Micro novelty coins...
Doing some de-cluttering and I find these "Micro" coins, haven't a clue where they came from, just in a box of stuff.
Missing the SLQ I guess, anyone know the origins of these things, or have some like it ??.......1980's stuff ?
I was rather surprised at the fair representation achieved, of the real coinage.
Some real rarities check it out........
Longacre doubling and full LIBERTY
The Unique 1938 P two feathers.
Ultra rare 1914 D with a cud.
1942 WLH ddo.
No Motto UHR...She sure is grinning...and no wormy toolmarks.
R.I.P Son 1986>2020
I like.
I have some, walking libertys, barber. 1 gram of pure silver each, not sure about the larger barber. 1/10 oz if im not mistaken.
Those are cute, especially the K rand !
I've been looking for a '14D Merc.
Cool !!!
1 gram of pure silver each,
I am guessing "Aluminum" on these.
Welcome to the CU forum...
R.I.P Son 1986>2020
@Nero ...Welcome aboard....
These miniatures have been shown on the forum in the past....I do not recall if the source was identified and cannot find the post now....Cheers, RickO
Neat little things. Might pick out of a bargain bin. I like them except the double eagle.
why not
A company sold these a few at a time like a monthly purchase sort of thing. they came with papers. You could get a large box to store them in with little tweezers for handling.
I bought a complete set from a customer a few years ago one of every us coin ever made. Pretty neat sets

Thank you both for the input...
I found an old thread stating Franklin Mint product.
They are pretty neat really.
R.I.P Son 1986>2020