there for us. Hopefully, you'll still come to FUN, what would we do without you at Vito's, who's going to pay the bill?
I hope the new owner will build the same lasting friendships like we've had along the way. Roosies are more than coins, it's a small family of good friends enjoying life, and collecting together.
Your friend, and brother...
Check out my iPhone app SlabReader!
Congrats Nick....hate to see you leave, but wish you well in what ever you do next!
I'll still be hanging around and looking at pretty Roosies. But now I'll just be looking at pics of them. I plan on coming out to the winter FUN show. I'll see you there and my treat at Vito's.
What about me? Can I come???
Later, Paul.
Come one come all the more the merrier. Can't guarantee a free dinner though
Bring those golf clubs to FUN!
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
Hi everyone - As a quick intro my name is John and I'm the one who recently bought Nick's Clad & Varieties sets. Nick suggested I get to know you all given our mutual connection and Roosie passion.
I've been collecting for close to 40 years off & on, but I got the super-bug 6 or 7 years ago when I really fell in love with the Roosevelts and started building my Proof sets followed by the FB Clads.
It was literally happenstance that brought Nick & me together (you know who you are!) and we quickly built a solid and highly respectful rapport over our mutual love of these coins. Over the last few weeks I couldn't have encountered a more kind, straight shooting, and knowledgeable partner than Nick. Regardless of who owns the #1 set at any given time (and I truly believe we are all temporary stewards no matter the situation), the moniker of 'King of the Roosies' is permanently his. Period. Full stop. I just look forward to his ongoing counsel & mentoring as we push the bounds of Roosie collecting even further.
For the last couple years I've had the #2 FB Clad set but I never published it, as I only make sets public when they're complete. Nick has clearly had the higher GPA (no contest!) though I was able to add 8 or 9 upgrades when the sets combined, not to mention all the same grade duplicates. I LOVE making coins and can't get enough pouring through mint sets every week - two of my Pop 1/0 FBs were personally made, as well as some 2/0s, etc.
I've published the combined 65'-date Clad w/Major Varieties in the event anyone wants to see the combined set - it's under 'Halcyon Collection'. I'll be publishing the other combined sets in the coming days, including the Varieties and Clad/Proof combos. I'm still working on the high grade Silvers, and hope to have that portion done in the coming months.
Combining both our sets has created a zillion duplicates, and as such I'll be putting up for sale in the coming days what will likely be the #3 Clad set, as well as the #5 or #6 Silver set. Specifics tbd.
Thank you again, Nick. And I look forward to getting to know you guys in the coming weeks & months - seems like a great group!
Well I'm not really sure what to say, so welcome and congrats to both Nick and John. Good luck with your sets and future sales.
Later, Paul.
Welcome John.
Hope Nick told you the Roosie tradition centers around Winter FUN. Second tradition is the guy with the highest rated set buys dinner at Vito’s on Thursday night...
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
Does that include the NGC Set Billy?
Yes, welcome John to the family. Another tradition is the initiation fee to the brotherhood of one MS67+FB Full Rainbow Toned Roosie to each member. Should be no trouble with all those dups you now have.
We'll PM our addresses soon.
Welcome John,
Sorry it took so long for me to post. Your set looks fantastic. An accomplishment I don't think I could have finished. If you haven't looked at John's clad set here it is. It comprises 27 pop 1/0 coins and there are only 16 slots where there is a coin graded higher. The remarkable accomplishment is, John's set is only 2 coins away from being the only complete Full Band set ever assembled. John is clearly our new Roosevelt Ambassador. I cant wait until you publish the rest of your Roosie sets.
Yes this set belongs in the HOF. I would bet that John will produce a HOF set within the next 4 years. I think it would be a guaranteed HOF inductee when 100% FB.
Not only have I never owned the 78P and 91D in FB I never owned an 80P and 80D in FB.
Great job, both of you! Glad to have another Roosie collector on board!
Maybe I should cross over my dimes so I can play!
An impressive set for sure, great work John.
Onlyroosies will ALWAYS BE the leader of the band!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks everyone!
So with regards to that dinner tradition, what happens if the owner of the highest rated set is broke after buying a chunk of it?!?
You got a credit card? If ya going play ya gotta pay!!!!

Oh, we drink lots of really fine wine. Right Billy? Things like Opus One, etc.
I have paid my fair share of dinners, That's for sure. I remember the wine bill alone was $400. But nothing beats Billy's (rainbowroosie) Home cooking. Was that Lobster or Crab, Or both?
I have a 2010 bottle of Opus One I'll contribute to the Winter FUN Show. One glass each, that's all us retired folks can afford. Nick, I'm saving the 2009 bottle for when I make the trip to California.
THE TRUTH — The REAL reason Nick sold his set was to pay for lessons on the links...I remember him at Shula’s saying “I’d spend a hundred grand on lessons just to take Billy for $5 one time on the back nine.”
Don’t worry if you are broke. We will cut you slack. You only need to pay for the wine.
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
@onlyroosies congrats on finding a great home for your set. It’s great to see some excitement in the roosie series.
At last my former 91d has been joined by some of its finest known friends to hopefully create the all time greatest set. We’ll all be cheering you on @Khayman
If I can't make the west coast, or south Miami you're always welcome here on the Florida Panhandle. We'll take the boat out for a day on the water and some ribs on the grill and a great bottle of wine. Retirement has limited my ability to travel, and coins but never to host!!!! Come one, come all.
Jim, How long have I been waiting for that trip now?
John has now posted 5 #1 Roosie sets so far. I bet he's got another 10 or so to go.
Patience little grass hopper, patience.
@onlyroosies Once I finish my '46-64 high grade set I should have another fourteen #1's since I have the proofs as well (although not the silver Basic FB set since I can't be Hansen - I mean Nick!). Should be done in the next 2-3 months.
High-end wine? While Nick said he enjoyed some really nice wine he said everyone else were Bud Light guys. . .
Sorry, you're not that lucky. Oh, we drink a lot of that fine wine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like the party's at Jims house this year.
@Khayman I for one would love to hear the story of finding your 1978 MS64FB dime, and I will tell you my story about the 1974.
Later, Paul.
Wait, what? You have a 1974-P FB?!?

No FB dime, just a story you may want to hear going forward looking for it. But I want to hear your story about your '78 first please.
Later, Paul.
I knew several years ago I wanted to put together the first FB clad set and after while I started looking through bulk mint cello sets since the rolls you buy online are usually cr&p; at least the mint sets are generally MS63 and above. So if memory serves after plowing through several hundred 1974-P 10c cellos I got one that was FB and sent it in fingers crossed in March '16 (I had to check my PCGS orders for the timing). When it came back I wasn't surprised at the 64 grade given the nicks.
BTW, that was the same PCGS order that I got a 1977-P MS66FB (2/1) back - I should have played the lottery that week!
Well that is for sure a good story.
I was searching for any 1970's dated Philly in mint sets at local and regional shows, not to mention buying rolls of dimes that all turned out to be total junk. After I sold my complete clad set to Nick back in '08 (A lot of dimes still reside what is now your set) I came across someone unloading an original 1974 $1,000 mint sewn bag of Philly Dimes. I paid $1,500 for it and it was incredible. The dimes were so new they still had shards of clad steel on the rims. They were so sharp I cut my index fingers after looking at 100's at a time. BUT, they all looked the same and even though they were insanely struck, they all had about 50-75% of the bottom bands. I couldn't find 1 even at 90% bands to send in. I did however attempt a small sample of dimes, some of the best to send in to PCGS and this is how my submission turned out:
09/24/2008 submission #3734486
Line Items Cert # PCGS # Description Grade Country
1 1 12515724 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 2 12515725 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 3 12515726 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 4 12515727 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 5 12515728 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 6 12515729 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 7 12515730 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 8 12515731 5145 1974 10C MS66 USA
1 9 12515732 5145 1974 10C MS66 USA
1 10 12515733 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 11 12515734 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 12 12515735 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 13 12515736 5145 1974 10C MS66 USA
1 14 12515737 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 15 12515738 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 16 12515739 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 17 12515740 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 18 12515741 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 19 12515742 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 20 12515743 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 21 12515744 5145 1974 10C MS66 USA
1 22 12515745 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 23 12515746 5145 1974 10C MS66 USA
1 24 12515747 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 25 12515748 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 26 12515749 5145 1974 10C MS65 USA
1 27 12515750 5145 1974 10C MS66 USA
I still have all but maybe 1 or 2. I think I gave away 1 MS66 to Mark Rush. Otherwise I firmly believe that are all graded 1-1.5 grades too low. PCGS was tight on clads back then.
After this submission I read somewhere on here from @wondercoin that usually a mint sewn bag of this size usually has only 1-3 die parings of coins and they will all look alike. He was certainly right.
Good luck locating the 1974! I wish you the best.
Later, Paul.
Paul - That is probably the best grading story I've ever heard, and yet at the same time the most demoralizing! Wow.
My '78/'77-D/'90-D raw submissions & FB return grades have given me hope that a '74 and '90 FB exist out there so I'll keep soldiering on with the mint sets and occasional rolls. I've also tried dozens of crossovers from NGC FTs but none have graded FB so far given NGC's lax standards for the bottom bands.
And thank you for the well wishes - means more than you think.
Nick knows where one is.
Yes, I know where one is that I grade FB, we're just waiting to see IF PC agrees.
Great stories and John you have made some incredible coins. When might we see some more sets published?
That would be a big dime in FB. What would the grade be(estimated)? I glanced back at my set and I had a 67 when it was in its prime.
So who won the 2007 P sp70FB last night?