1921 Morgan Dollar - mint mark error?

I am new to coin collecting and have a 1921 Morgan with a "s" close to the top of the face. I am curious if this is a possible mint error or something else? Included below are pictures of the coin and hope someone will be able to shed light on this coin.
First thought was a dropped letter. But, I see it's a Philly coin so the S mint mark is not an option. Does not match any other S on the coin so that first idea is a no go. Must be post mint damage.
Or, maybe a new mint mark position??? lol
Is it pressed into the coin's surface?
Collector, occasional seller
Hi @ChrisH821 - Yes its pressed into the coin.
I can see the "S", but it does not look like a 'dropped letter' error;
Also, there is nothing on the coin that has that size and shape S
mintmark on it - it looks like someone punched the 'S' onto your coin.
Your coin was minted in Philadelphia (no mintmark on reverse above the DO)
@AUandAG and @FredWeinberg... Thanks for your info. Based on what you are saying...looks like I had a nice coin at one point, until some idiot stamped a letter "s" on it, making the coin less valuable.
Counterstamp. No known (to me) meaning,. Perhaps this was someone's way of marking their hoard?
I'd say it's a $5-$8 negative on your coin.
@eddieb....Welcome aboard... Yes, it looks like you have a counter stamped coin... This would be classified as post mint damage (PMD)... Fred Weinberg is the expert on coin errors, so you can take his input as rock solid. Cheers, RickO
Might even be an S/S in the magnified image!
Thanks for the welcome! I will definitely take Fred's opinion on the coin. Thanks again everyone for chiming in. Looking forward to discovering more in the forum.
At least it has some silver in it
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
I thought at first it resembled an extra hair curl.