First search thru a box of Halves in almost a decade!

Bored, and drawn in by posts of various members' great finds roll-hunting, so I actually found a bank willing to order me a box of halves. They just came in today, so here goes!.............
Bored, and drawn in by posts of various members' great finds roll-hunting, so I actually found a bank willing to order me a box of halves. They just came in today, so here goes!.............
Good Luck
My War Nickels
I love that sound
I hope you hear the clink!
Hopefully you will cover the $0.55/mile it took to get them but if you work for more than $1/hr it will likely be a loss.
Trip mileage to bank plus time
Opening rolls.... time elapsed..........
Return to bank..........time and mileage.
Likely find
0-2 90% per $1,000
1-3 40% per $1,000
A tip...........ask vault teller if they have rolls only when you have to be in the bank for other business
Better success with rolls brought in by individuals..........not Fed rolls.
Good luck!
Retired, no local banks seem to have any individual halves rolls (or any/many singles, even) whenever I ask, and along my errands route, so really no "expense" other than the time spent looking through them.
So far, less than 10 rolls into the search, absolutely no luck, although I have found at least 1 or more in extremely nice condition for many years in the 70's thru 90's. Could make a nice set from them. But no silver yet.............
I think my last box only had 2 40% in it. This was probably about a year ago.
Good luck!
Collector, occasional seller
I have never bought a box of halfs, but based on my own anecdotal experience, asking tellers for any loose halfs is bound to yield more silver.
I always thought a bag from a coin counting machine at a bank or credit union might hold some interesting stuff, assuming you could convince them to sell it to you.
i hope you do real good.
1/3 of the way thru, and NOT looking good............... although I do seem to have cornered the market on Bicentennial halves............about 15% of what I've searched so far......
I figure that most boxes of halfs are just other peoples' rejects getting passed around.
The only bright spot is when some widow dumps her late husband's hoard into a coin machine, but I am not sure if the industrial-size sorters at the coin processing places kick those out (Coinstar seems to kick out silver, for example).
It's a tough way to make a living. I think checking Coinstar reject slots is a better gamble....
Are you getting many with marker across them?
Collector, occasional seller
"Are you getting many with marker across them?"
Nope. Would those have been YOUR rejects? Looks like most of the coins came from the Denver-Mint area, which is a nice change for a Philly-Mint resident.....
good luck with ur search, i usually just ask if they have any halves sitting around. one time they had 4 halves and one of them was a 64 kennedy. just have to be lucky thanks rln
No, I never did any real volume so I had no reason to mark them. I did come across a whole bunch with marks on them though.
Collector, occasional seller
I mark mine so I know how many are coming back on second trips
Interesting you say that about coin counting bags. I had opened an account at a local bank just to use their machine. They would sell me their bags and one time when they were changing bags what should be on the top of the fifty cent bag??.......a Barber half.
Unfortunately they pulled the machine about a year ago.
That's not entirely accurate. N.F. String and son is one of the largest coin sorting operations in the country. Their industrial machines kick out all silver coins just like coinstar, just like the small coin counters in your bank lobby, just like all the pop and candy vending machines, just like all the toll booth coin machines etc. They sort out the silver and sell it separately as bullion. I have purchased rolls of 90% directly from them many times. You will not be seeing any silver in freshly rolled Brinks wrappers either.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
If this is true (and I don't doubt that it is) then searching boxes for silver is a waste of time. Around here we get NF String and Loomis rolls.
I hear about people searching boxes of halfs but I never hear about dimes or quarters. I wonder if /expect that the success rate is about the same.
I struck out on finding rolls of halves to search. Only found one loose half at the credit union today. But it is a 1967 so I am not moaning.
NF Sting is even sorting pre 82 copper pennies and reselling them at premium via their ebay store. lol
Customer rolled coins direct from the bank teller is really the only way to find silver these days.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I will say that silver nickels still show up in boxes, but that is a poor way to stack silver, being a difficult and unique alloy.
Wash your hands twice before you eat
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Thanks for your updates on the search results. Interesting thread.
I don't dispute you found silver in the past (we all have) but I know you haven't been finding it from Loomis, Garda, NF String etc. Certainly not in the last several years. As for the newer machines sorting these coins out it's quick and simple, does it all by weight and not size just like the coinstar and toll booth machines. This is the reason you find silver in them. Go try to run a silver quarter through any machine manufactured in the last 10 years, I don't care what kind of machine it will reject that quarter every time. No need to send you an invoice for NF string purchases, go look at their ebay store, they are actively selling rolls of 90% (among other things like chucky cheese tokens, bulk foreign coins etc.)
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
dude, you've searched more than two million half dollars?!?
There is a special place in coin heaven for FadeToBlack. I get all jittery when my car console starts to over flow with coins and I have to sift through them
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Did you ever see the man search rolls? He does a roll every 10 seconds.
-2000000 half dollars = 100000 rolls.
-100000 rolls at 10 seconds per roll is 277.7 hours or 11.57 days.
-I am surprised he has not done 10 million! Here he is in action!
Unfortunately, with only 3 rolls to go, I haven't found ANYTHING!!
Guess I won't be trying this again for another decade or so............ 
I have found exactly one WLH in roll hunting ... No 40% halves...Now, I have not searched anywhere near what FTB has searched.... I just get some rolls from the bank when I go....I must admit, it was a thrill when I dumped that roll... Have not roll searched in about six months now... need to get back at it... I need some frustration in my life
Cheers, RickO
ricko: If you want some frustration in your life, I will GLADLY sell you my box at face + postage

........... GUARANTEED to be a frustrating endeavor!!
Final tally/stats:
0 90% JFK
0 90% Franklin/Walkers
0 40% JFK
0 1970-D
0 1987's
15% Bicentennials
100% wasted time
It's not 'wasted' time if you enjoy it and there is always that chance [however slight] that you will find something JMO
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
In this case, it was definitely "time wasted"..............
A little off topic but I found these searching boxes of cents, a year or two ago.

Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
Well your first post sort of got me thinking 'Maybe I will try again'. I had searched a couple K worth a few years ago and got 2 40% out of the 4 boxes. Then I had to dispose of them which was another project. But after reading your results maybe I will skip it.
I do know that a few years ago a couple of the investment newsletters I subscribe to were really pushing the 'the magic words to get silver at less than melt' which meant going to the bank and asking for half dollars. I think that did take a lot out of the system as well as introduce a whole new set of hunters to the search.
There are a couple doubled dies worth trying to find. 74-D has a strong one. Also look for the 82 no FG variety.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
You can go through box after box and churn up zilch and then sometimes you find a lesser amount like $300 in some bank and find 69 40%, two walkers, 7 bens and 10 '64s like I did a few years ago.
SaorAlba: You were one of my inspirations in deciding to get back into the roll-search action. Unfortunately, nowhere near as good a result........
You didn't list the # of Barber halfs you found.
Well, don't leave us hanging....
Did you throw aside the 1974-D to check for DDO ?
There are many DDOs in the CN clad, some are really minor, but dates you want to check are 1971-D(IGWT), 1972 (IGWT, date), 1972-D nissing FG initials on reverse, 1973-D DDO (IGWT, date LIBERTY) and of course the 1974-D.
There are many other more minor ones, probably not worth looking for.
The only thing that is for sure when hunting coin rolls is dirty hands... unless your wearing rubber surgical gloves like I have learned to do.
I have to agree on the dirty hands. That's about ALL I got out of my box of halves...........
Unfortunately, as far as looking closer at all the listed dates for missing initials, DDO's, etc, with my eyesight as it is, I was barely able to differentiate between "P" and "D" on many of them, so I'll leave it up to future roll-searchers to find anything I may have passed by.
At least I had a quick turn-around on most of the halves, depositing them back in another branch of my bank via their coin counter machine. I kept only the nicest 1 of each date/mintmark found. If none of the coins found are better than our current examples, and none of my nieces want a somewhat "ready-made" set, they'll either go back thru the coin-counter next time as well, or slowly be spent at stores.
I also kept the Bicen-halves (15% of the box). I was going to either spend them as well, or wrap them up & take them to my other bank & alert the teller as to what they are, in case any collectors come in looking for them. I figured that would at least offer more of a chance to YN's, etc than just tossing them in the coin counter..... likely never to be heard from again. Unfortunately, neither of my banks either takes rolled change anymore or offers half-dollar wrappers. And I'm all out. So they'll likely go the coin machine route as well, unless someone has some wrappers they wouldn't mind sharing..............
So much for my long-anticipated roll-search activity.
If you want to get them into the hands of potential YNs, use a stack of mixed dates to buy a box of Girl Scout cookies.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
"If you want to get them into the hands of potential YNs, use a stack of mixed dates to buy a box of Girl Scout cookies."
That raises an interesting set of questions............ :
(1) At that age, do you think there are more potential young GIRL or BOY coin collectors?
(2) When do competing BOY SCOUT cookies go on sale?
Aren't this year's Girl Scout cookie sales over? If so, maybe I'm still in time to run over to Dunkin Donuts with my halves to get a consolation prize - - their Girl Scout Cookie-inspired iced coffees, etc.......