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Long Beach - Quick Report

TommyTypeTommyType Posts: 4,586 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • Was there from about 11:00am to 3:00pm on Friday, and it looked a bit more busy than some in recent memory.
  • First stop was PCGS to drop off some crossovers I don't REALLY need to do, but wanted to. Part of me thinks I'm wasting money, part of me will just be happier when they are in PCGS holders, and available for my Registry sets. (I have been assimilated). In all, I sent 10 NGC coins through on Economy, and 9 on Regular. Now the wait....
  • Also submitted an 1887 PCGS AU55 3CN for restoration. It's become quite obvious that some PVC residue is on the upper obverse. I wanted to get an opinion first, (because my "quite obvious" may not be "quite correct"), but the folks working the table are entirely clerical. The cost for their opinion is minimal, so in it went....we'll see what happens.
  • I tried something new this time for my "plan". Instead of starting in aisle 100, and working my way along looking at EVERY case, I made a list of my favorite dealers, and started there. That was partially successful, since I did find a couple of coins. But some of my favorites are really just internet sellers who go to shows with a token inventory. Kind of a waste of time going out of my way to those. In the end, I probably walked every aisle anyway, so I'm not sure this change to "the plan" needs to be tried again....
  • Every dealer I talked to said they were having a good show....but as usual, Thursday was better than Friday. Someday, I'll have to figure out how to get there on Thursday, just for the experience! (Or maybe, I should be thankful that my chosen day is lighter?)
  • The "Ship of Gold" display appeared to be quite costly to produce....but as with most coin museum displays, is hard to appreciate. Coins need to be held! And the small sampling they did display were hard to get to. Guess I appreciate the effort to show them off, anyway.
  • Most frustrating thing: I don't recall having as many problems with cell phone reception in the past! My "want list" is on Google Drive, and I was having a hard time getting to the lists and price information I save there! I had to either go back upstairs, or hang out by the windows by the food court. Going to have to figure out how to download to my phone....
  • In the end, I did find some nice morsels to add to my collection. Nothing overly exciting, but all fitting into holes in my various pursuits:
    1) 1934D Walker in AU-58. Not a difficult date, for sure, but one I haven't found the right one of yet. I'm trying to stay in the $150 or so per coin range, so AU-58 is perfect. And the grade is right since first glance said, "MS-64!" Just enough rub to make it cost effective. Only 4 coins left to finish the set!
    2) 1867 double die 2-Cent in F-12. I like the variety, and it's on my list for my 2-cent set. Nice even brown, no distracting marks. Ok...I really wanted the XF-40 sitting next to it....but the budget must be adhered to. :)
    3) 1848 Large Cent, AU-58 and CAC. It's an upgrade (visually) from my 1854 in that the 1848 has full denticles, nice strike, clear devices, and nice color. The 1854 is from a fairly worn die, and while I still like it for the orange peel look, I've been looking for a better representation of the type. The 1848 fit my desire for "This is what the designer intended".

All in all, a nice day at Long Beach. Traffic going home? Well, let's just say I had a nice tour of Orange County surface streets as my GPS tried to route me around rush hour traffic....

Easily distracted Type Collector


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