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PCGS graded Morgan Dollar Giveaway (NFC Championship Contest) CUTOFF 01/21 3:30pm PST (Pacific Time)

3keepSECRETif2rDEAD3keepSECRETif2rDEAD Posts: 4,285 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 17, 2018 1:06AM in U.S. Coin Forum


...k so here it goes...I am going to give the winner of this contest the coin pictured below...She was in an NGC 65 holder and I cracked and got 64 with no-CAC...how the hell am I supposed to sell a coin like that?...so let’s give her away ;)

Everyone that’s a member here can have one entry only. It’s a guessing game so here is all you need to do...The NFC Championship game between the Philadelphia Eagles and Minnesota Vikings will be played on this coming Sunday, Jan 21st at 3:40pm PST...you don’t have to watch it to win so even the NFL haters or non-ball-sports guys like @ricko can take a shot at winning the coin ;)

Both these teams have starting QB’s that are not supposed to be there (if you don’t know why then google it) and both teams have terrifying defenses that will have fun with them. So the winner will be whoever here gets exact or closest to the number of the flowing total of things...total combined game score + total sacks, total interceptions, and total fumbles lost by both teams for entire game (OT included).

***So for an example guess (I will go super low on purpose so I don’t taint the field) I will say it’s a 3-2 game with 0 sacks and 0 interceptions and 0 fumbles lost...so my entry # would be 5 (3 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 5).

You can guess any number you choose, if you choose a number already used then please re-choose another number and post it in a separate following post as there will be ZERO EDITS ALLOWED...gotta keep the street rules in place here just for good measure ;)

You can have some fun and google the stats of each team to help you if you choose...so handicap your way into this free Morgan dollar...it’s on the house ;)

***Cutoff for entry is 3:30pm PST on Sunday January 21st

***Total amount of points scored by both teams plus the total amount of QB sacks, Interceptions, and Fumbles Lost by both teams for entire game:

***a fumble lost is when the defensive team recovers the fumble therefore turning the ball over to the recovering team.

***I will grade the winning number and post it on Monday January 22nd sometime when I get into the office.

***prize coin is valued at less than $50 (wholesale), so now law enforcement, politicians and Priests can play as well ;)

Ask any questions that you have and I will try and answer with what I got...Good Luck CU Board!

Prize: 1921 MS64 no-CAC

*****IF THERE IS A TIE THEN THEY WILL PLAY THE SAME GAME FOR THE SUPERBOWL TO DETERMINE WINNER. If that happens then rules will be added to ensure a winner ;)



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