Your rarest find
Post your rarest metal detecting find here. It can be anything that is of course rare. Thanks, Stamp Coin Guy
I LOVE old coins.
Post your rarest metal detecting find here. It can be anything that is of course rare. Thanks, Stamp Coin Guy
I LOVE old coins.
1914-D penny at a one room school site
Lafayette Grading Set
Actually, my rarest find was not metal at all.... and I believe I told this story here before. I found a carved crystal skull while hunting in Arizona.... It was in a blind arroyo, in a crevice at the end. Still have it... larger than a tennis ball, but smaller than a softball.... I was amazed. Cheers, RickO
16-D Merc
Nothing really rare for me, maybe a nice 1868 indian penny was about it or the 1865 2 cent piece. Did find a milk bottle (still had metal cap retainer ring around neck) was from a local dairy, was able to sell for $60.
Can you post a photo of the skull? Would be cool to see. Thank you
@NoHeadlights.... I will see if my wife can take a picture later.... then she can email me and I can copy and paste it.... right now, Christmas presents...
Cheers, RickO
My best find just over 51 grams ..actually found two of these, years and miles apart.....

Thanks Rick. Enjoy your holiday
Okay. This is me, themetaldetectinghound along with my lovely wife who bought my first detector for me back in February 1997.
I hope the picture comes up
I was 79 when this picture was taken and my wife was 72 at the time. Notice the cross she is wearing, I found it in a soccer field and it is 14Kgold.
That was about five years ago. With the purchase of the detector she bought me, I immediately got hooked. When I get some time, I will post pictures of the gold rings i have found that she wears. Also an 1887-S Gold $5.00 coin I found. After finding that coin, I bought a gold bezel and a gold chain to hold the coin when she wears it. I detected for about twelve years and have found over $3,900 in coins, not mentioning the jewelry I've found. I am not trying to be a show-off, I'm just mentioning the many goodies I have sound over the years that are somewhat rare. MDH
Great job. Look forward to your other photos
@AUandAG ... That is a beautiful gold nugget... the captured quartz just adds to the beauty. What a super find.
Cheers, RickO
@metaldetectinghound.... What a super picture... and what great finds. Hope 2018 brings you more gold and jewelry.... Cheers, RickO
Wasn't there a movie about your find?
BHNC #203
here you go:
BHNC #203
No...Not THAT skull... smaller.... Cheers, RickO
Found a 1540 Hammered Silver Penny at an old foundation in WNY and also found a hammered Cod 1655 so I am told, on the shore line of Lake Erie 25 miles South of Buffalo, NY.
I think it is awesome what you can find in the ground.... Some people go out and find millions of dollars worth of coins and other treasure's. I just wish I could be one of them.
I LOVE old coins.
Finding treasure in the ground is the dream of all kids and metal detectorists (kids who have grown up)...
Cheers, RickO
I wish I could say I found an immense treasure. We did find Gold, but that was dredging so that doesn't count. I found a spa pool key ( $100 replacement cost ) and a lot of modern coinage. I did find a silver quarter and silver jewelry. I still want to see that crystal skull.
100% Positive BST transactions
Hmm.. coin wise a 1913 S Lincoln cent.
@metalmeister ....OK... I am getting to it.... My wife said she would take the picture ...then send it to me and I can copy/paste it here.... hang in there.....Cheers, RickO
Wow, thanks for sharing !!!
VERY nice seated liberty half... Congratulations on a great find....Cheers, RickO
If this picture comes up, I'll post some more pictures. This is a Blue Tourmaline sterling silver ring I found. It is sometimes referred to as a witches ring.
Additional finds I have made.
This is a cubic zirconia wedding ring. She must have really been mad at him.

This is the $5.00 Gold coin I found. I bought the gold bezel and gold chain so my wife can wear it.chain.

This is a 14 K ring with three small diamonds that is dated back to the 1980's.
These are religious items I found.

A few more pictures.
This is a ten K amethyst mounted in sterling silver

This is a 14 K Black hills gold ring.

Many of the rings I have found. Sure made my wife happy, as many of them fit her.

This is a 14 K white gold true Lindy star sapphire I found. It also has two small diamonds in it.

Oops.... I listed the rings found with the religious finds. Here are many of the rings
@metaldetectinghound .... Holey moley.... you are THE RINGMAN.... Wow... not sure what kind of areas you hunt... but that is a lot of rings. I have been meaning to MD a local park's Lover's Lane...since I would guess a lot of 'broken hearts' resulted in discarded rings..... maybe this spring.... Congratulations on your finds... they are amazing.... Cheers, RickO
quite the collection of jewelry you got there! Must've been many hours of detecting to pull everything out
@metalmeister ...Here is the long awaited picture of the crystal skull I found in that canyon in Arizona...Cheers, RickO

OMG! Raiders of the lost ark find. I would go back to that canyon again. Wow. Simply amazing. Any guess of the age of this? Who made it? Mexicans? Native Americans? That is a find of a lifetime for most folks. btw I want to be your wing man going hiking! Cheers.
100% Positive BST transactions
Wow Rick!
That is phenomenal!! I have been metal detecting since I was a kid, pretty successfull But never anything to hold a candle to that. Just goes to show you never know what the next site might give up. Also that you won’t find a thing if you don’t look!!!
I bet your heart was racing when you found it. Be fun to hear a detailed account. Thanks for sharing the photos
RickO posted a picture! Not sure what’s more amazing, that skull or that he posted a pic!! Either way it’s amazing
@metalmeister.... Hiking in wild areas can produce amazing finds.
Let me recount the story of this find.
I was hunting in Arizona... north of Prescott. I was camped in an open area, but surrounded by hills, scrub brush, some oak and canyons. After my morning 'sit and watch' hunt, I was working my way back to camp... following a fairly dry stream bed (there was a trickle). As I moved along, the terrain rose on both sides, and I saw a cleft in the hill that looked interesting. I climbed up a short way and saw it opened into a small grotto type of area. It was interesting and I walked into the enclosure... the walls extended about twenty feet above my head. At the far end there was a crack in the rock, and what appeared to be a shelf like area, full of twigs and debris. Curious, I reached in to clear the area. After sweeping out a lot of dirt etc., I saw something in the back.... thinking it was more rocks, I reached in and took this skull out..... WOW!! Sent chills up my back...I looked around and did not find anything else.... and believe me, I really looked. So, that is how I found this and have kept it all these years. Cheers, RickO
If you don't get a "You Suck" award on that one no one will.
Lafayette Grading Set
@ricko... Thanks for sharing your story. Wow!!! I was imaging your expedition, your find and your excitement. I believe the ancient peoples believed that the crystals contained positive powers. Please use your power to help mankind! I need to go exploring in a remote canyon!
100% Positive BST transactions
@ricko Do you feel the skull is more modern/recent vs something like a hundred years old or older?
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
@mkman123 ....Really hard to say.... I have gone back and forth on that is one solid piece of quartz, with some internal crazing in the top part of the skull...cannot determine how any of the rest was carved, although the teeth look abraded into the surface... but nothing else looks that way. Cheers, RickO
The skull has a "Mayan" look to it -exaggerated rear lobe, large eyes and "caricature-like" - at least to my eye.
This may (or may not...) be interesting reading -
In any regard - that is one cool find!
And to add - I think you'll enjoy reading this site - very interesting.
@mqqn.... Thanks for the links...and my skull looks remarkably like the Mayan skull in your second link... that is amazing....right down to the internal crazing in the quartz.... Cheers, RickO
Congrats on a very strange find
BHNC #203
RickO, My wife found a rock that looks like a skull. It is nothing compared to your find. That is outstanding, to say the least. Congrats. MDH
@pcgs69...The collection of rings in the picture I posted, were found over a 12-14 year period. Not like I found one every time I went out. I think the funniest one was, one Friday night I told the wife I was going to see what I might find. She said, "Don't come back until you find me a ring." It was just luck that I did find one that evening. When I got home and showed the ring to her, I said, "You probably shouldn't tell me not to come back until I found one because I might be gone for a month." We both had a good laugh over my comment.
You should allow a university geologist examine it, there are some non destructive tests that can shed light on what it really is. Peace Roy
BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW
@Namvet69... There is no doubt that it is quartz crystal... I have a lot of years in rock collecting.... now, is it an archaeological treasure?... Not likely.... I do know it is old, and I do know it was in a truly strange and remote place.... other than that, the rest is up to my imagination. Cheers, RickO
WOW.... amazing finds... I can't wait to get started.
My rarest coin find ever was a 1914-S quarter. Same mintage number as '16-D dime, 264,000.
Found the '14-S in Denver's City Park. Was in the park detecting one day long ago when a fellow detectorist showed me a '16-D dime he had just found there.
Scarecest penny I ever found in City Park was a '24-D.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Being a cache hunter, I am hoping for a stash of old cents in or around an old cellar hole in the mountains...maybe even some old Spanish silver ....
Oh yeah..that is what MD dreams are made of... Cheers, RickO